FBI Sought FISA Warrant To Spy On Team Trump

Just amazing, the balls these guys have:

The Guardian has learned that the FBI applied for a warrant from the foreign intelligence surveillance (Fisa) court over the summer in order to monitor four members of the Trump team suspected of irregular contacts with Russian officials. The Fisa court turned down the application asking FBI counter-intelligence investigators to narrow its focus. According to one report, the FBI was finally granted a warrant in October, but that has not been confirmed, and it is not clear whether any warrant led to a full investigation.

Here is how I’d think this went. Somewhere the powers that be ordered surveillance to deploy on Trump’s people. You can’t surveil Trump easily, because he has resources and top-notch security that will spot it a mile away. But compromise a few of his underlings, and you have a window in.

On the way out the door, surveillance pulled strings through personal relationships with people at FBI to try and get these warrants to cover their asses, so if one of Trump’s team noticed them, they could try and claim they had an official pretense to be doing what they were doing. FISA approves 99% of the warrants sent to it, so they probably thought they could get something, to explain to local LE why they were there if it came to that, and cover themselves should Trump enter office and look into what they were doing. The last thing surveillance wants is to have Local LE receive a report, conduct an investigation, and produce a file detailing who was operating where, if surveillance has no legal justification to be there.

It is ironic. In trying to cover their asses, they created a long-term record of their operation. But have no doubt, those they sought warrants for were under surveillance all along, and it was going to happen whether Trump had any rumor of ties to Russia or not. Surveillance is a Deep State toy now, and probably also controlled to some degree by the left after Obama, through critical hires at the top that he and Jarrett orchestrated.

What makes it astonishing is, if you hear this, you think the FISA warrant is for putting a guy in a van, down the street, with a tape recorder hooked to a phone wire running to the phone box of whoever is covered by the warrant. It is just some recorded phone calls, and maybe a peek at the websites they visited.

Not so. Whoever they were surveilling on Trump’s team had every word they uttered, every day, from wake-up to bedtime, recorded and transcribed. They had a vehicular box around them 24/7, ready to pick them up and roll on a moment’s notice. There were people on their flights behind them, recording their conversations with the person sitting next to them who was probably also surveillance. Their wife’s grocery shopping was followed by multiple people in the store, who recorded everything they bought. Their computers were hacked, their cell phones were cloned and listened to, their children were monitored, and even every visit to the bathroom in their house was logged, maybe even by a team quietly moved into the house next door, who was watching through the through-wall-radar that can see through walls, and listening through triangulating mics, either on the poles or even driven underground to the foundation, using irrigation “missle” driving technology. If they bought a coffee machine at Amazon, it’s shipment was diverted and listening devices were implanted in it before it arrived. I’d bet they even had aviation when they were at home in their backyard. They never went anywhere without at least five to ten people roving around them, keeping watch. FISA surveillance, with or without a warrant is deep, and it all deploys together as a full package offering total coverage.

It is incredibly creepy, and a sad commentary on where the nation is at. The one guy who might have a chance of righting this sinking ship, and from the moment he announced, I knew he and his people would be buried under Deep-State-controlled, government surveillance. The only question I had was how far away Trump’s security could keep them.

The question is, who is at the top, ordering the surveillance around? It can’t be for national security, because by performing it on all these politicos, bloggers, and news media people, they accomplish nothing but to risk exposing the machine, and losing it for everything – crime, national security, and so on. Do they think they can keep the machine by force, even if they piss off Trump? What does that say?

During Trump’s presser he used the phrase “It’s like Nazi Germany.” It hit me that his use of that phrase was not off the cuff. Something else is in his head, bouncing around, and either he or someone else said of it, “It is like Nazi Germany.” I don’t think he was talking about the media’s lies when that was first said – those are to benign and impotent. The way the phrase rolled off, it had been said before, and the shock of realizing the nation is not what you thought it was had attached itself to it. I know, because I have heard the same phrase with the same shock in my head. It is like Nazi Germany.

It would not surprise me if it is why Donald is keeping his security team around him – and maybe it might speak to why the Secret Service is trying to close them out of all planning and meetings.

We may have a very interesting four years ahead of us. If Donald intends to go to war, I hope he does not think he will just assume office, and make the changes he wants. He needs to first gather intelligence on everything these organizations and people have been doing that they cannot afford to have made public. To do that, he really needs someone knowledgeable on the inside, who can help him with insight into all of their illegal activities.

All of these agencies have been playing loose with the rules, doing things that could get them literally imprisoned, and that is their weak point. Once Donald has the ability to leak material that will destroy the intelligence community entirely, then he can move forward with his agenda and remodel these organizations as he sees fit.

But even if he manages to gather sufficient blackmail material to operate freely, it will still be a dangerous endeavor.

Pray for the safety of Donald and his family.

Help tell others about r/K Theory, because Donald is going to need all the support he can get

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8 years ago

[…] FBI Sought FISA Warrant To Spy On Team Trump […]

8 years ago

It’s only recently (5 or so years) that I realised the significance of history…. 70s child 80s education! (That’s my excuse and I’m sticking to it!)
As soon as I learned some, I said to her, “this is like Nazi Germany!”

dc. sunsets
8 years ago

The only way this ship gets “righted” is for the money to run it (and the popular consent to its scale) to disappear. Any system this large and impersonal will be exploited by the sociopaths among us. Until the USA breaks apart into much smaller polities, this sort of thing is a given.

8 years ago

Ive been praying for his protection nearly every day since the election. That he may be wise as a serpent and that he may be hedged in by His angels.
Our God holds all of the power and these human devils, who think they can act with impunity are nothing but puppets on strings…dancing and prancing around – all the while laying the groundwork for their eternal damnation.

8 years ago

AC, Trumps Uncle was the FBI guy who commandeered Nikola Tesla’s papers and equipment after the engineers death.

Avoiding discussion of what technology was commandeered what are the possibilities that Trump is a man who has been groomed for a long time from the Jedi side of the Deep State with long time connections to Intelligence.

Chris Stevenson
Chris Stevenson
8 years ago

It is really rather surprising that he did not say “East Germany” as this more accurately reflects where we are going to. Nazism is the precursor display of atavistic leftism in full public view. This is what he might be discussing among his trusted people. Nazism took real issues of ethnic homogeneity, societal decay of morality and economic injustice and used these to manage people’s anger for the benefit of the r-selected leadership. R’s do not care about avoiding cruelty and injustice when there is no longer a social justice benefit to doing so. Trump is seeing the meanness begin to manifest itself and he fears this at a basic and educated level. The R’s would like nothing better than to let the world burn to keep the K’s busy serving their agenda. Seeing R’s as stupid is a major weakness for some K analysts. The coming Stasi state is the planned successor to the Nazis like outbreak that they are planning now which will serve the purpose stated above and discredit conservative elements for generations. Only very recently can Germans discuss openly some conservative ideas. The takeaway is that a very long window is planned by these types many steps ahead into the future. They are planing the Stasi before the fall of the Nazism which has not yet bloomed. Trump probably senses this but will be blinded by what is right in front of his, namely the growing Nazism. He might not see that it is a movement with a planned defeat ready for the next stage.

8 years ago

Informative in the ongoing saga:


Maple Curtain
Maple Curtain
8 years ago

Nazi Germany is the wrong analogy – Soviet Russia was the total surveillance state. But the Judenpresse and Jew academia have long since distorted the truth away from the fact that the Jew Bolshies perfected the surveillance state. I’ve read social histories of Germany during the Third Reich, and Nazi control of Germany was nothing even remotely close to Bolshie control of Russia. The Jews are not your friend, DJT. Watch your back, and especially watch your son-in-law.

Robert What?
Robert What?
8 years ago

You know, I could almost understand it if the FBI and the CIA truly believed that Trump was a threat to national security, or that Russia was a threat to national security. But they aren’t a threat and the intelligence agencies know that. The only things that are threatened are concerned about are their four Ps – Power, Perks, Privileges and Pensions. That is something they cannot forgive Trump for.

Jeff A. Taylor (@TheFree_Lance)
8 years ago

I read that comment as “It is like Stasi Germany.” Ever since the Snowden doc revelations THREE AND A HALF years ago, I been waiting for the logical twin — leaks on the extensive informant system in place. Instead we get drips and drabs like the Best Buy story which confirm our suspicions but are not numbers or names. Oddly Team Snowden has be very reluctant to visit the topic, aside from the Muslims-are-victims angle and persist with suggesting the Snowden doc programs are misguided and a waste of time in actually catching bad guys. But that assumes the purpose of spying is actionable intelligence to stop bad actors — and not in support of informants and the creation of informants. Because of his background and experience Trump is uniquely positioned to ID informants, and if informants today are as widespread as they were in East Germany, imagine how that freaks out the Deep State. They have no eyes on him. Further they project Trump as compromised by Putin precisely because they have not been able to compromise him. To them it might seem like the same thing — a powerful national actor beyond their reach. What is truly interesting is that Trump seems to understand all this and does so in a very open way. His presser the other day included an extraordinary riff on his intelligence briefings that I thought for certain would birth many stories. It did not, which was VERY odd. He essentially said that he sought moles in his own team. He deliberately did not tell anyone on Team Trump about recent meetings with IC folks and then waited to see if anything about the meetings leaked. And it did. That he thought to do this is remarkable, that he talked about it at a press conference is amazing. Trump told the Deep State that he is on to them and that he does not care that they know HE knows.

Reply to  Jeff A. Taylor (@TheFree_Lance)
8 years ago

Because of his background and experience Trump is uniquely positioned to ID informants, and if informants today are as widespread as they were in East Germany, imagine how that freaks out the Deep State.

That was the purpose of describing how he compartmentalizations the info on him meeting with the Intel guys — to show them that he knew how to catch leakers, was willing to do it, and willing to follow up on it once they were identified.

He has the “I win” button and is willing to push it.