News Briefs – 10/23/2018

I always see lots of r/K related stories I think might interest the readers here, but I only have time to blog about a few, so here are some additional news stories that might be of interest. You can skim the titles and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest.

Obama tells a crowd he started the Trump economic boom we are enjoying now, and he demands we remember that.

Republican Governor of Vermont stabbed gun owners in the back out of the blue, passing magazine bans, giving the state the power to deem someone a danger and seize their arms, and on and on. He was rewarded with a Tranny opponent as his Democrat who looks like Tom Arnold in a wig, and whom he is leading by 14 points despite conservative disgust with him. I’d love to know if, as in Colorado, NRO or NSA has a data facility up there, maybe monitoring the northern border, CIA opened a secret branch nearby to spy on them. Once there the leftists the Cabal put throughout CIA decided to take control of the local government and disarm everyone along the way. There is a book alleging that CIA was running MK Ultra experiments out of Vermont State Hospital, at a time when over 3,000 patients died mysteriously, so they may be using such a rural backwater for darker operations. I would not have believed that possible ten years ago, but now anything is possible.

42% of children under six in Germany are of a migrant background.

Ben Stein points out that the McConnell restaurant hecklers are exactly how the Nazis started out. He is right. If we didn’t have a strong leader on the right like Trump, if we had Jeb, things would have gone amazingly bad, in an astonishingly well-planned fashion.

Muslim who runs the biggest network of Sharia Courts in Britain, accused of child-rapes. Do you think Cabal would have any interest in penetrating and controlling those Sharia courts, and by extension controlling those people? Look where the power is, and you will find Cabal’s emissaries, and where you find Cabal’s emissaries, you will find people doing dark things. And the more power they have, he higher in the network they are, the darker, more horrifying, and more awful the things they do will be, because it is the blackmailable facet of those things which produced their promotion. You can actually use that theory to predictively model areas of the world you have never laid eyes on.

Migrant invaders of the Caravan are provisioning themselves by attacking Mexican cops, robbing regular Mexicans, and stealing from Mexican markets on their trip north.

Nigeria has 7 million births per year. That is just one country in Africa. It is natural to want to save everyone. But there is no way you possibly can. There is no way to process all the people who are going to starve when the Global economic mess finally manifests. And a Global mess that will put all of them on the move is coming.

Parts of Los Angeles ruled dirtier than many third world slums by experts.

Trannies are increasingly requesting “Detransitioning” surgery, but the requests are seen as taboo, because they go against the narrative the machine is pushing.

Kashoggi’s fiancé under Police protection. Why would she be getting threats, unless she is a player?

Polio-like illness may be more prevalent than previously thought. You wonder if it came in with the recent surge of migrants over the last couple of months. More than 155 cases being investigated. It does seem like migration numbers spike, and so does this disease.

Intermittant reports of both Drudge and Fox going down, and 8chan is still under heavy attack. It is possible somebody is testing their ability to blackout in various ways the major conservative outlets which would spread any damaging information which might happen to leak out.

Mysterious metal towers popping up around NYC. Mainly interesting in that committees that oversee placement of things don’t get told what they are, they are just ordered to put them there, and they do a perfunctory vote – even when they don’t want to, and later complain. Are they irradiating people with X-rays? Microwaves? Something else? are they taking naked pictures of people? Nobody knows. We are entering a place where government intel increasingly feels the people are it’s herd of livestock, and it is the farm-owner raising them. As of now, the era of a government ruled by the people is an illusion. It remains to see if it will ever be reestablished.

Your apps continue to track you even after you uninstall them.

Megan Markle sports a band-aid on her left index finger, as if something might have “cut deeply into the middle finger of her left hand,” forcing her to “eat the pain”:

Podesta had a similar one:

Crazy Days and Nights claims Soros and Assange are friends, and Assange buys sex from Pam Anderson, among others, while Soros laid claim to Nicole Scherzinger. The Cabal world we do not see may be very strange.

Texas Border Patrol chief begs for help, as his sector has so many illegals crossing they apprehended 12,000 just in the last three weeks. Again, interesting that as we approach what Q says will be the trigger for the Storm’s beginning, there is a coincidental massive surge in illegals.

The Pope wore a “Rainbow Cross” during the youth Synod.

Pope calls for a global solidarity walk with migrants.

Now Conservative sites are seeing Stat shadowbanning, where hosts like WordPress are concealing, and sometimes retroactively deleting their incoming and outgoing link stats, so sites they link to will not see they are sending them traffic and maybe check those sites out. I’ve noticed a drop in google searches lately on top of the normal blacklisting on searches for conservatism and conservative, despite it being in the domain. There is no way to tell if anything we see out here is real. If you are dangerous enough, I would not be surprised to see them put you in a bubble, where nobody can find you online and most of your traffic is the machine. The best part of this ride was how it has shown me this entirely secret world, that controls what everyone experiences and mentally processes. I’d have never believed it if I hadn’t seen it firsthand. I look back on the old, normie me, and am just stunned I was so clueless.

Article about redacted FBI reports on kidnapping attempts on JFK Jr, which included information about a letter sent to Biden. From the article: The FBI records were replete with fuzzy details about the two kidnapping plots. But one report concerned a letter, postmarked Aug. 26, 1994, that Sen. Joseph R. Biden Jr. (D-Del.), received from Worcester, Mass. “Dear Sen. Biden,” the letter said. “You are a traitor.” It was signed “John F. Kennedy Jr.” The handwriting was analyzed. Fingerprints were lifted from the letter. But no suspects were identified, and the case was closed at the end of 1994.

A very long pdf on the CIA’s site, which an anon turned up on the “Olympians,” or the “Committee of 300,” which the author maintains is the ultimate leadership of Cabal. I have not finished it yet. It is tough to judge the veracity, though the public events would jibe. But I tend to think if they hid their banking in sovereign bank accounts, they have probably erased themselves from the system and hidden their real identities, especially given their history, and what tended to happen to Kings who misjudged the coming events. Right now we do not know enough to judge, so all we can do is gather as much information as possible and hope a clear image emerges at some point.

Kashoggi’s double filmed leaving Saudi Embassy in fake beard and glasses. Or Kashoggi had turned (he was living in DC), and that was Kashoggi walking out, after which he was grabbed up by Turkish intelligence and killed, with the idea the Saudis would deny killing him, and the body emerging would seal Salman’s fate. All of this is like a magic act. The question is was it a poor magic act, or a very, very good one.

China will put a fake moon in the sky by 2020, to illuminate their cities at night.

Texas Sheriffs have posted video feeds from the border to encourage the community to report illegal activity they see.

Somebody put a bomb in George Soros’ mailbox.

Journalist killings are down globally since Trump took office. You wonder if this is a metric of the reach of Cabal’s operations. If their intel network is as robust as I suspect, and they control who is in the media as much as I would think, imagine how easy it would be to get a journalist assigned to the type of story that would take them somewhere violent, and then get a sniper or EOD guy out there to take them out. Good way to keep the media filled with your people.

Trump says he has gotten rid of the moniker “Lyin’ Ted,” and that now Ted Cruz is “Beautiful Ted.”

Bolsonaro in Brazil says if he wins, he will deploy the Army to the street to purge the corrupt left wing party. Free Helicopter Rides Incoming! I’m so excited.

Shortly after we hear Canada installed Chinese monitoring equipment on the sea floor near our Nuclear sub base, an anon noticed some “earthquakes” hit right around in that area (click for full size):

Former Croatia Prime Minister sentenced for corruption and war profiteering. These types of things lately would seem to indicate a real Storm, since they would be very bad for morale in a Cabal community, unless everything was an illusion, and this guy was being sent into a new life somewhere else. It seems more likely the guard is changing.

US negotiating to disconnect Iran from the SWIFT banking system. I think Cabal was comingling their finances with these nations’ finances to cloak their presence and activities.

Man who mocked passed Police Officer husband of 9/11 widow ID’d and out of a job.

Facebook may be in trouble for charging advertisers for video ads based on bogus metrics showing views that never happened.

Trump says the US will build up its nuclear arsenal in preparation for war. Every aspect of the US will be in tip-top shape by the time he leaves office.

The Migrant Invader Caravan is up to 14,000 illegal invaders. There is a rumor that they have organized 40,000 Mexicans who will rendezvous with the always-growing Caravan before heading north, producing a massive mob of around 60,000 invaders arriving at the border at once. They are either hiding something in that mob, or something else is coming over another part of the border while all our resources are tied up with the mob in one small place.

There is a hurricane heading towards the migrant’s path, which although weakened by the time it reaches them, should at least deteriorate the caravan’s conditions for a bit.

Trump says the Caravan is filled with criminals and “unknown middle easterners.” False Flags incoming. If the left is smoked in the midterms, the Storm will need to hit hard and fast, or things will get really hot for a while.

Trump declares a National Emergency over the migrant invader caravan heading toward the border, tells Central American nations he is cutting their aid. So just as the election hits, the Military and Domestic Law Enforcement apparatus is fully activated under the direct authority of the President. What else could that all be used for? And Central American leaders will now round up leftist Soros operatives down there and imprison them to prevent this type of thing in the future because this incident will cost them hundreds of millions in US aid.

The Caravan could also be a good test for the Active Denial System, if they try to storm the border as a mass.

Trump declares a National Emergency over the approaching migrant invader caravan.

The tweet Trump sent out had a misspelling, which was missing the letters ENC. Most likely it was a misspelling, but Trump is believed to hide things in his tweets at times. This led to speculation that if you reversed ENC, as in a “mirror,” it would become CNE, which is the Counter Narcotics Enforcement division of DHS. If you take the words he capitalized, which he didn’t have to, you will also see a CNE, in that order:

Others thought he might have been referring to a Congressional National Emergency, meaning that even though he declared a National Emergency, he will force Congress to hold some sort of vote on declaring the invasion a state of emergency, which would make every Representative and Senator come out and vote up or down on allowing 50,000 violent invaders to come into our country, or taking action to stop them. States of emergencies have lots of implications, regardless. From Infogalactic’s page on States of Emergency:

Congress may authorize the government to suspend consideration of writs of habeas corpus “when in cases of rebellion or invasion the public safety may require it.”…

The 1977 International Emergency Economic Powers Act allows the government to freeze assets, limit trade and confiscate property in response to an “unusual and extraordinary threat” to the United States that originates substantially outside of it. As of 2015 more than thirty emergencies under the IEEPA remain active regarding various subjects, the oldest of which was declared in 1979 with regard to the government of Iran.

Lindsey Graham points out that if you let Nancy Pelosi get elected to Speaker of the House, she would welcome the migrant invader Caravans.

Trump, at a rally for over 100,000, mocks one-percent-Joe Biden’s puny rally in Nevada.

NBC/WSJ poll shows Republican enthusiasm is changing the race in battleground districts in the House.

Secretly Democrats are panicking because GOP women have come home to Trump, and Hispanics are not turning out. From the article: Hispanic voters… said they felt disempowered rather than emboldened; they expressed feelings of cynicism, apathy and fear fueled by the highly fraught political moment… some have simply lost faith that politicians will follow through on their promises once the elections are over. “It’s the same as in Mexico – they promise people they’re going to help, and they don’t,” said Cesar Gustamente, 28, over a plate of carne asada in east Las Vegas, when asked about why he might not vote in the tossup Senate race there. Mr. Gustamente, who is Mexican-American, voted for Hillary Clinton in 2016 and has been upset by President Trump’s language. But “there are times where you’re just wasting your time on voting,” he said.

That is what every Democrat will be like in 2020, if we see a massive red wave in this election. If Democrats go all in, and see nothing but humiliating defeat, they will begin to find political involvement triggering, and they will withdraw. What a magical time.

Spread r/K Theory, because the US isn’t a charity

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Cinderella the Deplorable
6 years ago

Obama- what is with his high-pitched voice? There must be a voice analyst (similar to Bombard) who could comment on the weirdness of it and what it might mean. Desperation?

Subs – FYI – the images don’t enlarge.

NYC towers “shrouded in mystery” – not just eyesores but creepy! taxpayers are not demanding answers? officials are okay with sketchy or no details?df

Cinderella the Deplorable
Reply to  Cinderella the Deplorable
6 years ago

Obama – his strange behavior, stuttering and voice pitch changes might be due to desperation or embarrassment. Per the post by CTH and video linked from Twitter lolol:

6 years ago

Re: Polio

It is possible that polio wasnt eliminated by a successful vaccine, but by changing the nam e “polio” to something else. So, we still have people contracting this,new “not-polio”, which is identical to polio.

Also, having improved sewage systems and better health habits around sewage probably effected a drop in even “new not-polio” polio.

6 years ago

The stark contrast between the tiny crowd in Nevada to see Obama compared to Trump’s rally is astounding. It really is a blue puddle, not a wave. You can see the energy in Texas. Usual sleight of hand from the MSM trying to make Obama look relevant. Sundance has a brilliant title “the bloom is off the ruse”!

6 years ago

Tommy Robinson was back in Court today and released again on bail. It’s been referred by the Judge to our AG. Tommy submitted a statement to the Court that covers his actions and details the so called justice system’s abuse of fair process in his case. An American lawyer helped to prepare his statement.

In view of your report on the head of the Sharia Courts now also accused of child rape it is becoming even clearer to more people that the cultural enrichers are a protected class. Do you even know to what extent you have Sharia Law and Courts in the US and what it is covering up?

6 years ago

Intermittant reports of both Drudge and Fox going down, and 8chan is still under heavy attack. is under heavy attack as well.

If you are dangerous enough, I would not be surprised to see them put you in a bubble, where nobody can find you online and most of your traffic is the machine.


Congress may authorize the government to suspend consideration of writs of habeas corpus “when in cases of rebellion or invasion the public safety may require it.”…

One common use of habeas is to challenge immigration detentions.

6 years ago

In regards to the antenna article:
There’s a mesh over the “pylon” in the picture. Also fiber optics are being run to these as well as some sort of power no doubt, electro-optical conversion requires electricity. The mesh rules out cameras. The pylons are being placed by tunnels and bridges in a partnership of some sort with DHS. I’ll speculate and say that these are antennas to ping vehicles and electronics. MAC addresses can be changed but how people would think to change one in their Bluetooth and wireless connected vehicles? Yet another layer of tracking/monitoring going into the system.

Jason in KT
6 years ago

Not sure what BlueServo is or how to use it. The videos on the site appear to be pre-recorded loops and not actual live video.

6 years ago

The Khashoggi article has an interesting list at the end of it, with names of companies and people pulling out of Salman’s conference.

Executives and officials who have cancelled their attendance at the event:
-U.S. Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin;
-JPMorgan Chase CEO Jamie Dimon;
-Blackrock CEO Larry Fink;
-MasterCard CEO Ajay Banga;
-HSBC CEO John Flint;
-Siemens CEO Joe Kaeser;
-Standard Chartered CEO William Winters;
-London Stock Exchange CEO David Schwimmer;
-Ford Executive Chairman Bill Ford;
-Uber CEO Dara Khosrowshahi;
-Los Angeles Times owner Patrick Soon-Shiong;
-New York Times Columnist Andrew Ross Sorkin;
-Google Cloud CEO Diane Greene;
-Former AOL CEO Steve Case;
-International Monetary Fund Managing Director Christine Lagarde;
-Virgin Group founder Richard Branson;
-Thrive CEO Arianna Huffington;
-World Bank President Jim Yong Kim;
-French Finance Minister Bruno Le Maire;
-Dutch Finance Minister Wopke Hoekstra;
-Britain’s trade minister, Liam Fox;

Companies that withdrew as media partners to the conference:
-New York Times;
-Financial Times;

Other organizations that have also cut ties with the Saudis in the wake of the Khashoggi case:
-The Glover Park Group, The Harbour Group: Washington lobbying firms no longer representing Saudi Arabia;
-Middle East Institute: Washington think tank to no longer take Saudi donations;

That list sadly tells you what is likely true about the Khashoggi affair and what is a lie that certain people want the public to believe.

6 years ago

Sonic weapons are effective for crowd control too, as well as good old-fashioned tear gas.

Sam J.
Sam J.
6 years ago

“…A very long pdf on the CIA’s site, which an anon turned up on the “Olympians,” or the “Committee of 300,” which the author maintains is the ultimate leadership of Cabal. I have not finished it yet. It is tough to judge the veracity…”

Well I can judge. it’s a crock of shit. Sure they may some facts in it. Maybe a lot but the focus is on deceit. You can tell by them immediately washing out the Jews influence and saying it’s somehow some homo WASP cabal running things. Well if this is so then why doesn’t the Jew run TV, radio, newspapers, magazines, web sites, etc., etc. tell us to save us from these evil people? Why isn’t the simplest of questions, the most basic facts, answered by these people making these accusations? A certain sign of Jews and psychopaths is to see them spout an intricate, astounding morass wall of bull while leaving the most direct, common sense questions unanswered. The reason is because…they run things. Sure there’s WASP that have influence but it’s very little. Just like all the old line WASP bankers were taken over by Jews and then immediately started mass derivative, hostile take overs, junk bonds…why didn’t the WASP do this before? Because they were more straight laced and reputable that’s why.

All you have to know is the simplest of ideas to understand. Just who can you not criticize. Who owns the mass communication? Who owns the mass of finance? We know with a very large level of certainty that this is by far the Jews. If there’s a global homo WASP cabal running things then where the hell are thy? If the WASP are running things WHY doesn’t the Jews who own lock, stock and barrel the global communication system warn us? If the Jews are so smart, as they are always telling us, you mean they can’t get up enough gumption to help. Let’s not forget that Jews are the most aggressive people on Earth, what’s stopping them from saving us all from this scourge of WASP global homos.

What clarified things for me is 9-11. Building 7 fell the same speed as a rock dropped in air. This being so it means “the mass” of the building 7 fell through the same material the rock did, AIR. It fell as if only air held it up. Well we know the building wasn’t floating in the air so it had to be demoed in some way. Now you want to tell me the people that own all the mass communication on Earth, the large majority of the biggest banks, the central banking system, most of the corporations are just little angels and are only held back by “the committee of 300” or some other tripe group that they weave complicated conspiracy theories about????? Just how many TV, radio, newspaper, web sites does the WASP global homo group own?

THE people in charge of the pozz on the planet, if we use common sense, are the Jews. If they are not the people in charge then they are still guilty because they know the same things I can see about 9-11 and refuse to tell us or warn us so it makes no difference if they are in charge or not. They own the assets just the same and refuse to help. They have no excuse. If you don’t rob a bank but drive the get away car you are still an accessory so they have no excuse. If the Jews are afraid can’t MOSSAD attack these evil WASP that are pozzing the planet??? That they don’t gives you the answer.

6 years ago

OT but perhaps an interesting sign of the times:
Georgia town plans to round up all its pedophiles and put them in city hall on Halloween to keep children safe