File Under Joys Of Diversity – Visit Petting Zoo, Watch Muslim Raping Ponies

Every child wants a pony, until they see this:

A man has been arrested for allegedly raping a pony at a children’s zoo in Germany.

The 23-year-old Syrian man was reportedly spotted at the Kinderbauernhof (children’s farm) area of Goelitzer Park, in Berlin, by a babysitter who was visiting the zoo with a child…

When the young man allegedly realised that he had been seen, he got off the animal and disappeared into the park.

What a shitshow. Import r-strategist migrants, and you need to expect them to have reduced sexual discrimination and incontrollable sex drive. Why go to the zoo when you have Muslims behaving as they do in their natural environment right on the street in your neighborhood?

If Gen Z has Generation Zyklon brewing within its ranks, what will this generation of children have? Everywhere they look, every innocent pleasure of childhood is stripped from them, threats are everywhere, and their entire financial future is a nightmare.

And when they look to see why, they see mentally retarded parents who care more about their own virtue signaling – and by extension pony-raping migrants – than they care about the future of their own children.

The longer the Apocalypse is held off, the more violent and thorough it is going to be from our side.

Tell everyone about r/K Theory, because your nation shouldn’t be a shitshow

This entry was posted in Cuckservatives, Decline, Europe, Immigration, Liberals, Migrant Crime Deniers, Muslims, Politics, Psychology, rabbitry, Rearing Differences, Sexual Deviance. Bookmark the permalink.
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7 years ago

Gen Z makes me proud. They are going to clean up the invadors and traitors without gibbing a fug about stupid PC virtue signaling crap.

Off topic link pertinent to preping for SHTF:

There you find a link to what is suposed to be the best indoor food growing tech available.

Sounds like a good match to water from air.

English Tom
English Tom
Reply to  LembradorDos6Trilliões
7 years ago

Lembrador, check out on youtube:

Adapt 2030
Oppenheimer Ranch Project
Ice Age Farmer

These all deal with the coming (well it’s actually here) ice age.

Also on youtube:

Urban Farmer Curtis stone.

Grand Solar Minimum

Also youtube:

Type in:

Farm lobsters at home/lobster aquaculture.

Mushrooms (lots of excellent stuff on youtube):

how do i start a mushroom business/DIY, small & profitable mushroom farm/grow your own mushrooms in used coffee grounds/et el).

check out the book:

Global crisis – Geoffrey Parker. This book is about the ‘general crisis of the seventeenth century.’ A period known as the little ice age. The book emphasises that these phenomena are global in scope and highlights the types of socio-politico-economic events we are likely to face, As Mark Twain said: “history doesn’t repeat, but it rhymes.”

Hope this helps

English Tom
English Tom
7 years ago

Man, I keep thinking we must have reached peak societal sickness, but I guess I’m being delusional. We’ve still got a long way to go. The traitors who allowed our society to be infected with this scum must pay a very heavy price. God rot them.

Nigel Hopkins
Nigel Hopkins
7 years ago

Do you really think Gen Z will actually do anything? On the fence here regarding that. We may have passed the point of no return.

Prof. Woland
Prof. Woland
7 years ago

They did not shield the pony’s identity.

English Tom
English Tom
Reply to  Prof. Woland
7 years ago

I hope that pony gets the counselling it deserves.

English Tom
English Tom
Reply to  English Tom
7 years ago

Or should that be:

7 years ago

He raped a pony.

He raped. A pony.

A pony.

A. Pony.

Just trying to wrap my brain around this.

Reply to  Ron
7 years ago

That’s exactly what I was thinking! Who looks at a cute fuzzy pony at a petting zoo and thinks, “I could have sex with that.”

Reply to  Ron
7 years ago

Muslim immigrants will rape anything with a pulse.

Mountain Farmer
7 years ago

It’s definitely super sick. I feel sorry for the pony.

Mr Darcy
Mr Darcy
7 years ago

The larger problem, of course, is that the German parents you speak of don’t HAVE any children. The Germans are finished. No population has ever rebounded from the low birth rate the Germans have had for years now. They decided to disappear. So they gave their heart-rendingly beautiful country to desert savages. And they are immensely pleased with themselves.

Mike S.
Mike S.
7 years ago

Side note: Syrian pony rapist is just the latest incident in this park. Two years ago parents complained after their children found some drug stashes buried in the sandbox next to the petting zoo. Since last year, police have effectively stopped enforcing anti-narcotics laws in Görlitzer Park. African & Arab drug dealers have essentially turned the park into their private fiefdom, and the gangs have meticulously delineated spheres of influence, etc. The local Green party government has sent migrant “park walkers” to encourage visitors to follow park regulations under the guise of an inclusive utilization plan that – hold your breath – officially includes the drug dealers, who have been marginalized by society and are in need of protection, as the government proclaims. My guess is the park is actually safer run by the dealers, as they have an incentive to keep violence down as it is bad for business.

While we’re discussing Berlin zoos: Several sheep and now a goat were stolen from another petting zoo, with the slaughtered remains found just outside in the bushes.

Berlin’s slide into chaos and anarchy has definitely accelerated since September 2015, to an extent even toughened long-time residents notice. But rabbits don’t change habits, so the city remains in a death grip by a Left/Social Democrat/Green party coalition.

7 years ago

Don’t arrest the puke, walk up and shoot him in the head then get counseling for the pony.

Joe Katzman
6 years ago

My Little Pony: Refugees Welcome!