Flashback – Teddy Kennedy’s Near Assasination

Interesting to look back on:

On June 19, 1964, just seven months after his brother John had been assassinated in Dallas, Ted Kennedy came close to dying himself. He was badly injured in the crash of a small plane while campaigning for re-election to the Senate in Massachusetts. The experience changed him. ..

At the controls of the plane, a small twin-engine Aero Commander 680, was pilot Edwin Zimny.

As they headed north, the weather turned murky. Barnes Memorial Airport in Westfield, Mass., was socked in. Shortly after 11 p.m., Zimny tried to make an approach, flying on instruments.

Then the plane went into a dive.

“I was watching the altimeter and I saw it drop from 1,100 feet to 600 feet,” Kennedy later told investigators from the Civil Aeronautics Board. “It was just like a toboggan ride, right along the tops of the trees for a few seconds. Then there was a terrific impact into a tree.”

The plane crashed in an orchard three miles short of the runway. Birch and Marvella Bayh were not seriously hurt, but Moss and Zimny would die overnight from their injuries.

Kennedy had broken three vertabrae and two ribs, and had a collapsed lung. Birch Bayh dragged him free of the wreckage.

… the experience was apparently food for thought. John was dead. His eldest brother, Joe Kennedy Jr., and his sister Kathleen Kennedy had both been killed in air crashes. He had come close.

Other events in his life would certainly loom larger: the assassination of his brother Robert in 1968…

That is basically exactly what they claim happened to JFK jr:

John F. Kennedy Jr. struggled desperately to right his doomed plane in the final terrifying moments before it nosedived into the sea last summer, killing him, his wife and her sister.

Three brothers – and the son of the one who said he wanted to break up the CIA into a thousand pieces and scatter it to the wind, just as he was about to enter politics. And then there was another brother in that wealthy, powerful family, Joe, who had indicated he intended to enter politics. He was supposedly in a radio-controlled bomber filled with explosives which he was about to parachute out of, when the explosive charge in it exploded unexpectedly, just moments after he radioed to base that he had just armed it and it was live and able to explode. It would all seem statistically unlikely.

It is tempting to think of it as a Kennedy curse, or bad luck. The media has certainly sold it that way. But Teddy clearly did not view it that way, and every so often he let it out, as these two quotes showed:

Do you know what it’s like to have your wife frightened all the time? I’m not afraid to die, I’m too young to die. —Edward M. Kennedy, 1968

They’re going to shoot my ass off the way they shot Bobby. —Edward M. Kennedy, 1969

Everyone has been being lied to for a long, long time, and behind the scenes the people at the top have known what was going on all along.

It is past time the broader public stopped giving ominous events the benefit of the doubt.

Many think Q is a pied piper operation, diverting the dangerous autists into a controlled program that will keep them occupied. And yet, he has opened my eyes, and if he spreads organically the way I think it is reasonable to expect, he will open many others.

It doesn’t mean he is decisively legit, but it points to one of two possible scenarios. In the first, Cabal is being attacked and Q is part of a widespread exposure of their operations, to make continued operations against an enraged public untenable.

The second option would have to be more ominous. In that option, Q is Cabal. There, the right has become increasingly aware of the corruption of their leaders, meaning the Cabal felt their days were numbered anyway, so they are allowing increased exposure of their operations to keep the most dangerous on the right occupied following Q. The problem is, in buying temporary control, they would be sacrificing longer term control by allowing everything to be exposed on a wide scale. After Q, there will be a degree of awakening that will offer Cabal only one option, which would be a full, hostile takeover.

Even if Trump didn’t strike me as genuinely at war with the Machine, I just don’t see a full hostile takeover being feasible. Yes they have the intelligence on everyone who will be a problem. But if everyone knows what is out there, the citizenry will not be gentle. And Cabal is vulnerable. The citizenry can knock out the power, fire up generator-powered spark gap generators to kill radio communications, take out the poles, and suddenly it is a 76 million person gun-owner army capable of going house to house against a Cabal that requires stealth because it doesn’t have those kinds of numbers or force. Maybe it would work that way, maybe it wouldn’t, but the risk is there, and Cabal is about risk avoidance.

And nobody knows what Russia, or some other third party might release on the internet. The more I think about it, the more I think there is no way Russia has not already pulled overhead video from satellites, and assembled a full database of everyone involved in the Cabal’s domestic control operations based on movements. And if I, as a neophyte, think of that, the pros may be five steps ahead, using AI to do the analysis with a degree of certainty and speed we can’t imagine, integrating social media connections, and mass data with movements and other connections. The risk of such intel being released through RT.com as a hot civil war heated up, all by itself, might be enough risk to keep Cabal from initiating hostilities.

We will know soon what is going on with Q. If things are as they seem, there is a well funded and trained force out there now, scheming to kill the President and everyone at the top with him, as soon as possible. So the sooner this is dealt with the better it would be from the perspective of those at the top. I cannot imagine three years from now we are still waiting for the hammer to drop if Q is legit. The clock is ticking for everyone involved.

Which means in three years, either we will have seen Hillary’s, and the rest of the Cabal’s feet being held to the fire, or the war for control of our country will be even hotter than what Q promises.

Either way, I do not see the status quo as an option, and from my perspective, that is a good thing.

Tell everyone about r/K Theory, because truth always comes out

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Gregory Pierce
Gregory Pierce
6 years ago

I too have wondered if the controllers saw this coming and created Q to protect themselves and creep back in the shadows to remain, biding their time to rebuild as they have shown to be capable of playing the long game. But Q says use logic and logic tells me you don’t open that door to an awakening by the public because you can’t control the outcome/response unless you are willing to do something that could potentially take you down as well. The controllers will blink before that happens. I feel Trump is real and is supported by Patriots and the Invisible Hand of divinity. Never felt this energy before in my 55 years. Reagan was a marker but he pales in comparison to what Trump has withstood and accomplished in spite of the slings and arrows sent at him.

Reply to  Gregory Pierce
6 years ago

I have to agree. This feels different.

Reply to  Gregory Pierce
6 years ago

>The problem is, in buying temporary control, they would be sacrificing longer term control by allowing everything to be exposed on a wide scale. After Q, there will be a degree of awakening that will offer Cabal only one option, which would be a full, hostile takeover.

Of course they won’t reveal everything. Anyone that gets even close to the truth (Tex) will be shut down. They will just reveal a narrative, as they have done throughout history. Hitler was there guy (read Miles W Mathis’s piece on the Beer Hall putsch, it’s hilarious). Much like the Trump putsch will be hilarious, if believed.

As for the citizens rising up and seizing power, it’s never ever happened like that in history.
If it looks like a popular revolution, there will be the usual culprits pulling the strings.
Look at the shit that’s hit America and the increasing awareness, yet as long as the TV is still working and the store has booze and pizza, party on. The masses will never lead anything, they just follow.

Hal Gore
6 years ago

Trust the plan. With that said what is the opposite of Qanon? There is something about the United States, America, that pisses off and infuriates certain people. Who again is the problem: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TDvNCli48o0

Reply to  Hal Gore
6 years ago

It’s suggested in this YT video that we need to lock up the elite. But these low IQ followers can just walk around freely because they’re just automated zombies? That doesn’t seem all that appealing or safe. Personally, I think in the coming days, things will be revealed that will make it so the death penalty will be back with a force.

“They won’t be able to walk in the streets.”

Hal Gore
6 years ago

My last video link was a mistake. Although I like Joey Ramone and the Ramones. I meant to post a video that goes with this link:


Sorry there was no way to modify or edit the prior link.

6 years ago

Trump tonight in Tampa repeating ’17’ over and over was a huge tell, something normies will ponder when they hear about it. Q is the 17th letter, obv.

6 years ago

Several Anons have analysed the SLBM launch from the Whidbey Island area when AF1 was in the air between Ottawa and Singapore and the trajectory matches the theory that it was an assassination attempt, before the missile was brought down by a F16.

Linked into that was a tweet by Michael Avanetti on that day with a picture of a plane in the middle of crosshairs with the cryptic comment that things were about to happen to ‘restore’ America to what she was before Trump. Just the thought of the level of infiltration by Cabal to be able to launch an unauthorised missile against POTUS is scary, but in line with your posts about the extent of their operations.

I am sure there have been several attempts already made on Trump’s life. That he has put his life on the line to do what he is doing is nothing short of a miracle.

Reply to  Rossa
6 years ago

Wasn’t able to do a link to the Anon research. Neon’s Gab page has the details. 4th or 5th post down.


Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
6 years ago

Sarah Ruth Ashcraft says that Cabal/Iluminati symbols were everywhere for her growing up; she only realized it later. She also said that if you were a child of a Mason and expressed interest in it at some point when you were older then you were initiated into the Masons as well. They would start you in a program. She only woke up to her SRA last year, which would mean that unless you were awake, you are still asleep. It seems to me that this means everyone who is Cabal is not only under programming but they’re also all victims who don’t know it.

This makes me wonder if this is how they get so much blackmail material. If they’re programmed all their handlers/parents would have to do is hypnotize them, get recordings of their involvement in whatever ritual, then you’ve hooked them “for life.”

Oh yeah — and Sarah Ruth talks about all the “coincidences” with her ex-husband’s family being right down the street from her former abusers/handlers. That ties in with all the times you mentioned and theorized about Cabal members actually getting married, raising kids, and leading so-called normal lives. At the time it was an incredulous thought: how could anyone do that kind of thing? It feels like another life, just remembering my own incredulity.

At the link in your latest News Brief post about women with larger butts being healthier, there was a post there about RH negative blood types being aliens. Did you know that women who are Rh neg blood type need treatment when pregnant by a man who has a positive blood type? If she doesn’t get treatment during pregnancy, her body will actually attack the fetus.

Reply to  Rossa
6 years ago

Probably wasn’t an SLBM — they would require National Command Authority to give the launch order, and wouldn’t be effective in an anti-aircraft role anyway. An air-defense missile – part of the Aegis system — is much more likely.

Also, we should allow for the possibility (likelihood?) that the launch came from a foreign or private vessel, rather than a USN asset.

Reply to  SteveRogers42
6 years ago

An Anon on 8Chan gave a detailed report on the SLBM that said it was a Trident missile. Have to say I did wonder if it was one of our subs (UK) as we have Trident. That would bring down our Govt if proven. Bad enough that either MI6 helped with the dossier to try and overturn an election result and remove a duly elected President or turned a blind eye to CIA spying on U.K. soil. Did find it interesting that Gina Haspel was CIA station head in London so must know what went on.

Though I would also say with Whidbey Island being off the coast of the US for a foreign sub to get that close undetected doesn’t bode well for US security. But then there were reports of Chinese subs off the Pacific coast able to launch a nuclear missile with impunity. Cabal could be in control of the oceans too. Basically everywhere.

Reply to  Rossa
6 years ago

Regarding the 76 million: There are also guys like this that are now out on the street and perhaps re-evaluating their future.


6 years ago

The one that gets me in all of this is that for decades I’ve tried to explain that conspiracy is the norm or we wouldn’t have laws against doing so. But the Grand Conspiracy seemed impossible; and that’s THE ONE being exposed!? Talk about control over a narrative…

6 years ago

There is literally nothing you can’t interpret to support your beliefs, is there? Nothing will make you admit that Trump is a bad and stupid man and that real life conspiracies are boring affairs of complicated financial shenanigans and bad laws with no Satanism or orgies involved.

Just try to imagine: Maybe prominent Democrats are just people with bad ideas, not Satanic pedophiles. Not nearly as exciting, I know, but much more accurate.

Reply to  QR
6 years ago

It would be wonderful if this all turns out to be simple human stupidity.

But in the meantime, we carry on. Never any harm in being prepared.

6 years ago

The Cabal has apparently already tried to whack the GEOTUS 3 known times per Q. Serial Brain2 has an excellent write up on the attempts.


Sam J.
Sam J.
6 years ago

“…The second option would have to be more ominous. In that option, Q is Cabal…”

This really worries me. The reason is that all the top of the cabal appear to be psychopaths. It’s very well known that psychopaths have an affinity for really complicated and very risky gaslight plans. Since 9-11 a LOT of people know that there’s some sort of cabal or secret group running things. It’s just too obvious with buildings dropping like rocks free falling in air. Not possible without demolition.

So now they have the cabal, NWO, whatever, which I think is all Jews mostly, to detour active action against the people running things. News producers, Bankers, billionaires, media(print, film, TV, etc.). With drones, 3d printing and other weapons they could be taken out with much less risk than getting close to them and shooting them and they know it.

Sp what was their plan? I was sure before that they were ramping up a Russia/China vs USA nuclear war. While this happened Israel would nuke the middle east, Europe. Possible chemical weapons attack. Maybe even poison the water. The Jews stay in their bunkers for a few years then come out. Under this scenario a lot of the population on planet would be hosed with little technology to stop them. This plan seems to be defunct because of Trump and is one of the major reasons I think Trump is not cabal.

What’s the other plan? Something coming up of severe transcendental change is coming very fast. In 2025 you will be able to buy a computer chip that has the processing power of a human mind for $1,000. This is not some foolish technodream it’s a straightforward look at the path of computing. There’s NO physical reason that this won’t happen. The limits of silicon will not run out until well past this level of computing. People say that there’s no way to make a computer that has human smarts but look what they can do now with a desktop computer with about the smarts of a lizard. I’ve also noticed some Jews who run blogs who are very smart but absolutely condemn the idea that computers will compete with humans in smarts. Now I know they are smart and the reasons they give that it will not happen are fairly stupid so “what gives”? Could the plan be to mass produce killer robots that go around killing everyone???? Are these robots being worked on now? When produced. nuke the planet then have them clean up? They could build themselves with a handful of engineers and techs to keep the factories going.

I don’t know. None of us really do. I hate to doubt Trump and he does seem to be fighting the evil but it’s always good to be suspicious. If he doesn’t act after some time then what will happen? Yes he’s killing their support but they are not sitting still either.

The good news is Trump seems to be going after the child traffickers, the corrupt politicians and even now he’s going after the FED saying he has a right to control it. THIS IS MAJOR. The money, drugs and child rape are what keeps them in business. He’s going after all of them. We’ll see.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Sam J.
6 years ago

There’s actually a third option that I’ve thought of before but forgot to bring up.

The present attack on the “cabal” is really an attack on the remnants of “Caucasian” control over “events”. Not that they are good but they would be less inclined to see the massacre of “Caucasians”. After they are taken out the Jews will start in on massacring Whites with a vengeance. A lot of the positions Jews control now, good or bad, used to be controlled by Whites.

If you don’t see substantial, intense attacks on people of Jewish persuasion in the process of attacking the “cabal” then this is very likely to be what’s is going on. You can’t swing a dead cat and not hit a Jew in ANY doings of the cabal. Every single case of large scale blackmail or child raping system I’ve seen there’s Jews involved. Mostly in some sort of controlling role in the background.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Sam J.
6 years ago

This guy gets linked from here every so often. I find when so I always read a good deal of his comments. Here’s what he says in this post,

“…The easiest way to brainwash people is to tell them,

“You’re one of the select few who understands what’s really happening.”…”


This is why I’m so cautious about believing that Trump will clean everything up. Yes the military may be in on it, and for good reason, but this has been going on a long time. Are we so sure it’s not just another set up believing,”Thank God someone is finally doing something”.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Sam J.
6 years ago

Here’s another link from that same guy.


Even though Trump does seem to be making progress there’s all these other events going on that are only in the Israelis and Jews interest. In the above Hezbollah is being attacked. Hezbollah is only a threat to the Israelis. They have been scrupulously careful about this. They have gone out of their way to never attack the US or anyone but Israel and when they have attacked it’s mostly been on land that the Israelis are occupying. Not Israel at all. Once Israel attacks they do start attacking Israel but that seems reasonable to me.

In Syria the Jihadists are being attacked but that was after they damaged Assad. Now it seems the Iranian forces and Iran are being attacked. Now we’re supposed to believe that the cabal is there and maybe it is but it’s a bit farfetched that the single most important group in the cabal is made up of Jews and simultaneously all the Jews security needs are being, (you can even read the actual plan they made), taken care of. NK does seem to fit that pattern of cabal being moved out but does anybody really know what’s going on there??? Trump pressured China and China DID stop trade forcing NK to capitulate but that doesn’t in any way mean the cabal was there or was routed out. It’s also convenient that NK was a sworn enemy of Israel. The Jews hated them and now they are no longer a threat. So if the Jews are last on this list will there be anybody left to fight them when they have 100% control over the cabal or whatever????

Now I readily admit that I don’t know the answers to these things I just bring them up to beak the mental notion that all is taken care of and we will be handed back our country in a nice little box with a bow on it. Because a lot of stuff doesn’t add up. There not selling t-shirts for the thoughts I’m thinking. Q is very tidy and has t-shirts.

The Jews have destroyed the norm press and everyone knows it. So if I was them I would destroy the alt press also. They’ve done this “lead the opposition” many, many, many times. Did you know there was a Nazi group led by a Jew in Ohio once? He did so on purpose by attacking people and discrediting WN ideas. I hope this Q business is not just more of the same.

Countervailing this notion is that the military seems to be involved with Trump and the military doesn’t seem to be totally controlled by the Jews. The only reason is the Jews don’t want to serve in that capacity and it takes too long to rise up in the ranks to control things. They like to be appointed or squeeze into the top and then run things from there. Let’s hope that’s the case.