Fewer Teens Having Sex

Generation Zyklon is going K:

The number of high-school-age teens who are having sex dropped markedly over a decade, a trend that includes substantial declines among younger students, African Americans and Hispanics, according to a new government report released Thursday.

The survey by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention showed especially steep declines in the past two years. It adds to evidence about ongoing progress in reducing risky behavior by teenagers, who are becoming pregnant, smoking cigarettes, drinking alcohol and using marijuana at rates lower than younger people before them, according to public health surveys.

There is a reason that the amusing meme of dropping commies out of helicopters is catching on among the youth.

We are the vanguard – the early adopters. We were the first few outliers in our generation that began the shift as that Economic Misery Curve rose and the Conservative Policy Mood followed behind. We were the ultra-sensitive amygdalae, predisposed to pick up on the faintest K-stimuli and begin adapting early. It was tough, because we had to endure this tail end of peak-r as K-strategists.

But now the K is really in the air, like the electricity and tension before a big storm. Things are going down, and more and more human machines are cueing in on the stimuli, and in response their brains are going K. Amygdalae are growing more and more, and it is showing in the statistics. This is a wave of right wing nationalist reinforcements on the way.

The funny thing is, they don’t even know why. Why is sex less of a priority? Why is getting high and being weak and out of control not desirable? Why is throwing commies out of helicopters so funny? Why does Pinochet look like such a great guy? Why are these kids different? They have no idea.

The machine just adapts, the behavior happens, and the next generation of Pepes emerges from the mist, armed with funny memes, sharp wits, and a deep hatred for leftism. We are multiplying.

This is our era, and reinforcements are on the way. Drink these heady days in, because this is a rare experience for K’s. THroughout history, not all of us have been this lucky.

Tell everyone about r/K Theory, because this is our time

This entry was posted in Amygdala, Conservatives, Economic Collapse, ITZ, K-stimuli, Morals, Nationalism, Politics, Psychological Manipulation, Psychology, Splintering, War. Bookmark the permalink.
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7 years ago

Teens having less sex is a result of less teens. Their social enviorment is nothing like a community anymore but a bunch of alienated, atomized pseudo-individuals. There is just so few people there you could fuck with anyway. If they had the opportunity, they would just fuck as much as the damn boomers and gen-x did. Its not because of virtue that they have less sex.
I just hope that frustration makes a bunch more school shooters.

Jaded Jurist
Jaded Jurist
Reply to  Andy
7 years ago

To be fair, AC, you did ask Andy to comment more….

Jaded Jurist
Jaded Jurist
7 years ago

“It was tough, because we had to endure this tail end of peak-r as K-strategists.”

I must confess I never thought I’d see things turn around. I grew up seeing things always getting worse and I figured that it would continue as such until the Second Coming. To see the kids today embracing ideals that I’ve been mocked for holding all my life, and seeing them assert these views with youthful vigor and benign, almost altruistic intent…it’s such a beautiful thing.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
7 years ago

As per usual, rabbits in power have overplayed their hand. They always do, and then they push the pendulum.

7 years ago

AnonCon, isn’t the phenomenon of less teen sex as explainable by the ongoing chickification/betacization of successive generations?

7 years ago

AC, at first I thought these “Gen Z” memes were overstated, but I’m seeing the signs everywhere.

E.g. Latin Mass popularity — rough proxy for K-ifying the Vatican II r-Church — is growing AND these services are disproportionately attended by young families. Roman Catholic or not, attending a Latin Mass and a Novus Ordo one would be an interesting field study, e.g., comparing demographics of attendees.

7 years ago

Personally I see this more as alienation between normal heterosexual boys and girls ,caused by feminist shitsacks . If they were gender fluid freaks they’d be getting all kinds of attention.

. There was a song that was popular a few years ago by a band called Chain-smokers that was named selfie. The girl in that song , while not representative of all under 35 women, is none the less accurate in the broad strokes.