Facebook Investigation Confirmed

Q predicted this?

The Federal Trade Commission Monday confirmed it’s investigating Facebook in the wake of revelations that the company allowed the Trump-linked firm Cambridge Analytica to improperly obtain data on 50 million Facebook users.

“Companies who have settled previous FTC actions must also comply with FTC order provisions imposing privacy and data security requirements,” Tom Pahl, acting director of the FTC’s consumer protection bureau, said in a statement. “Accordingly, the FTC takes very seriously recent press reports raising substantial concerns about the privacy practices of Facebook. Today, the FTC is confirming that it has an open non-public investigation into these practices.”

So beautiful. The investigation is started, and now it can segue seamlessly from the campaign of the God Emperor, who did not receive illegal campaign assistance from Facebook, into the activities of Facebook on behalf of the Hillary and Obama campaigns, and against the Trump and Romney campaigns, which probably were all highly illegal in terms of campaign laws.

A lot of celebrities I would have assumed were Deep State have been encouraging everyone to dump Facebook lately. Q may be right and Facebook is heading to doom because the God Emperor intends to destroy it. But there is another possibility.

Humans have natural instincts designed to make them want to in-group and join to support patriotism, loyalty to country, freedom, and good. I always suspected Facebook, and social media in general, were attempts by the machine to exert control over the populace – a control which not infrequently would have to be exerted to subvert those deeper instincts, and move the populace in the direction which best served Deep State’s less noble interests.

It is possible this last election frightened Deep State. They created this social media Frankenstein to control the populace’s discussions, to gather intelligence on them, and shift the various narratives that might otherwise arise spontaneously and freely. But in this last election, the power of the connections social media fostered was so great that even intensive interventions the Deep State could not countermand mankind’s noble instincts as they coalesced.

Those instincts, once interconnected at light speed through technology, grew so immensely powerful synergistically that all of Deep State’s attempts to intervene and ban various actors, and kill various articles, and label good information bad, had almost no effect compared to the force of the good within, interconnected by this technology.

Deep State may have decided that social media connecting people to each other is too dangerous and uncontrollable no matter what Deep State does, and so now they have decided to destroy it, regardless of whether the God Emperor has decided to take it down or not.

It may mean that the freedom-loving community would be well served to create a facebook of its own without the Deep State intervention. If even with Deep State control, facebook could help get the God Emperor elected despite all the intervention, imagine what such a machine would for a God Emperor-like candidate without any Deep State intervention.

Spread r/K Theory, because the American spirit cannot be turned to evil, it can only be suppressed

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7 years ago

All the cabal has is:
1) Threats (doxxing and violence/poisoning);
2) Lies;
3) Shamming (political correctness and character assassination (calling you a racist, xenophobe, anti-semite, nazi, bigot, etc));
4) Gasligting (calling good news bad news, double standards, telling you obvious lies and try to shame you into not call them out on it or even worse, make you repeat them); and
5) Censorship (by owning the whole MSM and entertainment industries and by owning the major anti-freespeech Sillicon Valley big tech companies)

If you end the number 5, the rest are all easy to beat because it will be easy to redpill the normies.

7 years ago

Also important to know:

SES (Senior Executive Service): an army of no-background check required for the hire executives with access to ALL INTELLIGENCE, who nobody knows how much they make (and they are the most well paid federal employees there are), that the POTUS CANNOT FIRE.
This right here, those 10000 parasites are a very important part of the deep state.

Intro and link to info dumps: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pdFPR_c8qBk

More on SES: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IFFnT9JaG2g

Even more on SES: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mJRpeq0s9Ls

Some good news:
Groups of deep statists create group to support Trump..

7 years ago

Say what you want about Romney, but the Obama/Facebook duo hit his campaign too perfectly with microtargeting. It wasn’t fair, it was illegal. Without that microtargeting, Obama barely gets re-elected, barely. And that’s assuming the debates still go down the way they did. Romney didn’t get a fair shot, not by a mile.

7 years ago

Vox Day has recommended idka


“Idka is not Alt-Tech, it is merely a tech alternative. But as it is not SJW-converged, this is a significant step forward.”

The “Dread Ilk” group.


Here is another that I have not tried yet.


7 years ago

Alternatives ALREADY exist. Minds.com instead of Facebook. GAB instead of twitter. Freestater instead of Kickstater. Bitchute instead of Themtube. Full30.com for a bunch of gun channels, soon to be joined by other services and Bitchute has already announced that they welcome refugees from Themtubes purges.

Sam J.
Sam J.
7 years ago

hearing about this SES business has made me feel a lot better. I’ve been very negative on how we get a hold of the deep stse. This is, I think, possibly a key lynch pin of their control. They can watch everything going on from the inside. Maybe not control everything but knowing what;s going on is half the battle. I bet there’s some way they can be let go. If not then they can all be shuttled into border control or meat inspections.

7 years ago

I was talking with my normie friends earlier and put forth other “unorthodox” reasons as to why Facebook is going under *now*. If nothing else, I got them thinking about timing, because this stuff doesn’t happen accidentally or arbitrarily. Those in the know about technology have avoided Facebook for years, and the Obama campaign’s use of social media data spawned many fawning think-pieces from Nate Plastic and friends circa 2012.

* Maybe Facebook isn’t bent *enough*, so the Deep State is feeding it a poison pill. Later, Deep State assets in Hollywood will promote the next cool social media site, which is even more intrusive than Facebook behind the scenes. I’d consider this confirmed if Jimmy Fallon or Colbert interviews the “founder” sometime next year as part of the media op.

* Zuck is being railroaded by other Deep State factions before he can run for president or get more involved in politics generally.

* To your point, AC, the Deep State is trying to discredit social media because it’s a no-win situation for them going forward: if they couldn’t tilt the election during the Obama years, what hope have they if the G-E decides to make them utilities so they can’t censor period?

* Facebook is old news because they have even better sensors and spyware via Amazon Alexa, Google Home, and the rest of that garbage.

Somewhat related: AC, have you seen the meme of the bald gun-grabber and her cucky friends tearing the Constitution in half? This is the meme equivalent of an H-bomb. Absolutely brilliant work on the creator’s part.

7 years ago

P2P is the only way to go. All centrally coordinated system are prone to the “facebook problem”.

The time for p2p is coming too, p2p lives on always-on devices (everything else is crap from the p2p standpoint) and always on devices are now quite ubiquitous.

6 years ago

They probably thought, after looking at the Aughts-era blogosphere, that drawing everyone onto a common platform would help keep people from getting all of their information from fringe blogs. Instead, it became even more trivial to route around a suspicious Official Story.

I don’t think there is a single or small group of genius masterminds orchestrating this. What you’re probably looking at is the distributed super-intelligence resulting from a common belief system.