FBI Agent Strzok Called For Insurance Policy To Take Out Trump

Pretty incriminating:

Two FBI officials who worked on Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s Russia investigation exchanged text messages last year in which they appear to have discussed ways to prevent Donald Trump from being elected president.

“I want to believe the path you threw out for consideration in Andy’s office — that there’s no way [Trump] gets elected — but I’m afraid we can’t take that risk,” FBI counterintelligence official Peter Strzok wrote in a cryptic text message to Lisa Page, an FBI lawyer and his mistress.

“It’s like an insurance policy in the unlikely event you die before you’re 40,” Strzok wrote in the text, dated Aug. 15, 2016.

Andy is likely Deputy FBI Director Andrew McCabe.

The path she laid out almost sounds like how she felt their current actions had already won the election for Hillary. Which makes his demand they needed an insurance policy make more sense. They were already in too deep. If Trump won, everything would come down. Really chilling shit.

And all of a sudden a lot of stuff I’ve seen in the past few years makes a lot more sense. It always made sense theoretically, but now it really makes sense practically. Now you see what is at the top.

Like it or not, the people who actually run the government are a shadowy Deep State, and Obama and Clinton put a lot of them where they are at the top, calling the shots. It sounds crazy to think a Federal Law Enforcement Agency would try to create an insurance policy to overturn a lawful election, simply because they disliked the conservative politics of the nation, but here we are. Banana Republic, Kwanistan central.

Bear in mind, all of this is a spectrum we are moving along. Even as the nation becomes more conservative, and more triggering for the rabbits, the rabbits are continuing to exploit every cognitive hack they can find to continue pushing their brains r. It is how they work. So the forces which produced this – rabbits who couldn’t tolerate a conservative taking office will grow. Until the collapse, the future rabbits will be more rabbity, and the future conservatives will make Trump look moderate. The forces will grow.

Which means in the future, we will have even more psychologically committed ideologues on both sides, and those on the left will not only believe they can go even further, they will believe they have no choice morally. If things were to continue as they have been far enough, we would definitely see leftist FBI snipers taking out a President on orders from above, to protect the institution they owe their loyalty to, and prevent “literally Hitler” from taking office. And everyone involved would think it was the most moral course they could follow. They would think they were heroes.

And then they would be in too deep. You can’t just back away, you have to seize control completely. And if Americans stand up to it, they need to be dealt with, because they support “literally Hitler.” But in their defense, the leftists would be circumventing the Constitution and the lawful election, killing the President elect, and murdering a few million Americans to prevent “literally Hitler” from taking over the US. They would be stopping a fascist takeover of the country.

Think about Strzok’s statement, and how close it is to that. The only thing which held things back was there weren’t enough leftists in enough places to make their victory certain, and he probably wasn’t in so deep he felt his whole life would be destroyed if he didn’t act. Put a few more leftists in the right places, stick them in a little deeper, and add a little amygdala, however…

In truth, it is no more strange than celebrating drag queens reading stories to children in libraries, or ignoring the weaponization of the IRS to attack conservative groups, or lauding homosexual parents who try to queer their offspring, or trans-sexing little children with medical procedures which will haunt them for the rest of their lives, or public masturbation, or men in wigs who are naked in front of little girls in locker rooms, or any other oddities of this age. Oppose any of those, and you are the criminal today. Think about it.

r and K bend minds and twist morals. What one side finds horrifically abhorrent is benign normalcy to another. Never think anything is impossible – especially a political purge of the right when the collapse goes down. For those in power, it may not only be possible – it may be the only moral option they see in a world that teeters, in their mind, at the precipice of evil.

One key to functionality under the most stressful of conditions is not having expectations. Expect one thing, see that expectation violated, and the shock can paralyze amygdalae. We are inculcated with a sense that it can never happen here. But not only can it, it already is happening.

Your key to survival may be that when the government officers come to herd you to the cattle cars, to view it as perfectly normal and expected. Then, with amygdalae calm and focused, assess how to break contact and make it to safe havens. Or ideally, have a plan, and a hidden escape tunnel, already prepared.

Tell others about r/K Theory, because it can feel good to bend amygdalae back the right way

This entry was posted in Amygdala, Anxiety, Decline, ITZ, K-stimuli, Liberals, Politics, Psychology, rabbitry, Splintering, Trump. Bookmark the permalink.
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7 years ago

What fascinates me, is that r’s punish K’s acquiescence with their demands. For example, they heap incremental abuse on western Europeans for each incremental gesture of generosity.

7 years ago

For a glimpse into how hard it will be to drain the DOJ/FBI swamp will be, read this from a former DOJ lawyer during the obummer/holder years.


7 years ago

There’s something in the water in DC. Probably excess BPA from all the plastic water pipes. That’s the only explanation. If I were an FBI agent and I saw another agent talking like that he would be arrested immediately. We’re talking fist fights in the office and guns drawn type stuff.

7 years ago

Anyone else appreciate the Irony that Strzok, Numero Dos in COUNTERINTELLIGENCE at the Bureau, wrongly thought his text messages were untraceable.

And more so wound up as a Fox News Infographic 😏

7 years ago

Anonymous Conservative: FBI Agent Strzok Called for Insurance Policy to Take out Trump referenced in EoP Leg Sub [eop-leg-sub.tygae.org.za] correspondence: 18 Dec: Omarosa & Gen Kelly: EoP Re: Omarosa & Gen J Kelly ‘Fired’ or ‘Resigned’ Dispute.

7 years ago

[…] – George Soros; Wikileaks: Hillary Clinton Email Archive: H: FYI: SID; Anonymous Conservative: FBI Agent Strzok Called for Insurance Policy to Take out Trump; Bulworth: Trailer: Racial Religious and Class Mindfuck Deconstruction Debate; Ken Burns: Civil […]

7 years ago

[…] – George Soros; Wikileaks: Hillary Clinton Email Archive: H: FYI: SID; Anonymous Conservative: FBI Agent Strzok Called for Insurance Policy to Take out Trump [archive.is/t1m0p]; Bulworth: Trailer: Racial Religious and Class Mindfuck Deconstruction Debate; […]