Gays Are Making Shigella Drug Resistant

The are a living shake and bake incubator, developing the next plague:

Rise of drug resistance in MSM Shigellosis is a common diarrheal disease caused by Shigella bacteria, which is highly contagious and is passed through a fecal-oral route. Shigella infection often occurs from eating food contaminated by people with shigellosis, and is associated with travel to disease-endemic areas, crowding, poverty, and attendance at daycare centers.

But Shigella infections can also be spread through oral-anal sex, and research indicates men who have sex with men (MSM) are more likely than the general adult population to acquire shigellosis. Of even greater concern, a recent study from the CDC detailed evidence of rising resistance to azithromycin and ciprofloxacin in shigellosis outbreaks among gay men.

Mark my words, the next plague will arrive on immigrants, move into the gay populations, and then break out in universities. Right now, those resistance genes are mixing with everything else cooking in those gay GI tracts.

In other news, meningitis is on the rise in Britain:

PUBLIC Health England has renewed calls for students to have the Men ACWY vaccine – as death rates from meningitis continue to rise.

The vaccination programme was introduced in 2015 after a sharp rise in a particularly virulent strain of meningococcal W (Men W) disease, which can lead to death…

The total number of related deaths has also risen, with one in eight people with the Men W disease dying from the infection.

Everything you need for a plague is put in place by r-selection, from immigration, to the embrace of gays, to the destruction of the public health system. All that is left to be added is the generalized malnutrition, emotional stresses, and weakness of the population – and that is supplied by the K-shift which always follows peak r.

The chances are overwhelming that a pandemic will accompany our Apocalypse. Prepare accordingly.

Spread r/K Selection Theory, because the pandemic will be the direct fault of rabbit stupidity

This entry was posted in Decline, Economic Collapse, Homosexuality, Immigration, ITZ, Pandemic, rabbitry, Sexual Deviance. Bookmark the permalink.
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8 years ago

[…] Gays Are Making Shigella Drug Resistant […]

8 years ago

It’s always amazing how much in the bio world we don’t even think about. Here I was thinking up measures against XDR/TDR Tuberculosis and now I can’t trust dairy on account of the people working the farms. Makes me really angry at the idiots and 3rd world doctors abusing antibiotics.

8 years ago

“…the next plague will arrive on immigrants, move into the gay populations, and then break out in universities.”

I’m having flash-backs to the GRID days. Isn’t this exactly how AIDS spread?

8 years ago

This case ticks a lot of boxes for your theory : “A Jeremy Corbyn activist who blamed his shoplifting on the Tories has avoided going straight to jail.

Mark Conway (57) – who hopes to take up a career in acting – was caught on CCTV stealing £220 worth of booze from Waitrose in Hythe.”

8 years ago

“Hero” Rapes Dog… #PoliceState #RKtheory

8 years ago

Given that the main political problem in the USA is Left-collectivist rabbits concentrated in urban, high density enclaves, I’ve said a few times that we’re one nasty pandemic away from a long-term solution to Progressivism.

As a microbiologist by education and after spending years selling a major antibiotic, this subject scares the hell out of me. Gays are walking petri dishes, and American restaurants are overrun with Mestizo cooks. Look for “going out to eat” to become very out of fashion. Food scares are coming.

dc. sunsets
8 years ago

As I understand it, shigella is among the most infectious of all bacterial pathogens. Most pathogens require an inoculum of many thousands, if not millions of cells. Shigella, I was taught in college, requires but a couple, literally two or three cells, to initiate infection in a susceptible host. It is also a diarrheal disease of significant mortality, able to dehydrate an adult to death without the use of IV fluids as replacement. I’ve always wondered why shigella, not cholera, isn’t the Great Reaper spread by poor sanitation.

Those who engage in receptive anal intercourse (and who otherwise have very high disgust thresholds) are truly the Typhoid Mary’s of our age. There’s a reason STD rates among gays & blacks (esp. the combo) are many times higher than for exclusively heterosexual persons, even if the latter are sexually promiscuous. Of course, the STD rate for monogamous people is ZERO.