Free Transgender Surgery For Military Members

Money is free these days:

The Republican-led House narrowly rejected a measure on Thursday that sought to strike an Obama-era practice of requiring the Pentagon to pay for gender transition surgeries and hormone therapy.

Democrats described the proposal as bigoted, unconstitutional and cowardly and they won support from 24 GOP lawmakers to scuttle the amendment to the annual defense policy bill, 214-209.

The amendment crafted by Rep. Vicky Hartzler, R-Mo., would have forbid money from being spent by the military’s health care system for medical treatment related to gender transition. Hartzler portrayed her proposal as a good government plan aimed at assuring military dollars are spent only on critical national defense needs.

Hartzler estimated transition surgeries, which she said most private insurance plans don’t even cover, could cost the military $1.3 billion over the next 10 years. Troops who have the surgery require months of recovery, she added, which means they’re unavailable to do their jobs.

“It makes no sense to create soldiers who are unable to fight and win our nation’s wars,” Hartzler said.

But House Democratic leader Nancy Pelosi called the amendment an attack on the health and dignity of thousands of U.S. service members, and Rep. Steny Hoyer of Maryland, the No. 2 Democrat in the House, said Hartzler intended to “politically denigrate” transgender troops.

Republicans are really looking useless in the fight to preserve common sense and protect American interests. And yet the RNC will keep mailing out flyers looking for money. Contribute to Trump, or not at all.

I love the troops as much as anyone, but this is ridiculous. For starters, this means physically capable men will be turned into less capable women, and less capable women will be turned into less capable men. It is a lose-lose, all around.

Second, the suicide rate among transgenders is sky high. If this were any other medical procedure, modern medicine would have outlawed it. We are paying for these soldiers to radically mutilate themselves in a way which will probably end in their suicide.

The final thing is the waste of money. We are now paying money to make our military less effective and make our Soldiers, Airmen, Sailors, and Marines more likely to commit suicide.

Only in r-selection can these immoral, illogical r-instincts come to be mistaken for the logical and moral consensus of an advanced population.

Tell everyone about r/K Theory, because we don’t want to pay for transgender surgeries

This entry was posted in Decline, Homosexuality, Liberals, Politics, Psychology, r-stimuli, rabbitry, Sexual Deviance, Sexual Dimorphism. Bookmark the permalink.
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7 years ago

[…] Free Transgender Surgery For Military Members […]

7 years ago

Any man that wants his junk lobbed off isn’t mentally healthy enough to be in the military. Any woman that wants to be a man isn’t mentally healthy enough to be in the military. This is just to hurt unit personnel costs- the military would spend 300k extra for each freak allowed to sign up. And that money would go to some pinko commie doctor as well.

7 years ago

This might actually be a way for libholes to foist the cost of tranny surgery onto the Pentagon. Forcing the military to grovel and defile themselves is just gravy.

Man in the Middle
7 years ago

One more thing to do – be sure to answer all those Republican fundraising requests with WHY you currently refuse to send them any money, and what they should do instead to hope for your support.

John Calabro
John Calabro
7 years ago

Hey anonymous, I wondering since we are on the topic of government paying for Transgender Surgery. What are your thoughts on Iran and forcing gay people to get Transgender Surgery or death penalty?
I would like to know your thoughts on this since the only thing I could find on the web is how homophobic Iran is and how bad it is that a trans person has to get the surgery to be consider a woman or man. I have very mixed feeling on this.

“In Iran, homosexuality is a crime, punishable with death for men and lashings for women. But Iran is also the only Muslim country in the Persian Gulf region that gives trans citizens the right to have their gender identity recognized by the law. In fact, the Islamic Republic of Iran not only allows sex reassignment, but also subsidizes it.”

“If their appearance is not completely male or female, they are even stopped in the streets by the moral police in Iran,”

“The moral police crack down on loose-fitting headscarves, tight overcoats, shortened trousers for women and necklaces and shorts for men.The laws are often extended to cover new fashions. For instance in 2010 Iran banned ponytails, mullets, and long, gelled hair for men; in 2015 the country cracked down on “homosexual” and “devil worshiping” hairstyles along with tattoos, sunbed treatments, and plucked eyebrows for men.”

John Calabro
John Calabro
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
7 years ago

You might be right. I might be thinking too much into this. My thinking goes like this.
The fact that societies often allows homosexual the rights to come out which has leads onto things such as the media being pro gay trying to teach kids and health problems such as disease resistance HIV. You can shuns them into hiding like the west did before the late 20th century, many of these men (and women) in the past married women and had affairs with men outside. Or societies can put them to death as many Islamic nations do today.

If say instead of all the above instead to allow them to come out and be attracted to the opposite sex as long as they get operation that mutilated their sex organs and give them hormones treatment. Your society has then limit the disease and other heath problems from this sort of behaviors without sending it underground or to other things such as what goes on in Afghanistan with under age boys.
And you have allow individuals to stay alive (with operation) be attracted to what now seem to be in eyes of many in the community to be the opposite sex. Since many in the homosexual community are r’s unlike past Societies where these people would hid and have families you have stop them from passing on their genes without promoting gay marriage.

I can be wrong on this but that is why I said mix feeling because you then promoting sex change operation and also many homosexuals are also highly intelligence and in the pass would had children, (though as stated above on the negative this becomes a two way argument).