Facial Disgust – Rockville Migrant-Rapist-Loving Superintendent

This was an illuminative face downthread:

In the wake of an alleged brutal rape at Rockville High School in Maryland by two illegal aliens last week, Montgomery County Superintendent Dr. Jack Smith is accusing parents of racism and xenophobia. He also claims threats are being made against students and schools.

“While I know this tragic incident has become part of a national political debate, I want to remind community members that the lives of real students have been forever affected,” Smith sent in an email Thursday morning. “While many have chosen to engage civilly in the conversation, far too many have crossed the line with racist, xenophobic calls and emails. MCPS is working with law enforcement to identify those who are making threats toward our students and schools. This behavior will not be tolerated in our community.”

Nowhere in the email was it mentioned the suspects are in the country illegally, with at least one facing deportation.

Parents have been protesting outside of Smith’s office in recent days and did not mince words about the situation during a public meeting Tuesday night. One parent said he took his daughter out of school last year because of an unsafe environment.

Smith avoided questions about the alleged sexual assault for days and had to be confronted by a reporter in the parking lot outside of his office before finally answering questions. He is in charge of 204 schools in the district.

Meanwhile, Republican Governor Larry Hogan is demanding answers.

“Why is an 18-year-old man in a class with 13 or 14-year-old girls? Why was his status not known to those folks? Why was he allowed to enter the country after he was picked up for illegally crossing the border—both of them? So there are a lot of questions,” Hogan told Fox 5. “My biggest concern is the Montgomery County School System and their lack of cooperation and the lack of information they’ve been providing. Not only have they refused to provide any information to us, but they’ve refused to provide information to the state Board of Education, which specifically requested more information.”

Here is the shitbag superintendent:

Notice almost a snarl of contempt/disgust on the left side of his face. In this photo it is subtle, but if you know what to look for, it is still there.

Then I saw this picture of him. which I have bifurcated:


Notice the snarl of contempt/disgust on the left side of his face. If you ignore everything above the nose, it is as if he is baring his teeth at you in a snarl. When I look at the unbifurcated picture, I actually see a wolf, baring the teeth on the left side of its face, as another wolf puts its face too close from that side. Among wolves, that is a common expression of anger. It is either that, or demonic possession, if you look at the face bifurcated.

Oddly enough I see that snarl, often on both sides of the face, on people who have endured sexual molestation and become hyper-sexualized, such as porn stars, prostitutes, and troubled young girls – and very often on men who are aggressively homosexual. It makes me wonder about the superintendent, and the real reason he has no issue with two foreigners, who sexually assaulted a young girl for whom he was supposed to be responsible.

Spread r/K Theory, because children deserve to be protected

This entry was posted in Cuckservatives, Faces, Immigration, Liberals, Migrant Crime Deniers, Pedophilia, Politics, Psychology, rabbitry, Rearing Differences, Sexual Deviance. Bookmark the permalink.
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7 years ago

[…] Facial Disgust – Rockville Migrant-Rapist-Loving Superintendent […]

Eric S. Mueller
7 years ago

The first time I saw a picture of the superintendant, it struck me that he has what Chateau Heartiste calls “Gay Pedo Face”. Vox Day might call him a gamma.

7 years ago

Serious question. How can one explain the seeming contradiction between the r-strategist’s ignorance as to the finality of resources while simultaneously supporting legislation and other incentives to limit use of said resources ala climate change and that whole agenda?

Reply to  KJB
7 years ago

I think that “whole agenda” is simply more Communism aka “r selection”
cutting CO2 = cutting plant food = yet another Communist lead Famine..

With energy shortages on top of agricultural failure (Lysenkoism AGAIN!).. the skilled/productive K selected, are at the whim of the “random predation” of the State… Just like the ‘r’abbits that are supporting the Climate hoax agenda..

To them. .. the world is fair again!

Regressive Twats!

7 years ago

There is a book called Pimp by Iceberg Slim, a black pimp from the 1930s. One passage that stood out to me talked about how there wasn’t really much effort involved in “grooming” women to be prostitutes. It was more, targeting women who craved excitement and didn’t have a stable 2-parent home for support. Wonder what an experienced pimp would have to say about facial expressions.

7 years ago

He is probably highly compromised. Sorry but he DOES look gay pedo. And we have to pay for his peccadillos. Congrats, lefties, here is your membership, your clan, your identity.

7 years ago

Lost on the Neo-Marxist mind, the meaning of the word “xenophobia.” A person who despises or fears Russians as Russians is a Russophobe, not a xenophobe. A xenophobe has a negative attitude towards ALL foreigners, not certain classes of foreigners, or a certain selected foreign culture, race, religion or ethnicity.

Reply to  estepheavfm
7 years ago

All children are xenophobes.
Quick, ban children.

7 years ago

I’ve a better question. Is it possible you could link to any tutorials that could help a person do this quickly and competently themselves on some digital imagine software?