From the Ridiculous to the Sublime – Transageism

Here is a new one:

Forget being transgender like Caitlyn Jenner or transracial like Rachel Dolezal, there’s a new “trans” frontier: people who are transage.

In an interview with the gay news site The Daily Xtra, Stefonknee (formerly Paul) Wolscht details his struggles with being a male-to-female transgender person.

The Daily Xtra video, however, glosses over a tiny bit of important information about Wolscht: he thinks he is actually a six year-old girl—not just a woman, but a six year-old girl—stuck in the body of a 50-something man.

The amygdala is the commanding officer of the brain. It organizes everything, dictates what is focused on, and even controls sex drive and motivation. When it breaks down, it will eventually take the whole ship with it.

Interestingly, it seems normal K-selected women have slightly less developed parts of the amygdalae than men, probably to facilitate their reduced aggression, increased nurturing of children, and tendency to flee with children when men confront dangers. Children have less developed amygdalae, still. Here we have a character at the cutting edge of adult amygdala non-development who appears to be attempting to find the environment which his amygdalae is most adapted to, and he has settled on being a six year old girl.

In truth, this is just an exaggerated version of the normal leftist’s desire to be treated as a child under the protection of a governmental parent which provides for everyone, mediates disputes, prevents fighting, and so on. The only different is the leftist is a transageist who wants to play dress up and pretend to be an adult, probably for reasons of social standing in the community, while this individual is content to embrace the fantasy outright. To the extent he is more honest, this character is actually one up on the modern leftist liberal.

A part of me wonders if you could find an ultra-advanced alien race somewhere, which had created machines to achieve permanent post-scarcity thousands of years back, if all of their males would be pretending to be six year old girls, while ball-busting Amazonian feminists ran amok, terrorizing everyone with shrill demands to be sexually sated now, and have the garbage taken out. Is this the final incarnation of the r-strategist population?

We need space travel, so the Libertarians can head off into the wild black yonder in search of adventure. It is our only hope.

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9 years ago

[…] By Anonymous Conservative […]

9 years ago

hey, I used to consider myself an anarchist-libertarian….

Seriously, my personal definition of sanity is a relentless quest to remain wedded in perception (OODA loop, if you will) to objective reality, recognizing that reality is the territory and my mental map is limited by imprecise senses and mental filters (biases.) Re-grounding is a constant necessity.

The Left-Collectivist Dominant Narrative has now gone Full Retard, trying to label as INTOLERANT anyone who fails to humor increasingly aberrant behaviors and complete rejection of objective reality. Now, if we don’t enable every delusion of every lunatic, WE’RE the bad guys.

Nothing sows the seeds of destruction like success. The Universalist Dogma of the Left Narrative has been wildly successful, coinciding as it did with the last 300 years of fabulous human advancement (almost entirely due to white men working in the framework of Western Civilization.)

The Narrative is a cancer, it always was. The difference is twofold: Today’s narrative is far more aggressive, intolerant and virulent, and the host is weakening at the same time. The Narrative now, as a consequence, threatens the very lives of those who espouse it (or just have to exist under its totalitarianism.) It is a sickness within Western Civilization, and must be put into remission and excised.

Trump is channeling the rage of those fed up with this all-out assault on their lives and future.

9 years ago

These lunatics won’t last 30 seconds when this antebellum period finally ends.

9 years ago

Truer words were never spoken.

John Calabro
John Calabro
9 years ago

It is worst when it is the kids that get target for this crazyiness.

Hey Anonymous Conservative, by the way have you hear of this story.

Truly sickening. The boy will grow up ever more confused and not to mention the cancers that might forum. The worst part is that this young doesn’t know who they just ye and will not be able to have kids once on these drugs. The parents (which I blame the mother more) should not have the right to have kids. They would be better to give him alcohol since the damage on his would not be as bad but since we live in a world where it is celebrated it is seen as a good thing.

John Calabro
John Calabro
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
9 years ago

Thank you for your response. Sorry about the grammar and spelling errors in my post I was using my ipad and it keep freezing. I agree with what you are saying.

It is sad that many people on the comments to things such as kids raised by gays on their response. It is sometimes “do you is the proof that this hurt children”. Take this story of a boy raised by lesbians who they said always wanted to be a girl. Why do you think that this boy would want to be a girl? I say might it be because he was raised by two mothers and no male figure?
Well it would be no by some of the comments in this post (thank god it is only about half), it must be because he was born in the wrong body.
Now he is undergoing hormone drugs to “correct it”. This is just sick.

Thank you again. By the way I have just brought two more of books on amazon which I am going to give to friends and family since I think this stuff is important.