For Our New Readers

We may have quite a few new readers today trying to figure out what is up with this site, given the spread of the last surveillance piece. This blog began trying to promote the book in the sidebar, The Evolutionary Psychology Behind Politics. Lots of geeky stuff, trying to explain political psychologies in the context of biological instincts designed for shortages on the one hand, and gluts on the other. It turns out I think that is some sort of foundational theory the elites use to control psychologies in society, by heating and cooling the economy, and they did not want me talking about it. Or getting near politics in general.

All my life, people had acted weirdly around me in various instances, so much so I would remember the weird interactions the rest of my life. I had no idea what it meant, and assumed everyone had these events and they were just coincidental. Apparently my mom also had these strange incidents, going back to her childhood.

Wanting me to exit politics and my efforts here on this site, that thing which I had been seeing but not recognizing went overt, and I was buried under harassment surveillance in my real life. Seemingly regular citizens, with regular jobs, would mob me in grocery stores, blatantly talk into their wrists while looking at me, and just make a nuisance of themselves. Driving on the highway was fun with them trying to box me in, and me trying to break free and race away.

Now the blog is devoted to the real power in this world – some sort of non-state intel operation which appears to have been built in the shadows and is run by some ultra-wealthy elites – and which is so powerful it appears to have command of not only Western governments, but to have infiltrated and subverted our intelligence agencies and Federal law enforcement, and turned those agencies to vassals of what I loosely refer to as the Cabal. It even controls the news, publishing, and Hollywood.

We have no idea who they are at the top. Their families might go back quite a ways in history, we really don’t know, because they appear to not want us to know. It appoints the politicians you think you elect, creates the billionaires you see and uses them as sort of money managers, directing them to fund various Cabal projects with multi-million dollar donations here and there, and runs a massive Stasi-like domestic intel operation which spreads across the borders of all the countries of the West, turning regular citizens with regular jobs into part time citizen agents of the machine, in return for some form of payment, we presume.

They watch every neighborhood, have tech which lets them listen in houses, and they get to know all the citizens. It is sort of like the old Stasi installing microphones in everyone’s apartments, only in most cases they access preinstalled backdoors on things like Alexas and smart TVs, and in cases where that doesn’t work, they use devices which can listen to sounds by triangulating waveforms vs arrival times at mics, often in the ground, or attached to the superstructures of buildings. It works kind of like GPS works, to target the sound emanating from a single spot based on wave travel-time and filters out everything else with computer software.

They even send their kids into the schools, building files on the other kids, especially focusing on the academically gifted who they think could be problems one day, and sometimes even trying to change the kid’s life paths. Over the life of this site I have been contacted by a ton of people who have seen it, both on themselves, and directed at their children. It is out there. It is often not gentle with the high flyers it identifies as problems.

I don’t have much more to say on the political theory of the book, or the surveillance, so now I read the news, grab the links I think are interesting, mostly due to their relevance to that conspiracy, sometimes just because they are funny, and I post them here each day, a sort of off-beat news source compiling the news the other media will not cover because their Cabal-masters will not let them. Occasionally some higher-end science analysis, since I happen to have a degree in it and know what I am talking about.

Even more rarely, something more interesting will pop up and I will do a special post on it, like the last surveillance piece. But the news eats up so much of my time, and I usually end up not having the time, so they are rarer. When I get the motivation, it is mostly retaliation for something surveillance has done to me.

The general beliefs we hold to here are that government works differently than we are told. For me, this realization began with the surveillance. We give a lot of money to the government each year. It turns out the government has been putting it to use, creating possibly the biggest domestic surveillance op in history – bigger than the Stasi was, to make sure it has full control. Combined with the advanced tech available today, they have assembled a machine unlike anything you could imagine – unlike anything in history – even the Stasi, whose level of surveillance of the population, and ability to recruit citizens to work against citizens was legendary. And if that machine, with that control is out there, nothing will be like you think.

So we here, many of us who have seen this machine firsthand, tend to think everything is controlled and scripted, and the politicians are like actors, installed in office by this thing and told what to say. It is not that far-fetched, because if an intelligence operation has subverted our government, like you would think of the CIA subverting some Latin American backwater and installing puppet leaders, then everything is being run by an intel operation. If they have infiltrated and corrupted both parties, if they control the elections, if they control the news media, and the social media companies for censorship, and Hollywood, and Big Business there is no reason to think they would then let events play out randomly.

If you want to see something interesting related to this, look near the bottom of my surveillance page in the sidebar, where near the bottom, there is a video of a news conference held by “The Squad,” showing they all have hidden earpieces, and somebody is talking to all of them in their ear during the press conference. Whatever was said into all of their ears, made them all laugh at the same moment, and look at each other, as if to say, “That was so funny!” I assume the earpiece is there to tell them what to say when a reporter, probably also in the conspiracy, asks them a question. I know, it is weird. I am a decade under the surveillance, and I still cannot believe how wrong I was about the world, and how the American government worked.

In essence we live in a shadow dictatorship run by a hidden intelligence operation, which only gives us the illusion of Democracy and two sides fighting to keep us passive and mollified. The perception there are two enemies fighting in DC over ideology, like the perception there are checks and balances in our form of government, is to make us think nothing could be amiss, or somebody would tell us.

Given the extent of the surveillance, and the control of the intel op, we also think billionaires are fake. Hear me out. This system cannot have someone with that kind of power who is uncontrolled. If you tried to be a billionaire, and everything went your way, you would end up like the thousands who were on their way with a brilliant patent, when Microsoft would just swoop in and take it, and tell the owner to sue, and in 30 years when they were bankrupt, maybe the case might go their way, but it never did. The elites, and the intel op they have running things, are not just going to let you join them at the top of the pyramid because of rules and freedom. Notice, IBM never did that to Bill Gates, it actually asked him to buy DOS from some other guy and sell it to them, in the process handing Gates a multi-billion dollar multinational when he was 19 years old. Gates was made, and serves the machine to this day.

The billionaires, like the perception of living in an elected republic where you have power, are just decoration to keep you thinking you could be a billionaire too, and every door is open to you. Notice they are all self-made, in one generation. That is so you will think you could do it too, subconsciously. If they were all old blood money, you might think you were shut out, and these rich families got all the breaks. Then you might begin to harbor thoughts of rebellion against the corrupt machine.

In reality they are Cabal money managers, like Epstein, whose cash flows to them from Cabal, and when they die never gets passed to their kids, but is “given away” to charities, and flows back to the source. So in twenty years, there will be no Gates, or Bezos, or Musk family lines, like the old billionaire families of old. There will be a whole new raft of whiz kids who make billions from scratch by the time they are 25, and give it all away when they die. It sounds nuts, but it explains a lot, which would otherwise seem odd.

Comments are moderated, we generally filter out Trump-hate and calls for violence, as well as personal attacks. Tell someone they are wrong, ideally show them facts, but don’t call them stupid. So if your comment doesn’t show, it may take a bit for me to get to the computer and approve it.

Welcome to the show, I hope you will hang around, and find your time well spent.

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2 years ago

This surveillance series has helped me wake a few people up. Thanks for posting. Would it be possible to put a link on the top bar for just surveillance posts or maybe some other way to organize it to make it easier to find?

Thanks for putting that together it’s really helpful. I think the cabal has underestimated where the people are mentally right now. Lots of people I talk to are seeing things now that have likely been going on for decades with election fraud. Thanks for what you do.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
1 year ago

AC I have been meaning for a while now to suggest you have a link called, “share your story of being stalked by professional domestic surveillance” at the TOP of the page maybe to the left of where the link that simply says, “narcissists” is. Since you really drive home the importance of exposing it to the masses of our unaware fellow kind. Then I looked around the sidebar thinking “he must have put something like that somewhere but why not at the top in big letters “? Then I clicked on tho “about the blog” link and found this. FYI I see NO SUCH LINK.

I know you are a very busy man. Your drive and dedication is deserving of such praise…all I can think to say is just simply, thank you. It’s a shame you’re not working with a group of our kind with your website well funded, super fast, manned 24/7, but we all know why it’s not. Oh and no stupid fucking pop ups and ads every time you go to another section! All I can do is share my stories here if you ever get time to set up something like a, “share your stories “link at the top where new passers-by can just read us guy relating stuff like.

“Another one today AC! Walked outside to go out to my car and a UPS van drives by with the driver loudly yelling, “YIP YIP YIP YIP YIP YIP YIP!!”

I read every word you type. But you and others in the comments can tend to be long winded at times. For the average new reader I think simply stories like that (true story. I’ve got plenty of more interesting ones I could share in a paragraph or two) would be effective in your mission of exposing the absolutely unconstitutional bullshit.


2 years ago

I’m not new here, but this was an enjoyable recap nonetheless. I appreciate the work you do and I’m thankful for what I’ve learned, especially in the area of recognizing evil in facial expressions.
FWIW I’ve never seen this site appear in search engine results, so I’m sometimes curious how people find this site. In my case I discovered it years ago via Alt Right Portal.
May God bless you and your work here AC.

Reply to  Anonymous
2 years ago

I found AC’s site through Vox Day’s site and I pass it on to smart people thirsty for information

Reply to  Rizzo
2 years ago

I found this site through a link someone posted in the comments on Breibart. I have been here quite a few years already. I believe it’s at least eight or more years, if I’m not mistaken, but not sure exactly.

2 years ago

There are many regulars who make your news summary a daily stop, because it’s one of the best out there. Continued kudos.

Some rando
Some rando
Reply to  Scruffy
2 years ago

Can confirm. Daily must-read. Thanks, Sensei!

2 years ago

You might be interested in an old SF novel: Lords of the Starship
wikipedia dot org/wiki/Lords_of_the_Starship
a story about real power in the world during a multi-generational “build a starship” project

Mr Twister
Mr Twister
Reply to  Anonymous
2 years ago

You might be interested in a series on you tube called “investigating Babylon” on the Channel
“Kingdom in context”

History from a Biblical context.
Complete with floating cites and a breakaway civilisation!

2 years ago

I’ve been reading this site for two years, but this is an excellent summary of the site and it should be stickied on the top bar, maybe with the handle “about this site”. And it should include a link to the Idaho surveillance analysis, which, while depressing, is some of your best work.

2 years ago

Been here for several years now, have your book, first place I visit in the mornings. God bless you and your work.

Durk McGurkin
Durk McGurkin
2 years ago

Thank you for the synopsis. It really helped tie things together for me.

2 years ago

Excellent introduction

2 years ago

Thanks AC. I read you every day without fail

2 years ago

We have no idea who they are at the top. Their families might go back quite a ways in history, we really don’t know, because they appear to not want us to know.”
I don’t think that is true at all. We know who the elite are. The families that run the great banking houses, for one. Rothschilds, Warburgs, Schiffs, etc. How do we know? Because scientists have done quantitative studies on share ownership, finding that the big European banks are at the nexus of the share ownership network.
You can also go to insiders like Carroll Quigley, etc. People who had access to elite circles, but were not of it. For instance, Benjamin Disraeli (UK PM) stated that political decisions are not made by elected leaders. Then you just backtrack and see who were the powerful elites in Disraeli’s day. You’ll find that they were names like Montefiore, Rothschild, Safra, Sassoon, Khadoorie, etc. You can get a list of the House of Lords, those who bought peerages, etc.
It’s not like space aliens hiding out on Mars controlling things for afar. Just look for people with wealth and money. Getting your hands on the membership list of the REAL secret societies (Priory Zion) would help.

Reply to  jim
2 years ago

The idea is that those at the actual top use all those whose names you have heard as a final shield so that if they lose they can rebuild from the shadows.

Reply to  jim
2 years ago

I doubt we know the names of the people at the top. I’d be skeptical of the stuff that’s in the popular media. I have doubts that most people who follow this website, definitely people more informed and savvy than average, could even name the influential families in their communities, let alone running the world.

Mr Twister
Mr Twister
Reply to  jim
2 years ago

You didn’t mention the Payseurs.

2 years ago

“New Guy” here I have been checking in daily on your blog for the past couple of weeks. (Has it been months now? Time flies) I suppose this is a perfect time to say hello. Thanks for being so consistent with your news update, I agree with the other posters that it is a very good aggregate of what is going on.

2 years ago

Bravo Zulu, AC !

Kentucky Gent
Kentucky Gent
2 years ago

I came to this site over a year ago when I was looking for answers about NPD. (Can’t remember the exact details of how I found your article on Narcissists.)
You are linked in some blog rolls of my regular content authors, and one day a few weeks ago I asked myself, what is the point of this blog? Then I found the pinned link at the top of the sidebar, and the rest is history.
I’ve commented before that I am targeted, and that I first noticed it about 15 years ago. I don’t know why they are so interested in me, but here is some of my biographical background. Anyone else who is getting gang stalked and shares some of these things in their own background, please reply!
Former US Navy officer in the nuclear power program
Took the psych test to become a special agent in the FBI right after getting out of the navy (rejected, no explanation why).
Got my IQ tested in the 1990s; scored 144, about 3 sigma above the mean
Got a PhD in physics in 2006
Got a job with a DOD contractor in 2007, and that’s when I started to notice the odd “coincidences” with strangers, which happened so frequently.

Kentucky Gent
Kentucky Gent
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
2 years ago

Thanks for the anecdote, AC.

Reply to  Kentucky Gent
2 years ago

Similar background, no military, but DOE experience, then DoD/USAF contractor. They’ve ruined two businesses I’ve started, each at a critical time. I’ve had every patent attempt (several) rejected, then I’ve seen copy cat equipment come straight from China, used by the USgov. And it didn’t stop under Trump either.

Mr Twister
Mr Twister
Reply to  Anonymous
2 years ago

Worth noting that under Trump, NATO got STRONGER!

Kentucky Gent
Kentucky Gent
Reply to  Anonymous
2 years ago

Thanks, Anon.

2 years ago

If this surveillance theory is true, it seems like finding out more about its structure, hierarchy, and who runs things would be of paramount importance. Have you ever confronted a person engaged in overt surveillance, demanded who they worked for or how they got inducted into the entity, or have you attempted to track where they are communicating to? It seems like there would also have to have been the occasional defector throughout the years who would’ve provided data & specifics.

Reply to  Ripken
2 years ago

One of the big reasons for the surveillance is that it makes people fearful of talking about what they know. The surveillance is primarily to keep cabal people inline, or to protect cabal assets.

2 years ago

Thank you for all you do, AC. It’s cool to see your site getting more recognition on our side. It’s obviously a daily news stop for many people now, including seemingly Vox Day, who cites you quite a bit these days.
After Tucker laid out a strong case that the CIA was involved in the Kennedy assassination last night and with recent revelations that the CIA/FBI worked with Twitter and Facebook to censor info about the Bidens they knew to be true in order to change the course of the last Presidential election, hopefully a lot of normies are waking up to the fact that things don’t operate the way they think.
I still think pretty much everything you’ve said in your posts could be true with an order of magnitude less people directly involved in the Cabal (I don’t know why they’d need to have surveillance on most normies, who are zero threat to them). Most of these folks could be operatives who are working for (or think they are working for) the CIA/FBI or other government agencies and actually think they are working for the good of the country (despite the fact that voters would never approve of what has been done, especially subverting the popular will). Maybe your site will help wake some of those folks up too. I hope any new readers who are doubting the scale of what you describe as Cabal won’t dismiss you out of hand. There’s clearly a lot going on that is beyond what we are told and you are one of the best at putting the pieces together.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
2 years ago
Hey AC, don’t know if you have posted on the above video (if so, I missed it). However, it outlines the proven cooperation between the deep state (CIA, etc.) and organized crime (especially the Jewish mafia), as well as international elements (same thing in other countries, e.g., Israel and UK) over many decades at least. Pretty remarkable. These folks are no doubt, in turn, controlled by the true elites, who would be disproportionately Jewish at least. There are probably Masons and other occult types involved. That’s my best guess at what “Cabal” is. Some people would realize they are part of an international organized crime syndicate supporting the elites at the expense of ordinary people, but many (noble CIA types) might think they are helping USGOV fight for “democracy”, even as they actively subvert it and monitor sites like this one.

Reply to  biff
2 years ago

I don’t believe anyone is that stupid.
They know they are subverting “democracy” to support the establishment.
I said establishment because they know what they serve is much bigger than government.
They may be ignorant of a few things but they know they serve a small minority that is imposing he current evil agenda.

Reply to  Farcesensitive
2 years ago

“subverting democracy”? –Democracy is part of the agenda of subversion! Democracy has always been a smokescreen! Democracy is a chimera and it does not exist—because it can’t. All things run as an oligarchy.

Reply to  biff
2 years ago

Regards the scale: think of how much change people deal with, and that the modern “Stasi” offers people security in an insecure world. It’s no wonder so many “take the ticket”! As Western societies crumble further, expect “Stasi” numbers to increase.

What did Bowie say? Modern man – no religion. No confession. Don’t believe in modern love…

Reply to  biff
2 years ago

They have surveillance on normies not because they are a “threat” but so that they either 1) stay in line, 2) they are constantly looking for victims.

Lets say they decide you are a mark. And you decide t sell your house. They can put the word out to many of their affiliated real estate brokers to simply not show your house. They can drop they value 10%, 20%, even more.

they are seeking to take over the world, thus they want to loot everyone. Even their own low ranking servants.

2 years ago

I visit every day. I’m not sure you’re right. I have low enough situational awareness that gangstalkers could trip over their shoe laces in front of me, and I would not notice. But I do know there is something terribly sick in America, and we do live in Clown World where a lot of things don’t make any kind of sense.If their are those gangstalking me it will be kind of amusing to see the angels slam them face first to the pavement before Jesus as I happily bow to my King. For every knee shall bow, and every tongue shall confess that Jesus Christ is Lord. And then those gangstalking me will hear Jesus tell them that they wasted their lives because [he] didn’t care.

2 years ago

The link to the surveillance posts is not showing up for me. Has it been removed? I tried looking from the Home page and from the Blog tab. I was hoping to point someone to it today and couldn’t find it.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
2 years ago

Thank you! The link is showing up again for me now. I have learned so much through your posts and visit your site twice every day: once in the morning to read the links and once in the evening to read the comments.
Do you know if there is any way they can induce illnesses like leukemia in people? A young relative just died unexpectedly from it and there was no warning. One day she was healthy and the next she was in the hospital dying. I don’t think there was any surveillance going on where she lived (a very remote area) but I am still curious if things like that happen.

Mr Twister
Mr Twister
Reply to  Meetu
2 years ago

Was she Jabbed?
Dr Ryan Cole is reporting massive increase in aggressive cancers, from what i understand he runs one of the biggest Pathology labs in the world, iirc processing 40k+ per year, has been incredibly vocal anti MRNA jabs from the outset, and was debunking the whole Coronu Scamdemic again from the outset, highly trusted.

Reply to  Mr Twister
2 years ago

No, she wasn’t. But we have other family members who were and who have new aggressive cancers.
This kid was from a health-conscious family, never vaxxed due to family medical history, homeschooled, living in a remote area mostly around unvaxxed people. That’s why her death has taken people by shock.

Reply to  Meetu
1 year ago

Me and Lee by Judith Vary Baker discusses the development of a cancer injection developed by the govt back in the early 60s. The book is about Oswald and Judith’s affair with him before the JFK assassination but don’t let that put you off. It is one of the most fascinating things I’ve ever read. The govt has had this ability for over 50 years now, they’ve undoubtedly advanced it beyond where the book left off.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
2 years ago

When I tried the link at the top right of the blog just now, there was only one L in surveillance, so it didn’t work. When I added a second L, it did work. So the page is good, the link at the top right is bad.
Didn’t realize one could comment without some kind of registration. That’s great.

2 years ago

A thoroughly excellent post that does what it needs to do.

I recommend making some kind of link on your homepage for this so it can be easily found when we need to share it with someone.

2 years ago

I’ll be totally honest. I am totally addicted to reading this blog & comments every day and live in fear that the Cabal will remove or otherwise fuck with my daily fix. 🤣

2 years ago

This seems like a good time to point out a story I keep reading about at nypost. It’s about this vet lady who shot 2 cops because she lost custody of her kids. Which the post doesn’t list any details as to why. I guess she was at a motel, with one of her kids, and the cops show up. Everything was going good, and this white van showed up. A van she claims was following her. The cops run the plate and the van checks out. Claim she’s mentally ill, Then she loses her mind and shoots 2 cops , and she ends up dead, in front of her daughter. Fishy, fishy, fishy…

2 years ago

Been reading for years. Daily stop along with VD and Armstrong. I rarely comment, content to absorb and reflect. Thanks and God Bless!

Mr Twister
Mr Twister
2 years ago

Released 4 hrs ago, 16:00 GMT 17 Dec 22

America’s surveillance state (2.5hrs)

I haven’t watched it yet, just dropping it here as it passed my eye line.

2 years ago

I am glad you think that Americans will actually fight and go after people once another nation exposes the misdeeds of our leadership.
So why not now? It should be pretty obvious, don’t you think? If we will not do anything now, then will not do anything in the future, saying that it is actually exposed. OH WAIT!! we will sit on our collective fat asses for chicken wings and cold beer for the Superbowl. that’s about it.
We are a country of foulest, fattest and laziest thugs on earth. What happened to us? There are a few who will fight if they can figure out where and when. Will anybody support them? Probably not. Most have porn, American Idol as well as many other preoccupations other than standing up for the values that gave them what they have. Americans ALL OF US, should be completely ashamed that we have let our government get this far.
So when? Anybody? Stand up now and prepare to draw your sword, or shut up and sit silent in hell.

Another Anon
Another Anon
1 year ago

I didn’t realize I was under surveillance, until I started reading here (about 3 yrs ago ). I live in a very small town, less than 4k people. It didn’t matter what time I would go outside, within 3mins a car would drive by. I would have more traffic on my street at 2 am than I would at 2pm, which is funny because everything in town is closed by 11pm on a weekday (midnight on Friday and Saturday nights). Once I caught on and started talking about it to my family, it would “stop” on the days I would talk about it. It would stop for a day or so. Then the house across the street sold after being vacant for a decade. These people leave every light in their house on all night, if I go out in the middle of the night they would go out and sit on their porch. Then the elderly lady behind me passed away and new people bought her house. If I’m out in the day time they will come out as soon as I go out. They’ve built a seating area right at the property line, and I believe their little yapping dog is their alarm to let them know I’m outside. It doesn’t matter what weather I go out in they will high tail it outside.Time to build a big fence. The other next door neighbor is a retired coo who has always focused too much on my family. I had a very large foot print in my driveway on Christmas eve when I got home. I took pics of it and shared it with my family. I have come home to see a black SUV pulling out of my driveway. I work third shift on occasion and will inevitably run into people on my way out of town. It is very odd given the size of the town and there is no interstate access in the county or town I live in and that nothing is open after 11. I’ve see cars pull over at the side if the road on my way out of town and turn everything off until I drive passed them. Lately it has seemed to stop in the middle of the night, but I still can’t pull up to an intersection without someone waiting there already. Or I go to get gas and will see the same vehicle 3 times. I’m a single female (near 50), kids have moved out now, I live alone except for my 2 dogs. Of course this is the shortened version, but things have happened too often to keep being a coincidence. It would also be harder to see if I kept a regular schedule, but I have odd working and sleeping hours often. Not sure why they would want to surveil me, but I feel they are watching for sure.

1 year ago

A potential news tip:
The weather service used to get tornado warnings right 73% of the time with a 13 minute warning. Now they are down to 8 minutes and only get it right 59% of the time. Maybe they really are just less well trained. Maybe they want more climate change tragedies.
Thanks for your work.