Evil Cop Murders Innocent Black Man, #5,378

A Police Officer shoots an innocent black man, then lies about begin dragged, while his fellow “Boys in Blue” lie about the dragging, so as to cover up the murder:

Police officers in Cincinnati appear to have corroborated a false account of the fatal shooting of Samuel DuBose in the immediate aftermath of the incident, a detailed analysis of body-camera video released on Wednesday shows…

On Wednesday, Tensing was indicted for murder after Hamilton County prosecutor Joseph Deters said body-camera footage, which he released at a press conference announcing the charge, showed the officer was not dragged during the encounter.

“It is our belief that he was not dragged. If you slow down this tape you see what happens, it is a very short period of time from when the car starts rolling to when a gun is out and he’s shot in the head,” Deters told reporters on Wednesday.

The footage shows that Tensing falls back, after DuBose is killed instantly by a single shot to the head and immediately chases after the vehicle. Deters said that DuBose’s limp body probably caused the car to accelerate.

A Guardian analysis of the nearly 28 minutes’ worth of Tensing’s body-camera footage released by the prosecutor’s office also shows the aftermath of the shooting and reveals that on three occasions, two other police officers repeat Tensing’s account that he was dragged by DuBose, and one of these officers claims to have witnessed it occurring.


Except for this:

If that analysis is correct, then the short time between the officer reaching in, shooting, and falling backward really means the car was accelerating very fast to cover that distance.

If you watch the tape, there is a lot that is unbelievable. First, the guy is stoned. Second, he begins the stop by handing the officer an almost finished bottle of gin, as if it is something which the officer would want. Then, when the officer pops the door, he pulls it shut, saying, “But I ain’t doin nuthin!,” at which point he throws the car in drive.

Bear in mind this is a guy who by some reports has 60+ arrests, 13 children by nobody knows how many mommas, and he was driving drunk on a suspended license.

I suspect the shot was a negligent discharge let loose in response to the car suddenly taking off and him trying to hang on, but I think he can still argue that it was justified, based on that tape analysis. Even if it was accidental, drag a cop and get accidentally tapped in the noggin as they try to hold on for dear life, and it is difficult to argue you weren’t at fault.

I want to say that you can never believe the media.

But the Donald Trump in me wants to say

You can’t believe a fucking word out of the mouths of these lying, quisling cocksuckers. I would gladly see all of civilization burn to ash if I could only piss on the smoldering embers of their worthless, charred bodies.

Of course now this jackass prosecutor is either going to have to hang all of these officers for saying they saw this cop dragged, or he will look like a total tool. I wonder what he will choose?

Paging Mike Nifong….

Apocalypse cometh™

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9 years ago

The cop shot before the car moved. Anything that happened after that was the reflex movements and/or dead weight of a corpse on the pedal.

The cops aren’t our friends. I’m not even sure they are on the K side of the continuum. They insist that in order to do their jobs, they need the right to torture and murder anyone who looks at them crossways, and not only should we thank them for that, but we should in fact not be allowed to defend ourselves without them and by the way they need a cushy lifetime pension for half a working life on the job.

That doesn’t sound very K to me, and I don’t care to have them on my side. When the rabbits start eating each other, they will be right there are the trough, like the looting NOLA cops during Katrina.

Don’t beclown yourself by defending (r) murders, on either side of the encounter.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
9 years ago

Oh sure, the guy who got brained was a bad guy, and I’m not in any way upset that he in particular is off the street.

By the same not, I’m not in any way upset that another campus cop goon is being hoisted upon his own pertard.

It is also worth noting that two other cops lied to try to protect him, as is tradition.

Char Char Binks
Char Char Binks
Reply to  Phelps
9 years ago

The car was moving before, during, and after the shot. It only takes a split second for a car to go from zero to faster-than-you-can-run.

Reply to  Char Char Binks
9 years ago

Sure, we’ll go with your lie instead of what we all see. You’re the smart one here to explain to us what we are all too stupid to look at.

9 years ago

Shorter version: The cops are the most exclusive in-group in this country. There are people who wear badges, and those who don’t. If you aren’t wearing a badge, you are subject to summary execution.

I don’t care to have them around me.

9 years ago

I agree with Phelps from past experience, but I have to say the cops up here in northern Maine (Sheriff’s Officers) are good local boys and go out of their way to protect and serve.
Never a twitch from any of them about my open carry over 14 years.

Unless you are a speeding tourist, of course.