Finland Heads Toward K

It begins in Finland:

Kempele, almost 400 miles north of Helsinki, is usually a place where 17,000 unassuming townfolk while away the hours playing ice hockey.

But that peaceful existence has been ripped apart by the rape of a 14-year-old girl as she walked home on a Monday night a fortnight ago.

The alleged culprit is one of the young men living at a migrant centre, which locals did not want in the first place…

‘Finland for the Finns! Close down the centre!’ they chanted…

He added: ‘Rape is such a pathetic act. Every rapist’s balls should be cut off and then they should be hanged…’

At the local pub Karhunpesa, meaning the Bear’s Nest, fear and anxiety have transformed into rage, and threats of violence are rife…

‘For example, people have said that young men leaving Syria and Iraq are deserters. Then they ask, “What did we do to deserters when Finland was at war with Russia? We shot them”…’

The day after the schoolgirl sex attack in Kempele, another 14-year-old girl was attacked in the southern town of Raisio. This time, the man arrested was a 19-year-old asylum seeker.

Two days later, Afghan Ramin Azimi was jailed for life for raping a 17-year-old Finnish girl from Pori and burning her alive.

…migrants arriving at the border are being met by human chains, telling them to go back; vigilante groups are patrolling the streets.

Newspapers are full of statistics about how an asylum seeker is eight times more likely to commit rape that a Finnish national…

This week, a building which was supposed to house migrants and refugees was burned to the ground in Kankaanpaa, 165 miles northwest of Helsinki.

Meanwhile, a group arriving at an abandoned military barracks in the southern city of Lahti were confronted by a group of around 40 people, all waving Finnish flags.

The men and women – including student dressed in a Ku Klux Klan outfit – threw fireworks at the bus, filled with people who had fled the war in Iraq.

And in Kemi, two hours north of Kempele, a group naming themselves ‘Soldiers of Odin’ have started patrolling the streets.

Notice the rape stat. According to the research on migration and genetics, these migrants will have high carriage of DRD4 7r. They are heavily inbred through cousin marriages. They come from a conquest culture, infused with a conquest religion named “Submission.” Rape is how their consanguineous genes invaded the lands they conquered, and permeated the indigenous peoples most thoroughly. Biology has designed the warriors as rape machines, and these are the conflict-fleeing migrants with even higher DRD4 7r, who will be even higher sexed than the warriors of their culture. Accepting them is madness.

This violence by the Finns is amygdala stimulation, and each time they take action to relieve it they get a brief respite from the aversive stimulus. It will feel good. That cycle of behavior-reward is retraining their brain for violence, combat, and action, something it is building toward whether anyone realizes it or not.

What will add to it are all the minor irritations of shortage. As the apocalypse approaches every irritation and slight from a bounced check to working longer and harder for less, will produce increased irritation and the brain is, at this moment, being trained to focus on Muslims in response to irritation. Here, you see one Muslim immigrant attack a girl, and the response is to attack all Muslims, and those who sent them. It is a small step from that to seeing the financial problems as the fault of the Muslims (which they will be partly), the medicine shortages as the fault of Muslims, the car breaking down as the fault of Muslims, and so on.

It is not impossible that if they encounter enough resistance from leftist ne’er-do-wells at this point, their amygdalae will become trained to also focus on the leftists when irritated. If the training lasts long enough and is sufficient, this will create a situation where people will not focus on fixing an irritation so much as eliminating whatever they have been trained to focus on when irritated. If that irritation is of the scale of total apocalypse, you can see how civil war will erupt – and there is a lot of irritation coming.

As I’ve said, as the worm turns we will be the ones who are driven to achieve our goals, and the rabbits will be the ones whose apathy will lead them to surrender. For now, that is beginning in Finland, but it has not yet really gotten going. It will, and from the looks of things, it will do so very soon.

Apocalypse cometh™

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9 years ago

[…] By Anonymous Conservative […]

Erwin Rommeow
Erwin Rommeow
9 years ago

What happens if there’s no apocalypse? What if things just slowly get crappier over decades and no identifiable transition point?

John Calabro
John Calabro
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
9 years ago

I don’t think even a society with unlimited energy and food could last with this growing sickness. How would a civilisation not become over time when full of r type people, not want to choose to live in something like a virtual world (like the matrix) especially with unlimited food and energy?

It would give everything a r type would ever want, unlimited pressure with no conflict and they could be anyone and do anything with in their minds little consequences (of course everything in life has some consequence). People who love control and are in Governments would love people to be in a system like this since they could track and control everyone. Over time after most are living this way, laws would be written to force the rest of people to join. Wars would be fought to make the rest of the world like this. This place would die a generation or two, without some force breeding or artificial means.

The only people left would be the outsiders either in hiding or in an geography area having fought off attempts and not to be apart of this dying civilisation. They would be mostly K types. Over time they would win and take over. No society can last even with free energy or resources if they don’t have people with both the human will to survive, their attitude of putting aside short term pressure for long term gains and happiness and of course the thrill to want to complete.

A.B Prosper
A.B Prosper
9 years ago

For Finland it doesn’t matter. There are few enough migrants and Finns are violent enough that its a few days work to be rid of them.

9 years ago

Note that the State will also impose shortages as they try to deal with the problems. They are going to respond with curfews, checkpoints, lockdowns, all things that restrict the citizens ability to support themselves and irritate their amygdalas even more.