Feds Raid FPS Russia

Lots of strangeness around these guys:

Kyle Lamar Myers, more commonly known by his YouTube moniker FPS Russia, was raided by federal agents following his arrest. According to the Athens Banner-Herald, Myers had been caught receiving illegal narcotics through the mail.

While he was incarcerated, Myer’s home was searched by federal authorities. ATF spokesman Nero Priester announced that more than 50 firearms were seized by the federal agents, but no illegal explosives were found.

The 30-year-old Georgia native was arrested on August 8, 2017 by the Franklin County Sheriff’s Office in Carnesville, Georgia. He was later released on a $10,000 bond and faces charges of possessing a schedule one narcotic and other paraphernalia, which could lead to a prison sentence up to 30 years…

“In 2013, Myers was made headlines following the death of his business partner and friend Keith Ratliff, who was found shot “execution-style” on Myers’ property. Shortly after Ratliff’s death, Myers’ 60-acre farm was raided by the Georgia Bureau of Investigation and local Sheriff’s deputies searching for illegal explosives. No arrests were made.

For those who never watched their videos, they had an in with some class III dealer who had access to all sorts of exotic, state of the art weaponry. The actor they hired in the videos would strike a Russian accent as he explained the virtues of each weapon, often while shooting tracers at something like a pickup filled with Tannerite binary explosives and diesel fuel.

No way to say what is up without knowing the players. But what interested me was the attitudes at Free Republic, where this was discussed. Most of the posters just assumed the Deep State/federal government marked this guy, shipped him the drugs, and then used the drugs as a pretext to raid and arrest him and take him down. I have to admit, that possibility was the first thought I pondered. I’d even say that without knowing the players, it is 50-50 whether they killed the partner, maybe accidently while doing surveillance, and then dumped the body in place and took off.

There was a time when tradcon sites like Free Republic were bastions of pro-law-enforcement attitudes. Although it still respects individual members of law enforcement as people, increasingly you will find a cynicism which just assumes government Law Enforcement, as an organization, is out to get anyone who isn’t leftist and nothing it does to take anyone down can be trusted. Considering the left has always held Law Enforcement in low regard, it would seem we are increasingly heading to a place where nobody will be able to be convicted of anything, because nobody will trust the government.

Law Enforcement should consider that the Deep State’s interference in Law Enforcement activity is having very real, and very negative effects on the ability of Law Enforcement to carry out it’s fundamental functions. If I were in Law Enforcement, and the God Emperor presented me with the ability to rid the nation of the Deep State once and for all, I would jump on board immediately, and do whatever I could to help him in his mission.

Spread r/K Theory, because K-strategists need to work together

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7 years ago

He waved his dick too much, it annoyed the little peckers. Putting up a youtube vid with those type of weapons is like putting up a big sign for liberal (or bored) cops to take a look into you. You’ve got to be perfect to shoot that kind of stuff, and not do stupid stuff, unless of course you make vids in unaccented English.

Reply to  Pitcrew
7 years ago

Also, maybe he was still too popular? Who knows.

7 years ago

Yep, I’ve noticed that cynicism creeping up on other normie-leaning sites over the past few years. As someone who was redpilled in the 1990s, at least I have way more company now.

Also explains why so many mainstream sites are disabling comments. Anyone else remember the “omfg wisdom of the crowds!!1” web 2.0 stuff that was the rage 10-12 years ago? Once enough of the crowd moved against liberalism and SJWs, that sentiment vanished fast. I mean just look at Reddit now compared to when it started…

I wonder how this cynicism and distrust will factor into the collapse and Apocalypse. It reminds me of something Ann Barnhardt wrote:

“Sadly, people of intellect and morality are disqualified and even attacked when society is under the control of a tyranny backed by the mob. Don’t ask where all of the smart people are. Don’t ask where all of the leaders of men are. We are sitting in the back, watching in silence, because the mob wants to be ruled by psychopaths and imbeciles. So long as that is the case, we cannot help you, even if we wanted to.”

7 years ago

That’s very interesting. I recall watching several of his videos back in 2011–2012 when they would regularly be featured on the YouTube front page, but after that I completely forgot about him.

I searched around and found an article on Gizmodo that states: “‘There were no signs of forced entry at the business and the surveillance equipment, along with some firearms, had been taken,’ reported the Georgia Bureau of Investigation in 2015. ‘There did not appear to be a struggle of any kind, and based on the scene, Ratliff died while he was working.'”

It takes a high degree of confidence to murder someone and know the surveillance footage wasn’t stored on a server inside a safe or offloaded to the Internet.

Then there’s a mini-documentary, featuring a short interview with Myers regarding the case, which complements the Gizmodo article quite well: https://youtu.be/qOlyCno_bjw?t=9m10s

7 years ago

Re: Suspicious about Law enforcement

That would be the ‘total anarchy’ solution I talked about in a previous comment.
Have you read “Unintended Consequences”?
That scenario is getting more probable all the time.

Just for fun I checked amazon again, the book is (again) very expensive. When it is re-issued the price drops, but as soon as the issue is sold out, the prices jump (sometimes very high).

Sam J.
Sam J.
7 years ago

Here’s another great dufus tannerite video.


Bill in Lexington,NC
7 years ago

It’s been a while (not a YouTube fan since Gaggle bought them up), but I’m probably still subscribed to his channel. Genuine fun blowing things up and shooting some weird firearms (full auto 12 gauge?). I figured the firearms were on loan … but the vehicles and such? Ain’t no getting those back! 😉