GATE General – An Analysis of the Oddities of the Gifted And Talented Enrichment Program

I’m creating a page specifically to examine the GATE program, which many of us went through, since it appears yet another Cabal domestic intelligence program. The analysis of this began on 4Chan, but the constant closing of threads there prevents any long term communications and updates on this issue from being easily found.

The GATE program was pitched as an enrichment program for gifted kids, but it appears in reality it was some sort of surveillance program run by some shadowy intel operation, tied into the domestic surveillance program discussed here. There are indications it may have been searching high IQ kids for psychic abilities (implying the government/Cabal believed it might find some), cataloging the physical characteristics of such kids, identifying potentially troublesome or manipulatable individuals, and performing psychological modifications.

I’m going to begin this page with a standard 4Chan GATE summary that highlights various commonalities already found by anons on 4Chan, with some notes I have seen added in bold. These are not 100% present in every case, but are points which frequently popped up. There may also have been regional idiosyncrasies in programs based on who was running it locally. I may turn some traits into links to new pages where anon accounts of these commonalities are collated. I will append to the summary any interesting details as I see them on any 4Chan threads. I will then finish the page with new common experiences we find here,

Below that we will add comments with case-accounts, and personal stories. I may grab 4Chan comments and append them here as comments if they are interesting, and I encourage anybody who sees anything interesting on 4Chan to include a comment with the account with a link to where it was found. Any oddities that are discovered, such as the Google-Plex kid, I will append to the bottom of the body of the page, below the 4Chan summary and traits. I will include the new commonality as a link to a new page, where I will collate the comments which led to that oddity being included. I will begin with GoooglePlex kid.

This page will probably not be a rigorously vetted list of absolutely certain events or qualities identified, but will rather will be maintained as a loosely accumulated group of common patterns designed to create more discussion and perhaps the revelation of more patterns.

If you wish to repost the 4Chan summary, with your experiences in bold, that works, though these commonalities seem to be revealed when somebody in the program casually mentions some strange event by chance, and everyone realizes they had the same strange chance event happen to them in the exact same way. It may be better to just freely describe any memories and see if anybody else has a similar memory pop.

When you comment, please try to not include personally identifying information. I will try to skim comments and will proactively delete anything identifiable, and if you wish to see something deleted, you are free to post a comment, beginning [DO NOT POST – ], asking for the deletion. I will comply, and not post your request either. This is t shield you from exposure among the civilian populace. However it should be noted, any post here will be logged and documented by the domestic surveillance machine, as this whole site is under active surveillance. There is really no hiding from that machine, and if you are here, you have likely already been identified years ago, and placed under local coverage yourself. If you were in GATE, your file undoubtedly goes back to your childhood, and you are probably being watched today.

I will moderate comments with a fairly heavy hand to remove hostility, personal attacks, derisive comments about individuals or topics like religion, and anything else which might be an attempt by the machine to fracture the community here. Obviously I would expect this to result in disruption through the comments, so if your comment doesn’t make it through, I apologize, but I am just trying to prevent any disruption to the mission of understanding what is going on better.

The 4Chan summary:

These are common characteristics of children involved in GATE/TAG, and of the program itself.

Common Physical Characteristics
-Blue eyes
-Forehead scar(s)
-Occipital bun (a.k.a “math bump”)

Psychological Characteristics
-High IQ
-Interest in /x/ phenomena
-Memory loss, particularly of GATE/TAG program details
-Moral intensity/strong sense of justice
-Premonitions/prophetic dreams

Life History
-Birth complications (e.g. premature, not breathing)
-Firstborn son
-Early speech therapy
-Near death experiences, especially drowning
-Leniency from authority figures
-Late teens/early twenties heavy drug use
-Jewish art student girlfriend(s)
-Tendency toward being followed, abducted, tracked, or gangstalked

GATE/TAG Program Characteristics
-Tavistock Institute oversight
-Rooms were windowless or windows were covered
-Hearing tests
-Problem solving tests
-Zener card ESP tests
-Administered special juice, especially banana flavored

Other interesting 4Chan items:

Psychic testing, sometimes with a covert, or duplicitous aspect. – In my case, the teacher lied, and told us the testing was a favor he was doing for a friend at a nearby university. He said that we all knew psychic abilities were fake and nobody had them, but his friend needed data for a study he was doing as part of a thesis to prove it, so we would take the Zenner Card Test he was about to give us so his friend would have the hard data to complete his thesis and prove it was fake. Of course now even Redditors find that the tests were being given nationally to all gifted kids, and they were lying to us about why we were being given them.

Extensive testing of physical and sensory capabilities, using complex, purpose-built testing equipment which was brought in, in custom-fitted hard cases. – My GATE class was given tests of peripheral vision with helmets we donned which would move an object into our peripheral vision as we focused on a dot directly straight ahead, and we would say when we first saw the object enter our peripheral vision, yielding a precise angular measurement relative to the forward axis of our eyeball. Headphones and buttons to press were used to test exactly what range of tones we could hear in each ear,  from high to low. Reactions times were tested, based on hearing tones and pressing the button, as well as seeing a light flash and pressing the button.

To be added

Our parents were never told of these tests, they were derided to us as just meaningless data points of a small study being done somewhere else, of no significance. In my school, only the GATE kids got the testing. Obviously the results went in our surveillance files, as the enemy amassed its data files on the unwitting prey which it apparently viewed as the greatest potential enemy of the powers that be. I have no doubt every kid in the GATE program who is not a plant from the surveillance, gets life-long in-person surveillance themselves.

New aspects identified here:

The GooglePlex Kid – A conceptualization test in which one of the kids in the GATE class whose parents were in the surveillance network, a plant, is assigned to excitedly present the concept of the number googolplex to fellow students, as a psychological test of susceptibility to peer pressure and mathematical ability. See the link for more.

Porn Exposure – This will be exposure to porn, from neighbor’s parents, friends, or pornographic magazines left in areas of the woods where the target frequented. These will mostly be accounts from the pre-internet era. The techniques may still be used through some sort of manipulation guiding internet activity, or perhaps the ever-presence of porn has rendered this aspect of the operation moot. It is interesting from the perspective of understanding the degree to which they attempted to intervene in children’s lives and mold their brains, and not for their benefit. And it also begs the question of whether some targets were exposed to more aggressive cognitive stimuli,  from molestation to hardcore drugs, to better derail their development and diminish their focus.

The Time-Waster – People who appear in your life, you click with them, they need help with things, and you are happy to give of your time and effort to help them. In many cases, they eventually disappear, and in retrospect, you may realize little pieces of their stories do not make sense, and they were not what they seemed as they drained your time and energy, and gathered info about you. They may disappear in the middle of the relationship, “moving away” (possible deployment to some other operation), only to return months later, saying things where they moved did not work out for some reason. They may ask you for favors consistent with supporting surveillance activity, such as saying a girlfriend appears to be cheating, and ask you to drive them around to follow her so they can see, without her seeing a car she know following her. You may notice they seem to know others who show up in your sphere around when they do, or they are unusually familiar with them, but you never get a concrete story about how they all know each other or even if they do. They will likely have another life with friends or a significant others they keep you walled off from, you never meet anyone they know, and if you meet any family, it may be one person (possibly fake), with a story of a fractured family. Probably no siblings or others for you to meet, since everything you see with them may be fake to keep their real identity from you, and it needs to be constructed, and manned with people in the network.

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3 years ago

Is this an exclusively American phenomenon? Most of the other trickery happens all over, but I know the school systems of several mainland European countries rather well, and there seems to be none of that. The only suspicious thing I can think of is the increasing popularity of offering the IB (International Baccalaureate) at both private and public schools. Students in their late teens have their essays and even their digitally recorded oral exams sent to the UK to be graded.

I want to add a bit of psychogeography about Berlin. Off-topic, perhaps, but since GATE is also about career neutralization, perhaps not. You would think that this is where the nation’s most talented and ambitious congregate, like in Paris or in London, but the mood of Germany’s capital is more like Portland or New York without Manhattan. Parties don’t get started before midnight, breakfast is at noon, lawyers become bike mechanics just so they can stay in the city, the schools and the infrastructure in general are dysfunctional, etc. The opposite of Munich. I know I’m exaggerating and oversimplifying, but just as there are places that inspire you to achieve your goals, there are also places that just drag you down. Long story short, kids’ potential can also be limited by getting their parents to take jobs in towns that are bad for them.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
2 years ago

Berlin is full of anarcho-syndicalist collectives, particularly in computer security and hacking.
(I’ve never been there, but sort of knew one character from there.)

Johannes Q
Reply to  Anonymous
3 years ago

Berlin is centre of government, Munich for a long time centre of the Intelligence apparatus.

Big O
Big O
Reply to  Anonymous
1 month ago

I first encountered MGM in 1973 at school on a Marine Base.

Macaque Mentality
Macaque Mentality
3 years ago

Not doing homework or figuring out ways to get away with not doing homework was a pattern among commenters as well. Directly related are good test-takers and reading during class.

Experience being bullied might be another, but I don’t recall much confirmation.

To potentially add something new other GATE people might have experienced: I’ve had at least 3 cases where I was actively stalked by women, 2 of whom were not particularly covert about it. There are more I suspect, but not enough evidence. I thought that it might be different from “Tendency toward being followed, abducted, tracked, or gangstalked” because it didn’t feel to me like organized coverage so much as intense personal obsession.

Reply to  Macaque Mentality
3 years ago

Can confirm this is me, in my case it was the teachers(some) and deans(most) who were bullying. In the school I was at, there was a clear discrimination, generally people in the top 5 tracks were treated well/with respect, as well as the top athletes, and the people in the bottom 5 were treated like scum. It was only me and maybe 1-2 others from the top tracks who were treated badly. Likely because we didn’t want to be NPC cogs and follow stupid rules. Constant detentions. After a few though I decided not to go to the detentions and then realised their punishments had no teeth, then decided to skip school/classes completely. But that country has children/teens very scared of people in authority.

In school I had a few people have intense obsessions about me guys and girls. But almost nothing after school.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
3 years ago

> Lowell, Breitbart, etc, tend to seem to have taken a long time to wander, and all along they are taking in everything they see and processing it.

What were their life stories?

Reply to  Macaque Mentality
2 years ago

actively stalked by women”
Mine had pronouns they/they, and self-identified as plural. Took me out of the field for a while, because I kept seeing her everywhere.

2 years ago

Ok, I was in GATE. The only marker I don’t have is blue eyes. I had two teachers that either actively hated me, or were intentional bullies. One would give me three swats every day after lunch in math class, because I would not show my work, and just provide correct answers other students struggled to get. Porn and alcohol we both left in my normal path in the woods that year. The alcohol I tasted, and when I came back in less than 15 minutes to get it to try more it was gone. I lived in a very secluded area and still remember the confusion of knowing someone was watching and came immediately to pick it up. My parents divorced that year, and I was taken to a new state. Different teacher, but the same bullying. So far as even being spanked for things he knew I could not of done. I think that was to see if I would tell who did it. I learned to speed read in that class with transparencies and a overhead projector. The other students were mad because the teacher kept going faster and faster to try to get me to fail the comprehension test at the end. I was the only student that could read as fast as he could swap pages. I think part of it was just as a way to piss him off and know he couldn’t break me. They we both oddly enough German. Different states, same eyes, same hidden anger.

2 years ago

I was in GATE. I’m now 21 years old (female). I have the occipital bun and since birth have experienced prophetic dreams coming true and deja vu often. My eyes, however, are so brown they are almost black. I was molested at 5ish. Another trait I’ve found in GATE communities that happened for me was bedwetting more frequently after introduction to the program. Started for me in kindergarten or first grade. I remember very little from the classes, but I do remember the symbol ESP card tests (plus/star/squiggles/square), hearing tests (multiple times a month), IQ tests, and bad eyesight being common (most kids wore glasses, incl. me). There were also more boys than girls in my class. Friends in my GATE class did expose me to pornography around age 7 or 8. A close family member of mine was murdered while I was in attendance. In fifth grade we no longer attended the class. At age eleven in sixth grade I began having serious paranoia, I was being followed/watched and there were malicious entities keeping tabs on me. Could not stay in the house alone. I slept in my mom’s bed for a year. Extremely frequent nightmares and I began hearing noises. I’d had some paranormal experiences as a kid as well, but around this time I was being exposed to horror. My family didn’t allow us to watch stuff like that but I was pressured by friends to watch scary movies whenever I visited them. Terrible for my psyche. Bullying started around sixth grade and lasted until sophomore year. Heavy, regular use of psychedelics and MDMA began when the bullying ceased. Lots of cannabis and wax as well. A few years ago I started practicing conscious astral projection, spellwork, and remote viewing after 7 years using astrology and the tarot for divination. Extremely successful with that and I’ve foretold some significant events throughout my life and in my divination practice. Many GATE kids I know are extremely intuitive people with suicidal ideation and paranoia. Gangstalking occurs for us. Doctors can’t figure out if I’m cluster A (schizotypal) or cluster B (dramatic). Hallucinations often. My mom refuses to tell me my IQ score, hinted at 130-140s.

Last edited 2 years ago by Anonymous
Reply to  Anonymous
2 years ago

Seek healing and protection in Christ.

2 years ago

Any O neg blood types out there from GATE? AZ abductee.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
2 years ago

I joined the Arizona version of GATE in the early 90’s. I had to change schools as the program wasn’t being run in my elementary school. I remember all the testing, IQ, shape cards, and hearing. I quit the program and went back to my old school, but I can’t remember anything from the months I attended GATE other than having to learn the names of all the bones in the human body. In my life, I’ve had multiple prophetic dreams (which came true) as well as waking premonitions (which I believe saved my life on at least one occasion) . Predicting the phone will ring and who it will be (for people I barely ever contact, or haven’t spoken to in years) is quite normal.
I’ve been haunted by 11:11 3:33 4:44 and similar time patterns in the last years, but less so since I quit drinking alcohol.
I’ve always felt like I wasn’t from “here.” Fascinated with magnetism/electricity. Insatiable hunger for knowledge. I detest all forms of government and abrahamic religion, and treat them as professional liars and weak-minded puppets.

The abduction happened in the AZ desert. I was watching dancing lights in the sky through my basement well window, and woke up outside a deadbolted door with the keys in the lock from the inside. When I finally got my parents to wake up and come get me, they were flabbergasted and spent the next few days visibly shaken because there is no physical way I could have gotten outside that door, even if I had had keys.
Oh yeah, I used to see auras around people when I was between 5-8ish.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
2 years ago

I’ll have to ask my dad to see if he remembers, but that sounds just about right. I’d say between 6-9yrs old.

2 years ago

PSYCHICS– One of the Illuminati’s research projects was to discover the psi gene–the genetic gene that would permit them to breed a master race with psychic abilities. One of the groups that the Illuminati has controlled which did research in this area was Nazi Germany. Mengele, in fact, was interested in the co-relation of blood types to psychic abilities. Blood type B apparently has more psychics than other blood types. People who have true psychic abilities have a more complex molecular lattice structure than those who don’t. They also have energy fields of 500 cps or higher. This is in contrast with most brain activity which lies in the 0 cps to 100 cps range. The heart operates at up to about 250 cps, and the resonant frequency for a nerve is 360 cps. In other words, the high cps. energy field is a tip off that the person is psychic. An secret program has been carried out by the Illuminati to identify every person on the planet who is capable of being psychic. They are identified and then assigned to people (a male and female) to monitor the person. Psychics are often recruited into intelligence agencies to bring them under the power of the Illuminati’s establishment. In other cases, they are simply watched and monitored, some who are threats to them are killed, and others receive mind-control. They have been identifying people with psychic abilities and then trying to track and/or control them. They also will try to recruit or place these people under mind-control or both.
Deeper Insights into the Illuminati Forumula

Kentucky Gent
Kentucky Gent
1 year ago

Holy crap, when I was in 6th grade (a long long time ago), one of the kids on my school bus route told me about googolplex. We were both in TAG at the time. And, he was the ONLY person I ever met who had even heard about it, until the search engine company came on the scene decades later.
And I have another 12 characteristics from the list. Holy crap.

Kentucky Gent
Kentucky Gent
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
1 year ago

Yeah, in my case the whole Googleplex incident was so weird at the time I could feel something strange was happening… It just had the feel of a skit being acted out.”
The dude who told me about it sounded completely natural. But we hung out together a lot, so we had a natural rapport.
And I have a lot of PhD’s and other smart people in my family, so I suppose I was conditioned into hearing that kind of stuff since childhood, and it seeming like normal conversation. My mother told me about Tachyons when I was a kid, and the possibility of faster than light travel. I learned the speed of light in first grade. Who does that?
But now I suspect my own mother got MK-Ultra’d when I was 6 years old when she worked at NASA.
They have been doing it a long time to have skulled out that skit…”
As big as it has gotten, it had to have started before we were born. You commented, just a day or two ago, if you talked about how big you REALLY think it is, people would think you’re crazy.
But after the past year that I’ve been through, and the crap I experienced just today after talking to my brother (with my iPhone turned OFF & far away!), it has to be massive. Don’t know if it was a mistake to tell my brother what they’ve been doing to me since at least 4th grade, maybe earlier, but I’m trying to spread the word.

Kentucky Gent
Kentucky Gent
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
1 year ago

Do you know anyone you can actually trust, outside immediate family?

Kentucky Gent
Kentucky Gent
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
1 year ago

Thank you kindly for your answer. You’ve helped me very much. More than you might imagine. Truly.
From your NPD thread, to your surveillance thread, to your daily news aggregate (especially the comments section), and now this article, I’ve been sorting through my memories and life history since I started digging in to your site.
And learning a hell of a lot. Waking up to more than I thought was out there. I’m like a Bigfoot skeptic who met a Sasquatch family in an open field.
Thank you again, please keep up the good work, and God bless you. I WILL be praying for you going forward. Gratitude forever.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
1 year ago

Divorce “rape”. Lol. You need to stop reading incel boards. Exploitation is one thing, rape is another. And guess who runs the courts. It’s mostly men. So if you have a problem, take it to those men.


Reply to  GATEr
1 year ago

I’m in the courts all the time. Men aren’t running them, especially family courts.

Reply to  GATEr
1 year ago

Uh oh! A white knight. Fuck off gang-stalker scum

1 year ago

I hit pretty much everything on the list: Blue eyes, Forehead scar, Occipital bun, firstborn son, Moral intensity, premonitions, Déjà vu.
Its so interesting to hear about so many others finding porn in the woods. I was exposed to pornography at a young age and like many others, found a stack, and I mean stack, of dirty magazines in a washer-dryer machine (in the woods) when i was very young. Returned later, within a day and it was gone . I was also in early speech therapy, and teachers and police have always been lenient. As for tests I remember being brough out to a van for hearing tests. Our hands put through holes and we were told to open an close them depending on the sound. I remember doing this more than once. My memory has always been fragmented, I cant recall much from my childhood. But reading how so many people went through something similar is very strange. Reminds me of Plato’s Allegory.

Stop The C4ckery
Stop The C4ckery
1 year ago


I am almost 100% certain I’m not a GATE kid. I wouldn’t say I’m particularly bright, and I definitely don’t remember any of the testing they talk about. But almost the entire psychological and life history description fits me to a T. Many near death experiences. Almost drowned. Have memory problems. Started having migraines recently. Have had some prophetic stuff.

Very, very interesting.

1 year ago

It’s surprising no one has turned up any concrete information connected with the program like names. The few unredacted names in the MK-ULTRA documents revealed many important connections that would otherwise remain forever undiscovered. If anyone has any leftover documents you should post them wherever this is being discussed. It’s strange there’s so many anecdotes and virtually zero leads.

Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

concrete information connected to the program like names.
Like teachers in the GATE program? I had three different teachers and can name all three and the years and schools. Or you mean the surveillance program?

1 year ago

I am a 54 yr old first born female INTJ, first born (surviving) grandchild, and I was in the TAG program in the 70s and early 80s. Scar on forehead by hairline from early childhood bike accident. Blue eyes. Bun. O negative. Sexual abuse for years from 4ish to 8. Foster care system. Alcohol and drug use as a teen. At 4, pre-kindergarten, I tested ready for 3rd grade but my mother refused advancing so far ahead due to social skills. IQ tested at 127 in grade school. Won scholarship to Columbus College of Art & Design and attended there on Saturdays in my 6th-8th grade years. Mother has Jewish genetic background. I went to Ohio Wesleyan College in Summers for two years via OWJL (Ohio Wesleyan and Junior league) on aide scholarships.
Almost drowned at 8, accidently pushed in deep water of a pool that I could not swim in. I would sink to the bottom and push up and forward and progressed that way without dying. Almost died at 12 of choking. Grandfather saved me. “Stole” my grandfather’s car at 16 with no license and ran a four way stop sign in front of a Sheriff. I sat in the cruiser back, calmly for half an hour while he tried to get through on “LEADS” the pre computer cop communication system. I was released with only a warning to not speed. My two cousins can verify this, they were scared in the stolen car while I was in the police cruiser.
Past and currently Gang stalked. Immediate family is aware and has experienced it as well. Uncanny pattern recognition. Intuitive to a scary level. Had a group use a third party on discord to try to implicate me in a Jan 6 plot. Circumvented when turned parties into FBI, Secret Service, and other federal tip lines. When something is wrong that gut-feeling is a skill. Heed it.
TAG had us using huge computer like machines. Flashcards. Played D&D with The Ohio State University students. Sent us to another district school away from our regular schools to attend a class together from mornings until after lunch, when we were bussed back to our regular schools.
They offered us a list of things we could do. Even then I did not want to work with the group on balsa toothpick bridges, I was a loner. They tried to make me write a report on George Washington Carver inventing peanut butter but I knew peanuts were used in Egypt in crushed spread form, so I thought the people were treating me like a dummy for assigning me that subject. I complained to my mother that I hated leaving my school so much that I didn’t want to take part anymore, and she wrote a letter to enable me to “quit” the TAG program. Stayed in accelerated and special classes.

Last edited 1 year ago by Anonymous2
Macaque Mentality
Macaque Mentality
Reply to  Anonymous2
1 year ago

Thank you for sharing.

11 months ago

GATE fag here, hazel eyes, forehead scar, math bun, can figure out literally anything quickly, track and field golds in HS, multiple near deaths, jewish indy film girlfriend, graduated HS with 1.5 years college done, did nothing with my life because realized its all fake and gay at 17. Always helping “people” around me with their trivial normie bullshit but receive nothing in return. This is the best I currently understand it.

So reality is a play, inside a metaphysical prison. Demiurge creates this constant flux between self actualization(free will) and slavery(perfect demonic possession). The material plane is a duality in all of its parts. Those of the path of control want to maintain it as without it conflict could not arise. They are of the negative karmic aspect because that is their role, from suffering comes wisdom for the oppressed, they understand this but must fulfill their role.

There are alot of NPC too in the matrix, they simply go along with the dominant status quo.

These GATE kids are the untouchables, at least those with an altruistic outlook, they can only be harassed. The only method to force them to self actualization is crushing control. Keep them in a poverty mindset so they focus on overall suffering and force a solution.

Astral projection, mind reading, and ultimately manifestation are their powers. If they were to realize this the kali yuga comes to an end. Read CIA gateway process. Things are not as they seem.

Regardless I have and can cold read people, from profession, to who they are working for or will work for and have seen pure fear on their face as a result. I speak with the voice, and people hear. I am not special or unique.

Remote viewing is trivial when you learn to empty your mind. I am not special or unique.

I have experimented with brain augmentation devices I crafted myself to induce brain hemisphere synchronization. Intuitively learned how to astrally project consciousness. (do not use CIA gateway tapes, you will entrain your mind to their frequency) I am not special or unique.

Last summer I weakened a demon resembling azazel with the help of the goddess Sophia or wisdom he was slain. It exhausted and ruined me mentally for months. I went back on cannibinoids to avoid the astral plane. Since then the synagogue of satan has been spiraling out of control exposing their evil for even the blind to see. I am not special or unique.

Have a particular fondness for cannibinoids and unfortunately they close you off from the astral plane. I suspect this is the reason for the common drug use in GATE kids, they want to escape the knowing because they feel powerless coming from a material mindset and that is an easy path to forgetting/giving in to control and being social with the NPCs. Loneliness is a painful burden.

Anyway currently detoxing and it’s time to go back to spiritual war. The wicked flee when no one pursueth, but the righteous are bold as a lion.

Reply to  SiriusPanzerWulf
2 months ago

I’m 50, almost 51, CentralHeterochromia, O-, INTJ, Occipital bun, scary Intuitive, software technical sales most of my life, so reading people I just thought was normal…

SiriusPanzerWulf, you wrote this 8 months ago and I felt like I was reading my very own life story. Around the time you wrote this, I have endured the most challenging time in my entire life. I’m a cancer surviver and have endured quite a bit and the intensity of what I endured was intense. About the time you posted, I was under attack from a parasite. But I wasn’t aware it was this at this stage, physical alignments developed suddenly and rapidly, I started having extreme joint pain all over my body, to the point that I couldn’t open my hands in the morning because they would lock up because of the inactivity and I wasn’t able to sleep well and felt like I was being exhausted of all my energy, like it was being sucked from me. I finally stumbled across an article which outlined the same symptoms I was having (previously suspected an autoimmune) and found that parasite that mirrored my symptoms. By this time in the process, I felt like I was being eaten alive and I believe had I not treated them, it could have been fatal. I immediately tried Ivermectin and within 3 hours could feel the energy vacuum subside considerably, to the point that I felt like a weight was lifted from my chest. So, I knew I was on the correct path. I bring this part up, because I’ve been on a long awakening over the past few years. Triggered by seeing the illusion of the plandemic and all that surrounds it. During this timeframe, I felt more like I was in a spiritual battle as occurring. I have been understanding how to optimize my body and avoid toxins and other things that have allowed my body to be in the best shape of my life. It’s what I realize enables me to tap into all that I can be. Without that, I feel as though I’m disconnected in someway. Shortly after getting the parasites on the mend, I was confronted with my father, long term Parkinson and wheelchair/bed ridden for years, decisions to let a recent ER trip take it’s course. So we spent the next week with him as he passed. About 10-11 days after, I received word that an aligning Uncle was in ER and similar situation as my dad. So, tell my mom that I would drive home to be there for her. Packed the kids and left my wife (since she had to work and had already taken off for my dad) to drive home (6hr drive) and driving down a main route to come upon a black horse running down the center line of the road. I was traveling 60 and it was in full gallop running in our direction, since it was 3a, I couldn’t see him until my headlights came upon him. Leaving me no time to move, striking the horse in the read and causing it to flip over our van. My oldest child and my other younger two in the back at the time. We escaped with only minor scratches (very similar to an accident that I probably should have not survived, but also survived with only minor scratches at 16). It took some processing to say the least. However, I reflect on that and feel as though I endured that intense chain of event as part of a cleansing in order to be ready to stand for battle.
I really connected with at the end “it’s time to go back to spiritual war. The wicked flee when no one pursueth, but the righteous are bold as a lion.”. That is a battle cry which I have felt welling within my soul, like an energy incapable of being contained anymore..
I share the details in hope that it resonates with others or enables them to understand something about themselves. I’m particularly interested in learning more about this program, as I remember being in the same types of environments and events others describe (auxiliary rooms or outside trailer, physical tests, pink liquid, hearing tests, etc.). I don’t recall much really, trouble recalling specifics. -Memory loss, particularly of GATE/TAG program details

Last edited 2 months ago by TruthSeeker
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
2 months ago

The program was weird, and if you were in it, and really open your eyes and see the real world, things will get weirder.”
How true. When you see the manipulation on every front (politics, religion, government, history, science, health, etc). It’s all made up and used to distract from something much larger and connected than many are willing or able to connect. That is why I offer my experience, as never know the pieces it will unlock for others. There was definitely something to this and fact there’s little available all these years later, point to it being an operation and tied to something much larger.

7 months ago

42/m former gate and dod programs as a kid. Fit all the criteria listed in your post with the exception i have hazel eyes. I also have crosses on both palms and the big dipper on my right arm aside from the left arm single freckle. I cant even begin to talk about all the strange phenomena that has happened in my life.

5 months ago

I have no memory of any of these programs but that doesn’t mean anything since I moved constantly as a kid. I have almost all of the characteristics, I scored even on the Myers-Briggs between INTJ/INFJ so I just picked INFJ as the one that felt more like me.

So many similarities it’s almost impossible to track them all and I’m so psychic that it’s how I’ve made my living for decades, but also targeted and stalked, had insanely obsessive lovers and attacks on my business, etc.

I was the product of the Hippie movement which my Dad was connected to Leary and the LSD experiments. I took LSD when I was 2 at Leary’s ranch in CA.

My Jewish/gypsy Mom had heterochromia and eyes that changed color and so do I and my son.

So many weird things. I lived in London as a child and shook the Queen’s hand and had a really weird psychic experience with the whole thing, like she knew and recognized me, and psychically communicated with someone else in the room about it. Strange.

Overall I just feel like I was groomed for something since my very early childhood and I rebelled and absolutely would not play ball. It was extremely painful to break free but I did and ultimately this left me as a target for a lot of demonic people.

So many things in my life that seemed coordinated and psychically putting a lot of pieces together, but still not getting the whole picture worked out yet. This is a rabbit hole that goes DEEP.

5 months ago

Also, I remember those weird hearing tests when I lived in London, but I thought the whole class had them? I was part of a pretty big group, but maybe they weren’t my own classmates.

5 months ago

> They may ask you for favors consistent with supporting surveillance activity, such as saying a girlfriend appears to be cheating, and ask you to drive them around to follow her so they can see, without her seeing a car she know following her.

One time an online friend was going on and on about his ex who “cheated” on him(looking back, probably dumped him cause she was scared or tired of him). In his obsession, he wanted me to camp outside her apartment complex and tell him whether any guys were going into her apartment. I was young and naive and didn’t think anything of it like I would now, ie how insane/posessive that was. I was traveling and kind of poor so he offered me that as a “job”. Though, I had low energy health issues and didn’t feel like working, he was offering me ~30 euro to do it for the night, and I said no way for that little.
Then he came over to the city and he got an airbnb somewhere. At that point I already had a shitty hostel place but figured I would visit him for the night, just as friends. I made it a point that I was poor, had bad health/low energy and wanted him to ideally pay for my food. He probably paid for ~5 euro of my food but somehow made an insanely big deal out of it. I was relatively autist but he went on and on about how thankful I should be (I retorted that I had spent so much energy going out of my way to see him and if I worked with that effort I could’ve earned more than that, so in fact it was roughly equal/similar things of effort)
The airbnb was 2 bedrooms (well, main living room and a side room). He had me stay in the side room. That night he presumably got a girl from tinder(thinking back, likely a hooker). Wanting to be a good wing, I didn’t interrupt until the next morning. I didn’t see the girl. Whole thing was so fucking strange. He had a very Christian McQueen party vibe. Well more smart than CMQ but he seems to be narcissist and a CMQ fanboy.

Last edited 5 months ago by kid