Free Books at Castalia House

For those interested, The Evolutionary Psychology Behind Politics, How to Deal with Narcissists, and The Altar of Hate by Vox Day will all be free in ebook form at Castalia House on Monday and Tuesday. I’ll post the links on Monday.

The Altar of Hate is a compilation of ten great stories ranging from Fantasy to Military Science Fiction. As one reviewer wrote, “Each offering contained in The Altar of Hate tickles or provokes the mind with salacious ‘what ifs’ and glances behind the veil of reality. The stories move along, but one feels the uneasy eyes of the abyss staring back as you progress, as it were, through a darkened ancient forest. Only an author of the first rank could achieve this.

While I don’t have that big of a readership compared to Vox, I’m hoping those here who haven’t yet stopped by Castalia’s website and partaken of their incredible titles will maybe find a great new source for all their high quality sci-fi/fantasy/military-theory/educational/non-fiction needs, and in so doing help establish our foothold on this great new beachhead in the publishing world. If we can get Castalia to the point it is the new Simon and Schuster, we will have helped alter the very terrain on which our future battles will be fought.

It is an exciting time in Conservatism. The theories beneath political science are shifting, the cultural tides in publishing are changing, and maybe the very natures of our citizens are becoming more K-selected. It feels like we are approaching a turning point rapidly, and just at the right time.

Until the turning point comes, take some free books, then tell your friends about r/K, and rave to your friends about how awesome Castalia House Publishing is. We are making a difference, with every person we tell.

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10 years ago

[…] writing anything today, but anyone reading this is probably interested in free Castalia House books tomorrow and Tuesday, particularly Anonymous Conservative’s pricier ones (although CH has dropped the price […]