Everybody Sees The Effects Of r/K Theory

From 4Chan:

The Rise and Fall of Empires & current Transgender/Feminist Movements

Historically the movement towards androgyny occurs in late fazes of culture as a civilisation is starting to unravel. You can find it again and again through history, including in Greek art, all of a sudden the sculptures of handsome nude young men athletes, that used to be very robust/masculine in the archaic period all started turning into wet noodle soy-boys toward the end.

The people who lived in such periods are in late fazes of culture, whether it’s the Hellenistic era, Roman Empire, Wiemar Germany felt they were very sophisticated, very cosmopolitan i.e. homosexuality/heterosexuality – so what, assaults on masculinity, saying it’s toxic, expanding women’s rights and terminating men’s out of existence. You can see they are cultures that no longer believes in itself and what you invariably get are people who are convinced of the power of heroic masculinity on the edges, whether they are the Vandals or the Huns or whether they are the barbarians of ISIS, you start to see them mass on the outsides of the culture, which is what we have right now. The is a tremendous and rather terrifying disconnect between the infatuation between the transgender/feminist movements in our own culture and what’s going on outside out culture (ISIS start to see them mass on the outsides)…

>5 century BC: Roman civilization is a a strong patriarchy, fathers are liable for the actions of their wife and children, and have absolute authority over the family (including the power of life and death)

>1 century BC: Roman civilization blossoms into the most powerful and advanced civilization in the world. Material wealth is astounding, citizens (i.e.: non slaves) do not need to work. They have running water, baths and import spices from thousands of miles away. The Romans enjoy the arts and philosophy; they know and appreciate democracy, commerce, science, human rights, animal rights, children rights and women become emancipated. No-fault divorce is enacted, and quickly becomes popular by the end of the century.

>1-2 century AD: The family unit is destroyed. Men refuse to marry and the government tries to revive marriage with a “bachelor tax”, to no avail. Children are growing up without fathers, Roman women show little interest in raising their own children and frequently use nannies. The wealth and power of women grows very fast, while men become increasingly demotivated and engage in prostitution and vice. Prostitution and homosexuality become widespread.

>3-4 century AD: A moral and demographic collapse takes place, Roman population declines due to below-replacement birth-rate. Vice and massive corruption are rampant, while the new-born Catholic Religion is gaining power (it becomes the religion of the Empire in 380 AD). There is extreme economic, political and military instability: there are 25 successive emperors in half a century (many end up assassinated), the Empire is ungovernable and on the brink of civil war.

>5 century AD: The Empire is ruled by an elite of military men that use the Emperor as a puppet; due to massive debts and financial problems, the Empire cannot afford to hire foreign mercenaries to defend itself (Roman citizens have long ago being replaced by mercenaries in the army), and starts “selling” parts of the Empire in exchange for protection. Eventually, the mercenaries figure out that the “Emperor has no clothes”, and overrun and pillage the Empire. Humanity falls back into the Bronze Age (think: eating squirrel meat and living in a cave); 12 centuries of religious zilotry (The Great Inquisition, Crusades) and intellectual darkness follow: science, commerce, philosophy, human rights become unknown concepts until they are rediscovered again during the Age of Enlightenment in 17th century AD.

There is no reason for sexual traits and rearing styles to reverse in males and females, except for r/K Theory’s reversal of sexual traits in r and K.

You have dangerous K-selection with monogamous couples, where strong, aggressive, and manly men provision and protect the family while feminine females nurture and rear offspring. And then you have the ease of r-selection, where effete fancy boys use flash and foolery to lure in one night stands as part of a promiscuous, bet-spreading mating strategy, while females have to be big, strong, manly, and ill-tempered to raise the demon-spawn they single-parent alone.

As that reversal in sexual traits occurs, and men become feminine, and females become masculine, sexual preferences switch to match the new reality. Men begin to prefer manly traits in mates, since those are the fittest females for r-selection, and females begin to prefer feminine traits, since those promiscuous fancy-boys are the most reproductively capable models of men.

Occasionally that process overshoots, producing men who prefer masculine mates so manly that they actually mate with men, and females prefer feminine mates so feminine that they end up mating with actual females.

r/K explains why a society attains great wealth and success, only to see it all lost to ever increasing sexual degeneracy that becomes actually non-productive, and ever worse parenting/rearing. And in the process it also explains everything from out-group preferences of the left, to immigration, to models of societal resource allocation, to competitiveness and aversions to competitiveness, to why economics fail as the K-shift goes down.

It is interesting it has happened faster than ever now on this turn of the cycle. There is no doubt the rate of descent into r-selected psychologies these last sixty years has been astonishing.

There are four possibilities. First is the biological. It is possible humans are evolving the genetics to swap reproductive strategies faster and faster. Those Romans who switched r fastest once those free resources showed up would have become the dominant form of r-strategist. Those who were slower to switch might have ended up switching to r just as everything came down, and they failed to pass their genes forward.

After centuries of evolution, there will be a pressure driving those who adapt to adapt faster. It would be interesting if it were heading to a point where it will happen almost instantaneously, eliminating the cycles where K slowly builds wealth and then persists as r destroys it. Perhaps one day the second there is wealth, we will shift r and consume it immediately, producing an instant shift back to K when it is consumed. The whole thing could eventually balance out to a point where there are no swings.

Option #2 is that on this go around, we are ridiculously r-selected in terms of ease and comfort. As much wealth as the Romans had, I will bet that we today would view their lives as terribly uncomfortable and lacking in pleasure. Once you have the plethora of delicious food and dopamine elicitors like video games, 3D movies like Avatar, the internet and social media, and all the other technological innovations, it is just another level of r. Thermostats keep our house temps at exactly where they need to be with no input, plumbing provides wonderfully warm water on demand wherever you want it, beds are ridiculously comfortable and insects and disease are practically totally eradicated. To get anywhere near that comfort, you’d need an army of slaves in Roman times, and even then your entertainment would not come even close.

Option #3 is that the switch is mediated by epigenetic markers on the DNA that build up due to dopamine activity, and nothing the Romans did to produce dopamine activity can compare to the biological effects of synthetic dopamine agonists like Heroin, Cocaine, and Methamphetamine. Sure not everybody does it, but the cumulative addition of epigenetic markers added to the society’s total genome by illegal drug use, even from decades back like the boomers in the 60’s, added a century’s worth of r-selected epigenetic markers to the total societal genome in just ten years. And that sum total of markers, passed to the next generation, created an r-generation like no other in history.

Option #4 is that the disparity in military readiness between the successful first-world societies and those lesser civilizations who would threaten them are so great that threat is not possible now when a first world nation goes r. Once the Soviet Union collapsed, the shift to r was immense. Those national threats may be very important to maintaining a K-psychology.

There is much in r/K Theory to be studied and worked out. but until we hash everything out, it is very funny to see how everyone recognizes the signs of it.

Tell others about r/K Theory, because things are changing, and people are noticing it is exactly the same

This entry was posted in Decline, Economic Collapse, Homosexuality, ITZ, K-stimuli, Liberals, Morals, Politics, Psychology, r-stimuli, rabbitry, Rearing Differences, Sexual Deviance, Sexual Dimorphism. Bookmark the permalink.
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6 years ago



Very good article, explains the use of tactical black-pilling (amygdala-anger stimuli that shocks redeemable normies awake) and lots of other interesting things. Read it, because we need to shock awake as many non-retarded normies as possible before the helicopter rides start.

6 years ago

“Weimar’s decadent culture lived a short Gotterdammerung. Ours will too. Weimerica will come to an end, and when it does, someone must be there to restore order.”


English Tom
English Tom
6 years ago

I recently watched a Camille Paglia interview on YouTube and she made the same point that the homo/tranny push is symptomatic of a very sick society and she referenced Rome. Everything runs in cycles. A golden age degenerates to silver then to iron. Oswald Spengler made the same point. Slightly OT but this is why the founding fathers created the 2nd amendment because they were keenly aware of the political cycle and it’s move from freedom, to mob rule, to tyranny. But take heart, harshness is coming. And harshness has a way of adjusting minds.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
6 years ago

Mortal salience is very important as a K-selective mindset shifting stimulus, and interestingly, Buddhists have meditation types that focus exactly on that: https://www.huffingtonpost.com/adam-pervez/discovering-the-power-wit_b_2937923.html

“I passed the first stage of meditation, which brought on the second stage — meditating in front of an open coffin. Yes, the coffin contained the body of a student of the temple who died four days earlier. Fear of ghosts is really big here, but I’m not afraid of ghosts. The fear is supposed to help take your meditation to new heights. It didn’t work for me though.

What did work?

Oh, meditating with pythons worked! Yes, on my last evening at the temple I was led to a small pen and sat down. I knew I would be meditating with snakes but I didn’t know the snakes would be huge! There were two snakes, each about 10ft (3m) long. Enormous.

I thought they would leave me in there for a few minutes. No. I was there for an hour. As someone who had never meditated before, I can’t hold the legs-crossed pose, or lotus pose, for very long. When meditating in the temple I either switched positions every so often or sat in a chair. With the python I had no choice but to remain still even if it meant getting stuck in that position permanently!

I didn’t move, but the snakes did. They bit me several times and at one point encircled me and started squeezing. I also thought someone would stay with me just in case, but no, I was on my own.”

I read an article many years ago on how Buddhists in India would be ordered by their teachers/masters to go find a decomposing corpse (India as a lot of that stuff laying around in some areas, even in rivers where people take swims…) and focus on the corpse and death it self as a meditation. Perhaps this could be used as a technique in the West to keep the population more K despite any abundance of resources?

Also interesting that Buddhists get really violent when attacked, although violent in calm way (see Myanmar and their beef with the looting and raping invading muslims). Kung Fu was also created by Buddhist monks in order to defend their monasteries from robbers, so I guess they are onto something.

6 years ago

Always interesting to see supposedly red-piled channers leaning left isn’t it?
They buy the propaganda that’s been put out there about the ‘supposed dark ages’ when Chrisitianity was at its strongest and was really civilising Europe.
And they think the Enlightenment and human rights was a step forward.
I’m amazed how stupid they are, so gullible.
Until God is embraced again by the West, we’ve got zero chance, we’ll just keep getting more of the same, to varying degrees.

Reply to  glosoli
6 years ago

Christianity seems to be the necessary glue to unite the Western nations different white dominant ethnicities against the sabotaging jewery (phareseeye, akshualy) and muslimery.

Reply to  glosoli
6 years ago

I’m watching Jordan Petersons biblical studies videos on Youtube. in the 1st 3 he is talking about God from a stricktly agnostic, rational POV. That is to say God as creator is not real, but is also not not real for these videos. But God the concept is at the top of all the heirarchies we have as humans.

Anyhow, in the 3rd one, probably 90mins or more in, he makes the comment that is is astounded how people don’t get away with anything. That they do something as a moral violation, and then nothing happens, and 2 years later they are in theropy for something and in his case, he starts doing a regression back of “ok what cause this… and you did that after what?” and so on and eventaully you get back to a time that they “broke reality” (his words, broke reality).

Isn’t that where we are now? in a broken reality. And even if we don’t see God as divine, we need a firm moral judge? BTW, in his talk he shows how this is a common and reaccuring theme in the old stories (aka mythologies of ancient peoples) that there is a moral judgement that is coming to each of us.

Reply to  ACThinker
6 years ago

I don’t really follow Peterson.
I’d recommend anyone to read or listen to the Bible. Start with the New Testament gospels, then the Old Testament, then Acts and the Epistles and Revelation.

It’s all literally true, there’s no way man could imagine or say the things God gives us.
We either return to His laws, or Jesus returns. Win win yes?

6 years ago

Brilliant analysis. Respect.

6 years ago

Huzzah, AC! Brilliant as usual. Would love to see an analysis of the French Revolution. I am listening to the “Revolutions” Podcast and r/K is obviously rife throughout, but my understanding of the nuances is weak. Bought 2 books, buying another tonight and giving the 3 of my Martial Arts buds this weekend with this article slipped inside.

Any possibility of a follow-up book? A simple printed compilation of selected r/K theory-specific blog posts would be awesome.

Also perhaps on you website you could archive under 1 link all your especially relevant r/K posts and under another all your Q posts. I would love to be able to point people to each in the future and they be able to soak in these past postings.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
6 years ago

Archive link of your link:

You know, because soyim twatter management likes to unperson everyone that doesn’t dream of sucking comrade Marx’s benis.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
6 years ago

Q is obviously a tech guy, at least Anglophile and I’m thinking like a modern Tesla type. Maybe it’s fanfic but to me it’s fanon.

6 years ago

Don’t forget premarital sex. You can’t build a good house on a bad (skanky) foundation.

Raphael Hythloday
Raphael Hythloday
6 years ago

The best part of this from Camille Paglia’s critique of trangenderism. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I8BRdwgPChQ (From 4 minuets on. The wet noodle remark is memorable.)

The baseless Whig trope about Catholic Dark Ages doesn’t come from her. For all her faults, Paglia is a hard thinker and an independent one; she may well criticise Christianity, but she does so from an informed and intelligent position.

So what interests me, much more than the ignorant rants of incredulous atheist anons, is that even Camille Paglia, a radical feminist scholar, can see the effects of r/K theory.

Raphael Hythloday
Raphael Hythloday
Reply to  Raphael Hythloday
6 years ago

PS. This blog is outstanding. As is your book. I must recommend both to a newcomer at least on a monthly basis. When I seek feedback later, the responses are always enthusiastic and grateful.

English Tom
English Tom
Reply to  Raphael Hythloday
6 years ago

Raphael, I most definitely agree with you. I read three blogs every day, truthseeker.co.uk, voxday and AC. The mental stimulation is great. Thank you AC

6 years ago

Camille Paglia cannot see that she is part of the problem. “We needed identity politics *once*” to overthrow the WASP elite, so that people like Camille Paglia could have high-status jobs. Once started, revolutions are very hard to stop. 100 years ago, Italian-Americans weren’t white enough to be hired as professors; now they’re disqualified for being too white.

If the Jews, Irish, Italians, etc. had just accepted their status as second-class citizens, their old neighborhoods would still be thriving centers of ethnic culture instead of inner-city welfare slums. No one liked it when the system discriminated against them, but that system allowed them to discriminate against lower life forms. Now they have to constantly take out ever-larger home mortgages, and commute ever-longer distances, to stay ahead of the encroaching vibrancy.

6 years ago

There is a fifth option, 5) ALL OF THE ABOVE. I find that most often there is very rarely one causal factor at work. Usually it’s a perfect storm of feedback loops.

Duke Norfolk
Reply to  Lowell
6 years ago

Yeah, I agree. That was my thought also. Some mix of all of that comes together. Very complex, indeed. No surprise there.

Reply to  Lowell
6 years ago

sexual revolution > epigenetic damage to pair bonding, simple

6 years ago

Re: Option 4

That would explain why Trump does not seem opposed to more tensions between the US and Russia. Indeed, he sometimes seems to stoke them himself.

I cannot believe the luck the world(!) has in having the god-emperor as the US president!

Reply to  rien
6 years ago


The tension is necessary. A sword keeps another sword sheathed and all that jazz you know.

ned flanders
ned flanders
6 years ago

throw in that the Roman Empire ran a massive trade deficits. Well documented and lamented by a few Romans who saw the writing on the wall even back then.

One reason for the hyperinflation in the last centuries of the Roman Empire was that literally most of Rome’s gold and silver got shipped to India for spices and silk. And the Roman elites got too lazy to go and find more gold, preferring to inflate their currency away.

pretty fascinating stuff.

6 years ago

An r selected human only has one prey animal that can reliably keep it’s numbers down….

Other K selected humans.

The size and ”speed of transition” of r in modern history is mainly due (IMHO) to K’s being unwilling to, or prevented from slaughtering them in large numbers. Not only that, the threat of slaughter would have a significant effect on amygdala function, that the fearless r mentality would struggle to catch on like wildfire.

6 years ago

“When the people find that they can vote themselves money that will herald the end of the republic.”

― Benjamin Franklin

I do not like authoritarian forms of government, but I can understand why some people feel like fascism or a benign dictatorship (like the 3rd Reich) is a solution to many of the problems a society/civilization/empire runs into when r-selected mindset starts taking over due to the accumulated wealth and abundance of resources.

I would love to survive the coming massive change and unrest and help build and see emerge patriarchal direct democracies (not representative democracies) where only men that serve their country (militarily) or are head of family can vote (not to be a control freak, but because study of history and politics show that that is the only stable and sustainable form of having a voting system that does not break itself down due to allow voting to people who don’t care about sustaining civilization, so deal with it, if its not like that, you always end up with a real dictatorship in the end), and where each bill stands on its own, no more having 20000000 page bills for some issue in which some unrelated thing gets regulated via being sandwiched in the middle of that massive bill (1 bill could only be related to 1 thing to prevent jewery/fuckery). This system would be supported by an electronic voting system that would be designed for full transparency as to be controlled by the people (the price of freedom is eternal vigilance).

Also would like to see all Western nations with at least 95% Whites, African nations with at least 95% Blacks, Israel with at least 95% Jews, etc… Racial homogeny makes for optimal social cohesion, optimal trust and removes many problems. We can have a multi-culti world that way, each culture in its place.

And now for some reforms:

1) No jew or double nationality citizens would be allowed to vote or hold influential jobs.

2) No more Central Banking/Rothschild fuckery, tear down that shit.

3) Islam banned in the West due to it being a political system with its own laws disguised as a religion,

4) Ban synagogues as well as Rabbis in the West (because they ALWAYS act like subversive agents on host nations, so they deserve the shoah).

5) End all foreign aid to non-Western countries by Western countries (no more stealing from the Western to send the money to ungrateful Israel and Africa).

6) Freedom of speech on online platforms for everyone.


This is the cost of sustainable democratic freedom.

Deal with it.

Or just go with a fascist/benign dictatorship.

Reply to  LembradorDos6Triliões
6 years ago

Forgot this:

8) Education requires training for SHTF situations (food preservation, fire making, etc… to be able to deal with natural catastrophies, etc… without being entirely dependent on government) as well as optimal PE, meditation (mind training) and first aid. Hand to hand combat, martial arts also obligatory in order to maintain K-selection mindset despite any abundance. Mortal salience meditation for the same reason.

9) Obligatory conscription for 1 year at 18 for all able bodied people. To be able to have a trained militia and keep K-selection mindset.

10) Research into non-destructive medicine (things like herbs and colloidal silver) instead of fattening jewish parasites by being reliant on big pharma’s non-optimal solutions (not to say that some medicine aren’t legit, but many medicine is made to be non-effective at treating the root cause of disease and only the symptoms because a cured patient is a lost costumer for big pharma, and that must end).

The idea is to balance freedom with sustainability of the civilization by maintaining K-selection mindset as strong as possible thruout society via policy. Would it work? Perhaps, because for one, unlike the communist and socialist bullshit, it does not ignore human nature.

6 years ago

Point 4 on military readiness struck a cord. I recently attended a formal military function (I’m active duty) at a base where officer candidate school (OCS) is located as is the follow on school where the graduates before sending them out to the larger service.

I was struck by how many of the brand new officers were so fat that they must barely be within weight standards. When I went through OCS less than 15 years ago it was hard (much harder than Marine Corps boot camp I’d done earlier) and everyone left in the best shape of their life. Now they are all little pudgy slobs who not only don’t wear the uniform properly, but can barely fit in it.

I shudder to think what will happen when we have to fight a real war against an opponent who experienced real adversity in their lives instead of getting participation trophies.

6 years ago

Well the Roman brain toxin lead in the pipes is like our aluminium in all of food production.