Germany At The Brink Over The Migrant Crisis

The truth about Merkel is dawning on people:

Sitting in his white-walled room on the second floor of an anonymous office block, the German politician talks from the heart.

He states emotionally that his country has changed for ever; that the European Union is finished and Chancellor Angela Merkel’s days are numbered.

‘Frau Merkel, she’s not right in the head,’ adds 46-year-old Siegbert Droese, pointing his finger at his temple…

‘I am not alone in thinking this. The penny is dropping among ordinary Germans…

The battle is between two classes of people. Those who have a history of being exposed to shortage and harshness:

Nowhere in Germany do AfD’s demands for border controls and fewer migrants chime more easily with the mood than in the former Communist bloc in the east of the country…

It was followed by a terrifying rampage through the city centre by a breakaway group of 500 thugs who set cars ablaze and attacked shops and fast food restaurants, some of them belonging to migrants… some likened the damage to migrant-owned shops to the Kristallnacht attacks against Jews across Nazi Germany in November 1938 — one of the most emotive subjects in this country’s calender…

And those acclimated to an environment of ease:

Its 1,000 new residents have officially complained that the games evenings and film screenings laid on to entertain them are not enough to stop them being bored with life in Germany…

Ahmed Zaror, 45, his wife Malak, 40, and 30-year-old brother-in-law Hosef Hasan claim in their smattering of English that they have been in Germany for three years. As Malak, a mobile phone in her hand and smiling through gap-ridden teeth, told me: ‘We are pleased to be here, although there are 1,000 just like us at this hotel and it is very crowded now more and more of us are arriving.’ Pushing her pipe towards me for a puff, she added: ‘I have three sons of 20,19 and 18 who live here, too. We have nothing to do all day so we are bored, but we would like to work.’

Frankly, looking at the three members of this family, that seems like an impossibility. After a lengthy time in Germany, they do not speak the language. They claim they fled the civil war between the Islamic State and President Assad’s government, but have no papers to prove it. Yet they are being housed for free, get three meals a day, and benefits from the Merkel government, which they draw out at the local bank each week.

They are fully acclimated to the free resource availability. As with any rabbit, weaning them off that will precipitate amygdala angst, and likely societal unrest, unless they decide to spontaneously migrate to a new area of free resources and ease. Until then, expect the opportunistic pursuit of free resources at all cost, and in any way possible on the side of the rabbits. On the other side, will be the wolves, who will seek out conflict more and more as the resource availability contracts.

There is no way to describe it other than a collision course, and so far the percentage realizing this is up to 60%:

Sixty per cent of Germans fear their country cannot cope with the number of migrants arriving in the country, a survey has found.

Chancellor Angela Merkel has been under fire over the arrival of almost 1.1million asylum seekers in the country last year…

The Cologne attacks appear to have had an impact on the 1,203 surveyed by broadcaster ZDF this week, as only 46 per cent thought there was an immigration problem in December.

The poll found 56 per cent of people are now unhappy with Merkel’s policies, compared to 49 per cent last month.

It also found that seven in ten fear the refugee influx will lead to more crime, whereas 62 per cent thought that was the case in October…

A separate survey carried out for state TV station ARD found 48 per cent of those surveyed were afraid of refugees.

That will rise. With it will come K-selection.

This entry was posted in Amygdala, Conservatives, Cuckservatives, Economic Collapse, Europe, Immigration, Migrant Crime Deniers, Muslims, Nationalism, Politics, Psychology, rabbitry. Bookmark the permalink.
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9 years ago

[…] By Anonymous Conservative […]

Aeoli Pera
9 years ago

It’s amazing that it’s taken this long. For every groping, robbery, assault, rape, and murder they’ve changed an average of, what, ten minds? That means these Germans were so delusional that it had to be their own daughter, and because the media insisted the neighbor’s daughter must be lying.

9 years ago

[…] ← Germany At The Brink Over The Migrant Crisis […]