Floating Cities Being Floated

An interesting idea, but we still need a material which will not degrade when mixed with seawater and covered in barnacles, and which can be cleaned periodically with ease:

It is an idea at once audacious and simplistic, a seeming impossibility that is now technologically within reach: cities floating in international waters — independent, self-sustaining nation-states at sea.

Long the stuff of science fiction, so-called “seasteading” has in recent years matured from pure fantasy into something approaching reality, and there are now companies, academics, architects and even a government working together on a prototype by 2020.

At the center of the effort is the Seasteading Institute, a nonprofit organization based in San Francisco. Founded in 2008, the group has spent about a decade trying to convince the public that seasteading is not an entirely crazy idea…

Earlier this year, the government of French Polynesia agreed to let the Seasteading Institute begin testing in its waters. Construction could begin soon, and the first floating buildings — the nucleus of a city — might be inhabitable in just a few years.

“If you could have a floating city, it would essentially be a start-up country,” said Joe Quirk, president of the Seasteading Institute. “We can create a huge diversity of governments for a huge diversity of people…

Seasteading is more than a fanciful hobby to Mr. Quirk and others involved in the effort. It is, in their minds, an opportunity to rewrite the rules that govern society. “Governments just don’t get better,” Mr. Quirk said. “They’re stuck in previous centuries. That’s because land incentivizes a violent monopoly to control it.”

No land, no more conflict, the thinking goes.

You’ll know this is ready when the material starts showing up on ship hulls, and boat owners no longer have to pull their boats every couple of years to sand them down and apply bottom paint. Don’t expect these rubes to pull it off using green materials like coconut husks and palm fronds though. I also would not bet on any city which is formed, from the very beginning by leftist SJW ideologies who want diversity and environmentalism to reign supreme. These cities will need to be made of toxic, manufactured synthetics that will kill all microbial growth and not degrade in seawater, and they will need to espouse at least the libertarian ideals of freedom, if not outright conservatism and unity of purpose among a non-diverse group. Leftist SJWism will just destroy everything right from the outset.

Until the non-SJWs can get their acts together though, all you need is a sailboat with solar panels, some fishing gear, and a desalinator. With just a sparse income and some elbow grease you could actually live nicely in some parts of the world.

But truth be told, we don’t need new cities, we need a frontier. The problem with mankind today is we lack a frontier, beyond government reach. I think the frontiers are good because they mold man into a model designed to function without fitting in or being constrained. Conformity is an intellectual killer, because I think it bleeds into every facet of a people’s psychology and thought processes.

Picture one group of people who live in total freedom with no rules, and another group who are told what to do every moment of their lives. Pit them against each other in a creative competition, and I do not think there is any question who would win.

Spreading out into space will be the final evolution of mankind, favoring a more libertarian, individualistic, combat-capable but conflict-avoidant strategy.

Until then, I suppose the oceans could help to keep that model of human alive. But I wouldn’t wait for anyone else. As Mat Bracken says, get a 30 footer and go.

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6 years ago

“Spreading out into space will be the final evolution of mankind, favoring a more libertarian, individualistic, combat-capable but conflict-avoidant strategy.”

How I dream of the stars my brother…

6 years ago

“27% of ‘Alt–Right’ men were still virgins by the age of 26”

From the link, this can’t be accurate.
I’m a neo-reactionary type who played alot of Football (the American type, not the gay type) in HS. This was not my experience. Aren’t most AR types- you know AR-15 Chad types? Wouldn’t the Alt-right be driven by the fact that most White women in the US/West are not suitable wife material or even capable of raising children- if they wan’t to have them at all? These “women” can’t even cook, much less keep their legs closed.

Gender roles are the biological foundation of r vs. K. Women who casually date, and demand equal rights are moving towards r, as are the men who support them. A good example, of someone who I love as an author but would never, ever date is Ann Coulter (not that I’ve had the chance, lol). Not to throw shade, but she is childless and never married. That’s got to be ego at some point. I love her books though, and own all of them. But, K-type men are not looking for women who write books, they are looking for women who cook, clean and want to have babies. That’s traditional and natural, anything else is libertine and degenerate.

Oh, and I see your libertarian cities and will raise you Somali pirates. It will take this thing… what’s it called again? Oh- that’s right, a Government- with a Military to defend that city. I’ll admit it is funny to see all these former liberals, lefties and equality pushers to go libertarian and anarchist. It’s given me a few chuckles. It’s openness that’s gotten the West into this mess.

Sam J.
Sam J.
6 years ago

Someone has actually figured this out. Here’s a brilliant paper by James Bowery, “Exponential Remediation of Civilization’s Footprint”, on creating new territory.


Barnacles would not really be a problem as you could either grind them off with barnacle covered grinders, make a throw away bottom that you slough off every so often or just dump the whole structure into the Ocean every hundred years or so and start over.

The survivor benefits of such a structure would be immense as any Tsunamis would never reach high heights in the Ocean. Since a lot of space would be needed to float the immense structure fall out shelters would come with the building. Concrete survives nuclear much better than you would think. Read this,

“…Ms. Akiko Takakura was 20 years old when the bomb fell. She was in the Bank of Hiroshima, 300 meters away from the hypocenter…”


Now my devious mind has come up with a way for Whites to survive if it gets too bad in the US. The technology for the vortex Island is mostly upfront cost and after you build the first one the cost for subsequent ones drops to almost zero. Have you ever heard of the phrase,”If Whites had their own country it wouldn’t be like this”? Well there’s at least one billion Whites on Earth. If each one gave two dollars in return for a apartment could $2 billion dollars be enough to kick off a new White country? At $200 a piece you would only need 100 million. I think this could be done. In return you get an apartment in a building unfinished and citizenship on the collective vortex powered country.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Sam J.
6 years ago

I forgot to add that newer forms of making food would be even more efficient than bio-reactors.


Reply to  Sam J.
6 years ago

Oh man, sounds like hell.
It remains to be seem just how much life the oceans will support, what with Japan’s nuclear spew. What about when the rest go for lack of minders?

And yeah,…Pirates, hoards of them. Of course, no shortage on land either.

Sam J.
Sam J.
6 years ago

“…favoring a more libertarian, individualistic, combat-capable but conflict-avoidant strategy.”…”

I doubt that at all., Space is so unforgiving. If anyone screws up the air re-circulation, opens the wrong hatch, etc,. everyone could be done for. No space will be a super regimented, by the rules, civilization where there may even be the death penalty for those that screw up. Think Japan on steroids.

Sam J.
Sam J.
6 years ago

I think it will be similar to living in Asian cities that are planned. They have living, shops and entertainment all in one area. They also have parks very near by where people can hike and enjoy the outdoors. It will be very much like American cities used to be with places for kids to play and people could sit outside and watch.

As for pirates. No not a problem. There will be high places to watch from to give warning and the entrances to the Island will be large high walls to stop tidal waves from wiping the place out. You’d be able to blast the pirates into dust before they got close.

I know some people would see this as a nightmare but the majority of people actually live right now in far less space and with far less amenities and access to parks. The real key to this is it allows people to segregate according to interest in cites of 100K or so, larger or smaller if they so wish. They would also be big enough to be entertaining but not so large as to provide a place for psychopaths and constant criminality to hide. Whether we like it or not the planet is getting crowded.

A.C. would of course hate this as it would be plenty of space for “r”‘s. I can just see him gritting his teeth.

It would be excellent for Ocean life because the vast overwhelming part of the Ocean is a desert. There’s no where to hide for small fish so…they get eaten. Everywhere in the Ocean there’s any kind of structure it makes for a lot more life. Maybe that’s why life came up on land. Had to be safer than the Ocean.

Part of my interest in this is making it a place for Whites only to save ourselves. It would be a place no one could rightly say we stole or wheedled form anyone, yes I know they would try, but since we built it from scratch in the middle of the Ocean it would be a difficult argument to have stick.

Sam J.
Sam J.
6 years ago

I can agree with you about Ann Coulter. She’s hot but with the mouth on her. Can you imagine getting in a fight with her? She’d cut you to pieces even if you were right. I think she’s one of those Women that never found anyone good enough for her. Too picky. I have read on 8chan that she’s gay but that of course is complete gossip and I’ve never seen her act that way or be for that.