Facebook Ditches Fake News Flags, Because People Sought Them Out To Find Truth

The MAGA is growing strong in this nation:

Facebook is getting rid of its fake news red flags because they were making fabricated media reports appear more believable to its users.

The social network began showing “disputed” warnings next to articles in December to alert people that third party fact-checking websites deemed them misleading.

It will now show a selection of “related articles” next to offending stories instead. These will give more context and could help people learn the facts surrounding a situation through reputable media publications.

The U-turn was prompted by research suggesting users would actually believe fake news even if it was flagged as incorrect or a misleading.

“Academic research on correcting misinformation has shown that putting a strong image, like a red flag, next to an article may actually entrench deeply held beliefs – the opposite effect to what we intended,” Facebook product manager Tessa Lyons wrote in a blog-post.

It conducted research which suggested that false news stories with “related articles” next to it were shared fewer times than those highlighted with a red flag.

Given the propensity for large crowds to naturally discern truth, you would think the lefties would look at this situation and wonder if they are wrong, but instead they have just decided to look for a better way to manipulate the dialog.

Still it is a measure of the rising K. People are growing so K they are just beginning to disregard everything the left says, reflexively. Given that the rising amygdala that produces the increasing K seems to feed itself, and produce behaviors that will trigger the full K-shift, such as individual economic protectionism, the K-shift may be closer than it appears.

All in all encouraging, and even more so when you think about how K the population will go once the Apocalypse is upon us. All of this is just the warm-up. The pendulum is swinging back.

Spread r/K Theory, because a world of truth is worth the effort

This entry was posted in Amygdala, K-stimuli, Morals, Out-grouping, Politics. Bookmark the permalink.
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Man in the Middle
7 years ago

Given that ALL of the so-called fact-checking sites are leftist, I would certainly be among those who assume anything they call a lie is likely to instead be true.

As for the related media story offers, unless they are from one of the few news sources I trust, I ignore those offers too, as just more lefty propaganda.

Sam J.
Sam J.
7 years ago

HAHA I used to go to the list of fake news sites to get honest info. True a lot of those sites have made up click bait but they’re hardly less honest than that which is piped into your house.

7 years ago

Yes, Farcebook was squeezing water with this one.

Robert What?
Robert What?
7 years ago

Facebook’s Fake News flag is sort of like “pay no attention to that man behind the curtain.”

7 years ago

They’d have to show alternatives to all news stories or it’s still going to be a flag. There may be no way they can beat this. Who’d a thunk it?

Ann K
7 years ago

Exactly, Robert What!

7 years ago

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