How to be your Own Jannie – Free Republic, The Chans, And The Amygdala As Your Best Weapon In The Shadowy War for Control Of The Internet

I write this a while back, but I got the vibrations last night, and unfortunately did not have a surveillance detection piece ready to go, so I will dump this older post I had in the draft folder for now, and get back on more surveillance detection pieces. Or maybe a photographic of indices of Pole surveillance, showing you surefire ways to know you have tech mounted. We’ll see.

I want to reveal a potent weapon I have been using online, when I encounter the leftist-billionaire-funded machine that is paid to manipulate the online dialog with shills and fake posters. Before we begin, anyone who sees this who is not familiar with the terminology should know that we use the term amygdala here to encompass all of the neurological stimulus produced by the brain structure of the same name. The amygdala produces cognitive pain of a variety of levels and types, all designed to drive behavior.

Stress, fear, anger, disappointment, sadness, embarrassment, even the stress of cognitive dissonance are all amygdala-driven feelings, and for the purpose of this article, all will be described as “amygdala.” Amygdala evolved as a cognitive force to dissuade behavior. When people experience amygdala, they naturally want it to stop. As a result, if you can apply amygdala to a person, and make stopping it contingent on them stopping a behavior, most logical thinkers will follow the behavioral path you lay out. A few will not, but they are mostly on our side, suffering from other forces which produce even more amygdala if they back down.

Moving on.

First, Lembrador posts an article about one company which performs the types of operations the Machine uses to affect our dialogs online:

This one is also pretty juicy, and it relates to what you were saying the other day about internet users being sandboxed in information bubbles:

“Psy-Group’s slogan was “Shape Reality,” and its techniques included the use of elaborate false identities to manipulate its targets. Psy-Group was part of a new wave of private intelligence firms that recruited from the ranks of Israel’s secret services—self-described “private Mossads.” The most aggressive of these firms seemed willing to do just about anything for their clients.

Psy-Group stood out from many of its rivals because it didn’t just gather intelligence; it specialized in covertly spreading messages to influence what people believed and how they behaved.

Psy-Group’s larger ambition was to break into the U.S. election market. During the 2016 Presidential race, the company pitched members of Donald Trump’s campaign team on its ability to influence the results. Psy-Group’s owner, Joel Zamel, even asked Newt Gingrich, the former House Speaker, to offer Zamel’s services to Jared Kushner, Trump’s son-in-law. The effort to drum up business included brash claims about the company’s skills in online deception.

As the avatars proliferated, their operators joked that the most valuable online chat rooms were now entirely populated by avatars, who were, inadvertently, collecting information from one another. “

Great article, and they are just one small tip of one small iceberg. People have no idea what kinds of opinion-molding operations are being run with the literally hundreds of millions of dollars spent by left-wing billionaires each year on controlling the online right. And compared to the Cabal of special interests, and big profit companies, and the Political establishment, they are small fries. Put a few hundred million into a boiler-room operation targeting simple online forums, and you can move the perceptions of millions of people with a very small foot print.

Before we get to the weaponry, first we will look at the operation it is facing. I have noticed this operation on Free Republic. Years back, when it was more organic and less of a political target of the left, Free Republic attracted the same types of people together, and it was overwhelmingly pro-Law Enforcement simply because Conservatives tend to think like cops, and view cops as being on the same team in terms of making America great.

Now a cop thread pops up and 70-80% of some threads are all attacking not just Police, but attacking the other posters who like cops, trying to shut them up. If I was in a small town, where all cops were corrupt somewhere, and I assumed all cops were like that, and I had come to hate cops because of it, and then I went on Free Republic, I’d be explaining to other people why I felt that way. But these posters come on and immediately begin calling other people boot-lickers, ass-kissers, and so on, and their attacks are more on the posters than even the cops.

After watching this for the last few years, and seeing these attacks go hyper personal even from the beginning, I realized they are trying to drive the normal type of Freeper off the site, and make them feel under siege and unwelcome. They are trying to make them feel as if the site is not their type of site, more than they are trying to promote an idea or win an argument. I will bet, on left-wing, anti-cop forums somewhere else are shills attacking the poster over their lack of patriotism and courage, to drive them off the forum. Notice above in Lembrador’s quotes, how they brag that they have created forums where all that are on them are their avatars. The reason all that are there are their avatars is not just becasue they kept adding avatars. It is because they also successfully drove off the honest, uncontrolled posters. They are very sharp psychologically, and know how to make other people feel miserable, and feel under siege.

To these operations, normal posters are their biggest threat, because often what they say makes sense. I have gotten the feeling many really don’t even care about the cops – their goal is using the acrimony and unpleasantness of their attacks on other specific posters they have identified to drive them off the forum, probably so they can be replaced with other avatars like that same poster, maybe even taking up a pro-police position, but entirely controlled, and unable to go off script at n inopportune moment. As a result, the entire dialog the lurkers see is controlled by the machine.

It is the same thing on the Chans. Somebody shows up and mentions gangstalking, and there are ten comments calling them schizophrenic or insane, and none of those posters intrigued or curious about what makes them think they are being followed around or harassed by some secret, shadowy pseudo-governmental spook-like entity. At the exact same time, ten posts will show up asking what Hitler meant by something, am I white, are blacks human, is the Asian girlfriend the best girlfriend, and on and on, and each post proceeds to get a few hundred comments, even though there were ten just like it just an hour ago.

If I saw a comment on gangstalking, and knew nothing about it, it is like hearing somebody say they saw the most amazing UFO. I want to know, “What exactly did you see? What did the UFO look like? What did it do?” I want to try to experience, vicariously, what had that person saying that. It sounds so weird, so amazing and mindblowing. “What is it like? Who are the followers? What do they do? Where do they come from? How are they recruited? Why are they interested in you?” But you never see those questions.

My answer to shut the shills down on  thread I want control of is to post a surveillance-exposure post to the shills. I explain how a poster on the Chans can run surveillance detection, and why they should try it. I post evidence cases, and videos off youtube of it in action so others can see it. I make it clear continued engagement with me will further expose things even more, with more evidence posted to observers to convince those ten thousand lurkers that gangstalking is real. Suddenly, nobody replies to me. The paid shills do the calculus, and realize answering, even ridiculing me, may make me post more, and expose things more, and they evaporate.

That made me realize, most people on those sites will not comment – they are lurkers taking in information. Those who honestly want to comment are relative rarities. And of the normal legit posters, most get distracted on slide threads composed by the operators to generate an emotional response and draw off their posting energy on a pointless topic.

And after the slides bleed people off there are probably 2 Mossad-type shills with a few hundred Avatars each, driving things that way with ten posts apiece. And then there are 3 Neocuck/leftist/Cabal operators with a few hundred more avatars driving things the GOPe way, and so on.

In the end, what you see is one normal person posting, three normals responding, and one hundred different “people” espousing the varied narratives of the Machine. It is a very powerful way to mold at least the perceptions of public opinion.

It really opened my eyes to how I could have been misled about the state of public opinion, back when I thought a place like Free Republic was just a group of random honest conservatives who all had the same goals of simply exchanging information, and Making America Great. It is not like that at all.

But it works to mold our perception, and justify the outcomes they rig. Had the 2016 primary been successfully rigged, and had Jeb gotten more fraudulent votes than Trump got legitimate votes in the Primary, I could have seen myself walking away saying to myself, “What is wrong with the Republican Party?” Why can’t we get our acts together?

It makes Trump’s victory all the more impressive. He had a massive complex operation, seeping right into the grassroots’ very view of reality, working 24/7 against him. And still he won.

It does give you one weapon though – and a very powerful one. Many people resort to trying to educate about shilling, or calling out the shills. Others say ignore them. The problem with this is the shills control hundreds of accounts. They just have to call you a shill, then they call each other shills, and then post a few thousand mindless posts to dilute the real signal, and you will be completely defeated. You need something more powerful that can’t be degraded by them. You need to do what I do.

I use this all the time. There are things Cabal does not want exposed, and things Cabal does not want to become widely known. Most of all, they do not want their shadowy intelligence-like operations exposed, or for people to just wonder if what they see each day might fit with such a model. The main operation they will want concealed is their real life covert informant/operative networks which they have fielded on the ground in most major metropolitan areas. The latter is a particular risk, because it, if exposed, would cause such shock and revulsion it would touch off a civil war overnight.

When you encounter these operations on forums online, your initial emotional response will be to fight them, head-on, over the issue you are arguing. So you say, “Most Police join the force to try and protect the weak, and fight evil. I know a few, they are nice people.” You get back, “Oh, nice to the see the bootlicker brigade show up and suck up to their dog-killing masters! Why don’t you shoot the dog yourself?” Your fighting them with logical debate will not work, because the reality is the person you are arguing with wants that fight, to make the forum intolerably acrimonious. That fight is the goal.

It is like the amygdala hijack as a debating strategy. K-strategists want to win an argument, while r-strategists merely want to turn the crowd against the K-strategist. You are debating truth, while the r is out-grouping you, and doing so unopposed. Truth can be on your side, but still the force disparity will disfavor you. But turn the tables and fight to out-group the r-strategist, and suddenly they panic and back off. What happened was you found their amygdala-trigger in the conflict and hit it, and the force disparity shifted. You need to find the right amygdala button to push, and with shills it is exposing the facets of their organization which pose a real threat if exposed. With them, by comparison, the original issue is meaningless.

So when in any forum online, first you must realize that the shills are there and the scale of their operation. They are there and being paid to create operations like you see documented above in that article, because on each site you have thousands of lurkers, maybe tens of thousands of lurkers, waiting to be manipulated. In some sites like Free Republic or the Chans, you may have hundreds of thousands, or even millions of lurkers. Do you really think Israel ran a documented operation of a scale like above, just to affect issues affecting Israel, but Free Republic, or 4Chan do not have a similar, though far more massive operation to control the dialogs there, being funded by the billions the leftist Cabal is spending?

Shills have two goals, and finding and promoting truth is not among them. First is to manipulate what the lurkers see, to convince everyone that the majority thinks what they want them to think. The second goal is to suppress you, probably by pressing your amygdala until you retreat. If they can drive one regular poster like you off, that is a victory for their operation because they will advance their control over what is being said. So you have to recognize what their goals are, how to tangibly damage their objectives, and what will cause them to flee.

Arguing most cops are decent people on cop threads will not do it. But exposing the surveillance will make them disappear quickly.

My favorite go-to point of data which will make all of them disappear instantly is the story of Tom Bauerle, who experienced gangstalking, and who actually used his own hired surveillance company to expose that he was indeed being followed around by a massive in-person surveillance operation utilizing technology that is not even available to our military. This is the most potent weapon I have found against the shills, because it opens the door to the idea that type of thing might be real (it is).

They actually signed papers admitting they were doing it to him as part of a legal settlement, so you have a popular and respected talk radio host, who forced some entities to admit they were performing illegal surveillance and using high-level technologies on him. Another potent weapon is to point out that both Sheriff’s Deputy Natalie Corona’s killer and the Washington DC Navy Yard shooter complained of being followed around by massive surveillance operation, and hit through the walls of their houses with directed energy weapons, of the sort even the military is not yet fielding, though we know they are doing research on them. Two Police shooters, identical complaints of operations the likes of which we have documented with Bauerle, and we know the weapons exist. Now shills are starting to sweat, because a majority of people are not supposed to see that all in one place. Now people may begin asking questions if the conversation continues – and you have already done so much damage, God only knows what will pop out of your mouth next. The shills have to flee.

From there, the killer of NYPD Detective Miosotis Familia, as well as the killer of three Louisiana Police officers both also reported they were being followed by this entity and harassed. In one of the more heartbreaking cases, Brian Mancinci, wounded Gulf War Veteran and founder of the service charity Honor House committed suicide because he said he was being followed around and harassed by it. They would have been watching when he committed suicide by shooting himself in a culvert. And then they would have picked up on the next target.

Then there is this video, where multiple women associated with a man who is under it say their homes have been broken into, their food in their fridge drugged, and they have been raped:

Note, that is not law enforcement. I have never known any cop or federal agent who would engage in that behavior.

Then there are the CIA veterans who were harassed in Cuba, and who came home and reported some massive surveillance operation breaking into their homes and following them on the streets. Note that President Trump would not allow that. That is a domestic intelligence operation, operating on US soil beyond the law, that is not under the control of the US government.

Between the fact all these shooters and tragedies reported this type of operation, and the fact Bauerle documented that it does happen, it offers a potent weapon which will shut down shills fast. After that, I will usually raise Operation TIPS, which is a documented attempt by the US Government under Bush II to create a massive covert spy network in the US, composed of American citizens, where one in 24 citizens would have become spies reporting to government handlers, as they spied on the people in their lives. And that was the small pilot program – the toe in the water to see how it would work. The real program, once it went live after the test was going to be much, much bigger. And the truth is, in the shadows, they created it. That is another huge pressure point Cabal shills will not want to continue to shill in the face off, if shilling will bring more publicity to that massive surveillance operation.

Next up, link to my first installment in surveillance detection and counter-surveillance detection routes. This is a great piece, because nobody in Cabal is going to want to see that gain a wider audience. It will both help readers to spot local branches of this Achilles heel for Cabal, even as the tangible advance in operational capability it will produce in individuals will make people like it, and make every exposure to it threaten to send it fully viral.

From there, I would begin posting youtube videos of the operations in action. This is a good one, and looks exactly like what you would see, although since it was filmed so early in the operation’s genesis, it is a little short on manpower, and the operators are a little more stealthy:

The program has grown considerably since then, shifted more towards vehicular units, and is more open and harassing. This one is more what a target could expect today:

You have to be discerning with the videos, as just with the shills, there is copious disinformation around the subject online. Look up gangstalking, and you will see all sorts of allegations of mind-reading satellites, brain-controlling smart dust, and there is even a guy who says they have made his TV start talking to him (I think that last one is actually a hypnotist trying to drive people who watch his videos schizophrenic, perhaps as an outgrowth of MK Ultra).

But the best videos out there, properly curated, will reveal the operation, and are kryptonite to the machine’s online control of the dialog, because exposure of this program is what really terrifies the machine. Shills, realizing their continued interactions will only provoke further disclosure, will back down.

If you follow this plan, you hurt the shills and they have to leave. If you argue the issue, you will never win. But if you pull their pants down in front of the hundreds of thousands of observers, you will be the baddest shill on the block and they will flee.

Which brings us to the final stage. Suppose you want to be a jannie on 4Chan, and nuke a thread yourself. I have done that several times simply through beginning to discuss the gang stalking. But now the most effective method you may have might just be my surveillance page. It is a one stop shop full of Cabal shibaggery the machine is definitely going to want to take off the site. Link to it, provoke discussion of it, and watch the thread get quickly archived, and eventually disappear.

So that is the technique you can use to Police discussions of Cabal narratives, shut down shills, and even be your own Jannie. Feel free to post this on 4Chan whenever the desire arises.

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LembradorDos6Trilliões (if the barcode starts with 729, just leave it behind. Israel is enemy #1 of the West). Legio XIII Tubicen
LembradorDos6Trilliões (if the barcode starts with 729, just leave it behind. Israel is enemy #1 of the West). Legio XIII Tubicen
4 years ago

Oy vey, de let dis nao.

Just kidding : D

Very nice. Thanks.

Also the shilling operations are military affairs too, there was this guy on 4chan who really disliked how Finland military was wasting money shilling there (he posted some pages about it, and it seemed like he was telling the truth), and off course there are the very well documented on going activities of Israeli hasbara (state propaganda) operations (link to documentary below for those curious about it), so we have literal military grade psyop shilling operations populating pretty much every corner of the internet too, it is not just private and partisan practice.

And the thing about the shills trying to drive you off the sites using what they think will make you upset is very true, I have had it used on me continously for years now, that’s how I actually became so determined to countering their bullshit (it started on 4chan, but it happens pretty much everywhere I post, most of the time is subtle but sometimes it is not, they actually used my name while directly addressing me one time on one site (I was posting under a nickname), and they would use things from my personal life to try to rustle my jimmies, but it only resulted in me becoming more sophisticated in my approaches against them).

It is hilarious for me that I have had shills beg me to stop posting, and even got offered money (directly and indirectly), but it’s usually just lots of attempts at triggering and death threats (very boring stuff).

LembradorDos6Trilliões (if the barcode starts with 729, just leave it behind. Israel is enemy #1 of the West). Legio XIII Tubicen
LembradorDos6Trilliões (if the barcode starts with 729, just leave it behind. Israel is enemy #1 of the West). Legio XIII Tubicen

I just realized I am retarded and forgot the link to the documentary about the hasbara shilling operations:

“Israel’s Internet Censorship War If Americans Knew”:

LembradorDos6Trilliões (if the barcode starts with 729, just leave it behind. Israel is enemy #1 of the West). Legio XIII Tubicen
LembradorDos6Trilliões (if the barcode starts with 729, just leave it behind. Israel is enemy #1 of the West). Legio XIII Tubicen
4 years ago

Suggestion, after revisiting your surveilance page, IMHO you could add to it that dashcam compilation video from gabtv of the guy on the intersections, with a short explanation like you did when you replied to it when it was posted on the comments (seems like they were trying to slow him down).

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
4 years ago

Seconded. Then we need to link it back to the guy.

4 years ago

Wow! Cool shit AC.
You described what was being done on WRSA to a T. It was totally obvious it was polluted, an infestation of the shills, but your describing the nuts and bolts put so many things in persapective its like drinking from a firehose.
Certainly defines many occurrences I personally experienced and could not figure out specifics like you describe, thats some awesome critical thinking put into words you can associate things with also. Always ran into the wall of unknowns where it was difficult to tell friend from foe from ignorant from denial from agent provocateur from sadist. The almygdala things helps a lot.
Never forget what one of the FBI agents assigned to our hacking case at the P&E said in our final conference call with HughesNet North America Sen VP, said, ‘your IT department is infested with trolls’.

Began using his infested reference, I was trying to flush out reactions I hoped to be able to learn from because I had zero doubts these trolls, shill as you refer to, where thick as fleas on a hound dog. There where these two particular characters, they would get really viscious, tag team genuine commenters, and there where others lurking waiting to pounce at the right moment to add to the stalking and belittling, I used the infested reference, in the right way somehow, thay followed me over to Bill Bupperts Zero Gov, and I could tell they where pissed, and tried to ambush me, but being aware and ready, for them they lost it, right in front of me they started posting comments using my comment avatar, they where that angry, they where willing to expose themselves, in order to trigger me. It was pretty amazing to see it. What really got them was my comments about how the fuckers infested all the comment threads, a plague of hate and destruction. At the time there where still a lot of folks commenting who had the nads to stand up to the shills, some of us going back to Pete’s original blogspot WRSA, so we knew and trusted eachother, and comments by eachother where taken with a level of trust. It was apparent they where working to run everyone off, but who they where was of course total unknown. Oh yeah, they started impersonating me on other blogs, it was pretty well done too, they had many of my characteristics down. It was effective. Not long after the Zero Gov spat, obvious to all get out, they where waiting, over on American Partisan, who not all, but a number of the bloggers there seem to have certain tells of some of the shills, that they switched up from being comment shills to bloggers, makes sense, they already are familiar with the audience, I was in no doubt, they where setting up and running a counter-psyop’s, impersonating FreeFor. Its pretty slick, there’s whole tribes of shills, look like cliques, in groups, and they are particularly nasty manipulators, one blogger in particular, his team of shill commenters appear to make up the entire commentariat, and they are constantly out scouting comment threads and reporting back to their shill bloggers they are assigned to. I know because couple things happened, got me thinking, I set some traps to see if my gut instincts where correct. Oh Yeah Man! I cant say what went on because its too good a set of tricks to give away, but your generosity and courage sure is appreciated, big time. Lot of missing puzzle pieces, thank ye.
Another notable event happened on AP, it was pure attempted payback too, I pretty much understood what they where doing, so had the position of not being triggered and was a fascinating experience in real time watching them in operation, interesting, like a pack of rabid wolves circling in, they began to get real personal in the sense they acted like it was personal to them, the frustration and anger had nothing to do with being shills, it was they behaved like some seriously troubled and messed up people lashing out, most revealing, somehow I must have triggered their amygdala’s, down to the primal reptile section. What I did not sure. Thinking it was part accumulative, part outrage somebody was getting back on them, humiliation or something, but I was a bad threat was crystal clear. But the references to them infesting everything like insects, was a real sore spot, took it real personal, got real nasty about it, even made very sarcastic comments, quoting things I’d posted on other comment threads on othere blogs. WooHoo! It was something else tell you what.
I’ve seen it other times, one thats remained prevalent in my mind, just before we moved to WV, was down in Boston, long story short, about 1am on a Saturday night was assaulted by three actors, right off I punched one so hard I thought I killed the fucker, went at it with the other two, used one’s head as a battering ram against the lug nuts on my truck and the other I pulled the .45 out and smashed the slide thru his front teeth, told him stop, or you all die. Got out of Dodge right quick.
Somehow they got my name and shit, filed felony assault charges, but I lucked out big time, a cop I grew up with took the charges, and lost everything, I didn’t know for months it all happened, didnt know my buddy was working that police department till he tracked me down and told me what happened. The 3 pricks where from big money families, they where known to cruise around at night looking to fuck people up. Always walked, and where getting too ballsy for the local lawmen’s taste. Said they all got a kick out of me fucking them up. And losing the charges was a thanks for what they all wanted to do. 3 white kids in their twenties, punks really. In recent years and especially learning so much from you, lot of details didn’t mention here, they fit the pattern of cabal in group actors. Serious shitload of them out there, come in guises hard to accept too. Nothing else makes sense but they are what they are like you describe, it dovetails so well. Occam’s Razor with a vengeance baby.
Sometimes I’ve speculated if that experience led over time to me getting the personal touch from these shitstains. I have to be on a short list of some defined threat level all the things I’ve recognized to date. I’ve been banned from all comment systems except WP based, don’t matter what I’ve tried. That began with Disquss about 2012, blogger last year, everything else in between. And the blog, they where letting me run it, no doubt they where watching what I was doing, lot of internal secure corporate Goolag email links going back and forth showed up in the stats. could always tell when I was over the target, the fuckers would get stirred up and various signs would produce heavy activity. I’m no intellectual whiz, I’m literally an uneducated welder in a coal mine, its something I do, or how maybe I say shit, really don’t know, its pure speculation, but I trigger something in the insects.

Thanks thanks thanks, THANKS!, you probably understand very well how much it helps me, thank you very much.

4 years ago

I have a strong feeling this is why DArkenlightenment was neutered on reddit. Shills and trolls always got a ban and quickly when I could manage it. So it had to be neutralized before the election. The only odd part was instead of banning it all the way, they removed all the moderators and disallowed additional posting. This was odd since if you are going that far why not just ban it outright like all of those other communities?

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
4 years ago

sounds nuts, don’t it. people, corporations, and shadowy entities spending time and money to take control of… a chat room? a comment section??

what could be more ridiculous?

but it’s true. don’t know about reddit & don’t really care. the Big One was the ZeroHedge comment section. back when ZH was new and Tyler was still Tyler, the ZH comment section was something to see. imagine /pol or the chans, only where 85% of all posters are actual, genuine, FOAR-REAL smart, tough, formidable, accomplished Men of the world. Men who could, in this unique forum, speak their minds with absolutely no self-imposed editing lest some lightweight pussy somewhere gets his/her feeeeeelings hurt. this was 2008, 2009ish.

those guys were *scary* brilliant, they were 99% politically hard-right/libertarian, and were winning anon conversion with the brilliance and ferocity of their posts. you could see it happen in real time. it must have scared the living shit out of TPTB, because when the trollbots were unleashed, they came in endless, undoubtedly expensive, massive waves to destroy the ‘academy.’ you could see _that_ in real time too. hell, they’re still doing it to this day. and it worked: the smart tough guys – one by one – just left. life’s too short to argue with dumbshits, whether real of artificial. they left, never to convert an anon again.

not sure what to do about this, though

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  ardwoll
4 years ago

“…ZeroHedge comment section. back when ZH was new and Tyler was still Tyler, the ZH comment section was something to see…”

Agreed. It started going downhill when they started adding massive scripting to see the comments. I generally leave scripting off. It breaks sites but most of the time I’m just not interested enough to see what they have if they are muti-scripted and covered in javashit.

“…not sure what to do about this, though”

I know exactly what to do about it but don’t have the resources or the smarts, maybe I could do it but it would be super difficult, to do so.

We need a distributed web that has distributed webservices. So you could have a forum and it would be controlled by whoever made it but all it’s data would be served mostly by the actual users that like the forum or blog or whatever. They would store the data along side the original owner. This would kill off the majority of server cost and completely take out of the hands the big data servers control. You can’t ban what you don’t own. This is slowly coming together. It’s not fast enough though.

I believe very strongly that this is the reason for the fierce clamping down we’ve been seeing. They know this is coming and that they will lose all control of information very soon. It’s also why they feel they can burn the mass media to the ground. It’s on it’s last legs as a propaganda service.

Part of their strategy is to fill the internet with so much bullshit that it’s impossible to know what is real and what is not. They’re doing a good job on this. I’m not sure it will last though. Good data congregates eyeballs over time and the bullshit eventually gets ignored. We see that the “bullshit” is being abandoned at a much higher rate than ever. They’re having trouble creating it as fast as people abandon it. Look at what happened to Fox. Massive big operation that people just abandon overnight.

Since bullshit is losing value so fast people are in this process beginning to question everything. This in turn leads to people thinking more clearly about information and if it rings true or not. Before if Walter Cronkite said it, well it must be true but now if it looks a bit off people will question it and a lot of things are off.

It’s just a short hop, skip and a jump to where the whole system is questioned. We’re seeing the beginning of this now.

4 years ago

Well, Obviously we need an image meme which can quickly convey the information about gangstalking and survelience in a believable way. This essay is good, but it isn’t weaponized autism. The point should be made and done in seconds. I will think on such a meme, and encourage others too as well.

LembradorDos6Trilliões (if the barcode starts with 729, just leave it behind. Israel is enemy #1 of the West). Legio XIII Tubicen
LembradorDos6Trilliões (if the barcode starts with 729, just leave it behind. Israel is enemy #1 of the West). Legio XIII Tubicen
Reply to  Atavisionary
4 years ago

Good point.
Perhaps the ptg Trump supporters on /bol/, or the Q Research board frens can help.

Reply to  Atavisionary
4 years ago

Here is a good start. Not a meme, but worth getting into the red pilled image circulation.

comment image

4 years ago

I have noticed certain things, like I was under surveillance, but it happens off and on. It is only occasionally happens to me because I’m neither powerful, rich, or have any leverage whatsoever. I’m totally useless. Besides, prayer is a most powerful thing. God is still in control. What is that Psalm, “his angels have guard over you”.

My convictions are too strong for any influence, so it doesn’t work on me. I don’t give a sh*t. So what they surveil me? I’m too poor to do anything about it anyway.

Reply to  wlindsaywheeler
4 years ago

They use advanced AI to analyze traits and predict future action. They have spotted you because they know something about your abilities, that you haven’t figured out already. Ask God for more information on the matter.

4 years ago

Fascinating stuff, AC.

I’ve lurked on 4Chan—if one can really call it lurking—almost everyday for about 5 minutes each day. I’ve never come across a post of any value, and I end up leaving because the posts and their comments I see are garbage. Just as you say: “Am I white?” “Redpill me on Hitler.” Etc. It’s never occurred to me that that is deliberate; or at least, I’ve thought that it was part of the Chan culture to keep normies away. But I’ve consistently thought to myself, “Why would anyone stick around here? There’s nothing substantive or interesting.”

I wouldn’t even know how to navigate the site in such a way as to find actual posts worth reading.

LembradorDos6Trilliões (if the barcode starts with 729, just leave it behind. Israel is enemy #1 of the West). Legio XIII Tubicen
LembradorDos6Trilliões (if the barcode starts with 729, just leave it behind. Israel is enemy #1 of the West). Legio XIII Tubicen
Reply to  Drew
4 years ago

It takes time to find the gems there.
Something you can use to increase your research skills on any subject thou is use the search engine on the 4chan archive site, 4plebs:

Reply to  Drew
4 years ago

Use the catalog function and start skimming. Its only a question of time until you recognize bullshit and at that point you can gauge by the density when something of interest is supposed to be burried.
Use ctrl+f to search for terms of interest and dont be afraid to talk to the shills. Just dont believe them or take anything personal/return the favour and mock them. Most shills have no idea and are underpaid if at all. They are the easy and weak ones who tend to leg it before the chans start eroding them.
For the real deals you want to nuke their threads like ac points out happens when too sensitive information about a topic is posted.
The main thing to stick to is not to post unless you have something of genuine value to say unless it is a shill thread in which case typing “sage” into the options field will deprive the thread of a bump onto the front page but will add to the max count. Extra points for pictures because the limit for that is always below that of regular comments.

4 years ago

This is a rambling, borderline incoherent post. Plus the latter vid that is a clearly batshit insane person.

The first vid is a drug operation.

Occam’s Razor, people.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
4 years ago

Exactly. What the fuck was that machine?

4 years ago

Holy cow AC, i hope you dont take me for a liar. Just went through your recommended links and v clips about survailence, first time, didnt even notice you are piblishing this stuff, your regular daily bolg posts are such a boon thats all ive concentrated on. Im not shitting cross my heart hope to die, thats all stuff ive seen suspected wondered upon, im sitting here thinking holy moly, theres so much in my memory ill have to debrief it so i can begin to het a grasp on what ive seen or experienced that ties in, its pretty creepy man. Wow.
Im dead nut serious with you, comments ive made are straight up honest with nothing youve written influencing my subconscious even. Validates what your showing us in ways that cant be question or doubted, never mind shit i keep seeing that dont add up but i question without hesitation, i know what the mark one eyebalss and the patterns are showing, but why by who for what purposes, not a clue, other than the radar is dialed up at 11, and its nothing to do with natural circumstance. Like when the lightbrinher was installed as dear leader, no matter what all fucking else, there was no unrelated isolated serendipidious unintentional natural events in obama world. Too much wild whacky world shit. Noticed it because of the clinton regime, one of those lightbulb over the head moments, and Ruby Ridge flipped the switch, those to shitstains ushered in a new age of this cabal secret squirel false flag shit, no wuestion, its ebbed and flowed in various ways since they went total retard with it, no limits you know? And Bushie two, that slithering eel he has to be a particulary nasty snake in the grass for what all went down on his watch. Got to admit he was a gaslight POTUS of particular note, sure pulled a lot of wool over many eyes that one.

I think my lifestyle makes it a more difficult propersition to put the gang stock on me, and i got a real fine tuned radar, and i dont suffer from denial or normie syndrome, and from things happened when i was a kid got a real trigger agressive mode i am able to switch on and off as needs be, that puts me in high gear meat space survival focus, and can take one swiping cast of whats and whose around me and know whose the threat the preditor and whose a ok, it a natural primal sense, like my grandpop who rescued me and raised me up, he told me pay attention to your gut boy its your subconscious telling you things.

But man AC, aint no question whats happening. That video the lady in her car with the camera, pretty savvy, creepy too, really pits things in pratical perspective in concert with your insights and observations, no longer wrastling with the doubt factor of why, shifts your thinking into another mode. Wow. Did I say Wow?
And like you said it sure dies bake your fucking noidle these shitstains are right in among us, its like this alien race who look like us, but infest everything, who are in no ways us, so many of them, holy shit. Never had close to clue how invasive. Wow.

Maybe some time like to share my experiences and insights into a period when I found myself sponsored, nudged, examined, co-opted into an original New England Masonic Blue Lodge. I was literallysubtly hand walked into it by a number of men. And the seemingly innocent just coincidental appearence of some rather interesting individuals who where going thru forms of examination interview proces on me. Nooooo question it was happening. But I had not an inkling what for or why. But the ol’ radar was at decon 5.
At the same time an entirely paradoxical individual entered the picture, pretty interesting fellow, had a gun shop, class II dealer and gunsmith, real desl kind, had patents on a couple NFA weapons, machine shop, started out as a customer ended up working in his machine shop, we manufactured custom suppressors, pen guns, slew of NFA mods, mostly for SF guys, who came to his shop to spend their individual weapons perdiems/allowences on weapons mods they preffered. This guy was a 3 tour combat engineer during Vietnam. A real life Mustang, twice battle field promoted, We spent a lot of time way out in the bush only two of us, all seasons, had some pretty interesting chats, almost all by my friend really. The guy told me shit I was like WTF? Shit I never heard or had a clue about, lot of it predictive, about pivotal events would happen and dates, and everything he told me has come true, just about to the exact year and one where off so far, its easy to figure out particular cause and effect alter the sequence or timing but not what happened.
The contrast to the Freemasonry experience happening in parralel is really profound to me.

Theres some wild crazy wacky water weasel shit going on.
The first time I heard some co-workers laughing it up about South Park and how the water weasel would suddenly appear and in a blink dissapear it gave me one of those holy shit associative moments, went to watch Southpark to catch it with my own eyes, and brother, it was indeed a come to Jesus moment, like from that moment i’d never doubt nutin’ no matter how fucked up like a soup sandwich something was, in fact the more outlier and naw thats not possible something is the more it was stored for the debriefs you do in your head about shit, the due cognitive dillegence SOP, never mind the am I sane or crazed self diagnostic check.

So for what its worth AC, we aint crazy. Or to be more precise we aren’t the crazies. Another thing, folks need to get right with their fears, its ok to know fear, but not to be a victim of its weaponization, i think this is key, among everything the gang stalkers are, the rest of the shill shit too, is fear is their primary operational instrument and its a real valuable element to the actors involved. Fear is a mind drug both causing it and experiencing it, i think tyranny has evolved and hi tech is an instrumental component here, is an advent, a unique paradigm alignment, which is a total game changer in regards fear as a weapon of tyrannies, maybe its an intoxicant for these insects, they thrive on it, its a great motivator and it focuses them, its a reward too. Maybe, im going by instinct on this.
Yet, as you say, this is germane to your intellegence imperative in ear, I think the whole cannon of the essential imperatives, includes knowing what your enemy holds dear, and knowing your enemies intent/ central objectives. You get all that your are armed right.
I contend Fear is something which holds a special position in cabals everything.
On our individual, thus collective good folks level, it is absolutely a prime directive to not take council of our fears. This nuetralizes the efficacy of weaponized fear. They use fear in just about every aspect if their operational stance. And to me, its fear the whole gangstalking thing is about. Instilling fear, a deep permeating foreboding sense of fear across the dialectic of thought and wellbeing of us good folks lives and activities, by simply choosing out seemingly random folks and victimizing them with random acts which cause fear and terrible unknowns which haunt good folks, it then is spread, and with relatively small investment in resources and HumInt assets, vast results are realized. Like I said, tyranny, as so too Liberty, has evolved in profound ways since the birth and advent of first individual Liberty then ordered Liberty/good government. Tyranny had to evolve, and thru the adaptations in hi tech its attained unforeseen advantages. Regardless, meat space rules. Its king. Its also for many something lived in to lesser degrees and this is very advantagiois to todays institutional tyranny and fear weaponized.
I have great faith that you, AC, have far better insights into my notions here.
The thing to me and I know, see, and conscioisly act, because in war and other dynamic endeavors, it is the act which matters, especially to act in meat space, as in war, this is Warr after all, to be unafraid, do not allow yourself to take council of from our fear.
This is how I act, my fears do not rule my thinking or my perceptions, i refuse, i strive to keep fear from clouding my judgement, hazing my insights, inhibiting my instincts. Its actually one of those great good habits which develop into almost instinctual super fast fight or flight reactions, and as high order, results orientated cognitive beings, it is a great boon to ones ability and skillsets to become anti-fragile rugged self reliant and determing people. This is as anathema as it gets in terms of what cabal requires to obtain and hold raw naked power over us this making us their slaves. And I too share AC’s stance on guns and arts of combat and war, they are simply part of the whole, intensly valuable instrument within the whole package, its the holistic thing about being Freemen in the time that comes to us, it is the weapin between our ears that counts, the rest are tools, some pretty fine and the pinnicle of small unit infantry combat tactics, and with adoption of the holistic, have power all outside their diminutive physical forms, not thru their use but what they represent, in crude terms, fear back atcha assholes, with a boolit.

Be fearless. Become the fearless. Join the honorable resistance. Nothing they fear more than fearless people. Great thing, the really great thing, is never lose your nerve, there’s non like us also, and Faith, faith we share common cause, you are not alone, isolated, thats gangstalkings trick in its bag of dirty sleazy tricks, they intend to isolate folks, its as Alysnki points out, how you target, isolate, and overwhelm chosen victims, it creates insidious evil which spreads, demoralizes folks. Its not so random seeming with AC, making his great leap of logic and reasoning.Revelatory grade stuff.

I am fearless. Im making this comment because I too was once a victim of my fears, betrayed in the most ultimate fashion concievable, to survive, to not end up in prison, dead in some ditch, a derelict, outcast, i had to figure out how not just survive, but thrive, and refusing to permit fear to rule my heary and soul, is how it worked. In life experience teaches us.

These cabal shitstains will never win because they will not because of me. We wont fail as a civilization a culture a body of codes created out of long learned hard won Time Honored Tradition, and most personally the other great Faith, in God and the Sacrifice.

I am profoundly impacted by AC, ive only recently come to learn here, to know what a great humanbeing this guy is, and respect for the courage and conviction he so bravely shares with us. Like others from Vox Day to The God-Emperor, we are blessed to have such people as allies and compatriots. There’s one other thing, its common cause, if its one thing espoused by these folks its that, its inherent solidarity, the great plurality which is indomitable, the very crux of our form of good governance and structure of our Western Christian 2000 Year culture. Who we are. And nobody, no matter their methods, gets to tell us what our priorities are.

REX 2021 Legio XIII Legatvs
REX 2021 Legio XIII Legatvs
4 years ago

About 8 years ago, fresh out of grad school, I was running in a rural Virginia forest on a hiking path. I had been down that path before but I took a fork this time. Anyways, the sun was beginning to set when I heard what sounded like one of those helicopter drones but a little fainter. Then it sounded like two of them. At some point I realized/felt they were following me and I had this uncontrollable feeling like someone was watching me. Imagine chancing upon a path in the woods and seeing someone standing there looking directly at you, like they were waiting for you- how would you feel? I had that feeling- strongly- it’s almost indescribable. I’m a big guy, and I don’t frighten easily but I got the F out of there. I could still hear the drones on my way out. And yes, it was just dark enough for a gray painted toy drone to go completely unnoticed/undetected other than it’s sound. Anyways running out, at a normal speed I found myself running faster and faster. I had to be pulling about 5 minute mile pace as I got to my car, I didn’t even notice how sore I was. Driving away the parking lot was empty and no cars were on the road, but there were cars that looked empty on every access road on the way back to the interstate, probably monitoring me as a I left the area.

I was only a 15 minutes north east of Charlottesville but I found out later that’s like the middle of spook central. I noticed some coverage after that I guess, ran into an old acquaintance, who approached me, and didn’t even go to school there who I was surprised to see.

The network is real, and uses all tools available, and doesn’t even need that much sophistication to monitor although, yes some of them probably have access to basically magic stuff. The only question is are they 5% of the population? or 15%? I guess we shall find out.

Approx coords of my location:
38.089 N, 78.276 W

4 years ago

The globo=pedo’s seem to have this obsession with AI and other sci-fi come to life tech. Makes more sense to me why now. Foremost is the human resource element. Their hive needs a lot of warm blooded drones to surveil and systematickly terrorize the western hemisphere’s population. Kind of gives a whole new definition to the meaning of the word terrorize.

Something to consider, being hypothetical and all, what shift in operational tactics would occur if say somebody went a hunting and selectively began a campaign of long distance elimination of say bicycle guy and other squad leaders. Be interesting to find out how the hunters deal with being the hunted. Might it put a kink in their boots on the ground stalking tactics, create problems in how effectively they could control their environment, as they look like they operate virtually unfettered. Probably have to dedicate a appreciable component of their squads to security and overwatch. Would they escalate in kind. How would they alter their tactics. And the psychological effects of losing cadre and effect on unit cohesion. Require different leadership styles. Do they have contingency plans in place.
It appears from a tactical viewpoint, till their tactics evolve to a new battlespace, its pretty easy to distinguish who they are when their running an operations.

I can see how my own efforts dealing with this is effective, how decisive, no. I expected them to change up. There’s now two empty homes sequentially located from my property that have somewhat of a line of sight to us. Another in the opposite direction, whose owner is a federal employee in Virginia, passed away few months ago, no line of sight, behind physical cover, and a life long couple who moved off the ridge, into a small village south if us, sold their property to a fellow who lives and has a freight company in Florida. Whose place remains unoccupied but for a few weeks or a month a year. Fellow is not well liked by the locals.
But unoccupied property is pretty common here in these parts. Taxes are so cheap, and there’s mostly ancestral transfer of land and real property, rarely anything goes to a real estate agency. If its sold outside the clan, its usually a cash deal by a local.

4 years ago

Couldn’t not notice a tell of these gangstalkers as in they don’t look like “employed” people with regular jobs they go off to like normal folks, especially as they are working during normal folks working hours. Are they plugged into the welfare system, provided with all the benefits a legitimate working person receives health and retirement, per-diems for clothing and tools of their trade, housing and insect feed benefits? Be nothing to give them multiple welfare avatars, your running the system in any case, to provide appropriate rates of pay for the job requirement and maintain a level of plausible deniability and cover on the books. It certainly strikes me as the perfect arrangement, classic deep state, where those you see as your subjects and victims are whose dime is providing your income and bennies? The astounding numbers of cadre required, across America, using the welfare system as your private human resources department would grant a very streamlined almost seamless operation, no need to create something dedicated, perfect cover, and you can run the welfare system as literally your operational logistics base, with a command and control center, intelligence and debrief centers, everything. The swamp provides the necessary funding. Nobody is the wiser, those creatures aren’t going to check into it, and another laundering and lucre distribution asset, with direct connections to SS, Welfare, the treasury and what all else you need for administrative centralized control.
It’s no wonder to me why my White Male Productive tax paying arse class of American’s, who it seems pays in a large part of the system, receives the least, to just about nothing, in assistance and health benefits if I needed that. They are giving it to cabal minions.
In that light, whose paying for burn loot murder and antifart and their operational overhead?
And are all those groups essentially all one collective operation where your troops switch hats and alias’s?
Follow the money, Right?

LembradorDos6Trilliões (if the barcode starts with 729, just leave it behind. Israel is enemy #1 of the West). Legio XIII Tubicen
LembradorDos6Trilliões (if the barcode starts with 729, just leave it behind. Israel is enemy #1 of the West). Legio XIII Tubicen
Reply to  wvmtnmama
4 years ago

Welfare should be abolished for all migrants, and people on welfare should be forbidden to vote while on welfare.

4 years ago

AC your information and its revelations are starting to cause the back of the mind debrief thing.
Here’s a quick list of some notable things coming up from the memory well.

I’m at work, my wife is in the shower, scrawny white male, approx 30, never seen in the community, enters our house un-invited, walks in on my wife in the bathroom, (she’s armed with a .38 revolver, has never told me the whole story, refuses to, I accept and respect that, but she wasn’t raped or hurt, and she had an air of somebody who did not become a victim, by dint of her self defense actions and natural tenacity).
I can not properly convey what this causes in me as the Patriarch. There are some things which only action can.

Multiple non destructive, and relatively discreet penetrations of our home while we are away doing errands. Particular high value, practical items, missing. From brand new fence controllers and associated fence components, spools of fencing wire, all just purchased unused, custom made very expensive miners boots, brand new Aladdin Lamp and accessories, hand tools, food, clothing, signs of messing around with computers and lap tops.
These are messaging. Mind fuck things.
3 times the weld truck with 34 gallon fuel tanks, filled that day, completely empty next morning, I mean bone dry, like whats only left in fuel lines remaining, all portable contents of vehicles disappearing, missing engine parts on vehicles, install locking gas-caps; screwdriver punctures appear on fuel tank bottoms, all contents missing.
Unmistakable evidence persons B&E’d, muddy foot tracks thru house, other signs, nothing missing.
Broke glass beer bottle bottoms set under all tires, at home and work, large pieces of sheet and plate metal driven in tires, in such a fashion they come loose and or cause irreparable damage and stranding on road side.
An older vehicle with clear signs an attempt at hot-wiring was performed, 3 times, hidden anti-theft deterrence not discovered, at work and home.
Instances where vehicles with county tags, park up in the most inconvienient and stupid ways on our property line, and sit for hours, all have had dark tint windows. Following these vehicles, the drivers have been women, they appear normal, yet no one recognizable. We live in a county with a population of around 2000, its is larger than Manhattan island. 60 miles N to S, more E to W. You get to know most folks by sight at least. About 8 people work in the county seat building, most in one open annex, these woman we have never seen. They all drove south out of county. I never followed them to their destination, only to when they stopped up at a gas station. They appeared to have no knowledge of being observed. They had a foreign, ie not from our local, look about them.

Our dogs who are our early warning alerter system alerting to trespassers, who I rarely get an eyeball on, and only at distance, always during dark, so by inference their employing overwatch and comm’s for expedient E&E of trespassers. Some of these I took direct and unmistakable actions, which resulted in their not reoccurring.

Thats a quick highlight list.

I can say with brutal frankness it has been made crystal clear one takes risks fucking with us, and a very high reduction of incidences in the last 2 years has been the result. Anecdotal? Possible.
The stalkers last weekend have not returned, that was the 4th, hopefully last, sign of that specific team, I made sure they observed I got eyeballs on their particulars, and they left rather promptly when confronted with clear non verbal intent of what my chosen actions are.

One very unique thing of note. About starting 3 years back, large packs of feral dogs began to form. 12 to 25 dog packs. Highly feral, not afraid of human’s, frequently attack cattle, hogs, and kill tied up outside dogs.
My part began on a Sunday, 4 am, mid summer. I had eyeballed 3 packs on the move to this point, talked with niegbhors concerning this, no one had anymore idea than I. I was awakened at 4am by my cattle farmers cows doing the cow distress and alarm thing. No mistaking when a 25 head herd are pissed off our something bad’s going on. Grab a 12 gauge pump, book out the door, a 14 dog packs has split up, one group has the cows at bay, while the second has a not quite feeder calf size steer, down and trying to kill it. Get a bead on the 1st feral and start working my way thru them before they make escape, the survivors that is.
After that, two of us, begin to scout them out and do what needs doing. More packs begin to show up, there’s just no possible explanation, they are here because they are being put here, they would never congregate in such a smal area, there in not enough food, even running down deer and small game. These are coyotes, domestic breeds, german shepherds, lots of pitbull mutt half breeds, we get to thinking, some act like rural meth lab guard dogs, theres even malamutes, perraniese, bull mastiffs, huskies and blue heelers. Not an ankle biter or small breed. They are attacking everyones livestack, chickens to cows, and are highly destructive to fencing and shelter. I know this first hand, many attempts to get at my hogs. Woman in the hood start asking us to protect them, because these ferals are menacing them directly, our closet ftiend to our house has a big old stallion crossbreed, a 12 gog pack attecks him middle of the day, has him down before I get acroos to her foeld, get one, nick another, they book across to my cattle farmers farm, down his hollow, we end up cutting around in his side by side and he drops me off in a cutoff position, we been using our AR, full size mags and backups, my friend guessed right, we end up with a bag of 14. We examine these particular pack feral’s real close like, they got excellent teeth, some have collar wear and fur marks, they don’t have lifetime signs of wild pads and claws, some other interesting things, the pitbulls show signs, across various packs, to be relatives. Mostly from one dame, which was one of three who got on our deck, had topped over the barbecue, and where getting at the grease trap, I came around the corner and we all was surprized, the three feral’s together put their heads down bared their teeth and attacked, had a semi aouto .308, managed to get all three, the last was so close the round went thru and punched in the turf a bare 12 inches from my toes.
We got kill permission from F&G, I have bagged alone 54 to date, a number of possibles, it starts early on to our thinking, somebody is deliberately dropping them in our community.
then, it’s black bears, dozens, right as the feed corn starts to get to its milk stage, We see unmarked pickups, with those toppers, towing unmarked brandy new bear traps on trailers up the main ridge road. Mmmm, unmarked silver Ford pick-ups, mmmm. Remarkable resemblance to ones in a certain picture taken in Nashville of late. Follow one, they are coming out of the huge BoyScout camp reservation to the south, where they built that big secret underground complex. Mmmmn.
Oh, and suddenly, shooting feral dogs killing your livestock becomes illegal. Nobody here never heard of such a law in these mountains.

Folks, they are really fucking with us. This shit has to stop, or they will do this to all of us everywhere without exception, not whats happened to me, but whats going to be with all of us.
And this is what just a few if us in rural WV have seen.

Why the gangstalkers exactly, can only make at best uneducated guesses, AC really has a handle on this, its a steep learning curve.

But a trademark is these shitstains are adverse to direct confrontational circumstances, mostly, and display habitual patterns of playing when they are aware they hold advantage. Sneaky and chicken shit best describes them, and in every instance, all have been when we have been able to ascertain with our own eyes, are not from our AO. Not locals. No common local rituals of greeting observed, which is a dead giveaway, and you must hark from these parts to know the common particulars of this, even the vernacular is localized, even between good folks who are strangers. Which really stands out, as everyone up here is a familiar. No exceptions, but for the like of guests, various people like loggers and miners passing thru, and of course relatives of our community members. There’s the standard meth-heads and pillbillies, and obvious strangers just going thru to buy drugs, and hunters from off the ridge. But those folks are pretty easy to spot and recognize. Oh yeah, and the high level cabal actors who where running the two video camera’s in our neighbors empty house closest to us. Which took us about a week to dawn on us the cameras where pointed in our direction. Back then we where ignorant of such things. But they definitely where things make you go Hummm and you don’t forget.
And the “Organizing for Amerika” leg breakers the lighbringer sent to intimidate me when I was a citizen journalist, which occurred back in 2009-10, and the 9 passenger window van packed with ghetto-rats who violated my property line recently, who thought it better not exiting their vehicle and leave the immediate area post haste.

Imagine what I have not seen or know about.

Black Flag. Best you all leave us the fuck alone.

Hope this helps others understand and recognize what they are experiencing.
This is totally unacceptable stuff. Totally.
Fear and intimidation only inspires my perseverance and resolution, the rightful defense of my loved ones and property, my Liberty and its great blessings, my country also.
My cold anger overflows.

Hats off AC.

4 years ago

Say, speaking of organized troll operations that clog and sidetrack and eventually destroy once thriving comment sections and chat boards…. do endless walls of text count? I mean like dozens of posts per week totalling upwards of 50,000 words per WEEK? ‘Cause it sure seems like it does. The average novel has about 80,000 words, google says it, so we’re talking about ->2 or 3 books a month<- crammed into a comment section generally understood to be a place for stuff like "LOL" or "good post."

Seems to me such things will overwhelm & kill comments just as fast as standard-issue trollery.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
4 years ago

For sure I basically skip past any wvmtnmama post unless it’s sufficiently short(<3-4 sentences) or someone else has an interesting reply, so I skim the context. For the most part I read every other comment.

I'm curious what are some good gems/tldrs in his massive walls of text because I just can't bring myself to read all that yet I'm still interested.

What's the idea with the name anyways. It seems to be a dude talking about his wife, but it's a feminine username.

Ghost Who Walks
Ghost Who Walks
Reply to  kid
4 years ago

He needs to use a blank line now and then. Some eyes can’t handle his comments on a phone screen. Very interesting material, though!

Corn Pop
Corn Pop
Reply to  bunnto
4 years ago

Preach brother!

Seriously, some of these folks should just start their own blogs. They obviously love to write and have tons of stories and experiences to share.

They could even share a highlight with us occasionally and a link if anyone is interested in reading further. Atavisionary does this and it’s good etiquette. I’ve read several of his articles this way.

4 years ago

Probably fake, but I thought it was interesting about the timing.

4 years ago

> It is the same thing on the Chans. Somebody shows up and mentions gangstalking, and there are ten comments calling them schizophrenic or insane, and none of those posters intrigued or curious about what makes them think they are being followed around or harassed by some secret, shadowy pseudo-governmental spook-like entity.

That’s new, or perhaps the reason this anon’s branch exodused before I met it so many years ago.

I can say that this anon’s branch of Anonymous never saw that. We were very curious and concerned, but no other anon ever found similar surveillance. Maybe we were small enough that no two were ever being watched. Maybe Cabal was real careful not to use the same tricks on any two of us. I don’t know. All I can say is we never had another anon confirm a report.

> they have made his TV start talking to him

If it’s a “smart” TV, then that’s trivial and they probably really did make it start talking to him, even when “off” (but not really off, the computers in those things still run even when the screen is off).

4 years ago

The real anonymous are gone. Normies normalized Anonymous into celebrity status. That wasn’t their goal. In the future, it’s best not to make the name of your group public, ever.

4 years ago

Yeah, the old ZH days, Cheeky Bastard,Marla,Project Mayhem…..should check out to see if they have been preserved for posterity

4 years ago

You guys are a stitch. I’m so distressed! All these posts, with only a sentence or two, i cant stand it any longer cant these people go someplace else and stop sharing their ideas and experiences, it hurts my eyes. wah. I cant help it its so terrible i’m asscared, my eyes have a will of their own, will somebody tuck me in, oh leave the light on. Its so hard to not read them i dont know what to do. Somebody help me please.
AC can you hold my hand while my diaper is changed?
And my ninny bottle its not warm enough, there’s a pea under my little princess matress, WAH!

Short enough pal, are you happy? Come over in tuck you in? Do you need a special safe space? Need instructions how to be a man and suck it up when the really tough shit in life forces you to do something you dont like to do because you dont got the common sense your moma gave you.
Theres a really cool concept for that. Its called dont read it or ignore it. Adults do that kind of thing. Its real easy. And then your not all put out and have to whine and moan about useless shit.
Or your a sneaky fucking shill gaslighting AC and attempting to shitstir?

Im commenting back cause its fun to, otherwise I dont give a flyin fuck what comes out of your smart mouth because you dont got the balls to address me directly.
If you was a gentleman, you would not hide behind your keyboard, be another matter, and i would value your wisdom.
Fyi, i love reading everyones comments, its the best thing about the internet, its advent has changed everything, a war is going on for control of this forum its so important.
There’s no such thing as a stupid comment or question.
If there’s one thing AC’s effoerts and tremendous work is about its about The Message. We are facing genocide as Freemen, our lives and way of life are under lethal threat. And what you comment about is your wittle fweeings are inswulted because somebody made a comment you think is too long?
What I tell the fucking assholes who think they have special rights to shut me up is nobody gets to tell me what my priorities are, and I must say this same to you, on this wonderful blog? ( only AC, his blog his rules, not you).
WTF is your head at?

Reply to  wvmtnmama
4 years ago

I find your posts highly entertaining. Your style is your style. Anyone bitching should just scroll down more and bitch less.

Reply to  kbg
4 years ago

Second that. Plus, he’s not wrong, at all.

4 years ago

@ Anonymous (at 2:45am), what you and AC are talkining about is sime really wild xany shit, im not saying that cause I doubt you guys, saying it cause when you add in Q and the Anons, the whole cool Kek mysticism thing, it all goes seriois as a heart attack rabbit hole deep.

Wheels within wheels within wheels. Legend has if fiction is any guide this is double triple spy shit. And the deeper into the rabbit hole the more difficult to know who any of the players are, and maybe thats the main point, because in that way you can do all sorts of stuff u couldnt otherwise?

Its like the gangstocking and other harrassment programs. Is the main objective simply to do shit that messes with people, so after a point nobody has a grasp on whats reality and whats not, then you can really fuck with people? And you het the gravy and other side bennefits like lucre and specific short term gains?
Which the last seems a recurring characteristic in cabal’s political social engineering, they always seem to have objectives which are the priorirty, but always they are crafted in such a way there are multiple side benefits or advantages. This is a constant in marxian objectives. Is there an important link, a connection between organized marxism and cabal? I talking beyond the ideological farce aspect, is there an important association that would help to know, in order to netter understand what it is, you guys brought up about these Anonymous/Q 4chan and other psy-op stuff?

Gangstalking is the meatspace aspect of the whole?
I mean meatspace is a huge tangible place, definately not cyber/virtual space, completely different rules right?
Could it be one gaslights and shills for the other?
And thats a missing puzzle piece we aint recognizing it for what it is?

I could be totally off base, never followed much of it, except I really dig the Keck thing, but only from afar because of Kek’s alt-agitprop value. But im not down in the weeds either, so my take’s from a diff perspective?
The whole thing strikes me as this really important smaller but essential struggle. And one of the sayings, or slogans, of the so called marxist long march and its actionable operations is “Protracted Struggle” Politize all the things all the time to the maximum extent possible is another.

Theres another thing might be relevent, and Im flying totally on the wing here with most of this, but it comes up in my debrief brain space because what you guys are discussing is prompting something i can only describecas stages in “Protracted Struggle”, it comes from classic Marxist Guerrilla Warfare training manuals, been long time since reading them and studying Comintern operations of the 60’s in C America/Cuba, when lot of Amerikan red diaper babies cherries where popped down there.

Briefly, 3 Stages of Protracted Struggle, within each stage you have early mid and late, and phases also.
There is basically three forms of actionable phases: Political, Low Intensity Physical, aka now as Lind’s 4th Generation war combat tactics, and higher level decisive insurgency warfare, ie more organized and structured operations and strategy.

The political has many facets, its alway running regardless of stage or phase, and psyops is a huge component.
The idea is it provides operational flexibility, where no matter what happens in any stage of phase, dropping back or rising up in stage and phase is seemless and every is geared towards this.

But the psy-op componant is something that is used like a rapeir rather than a meat clever, and much effort is centered on long range effects and thise are constantly adapted or improvised. But they must remain a constant, and again very high value is placed on this, as all others are sacrificial in a way, not psy-ops and big part of the political, they are vital as to be indespensible.

If I aint bored you to tears, I just get this tickle, a gut sense. cabal employs these things, is very careful to maintain a level of covert discretion to keep them out of sight and avoid connections with this staged warfare, but they are and they do, and thats someting right there, thats a very important thing, to keep it hidden. That is the splinter in my mind about it. That they go to such inordinant lengths has a very revealing truth if it is discovered is bad for cabal good for FreeFor.

In short what you guys are talking about is way fucking more important than we know it is. Particularly they put so much resources into it. Theres some really important reason, vital.
But why???

That axiom about knowing your enemy right?

4 years ago

And I meant to add. The grammar style and spelling errors must certainly be a way to hide your language patterns and protect your identity. Else you are writing novels from your cell phone.