French Rabbits Order Police To Attack Pegida

Lots of anarchy in France, Czechoslovakia, and Amsterdam as K-amygdalae fire up:

Police in Calais have dispersed a rowdy anti-migrant protest with tear gas after clashes with protesters and detained several far-right demonstrators.

Around 150 militants from the anti-Islam, anti-immigration group PEDIGA gathered Saturday at the northern French city chanting slogans like: “We must not let Calais die!”

Calais has been a focal point for migrants who want to slip into Britain via the Channel Tunnel. Several thousand have been living there in slums.

The protesters Saturday had ignored a ruling by the local prefect to ban such demonstrations. One of them, former soldier Christian Piquemal, said he was “shocked by the behavior of police forces.”

Due to the rabbit’s cowardice, their overly-triggerable amygdalae have adopted the fantasy that peace with the invaders will be easy, if everyone just gives them whatever they want. As a result, when someone proposes that maybe the migrants ought to be sent home before they get violent, the rabbit’s amygdalae light up with horror at the thought of the violence and they act out to silence the voices speaking such horrors. Or rather, they tell the police forces to do it for them. French police, rabbitized themselves for now, comply, because it is easier than risking their jobs. As they begin to encounter migrant violence, and their amygdalae develop, that will change.

This is why I link narcissists with leftists. They both need, on an emotional level, to see a certain reality around them. If the reality they need doesn’t match the reality around them, they will delude themselves, and mentally construct a fantasy reality in their mind which doesn’t freak them out as much as the real thing. National debt doesn’t matter. We need every government office. Businesses can just be taxed so everyone can have a living wage. Migrants from war-torn areas which have never integrated historically will do it this time.

The thing is, they adopt the delusion because the reality is emotionally intolerable to them. As a result, those who threaten to expose them to reality by simply speaking truth will trigger unimaginable emotional forces. The leftist literally has no choice. Given their mental frailty, they will silence the truth-speakers by any means necessary. That is why the rabbits are so genuinely dangerous, and why you see instances of mass slaughter throughout history produced by the left.

What is something to ponder is that I am not sure we have ever seen such a rabbitized leadership, save maybe for the end of the Roman Empire. Even then, I doubt the dopamine the Roman leadership was exposed to could compare with smartphones, Avatar, the internet, Call of Duty, EverQuest, and the Bacon Bomb Explosion Burger – all of which would have blown away the average Roman Senator.

Similarly I suspect even by the lax standards of that time a lot of the shit we see today would have been judged batshit crazy back then, from Caitlyn Jenner to transageism. Add to it a debt-fueled economic and governmental collapse that is set to easily eclipse just about anything short of Rome, and the rabbits on this go around could end up doing anything.

Watch out.

This entry was posted in Amygdala, Cowardice, Dopamine, Europe, Immigration, Liberals, Migrant Crime Deniers, Muslims, Narcissists, rabbitry. Bookmark the permalink.
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9 years ago

Worse than the Roman empire? What about the Soviet Union? They slaughtered 150M+ ppl in ca. 80 years. Leadership r as fuck what at least for a time was not so with the Romans.

Maple Curtain
Maple Curtain
9 years ago


The talentless narcissists in make-work bureaucratic jobs need to believe that are “somebodies.” They can never admit to themselves that they are a parasitic net drain on their own societies, so they do the usual empire-building exercise with the migrant invasion.

“Hey, look how important I am. My country ‘needs’ my skills in integrating foreigners, ‘settling’ them, etc.”

With all of your work on r/k and narcissists, I think you have pointed out, daily(?), that these rabbits need to assuage emotional triggers as their first need, and that need trumps (is that a pun?) every other need that they have, including any need to live in reality.

They do the devil’s work because they are the ‘people of the lie,’ and they are the ‘people of the lie’ because reality hurts too much.

Reality exposes them as expendable, insignificant, talentless, disloyal creatures.

Cui bono
Cui bono
9 years ago

He wasn’t just a “French soldier.” He was former head of the French Foreign Legion. Basically like arresting Norman Schwarzkopf.