Evopsych Free At Amazon Again

Should start around 4-5AM EST today, and will run Sunday, Monday and Tuesday. Narcissist too. All I ask in return for the free copy is that you tell two or three other people about it, and get them to either take it this go around (in return for telling two or three people about it themselves) or they sign up on the list for next time, in a month or so. The sooner r/K goes viral, the sooner I can rest easy having done my job, not seeing this disappear down the memory hole if I cash out unexpectedly.

Get the new Third Edition of The Evolutionary Psychology Behind Politics free here:

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7 years ago

Hey I just mentioned your book to someone I know with a small youtube channel, he’s going to mention it to his followers. I included the link to the top result on amazon just for completeness.

If I end up being on a stream and having to discuss r/K, is there a FAQ you’ve put together for some of the most common objections to the theory? I know most of them by now, but I’m still struggling with the r-as-migrant idea. If I understand it, the left liberals in the US want to instinctively migrate, but there’s no resource richer area to migrate to, so their instincts are going haywire. Like bad-mouthing their own in-group… while still living among that in-group (!). So is the idea that conditions have to turn K for that to happen, and how do they know they’ll find a more resource rich civilizations somewhere else to go to? Thanks.

7 years ago

Do you know about any experiments/test that link meditation with the amygdala?

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
7 years ago

That would make sense.

I know somebody who had a (really) severe concussion. And after a couple of days/weeks she started suffering from over-stimulation. Any kind, touch, sound, light. It did get better very very gradually, now after two years she is finally able to do what she did before (work wise). But still has to take things slowly. She now meditates quite often 2 or 3 times a day, whereas before the concussion she did not do that at all.

So it seems to me as if the concussion created a hair-trigger mechanism, that fired repeatedly. This then burns through the brains energy reserves leaving her unable to cope with anything and almost perpetually tired.
Now that things have improved, the mediation probably helps to build up an energy reserve by disabling the amygdala for a time. After that she is fine until the reserves get too low and has to repeat the process.

Just speculating of course.

7 years ago

Ta, AnonCon. That’s very kind of you.