Generation Zyklon Are Our Guys

The media wants to try and create the narrative that the new generation is what the left has been waiting for. The reality is somewhat different:

• Poll finds attitude to ban on military-style weapons has striking age divide
• Experts say finding could be driven by video games such as Call of Duty

A large majority of Americans say they support a ban on the sale of assault weapons, a category of politically controversial guns that includes the AR-15-style rifles that have become the weapon of choice for mass shooters.

Opposition to an assault weapon ban was strongest among Republicans and among self-identified registered voters 18-34, the poll found. Unlike older Americans, millennials were closely divided on their support for an assault weapon ban, with 49% supporting and 44% opposing a ban.

This generation is seeing shortage and grew up with a war against a genuine evil. On top of that, they have played video games which give them a realistic perception of high capacity semiautomatics as tools to accomplish a goal of protecting themselves. And this is now what they are like as late teen and twenty-somethings.

Again, this is the Misery Index and the Conservative Policy Mood all heading skyward, and having its greatest effects on the developing minds. But it is also an experience in computer games which has acclimated them to the K-stimuli of firearms, and even encouraged them to purchase AR-15s and gain real life experience with them.

Wait until they grow up, and the Apocalypse is in play for both them and the generation after. The young will make us look weak and lacking in sufficient hatred when the time comes. We may just end up being horrified at how badly they treat the left.

Tell everyone about r/K Theory, because everything is going our way

This entry was posted in Conservatives, Guns, Incline, ITZ, K-stimuli, Morals, Politics, Psychological Manipulation. Bookmark the permalink.
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7 years ago

>We may just end up being horrified at how badly they treat the left.
First lie I ever heard on this site… I am disappoint AC…

Reply to  LembradorDos6Triliões
6 years ago

Play Collaborater or Traitor on everyone you know. If you were taken over by a tyrannical government, who would help you and who would turn you in?

Mountain Farmer
7 years ago

The left deserves horrible treatment. They are ruining the United States and Europe.

7 years ago

It won’t be badly enough.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
6 years ago

I know a lot of Gen Z and let’s just say they’re very creative.

7 years ago

This is what’s so stupid about the Left: they expect history to move in a linear direction, growing ever more left and progressive with the new generations. In reality, the saeculum of history makes all circle back. They are in for a shock in the coming years.

Reply to  CBH
6 years ago

the rapture for useless fuckers, one relative calls it

7 years ago

I relate to this post. I grew up shooting 22 rifles and shotguns, but nothing much beyond that and I rarely went shooting afterwards. 20 years later, I played MW2 to the point of becoming competitive. I then had the great opportunity of going to a shooting range with friends who brought along assault rifles. I was shocked at how natural it felt to pick up and fire those rifles. MW2 had trained my physical body to handle and fire those weapons in a way that I never would have believed if I hadn’t experienced it firsthand. It still doesn’t quite make sense given the difference between a game controller and an actual rifle.

I can tell you one thing for sure, I would still feel scared going into a firefight, but the training received from that game would give me a huge advantage over untrained or undisciplined people.

6 years ago

“We may just end up being horrified at how badly they treat the left.”

Lol I won’t be horrified. The left would have everyone (families included) who visits or comments on this blog shot in the back of the head and buried in a mass grave.

Reply to  Pitcrew
6 years ago

They literally told me this undercover, a lot of them separately. They day dream about it. Or maybe a guillotine but …. yeah, they do.

English Tom
English Tom
6 years ago

I’m actually a very tolerant man but I believe, in the interest of making our society better for our children, that the ONLY solution to eradicating the leftist insanity is to put them all in a mass grave. You know it makes sense.