Fully Resistant Superbug Kills Woman, More Deaths To Come

Very scary:

A WOMAN in the US has died after contracting a superbug which is resistant to all forms of antibiotics…

Such is the worry around antibiotic superbugs that experts believe that they will claim 10 million lives by 2050, with 700,000 people dying a year after catching the infections, according to a recent report from the Healthcare Infection Society.

The latest outcry over the superbugs comes after an unnamed woman in Nevada, who was reportedly in her 70s, died after contacting an incurable infection.

Testing on the deceased woman showed that the superbug had spread through her system and was resistant to 26 different types of antibiotics.

Dr. Alexander Kallen, a medical officer in the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s division of health care quality promotion, told Stat News: “[The infection] was tested against everything that’s available in the United States … and was not effective.

Dr. James Johnson, a professor of infectious diseases medicine at the University of Minnesota and a specialist at the Minnesota VA Medical Center, chillingly added: “I think this is the harbinger of future badness to come.”

I’d love to know if she picked this up from the hospital, or some other more banal source, such as antibiotic-reared meat, or from a gay hairdresser. It would be even more interesting to see if the resistance genes arose in India, or China, or some other poorly regulated foreign agricultural environment, before crossing our lax borders.

If this was a heterosexual woman, it will be a relatively isolated case hopefully, assuming the hospital prevents any further outbreak.

But sooner or later this type of disease will pop up in the gay community. There it will adapt to better infect humans before it sweeps through the gay community, racing across the nation’s gay subculture, and spreading out into any heterosexuals who are not disgusted enough by homosexual behavior to avoid gays assiduously.

Rabbits today deride homophobia, but it exists because it is adaptive under conditions of pandemic Apocalypse, as well as just conditions where really nasty infections wipe people out periodically enough to apply selective pressure. As these diseases continues to advance and gain the ability to infect ever healthier humans ever more easily, they will begin preferentially infecting humans who merely live in close proximity to each other, such as in densely packed cities where gays are embraced by the heterosexual populace.

Once this is endemic, even if just living asymptomatically in GI tracts and nasal cavities if many people, it will make it incredibly dangerous for such individuals to avail themselves of any surgical procedure. Altogether, it will be a significant selective pressure culling homosexuality as well as homosexual tolerance.

This is the K-shift, and we may not even need to wait for the Apocalypse to see it taking effect in force.

Help spread r/K Theory, because the K-shift is coming and r/K can only help

This entry was posted in Disgust, Homosexuality, Immigration, ITZ, K-stimuli, Liberals, Pandemic, Politics, rabbitry, Sexual Deviance. Bookmark the permalink.
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8 years ago

[…] Fully Resistant Superbug Kills Woman, More To Come […]

8 years ago

Not just gays. It will also sweep through the youth, although if they are healthy enough they could resist it and develop an immunity to it.

8 years ago

I was browsing -r-eddit on this topic and the discussion turned to the newest antibiotic class, Teixobactin, which is experimental. The r mindset was that this was a “cure all” a “silver bullet” and a “solution”. Not so, I would not be surprised if it isn’t already being pumped into hog farms in China, diluted of course to maximize returns. New antibiotics can be developed but not fast enough for r. This is a people issue, and by that I mean a people behavior issue. The rabbits can’t even take medicine correctly and it leads to their doom. r leads to K, even in bacteria.

8 years ago

an unnamed woman in Nevada, who was reportedly in her 70s, died after contacting an incurable infection.

Hospitals are becoming incubators. They’ve always been pools of disease, held in check by careful hygiene. Cost cutting measures threaten that check – hiring caregivers from the Caribbean and Philippines; hiring less skilled (and often, immigrant) cleaners; and attempting to get more work out of both medical and support workers. At the same time, more types of infections are present due to globalization and immigration, and drug resistance is being selected for via antibiotic overuse.

There’s a reason one of the Four Horsemen is Pestilence.