Gently Rapping At My Chamber Door

Once upon a midnight dreary, while I pondered, weak and weary,
Over many a quaint and curious volume of forgotten lore—
While I nodded, nearly napping, suddenly there came a tapping,
As of some one gently rapping, rapping at my chamber door.
“’Tis some visitor,” I muttered, “tapping at my chamber door—
Only this and nothing more.”

So I have been sleeping under the lead dental blanket to attenuate the vibrations. It stops your body from vibrating, however as you lay there, you could feel the blanket vibrating. I noted this to others, who reported the same thing. It appears surveillance was able to use this, to create targeted pulses to the lead blanket. I first thought it was some sort of particle beam spattering particles onto the blanket. I recorded what is sounded like here, in this recording:

I was vaguely worried the particles might be making it through the blanket and taking out some brain matter. Then things accelerated.

Background. I am laying behind a stone fireplace, on the floor, on couch cushions. About a foot and a half over me is the steel door of an old freezer, thick as fuck, laid horizontal on supports, to degrade any particle beam coming from above somehow. Over it, a lead dental blanket. over that, another floor of a house. Under the freezer door, I lay, one lead dental blanket, doubled, over my head. I am on my side. Over that, a Diamond Craft, large fry pan, Stainless Steel, bottom up, probably 14 inches across. Thick as can be, as I am concerned some particles from what I thought was a particle beam might be making it through the lead blanket.

It sounds ridiculous, I know. I once led a “normal” blind life like you. But when in this situation, you do what you have to.

Two more dental blankets covering me entirely over that, single layer thick, one high one low. Over the fry pan, below the top lead dental blanket sheet, a smart phone, recording.

I felt the taps which were captured on the frypan, and went no deeper. You could hear them clearly. (There is a video here by Dr Katherine Horton, an Oxford Trained PhD in particle physics, where at 7:28 you can hear the sound of an impact from this exact weapon on a baking pan she is trying to shield herself with), Maybe they were tapping the pan instead of me purposely, maybe even laughing, I do not know if they could have gotten through it. I was laughing inside, as I could feel frustration in the taps as I ignored them. The taps increased, the very last one was a surprise, as it felt like about twenty pounds of pressure, pressing, (not slamming) my head into the pillow, and sliding the fry pan and doubled lead blanket off my face somewhat. I think the first swoosh you hear is actually it, or some field effect acting on the phone.

I exploded up throwing everything off with an almost instinctual feeling someone was on top of me, and we were about to fight. Nobody was there. The reverberations early on are the scanning vibrations/electricity. I think they are mapping out exactly where I am. It was silent in the room for me at that point, though my whole body was bathed in an electricity sensation. Best listened to with headphones. It gets loud at the end as I throw everything, including the frypan off, to fight:


I wish I had not jumped up, to see where it was going next, and how hard the tech could have pushed, but between the demon-like feeling of a poltergeist, the possibility this might not be human tech with the UAP/CIA phenomenon lately, and the possibility somebody had actually snuck in while I was under all that shit, I did break first. I mean it was like seeing a ghost. It could even have been demonic, and demonic is interdimensional alien tech. Even though it is only humans using some kind of advanced harassment technology, it feels like that, and in the moment, it was exhilarating.

Bonus footage, the end of a nap on Christmas eve afternoon, on a recliner, recorded in Thermal. my head is up and to the right under a lead dental blanket,  which comes up over my head, and back under it. I am on my side, facing the right. Another blanket is over my legs. Over the lead dental blanket I have taped a sheet of aluminum foil, on top of seven or eight paper towels, to insulate it from the heat of the lead dental blanket. The heat is down in the house to make the whole thing tolerable, so the aluminum foil is cooler. I was hit with the spattering, which is rapid tapping, for the last few seconds, right over the foil. Since I had no hard metal under the tapping/spattering, I got up immediately. You will see the energy heat the foil.

Watch the foil, starting at about 8:20 (I made it that long so you could see how long it was static, and cool, and that the heating was unusual) The video went longer, I threw the blanket off, but I cut it there, for obvious reasons:

This was cool as fuck to see something so unique. The bad news is, they are doing it every day now, in ever-increasing quantities, and I do not think it matters what I do. I am thinking we are at the phase where they fuck with me for a bit, and probably kill me at some point. So our journey here is probably going to end at some point, maybe soon, It was a trip.

I will tell you now, if they punched through steel sheeting with Bill Binney, and I have no doubt they did, you have some entity which can move anywhere undetected, and drop a death blow on anyone, including the President. And there is really nothing you can do. I have thermal on the outside of the house, and I do not see anything. For all I know, they could be in another dimension, walking through the room I’m in. It makes me wonder how exactly Q intends to fight that.

The bright side is, by the fact they haven’t done this to me until now, I am thinking they don’t have many alien pulse beam cloaking ships.

Final observations for those who come after. The little taps happen fast. I would believe it is a high energy particle moving at near light speed. As they hit harder though, it slows down. “Put”s feel like a particle at light speed. Tapping feels like it is being done with fingers, slightly slowly, with a push at the end. The push of my face into the pillow felt like an older brother putting his hand on my chin and pushing my face into the pillow. Maybe they can adjust all of it, and were trying to not kill me, but were just fucking with me, I do not know.

There is also a strange feel to the impact as if gets bigger, like a blob of gravity molasses, almost a field effect, like a big blob of force dropping like molasses, and it extended through the frying pan and I could feel it in my cheek, separate from the impact, like a wave. It did not feel like a particle or object impact. My jaw felt odd for a few hours after it, on that side, like it had inflamed the bone. But after a few hours it was gone.

It was also extraordinarily precise, like this time, maybe half-inch groups, if that.

I knew it could end like this when it all started. Though, admittedly, the invisible alien pulse-beam deathblow was kind of not on my radar. I suspect this si often used as assassination tech, applied to hearts or brains. I have already felt the impacts inside my abdomen in one instance, so it turns out they can make those pops inside the body.

If you like the site, I would start copying shit. I have made arrangements for Vox and Farce to get my ID, because I want a record this thing took me out. Once we go down here, you are free to stick any material wherever you like, and monetize it however. I do not want all this work lost, especially the surveillance stuff.

As for me, this is what I was designed for. It is honestly better than leading the life of a cubicle-blinded normie.

UPDATE: One of our commenters, who does analysis of radio frequency emissions, analyzed the files, and had the following to say in our comments:

Is it possible to get copies of these sound recordings?
I have a technical background and it would be interesting to see the waveforms in time and their spectral content.
I understand remaining anonymous. And I understand if that makes it impossible to share data.

This is interesting and a bit surprising.
Here is the time series of your first recording.
You’re sampling at 44.1 kHz.
I didn’t play individual segments of interest to try to isolate anything. It’s just something to look at to get an idea of these pulses.



Here is the power spectrum (power of different frequencies in the signal).
Look at that structure there. That’s very very unusual in my experience. You have a very regular evenly spaced spikes across the frequency band, up to practically 20 kHz. That’s not natural. It’s what you see in spread spectrum communications or radar/sonar playing clever being just single “pings”.
I don’t want to read more than just initial surprise here because very often once you dig into things more there is a good explanation. But this is genuinely unusual.
It could be an artefact of how I’m generating the spectrum, but I’m using a standard and robust Welch method. The time series is divided into eight sections with 50% overlap, the Fourier transform taken of each of the sections and then averaging them. This gives reasonable noise averaging.
Also, the 44.1 kHz sampling gives you a frequency range up to 22.05 kHz (Nyquist rate) but I don’t know if your microphone can do that. The drop off at 20 kHz is suggestive of the mic cutting off but even that seems high.
But that regular pulse train … in frequency! Across the whole band practically.



Here’s the second time series.



And it’s power spectrum.
This is a bit more typical, but you’ve still got that pulse train in frequency between 5 and 10 kHz. And they seem to align with the train from the first time series.
But you’ve also got some interesting peaks between 10 and 20 kHz. And funny how they seem to double pair at the end between 15 and 20 kHz.
You’ve got the same drop off at 20 kHz, which is a nice consistency with the first time series.



This is a bit more involved than I think I’d be able to give useful results.
I checked the peaks in the power spectrum between 5 and 11 Hz of the two and the ones that match match exactly. That’s very surprising from two different recordings.
Now this could be genuine sound that the mics are picking up but I wouldn’t expect those peaks to be absolute delta functions like that. That’s off. Too perfect. Or it’s EM driving the mics signals directly. That could be a possibility.
Honestly, if I had to pick odds, in my experience it’s something subtle but not obvious. Just just a lot of years of practical experience speaking. It could be in the power spectral calculation.
You would have to set it up more as a science experiment. Three or four identical mics, maybe in a square formation. Facing the same direction, or all out or all in. Something symmetric. Hitting a sharp triple tap on something hard for them to pick up and establish an absolute time base.
But those peaks in the spectrum are genuinely odd. If there’s something there it’s really there.
Maybe contact an college nearby or someone you know personally that could look at this professionally. It’s an interesting problem.

UPDATE: Here, a Twitter poster video’d the application of the “voice in the head” tech to them, and you can hear the background hum, as well as tapping on the microphone which sounds just like this. There is a backup of the video here.

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Med School Biochem
Med School Biochem
1 year ago

Your frying pan is iron right? The early pulses sound like it was being magnetized (similar to an MRI). This is existing tech but it probably has a range of max 10 miles. We detect it because of the iron in our bodies which sometimes will respond to a pulse and microphones pick it up because of the magnets in mics. You can sometimes hear these kinds of em waves in speakers as well. The sound is weak because your mic is off pulse. You were scanned, the backscatter was interpolated, they (or the automated system) saw ferrous material, charged it for a few minutes and then hit the ferrous material with a directed Z-pinch or some other type of high joule EM pulse. Also, this probably came from two sources, each scanned – you received backscatter from the other sender as well as themselves- mapped out your geometry then charged/magnetized what was around you while the other saved up energy for pulse. I would estimate the cost of this gear/computing to be around $5 million. Congrats AC, you are worth way more than $5 million for them to spend this kind of time on you.

Med School Biochem
Med School Biochem
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
1 year ago

Can’t be sure on exact distance but it is probably line of sight and within 10 miles. Without field readings there is no way to know the exact distance, but to main ‘hit’ was probably closer. I would be wary of high voltages manifesting themselves in various ferrous and non-ferrous metals from a distance as well (videos below). In the lab, most equipment uses fiber optics to communicate and the gear is shielded because of potential stray EM waves. Does anybody have electronics that get bricked early and seemingly randomly? You probably got hit with an EM beam, likely when sleeping. Without writing a textbook remember aircraft radars have been looking through aluminum/composite radomes for years. The Russian Mig-31 Zaslon radars would regularly cook rabbits and squirrels around airbases, similar phenom from the F-14 radar. That’s 60’s/70’s era stuff.

(1891 stuff!)

Med School Biochem
Med School Biochem
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
1 year ago

Electric fields and magnetic fields are perpendicular so the attack platform doesn’t have to be aerial, although that is a possibility. A terrestrial (or elevated) option from a fixed position is easiest and most likely to work.

The phenomena would consist of
1) Through wall rf scan to determine area geometry and target location relative to other (especially ferrous) objects.
2) Potential buildup in objects around target or the target itself (includes watches, pacemakers, change, glasses frames etc.)
3) Z-pinch or other pulse attack from a very tight beam forming rf emitter, that is also likely closer than the scanners. This will cause objects to move for the duration of the pulse (which need only last a few ms).

The weird thing is a terrestrial beam could likely levitate small objects for a short period of time. Because of the nature of EM fields it doesn’t have to be ‘up’ to punch ‘down’ it can be to the side and still punch ‘down’. It can also easily fry electronics and make lightbulbs light up when “off”. It would probably be a good idea to be on the lookout for suspicious vehicles that can carry the equipment, as an attack probably requires a fleet of stationary or nearly stationary antennas. Also scout out areas where an attack could be conducted without drawing suspicion, and for post attack analysis look for suspicious indicators in these areas, including dead animals with no obvious trauma along the attack vector. These animals would likely have been killed by the beam.

Med School Biochem
Med School Biochem
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
1 year ago

In terms of what to expect, unknown different people are affected by different things to different degrees. Some people may be very susceptible to em fields based off of unique characteristics of their body chemistry. If you are poisoned by certain types of heavy metals/heavy metal complexes that gravitate into one organ, that organ could be very vulnerable to a particular em beam.

Generally speaking, staying healthy, using occasional metal chelation and staying active are going to be better than not doing those things, but regular cancer checkups are a good idea for ages past 40. All of that would make it harder to get a ‘beam kill’, but without knowing the specifics of the injury and the specifics of the cause a diagnosis is practically impossible. It’s basically like having your hand in a microwave, it can’t be good.

Also, disclaimer: this is in no way shape or form specific medical advice. Find a Doctor you can trust.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
1 year ago

I’m wondering if the pan was not a bad idea that amplified the effect or helped with the targeting.

Last edited 1 year ago by Farcesensitive
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
1 year ago

You would know better than I can guess.
Try to expand on anything that works.
I wish we could arrange to get you enough revenue from Amazon to allow you to try gold shielding in some form.
Real Gold Lame cloth perhaps.
There’s also silver and copper Lame.

Last edited 1 year ago by Farcesensitive
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
1 year ago

Have you added a grounding rod to your setup? All that metal stuff should be connect to at least the house ground. Better might be a six foot stainless steel rod dug into the ground and wired to all of the shielding. If they are depending on charge being built up, that will frustrate them a bit I imagine.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

If you add another ground to the metal structure over you DO NOT tie it to the house ground or you will get ground loop currents. Not good. And you don’t need stainless steel. Regular ground rids are fine but hell to sink in hard ground if you don’t have a hammer drill and an adapter to drive them.

Mr Twister
Mr Twister
Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

Am curious.
Why a Stainless steel rod?

Stainless is less electrically conductive than mild steel or copper (which would be a normal grounding rod)

Reply to  Mr Twister
1 year ago

Stainless is only good for anti corrosion. You WANT corrosion metals for electricity, because that is your ground rod acting as an anode, because it conducts so well. The good news is you shouldn’t have any current on it, so corrosion is a decades issue, not a days or months issue.

Reply to  Mr Twister
1 year ago

Iron oxide doesn’t conduct well. so I would expect rust resistant steel to last longer. Before someone says there is no oxygen there to react with I have dug up rebar that got buried and it is always heavily rusted.

Med School Biochem
Med School Biochem
1 year ago

If you had put your mic directly between the frying pan and the (or a) source you would have likely heard a popping sound or ‘zing’ type of sound from the recorded mic data, which likely would have been nearly, but not completely inaudible to the human ear. Congrats AC, cabal probably prices you as a $50 to $100 million dollar problem to them. And right before the Epstein stuff drops too. Simply amazing.

Med School Biochem
Med School Biochem
1 year ago

Not to sure about the video, that could be microwaves or IR directly beamed at you, again after you were scanned/observed. It would be closer than 10 miles, probably within a mile or so. That kind of stuff could be on a drone, which you could not detect from a mile or so away. Drones that are quiet or camo’d against the sky are almost impossible for a human to detect. If it’s easily going through walls I don’t know how that’s being done unless they know some part of a wall is transparent to their EM wavepulses. This tech is probably about a $1 million or so, per unit. Operationally deploying all of this stuff would require a significant amount of money and people. AC, what can I say? you are a popular guy.

Med School Biochem
Med School Biochem
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
1 year ago

It’s really not you being charged, it’s the stuff around you building up all kind of abnormal potentials. Sometimes you would just notice alot of static or your wifi doesn’t work, but really powerful stuff causes serious ‘spooky action at a distance’ type of effects. I’ve seen lightbulbs flicker when the power is off- come to think of it that may be one reason why incandescents got banned, they could be sensors for older beam tech at some settings.

Med School Biochem
Med School Biochem
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
1 year ago

That’s pure beam. If they are more than a mile away and they are trying to keep it on you their angular accuracy can vary. Sometimes they miss and hit a light bulb. These aren’t aliens or demons (not denying their existence) these are human assholes, with imperfect tech and they are crappy at their intel contracting job. Moving around alot probably annoys them, to be frank.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
1 year ago

“…I walk into the kitchen, the fluorescent bulb in the kitchen flashes…”

I think they are throwing the kitchen sink at you. Microwaves and inertia waves. The two seem to be totally different things with different effects.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
1 year ago

“like it was a big liquid drop pf force, and after the initial hit one the pot the parts of the drop behind sank through the pot.”
Perhaps multiple layers would have stopped the next drop.
I remember reading somewhere that the boundaries between materials had the greatest effect so layers of alternating materials were more efficient.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
1 year ago

Tech Ingredients goes through weaponized microwaves. They can “glow” fluorescent tubes. He also talks about how to defeat it. Not sure if this will help you or not, but he did mention this is how radar arrays work as well, like Biochem mentioned above.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Bman
1 year ago

“Tech Ingredients”.

That guy is smart, I like his stuff. He has a way of making complicated things explainable. The sign of someone who knows what they are doing.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
1 year ago

“…MRI’s “charging” people up…”

MRI’s work by using powerful magnets to align electron orbitals in the body. They then hit the body with radio waves and read back the relaxation of the atoms in the body. So in essence they align the atoms then jiggle them and read what the jiggle output is. The magnet acts, kinds, sorts, like a polarization filter does for light. Selective alignment.

“…Certain atomic nuclei are able to absorb radio frequency (RF) energy when placed in an external magnetic field; the resultant evolving spin polarization can induce a RF signal in a radio frequency coil and thereby be detected.[3] In clinical and research MRI, hydrogen atoms are most often used to generate a macroscopic polarization that is detected by antennas close to the subject being examined.[3] Hydrogen atoms are naturally abundant in humans and other biological organisms, particularly in water and fat. For this reason, most MRI scans essentially map the location of water and fat in the body. Pulses of radio waves excite the nuclear spin energy transition, and magnetic field gradients localize the polarization in space. By varying the parameters of the pulse sequence, different contrasts may be generated between tissues based on the relaxation properties of the hydrogen atoms therein….”

1 year ago

Thank you for all you do here, AC. You are a blessing to us. Sorry for your suffering. May those responsible rot in hell.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
1 year ago

AC, your spotlight on the ubiquitous, neighborhood-level Stasi surveillance network cast across our country is 100% the most dangerous truth on the internet.

President Donald Trump exposed the political and media layers of the conspiracy; Q exposed the truly dark nature, depth and breadth of the elite; Vox Day exposed the lies and hypocrisies in their modern and historical narratives. You, my friend, you opened my eyes to the everyday, relentless surveillance coverage I warrant for the crime of awakening to the above.

Each – Trump, Q, Vox and you, AC – also helped bring me back to my Christian faith after many years astray. God is with you, brother. You and the others are walking with Jesus Christ and so are many readers here at your site. If there is a tangible way for us to help you please say the word.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
1 year ago

I echo the sentiment, AC. Thanks for sharing this despite the consequences. You have taught me a new way of seeing the world. God bless and hold your head up high

1 year ago

Will keep praying for you.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
1 year ago

Me too. The Lord Jesus Christ be with you and grant you and us Victory.

I ask as many people to pray for AC as possible on this site.

Kentucky Gent
Kentucky Gent
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
1 year ago

God sometimes allows horrible suffering to be visited upon His saints. St. Elmo went through a horrific torture. St. Peter was crucified upside down.

As Jesus taught, the servant is not greater than the master. He suffered at the hands of the world, and so must His followers. The upside is, we humans can offer up all of our suffering as a sacrifice to God.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
1 year ago

Wish you could redirect that shit they are aiming at you right back up their ass. I will pray on that

1 year ago

Oh, AC. Thank you for showing this.

another Jim
another Jim
1 year ago

Reading here, years. Great stuff. The kidfucker blackmail cabal is in trouble, thanks to you and others.
Your entry pass to the good place awaits.

1 year ago

It’s a distraction for you, but it’s an IEEE powerpoint on power over ethernet and broadcast wireless stuff. It starts out with the same Raven poem.

1 year ago

Would something like a heat disperser on a CPU work? Like, a puff-ball of different metals tied together at the bottom, but fine enough to wave around in the air? You, like the hair puff on top of little toddler girls’ heads? Different metals to absorb different energy, and fine, so they wave around? Put that on top, so there’s different metals, different diffusions, waving around in the air, probably?

Like, kids without the puff pony tail on top slide down slides, and the hair rises erratically. You know, those funny pictures of kids with static? The ponytails with puffballs don’t rise more than they already are. The hair that isn’t in the ponytail rises, though. So the ponytail hair is doing something different than the not directed hair.

Sam J.
Sam J.
1 year ago

I’m not buying a microwave. Particle beam either, though slightly more likely.

AC,”…I felt the taps which were captured on the frypan, and went no deeper. You could hear them clearly. Maybe they were tapping the pan instead of me purposely, maybe even laughing, I do not know if they could have gotten through it. I was laughing inside, as I could feel frustration in the taps as I ignored them. The taps increased, the very last one was a surprise, as it felt like about twenty pounds of pressure, pressing, (not slamming) my head into the pillow…”

If it walks like a duck, looks like a duck, and quacks like a duck, it’s a duck.

If it acts like some sort of gravity, actually “inertia field”: then it’s likely an inertial field. Obviously I don’t know but this sort of reaction is the only one I know of that can do this, and I’m sure there’s lots I don’t know, but I can only go by what I do know of.

Public Patent Granted December 4, 2018: Craft Using an Inertial Mass Reduction Device

“…in these patent documents, the inventor Salvatore Pais, Naval Air Warfare Center Aircraft Division’s (NAWCAD) patent attorney Mark O. Glut, and the U.S. Naval Aviation Enterprise’s Chief Technology Officer Dr. James Sheehy, all assert that these inventions are not only enabled, but operable. To help me understand what that term may mean in these contexts, I reached out to Peter Mlynek, a patent attorney.Mlynek informed me that the terms “operable” or “operability” are not common in patent applications, but that there is little doubt that the use of the term is meant to assert to the USPTO that these inventions actually work…”

“…The patent is highly complex and describes methods of reducing the mass of an aircraft using various techniques including the generation of gravity waves, which were first detected in 2016 after being produced when two black holes collided….”

So they are saying they can manipulate the inertia of vehicles. It would not be at all surprising if they could beam this in arrays like phased array radar. In AC’s case could the ping on the steel pot be a ranging probe which then eventually focused directly on him pushing with a sort of artificial gravity? However far out there, that’s what appears to be happening. If a large amount of this was focused in a small spot, it could be very strong. And the force can be shown to be strong. I’ve seem videos of an inertia force created by a rack or flat, straight gear tooth connected to a heavy flywheel. They connected the racked gear to the front bumper of a car and ran it into stuff. This would super fast spin up the flywheel. The car and the driver would not sustain damage. And this is not a one off there are many devices that show this same action. G. Harry Stine speculated that these sorts of devices might look like a florescent tube with high power fields accelerating materials inside the tube. The idea is not acceleration but high acceleration of acceleration. A peak surge acceleration.

How to defend against it? That’s tough. That it can go through a steel door and a steel pot…not good. The only thing I can come up with is mass. A wild ass guess is that mass made of a lot of particles like sand, or whatever, would be better than a big thick piece of steel of equivalent mass. The thick steel might act as one piece but the sand, I think, would act like a filter and dissipate the focus of the wave.

Reply to  Sam J.
1 year ago

Or lead shot.

Sam J.
Sam J.
1 year ago

I need to make myself more clear. I’m not saying “sand” is the answer. It could be lead, or steel shot or crushed barnacles. I don’t know what would be best but I expect something that was granular that could move about a bit and not transmit sound well. I wonder if steel shot mixed with latex or silicon would work? Isn’t AC’s lead apron lead shot embedded in latex? I think, assuming the general direction of thought is correct, lead or steel shot laid down in a layer, then coat with latex, then another later of shot, then more latex…so none of the shot directly touch each other. The inertia wave would hit the more dense shot, move in the latex dampening the force as it goes through the layers. A shock absorber. Maybe a faster way would be to lay out some sheet plastic and pour a thin layer of latex sheet. You don’t need to wait for each layer to dry. It’s one big layer. Cut it into pieces and layer it with shot.

If it’s not inertia and nuclear, I think styrofoam is a really good nuclear neutron absorber. Wouldn’t hurt to collect a bunch of Styrofoam from a car dealer or furniture store.

Reply to  Sam J.
1 year ago

That would kind of be like the cornstarch power absorber stuff? Like, disorganized points within an amorphous dense matrix? Metal crystals embedded in flexible matrixes absorb energy really well. They tried to make superconductors, except superconductors are compressed metal crystal lattices, and you need amorphous gels to get flexibility. Glass is a gel. Gel is probably not the technical word. Amorphous strings of silicon- spaghetti, molecularly.

Although, yeah, underground gives you that safety. Caves. The Romans could not conquer people who retreated to caves that had been made habitable.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  wooderson
1 year ago

I was trying to think of the name for the “cornstarch power absorber stuff”, looked it up and to my surprise there’s not a 100% sure way that they know how this works. Present new theory is they are packed together so tight that they bunch together and stick like car traffic jams.

A horrible idea came to me. So here’s where I throw caution to the wind and blurt out some crazy nonsense. What “if” corn starch in water just happens to be a material that emits “inertia waves” easily when rapidly moved?????????? I have noted several other things that do this. The action, if this is so, would be exactly what we see.

And if corn starch does this, well we know other materials do too. Could electromagnetic fields create the same conditions? A possible example is certain silicon gels/liquids/whatever, when sheared they tuern into a solid. Four wheel drive Volkswagen vans have an automatic 4WD system that works off of this. There’s a bunch of disks on the rear drive shaft interlaced with disc from the front drive shaft in a case. If the rear wheels turn the same speed as the front nothing happens, but if the rear turns and the front does not the shear in the silicon locks up the front drive shaft to the rear and it automatically goes into 4WD.

Reply to  Sam J.
1 year ago

That’s mostly an artifact of the USA having women in science and universities. Amorphous materials with flexibility is pretty much everything textiles, which can be very industrial. Men’s chemistry is more metals, crystals. Glass is a regional specialization. Americans are really great at it, at those regions, but otherwise it’s a blank.

When I had to look at embedding crystals in an amorphous matrix I went to the textiles profs. About half have physics PhDs. The future dean of the chemistry department, male, PhD, had no idea that the textiles professors were anything other than pretty girls they could gawk at, but never, ever talk to. The main grad student girls that reported to him were sort of uniformly not cute.

Japan is mostly men in industry and universities, so they aren’t afraid to mix it up. For what I ended up looking at, I had to get papers translated from Japanese research. Thirty years later, the main group working on the stuff I was playing with are still relying on Japanese technical expertise.

Cornstarch is a starch- a string of molecules. It gets tangly- it’s an amorphous material. It’s not being spun, so no one is particularly looking at it with the tools they look at stuff like linen or cotton, or whatever they do in Italy. Italy has crazy textiles. Japan, too. For the same reason- high quality patriarchy.

For example: NASA had some huge competition to design space safe gloves. They had all these hacker teams of engineers. One of them came up with X stitching on the fingers. The news articles profiling it talked about how revolutionary it was. The part they didn’t mention is that that’s what was getting done in the 1920s by Vionnet, Callot Soeurs and others. There’s research by male- mostly gay males- on how the stress and torsion falls in bias cut fabric, plus how the different fabric weaves and fibers handle it. It’s old news in women’s departments. But- did women compete to design space gloves? No. Nor did anyone use triple warp fabric, like they had in the 1960s, which, again, superflexible.

So, like, it wouldn’t have been a difficult problem for women scientists who do textiles- you do the obvious thing that’s been done for 100 years, that the quite male engineers had no clue about.

Yes, Vionnet was a woman. A very, very, very successful woman working in pre- World War 2 Paris, before World War 2 torched all the smart, truly creative people in Europe. Kleibacker is a designer who did stress studies. There are others,but he’s the most famous and accessible.

Reply to  Sam J.
1 year ago

What do you think of using multiple layers of foam insulation board? Sandwiching the scatter material in between.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Bman
1 year ago

I won’t say that’s bad because it’s not but think…mass. AC had relief when he used those lead covers. It may be that you would crush the foam, maybe not. Foam is expensive. In fact, all material cost for materials have gone through the roof in price. I think it’s a combination of inflation and monopolization of key parts of a lot of industries.

I was thinking about the best way to make these and you could get a big five gallon bucket of latex paint like for trailer roofs. Lay some plastic down and pour out half. Cover with some sort of metal shot. Then pour the rest of the latex over that. When it dries, just fold it over to get the right thickness. Some of this roof paint has aluminum powder in it(for heat rejection). That might cover microwave, and then the metal shot the inertia waves.

Reply to  Sam J.
1 year ago

Is the Aluminum powder Aluminum Oxide? I used to use that for sand blasting car parts, worked way better than sand. It’s in a small particle form that you can buy in bulk. It could be added to the paint.

Texas Arcane
1 year ago

Do you have any place you could go to underground, AC? Deep, at least 12 foot overhead cover preferably rock or concrete. That’s all I can think of. If I had nights like this I’d rather live in a culvert somewhere for the shielding.
You could do this just at nights and go back during the day.
That sounds like Maui level hardware, seriously.

Last edited 1 year ago by Texas Arcane
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
1 year ago

Do take days off as necessary to improve your defenses or get to where you have a bunker.
Just be sure to let us know ahead of time so we don’t worry.

Kentucky Gent
Kentucky Gent
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
1 year ago

Everyone would understand if you did. Even God rested on the 7th day.

Texas Arcane
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
1 year ago

Sorry, I know this will sound totally insane but it’s a low budget solution. I’m less picky about such things but I realize most people would be loathe to pursue these things on short notice.
It’s a one day job, backfilled with sand for less than $800. If I was getting pulsed like that every night I’d definitely do it. I already buried one just for some pantry stocks but left enough room in there I could sleep on a cot inside in the space I left beside the stack of food pails.
As an experiment, you could always use it for a cache for whatever afterwards. It might help to take a couple days off then see if it is still happening.
I genuinely believe they do not have ground penetrating radar from satellites. Backfilled with sand, it is pretty thick shielding over head. I apologize if it sounds stupid but it is simple. Once the sand is in place you can only see faint heat signatures from your exhaust. Should have a 12 volt fan and 4″ inch pvc pipe for air intake.
You need an extender on the hatch which costs $75 here in Virginia to bring it up a foot higher.
Also, the entire enterprise can be concealed from the air by a tent or a plastic tarp strung overhead.
(For one person alone it’s actually roomier than it looks inside)
(Offgas before burying by rinsing it with bucket of bleach and water then use hose to spray it clean inside.This will get rid of any PVC odors left from manufacture)

Med School Biochem
Med School Biochem
1 year ago

Here’s some more info for people who are interested, some of this stuff is already available to consumers so an organization, any organization, will be very capable of deploying impressive tech. Secret very high gain antennas and beam forming tech is also easily possible.

Kentucky Gent
Kentucky Gent
1 year ago

Maybe try damping the physical movement. Put a couch cushion on top of the fridge door, and the fry pan on top of that. Either over the lead dental blanket or under it.

Or get an air mattress and only partially inflate it, instead of a couch cushion. (Walmart sells air mattresses, and the smaller ones are probably under $50.) Put it on top of the fridge door, and the frying pan on that. When they push the pan, the cushion should dampen it.

I don’t mind if you post this comment or not, either way. But feel free to delete it without posting, if you want to try to keep this tactic a secret. I imagine they will know right away if you buy an air mattress at Walmart, so maybe try the couch cushion first. Plus, it’s free if you have extra ones you aren’t sleeping on.

1 year ago

I had a thought this morning.

Start stacking some ammo (lead) around you/on top of you if you’ve already got a door laid flat. sit a couple of rows of ammo (2/3 tops), so the bullets in the boxes are so there are no gaps in the coverage. Also totes with water in them? An inch or two might not make much difference but you never know. Or maybe you need to get an aquarium or three?

Something I’ve noticed over the last year or two, it’s almost impossible to find lead roofing materials at Home Depot or Lowes, for things like flashings and the those pipe cover penetrations, they’ve all seem to go to polymer/plastics, I have’s spent a lot of time around roofers, I’m wondering if this driven by the industry or suppliers?

1 year ago


I’ve got to say however, what’s the point of resistance if it’s tantamount to suicide? Whom can fight orbital weapons or something like what you’ve described?

From what I’ve seen Q is nothing more than a rehash of Operation Trust, and Trump a literal Judas Goat at best and a crypto jew at worst

And to be completely demoralizing here – I’m personally ready to watch the bigoted, hateful, II’s (intentional imbeciles) that surround me choke and burn

What our host describes is a drawn-out suicide against god-level evil for the benefit of NPCs and human swine – swine that would betray you and yours in a literal second for a handful of shekels. No thanks!

Stand Up
Stand Up
Reply to  AlyssaUnsaged
1 year ago

And that’s the difference between men and cowards!

Reply to  Stand Up
1 year ago

I’ve never claimed to be a man, and you’ve not addressed a single point from my post. Embarrassing.

Reply to  AlyssaUnsaged
1 year ago

Because the more people try to demoralize us, the more we dig our heels in and want to fight.

Reply to  Bman
1 year ago

Indomitable will; oppositional personality. At least it’s an ethos I grant you that. Genuinely hope it works out for you.

1 year ago

Maybe something like this would help? Rotating bed…

Reply to  B_MC
1 year ago

That’s a great find.
If AC sleeps on the edge his whole body will be a moving target.

The platform over the top to hold the shielding will have to be larger though.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
1 year ago

The things you have tried so far have had some effect.

But I’d definitely consider the rotating bed and sleeping on one side of it.

1 year ago

An alternate point of view. To me, it seems clear they’re not trying to kill you, they’re trying to drive you from your path, and the daily torture is meant to be a cattle prod to move you along.

I think if you stopped what you were doing they’d leave you alone, because that’s what they would do – quit in the face of suffering, comply, submit. They don’t understand why you don’t just fuck off, not realizing that course would strip you off your self respect and ultimately destroy you. You have a higher mission. They have none, other than lining their own nests.

Danger Semiconductor
Danger Semiconductor
1 year ago

In a siege, the defending fortress inevitably loses because it can’t move, and the attacker has all the initiative. AC, you are under siege. Move. Literally.

I’d suggest a friend with an RV who can drive around in the area while you sleep in the back. The Beam seems to need tuning and calibration. I seriously doubt it could work efficiently while trying to track a moving vehicle constantly making unexpected small deviations from its anticipated path.

Reply to  Danger Semiconductor
1 year ago

I’m an OTR truck driver! I shouldn’t be on their radar, I do nothing but work and absorb content. I get hit with vibrations twice a month. Cannot sleep because it’s not sound, it’s vibrations that go right through you. As a team driver, I didn’t get hit at all. Learning to sleep while the truck is in motion, is a different challenge. I used herbal sleep aids.

1 year ago

Thank you so much for all your work AC. God bless!

1 year ago

This saddens me greatly, on so very many levels.

Upon reflection however, I’m encouraged by several things:

Your indomitable and positive spirit AC. Your faith, boldness and determination serves as an example to us all.The prayerful support and encouragement of these readers. You are a blessing to AC and to the rest of us.The expertise contained within this community. It is simply staggering to see such comprehension of various technologies and benevolent suggestions for resolution.I’m humbled and grateful to be granted the opportunity to interact with you all. Thank you.

God bless and watch over you AC and all friends here.

Ephesians 3:15-21 (ESV)
15 For this reason, because I have heard of your faith in the Lord Jesus and your love f  toward all the saints,  16 I do not cease to give thanks for you, remembering you in my prayers,  17 that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of glory, may give you the Spirit of wisdom and of revelation in the knowledge of him,  18 having the eyes of your hearts enlightened, that you may know what is the hope to which he has called you, what are the riches of his glorious inheritance in the saints,  19 and what is the immeasurable greatness of his power toward us who believe, according to the working of his great might  20 that he worked in Christ when he raised him from the dead and seated him at his right hand in the heavenly places,  21 far above all rule and authority and power and dominion, and above every name that is named, not only in this age but also in the one to come.

Last edited 1 year ago by Tinian
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
1 year ago

The officer thinks he is actually hit by a round at the end of the video.

The face smush tech

Last edited 1 year ago by Mrnobody
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
1 year ago

He and his partner are both unfit to be cops for unloading their guns on an unconfirmed target.
They might have killed the guy in the back of the cruiser who didn’t have anything to do with it whether it was the acorn or the beam tech.
They didn’t identify a threat with a gun.

1 year ago

[…] analysis of the recordings which found oddities. I was afraid the comments would get lost so I stuck them on the original post here, in the event it jars any other ideas out of anyone else. This tech is a menace. If we can expose and eliminate it, we would be American heroes. It is also […]

10 months ago

[…] when I recorded the tapping, and there was this weird background hum on the recording? Here is another woman being hit with the exact same weapon, only they seem to […]

10 months ago

[…] out there were thousands of cases of directed energy weapons used on innocent citizens, including my case, all of whom saw the domestic surveillance. Do you think he would get money for pointing out Bill […]