European Nations Begin To In-group

This isn’t much, but it is the same urges that can lead to a World War beginning to trigger:

The Czech Republic announced on Monday it would send soldiers and equipment to neighbouring Hungary to help secure Europe’s borders in the face of an unprecedented influx of migrants.

“About 25 soldiers” will be stationed in Hungary — the migrants’ main entry point to the European Union — from October 15 to December 15, Czech Defence Minister Martin Stropnicky told reporters.

Prague would also send engineering equipment, he added.

What is most interesting is that the Muslims haven’t yet begun the violence and rioting they will become known for in the near future. Let a few cars get set on fire and a few arsons take down a few buildings because their free food wasn’t good enough, and you will see real in-grouping. There is no motivator like fear and anger, and this right now is not real fear and anger.

It is natural for this to happen where similar people find common enemies and common cause. It is only ironic that it is European leaders importing the common enemy of their own people. Eventually ejecting the leaders from the union along with the Muslims may become a part of the common cause. Out-grouping goes hand in hand with in-grouping, as we are seeing all around Europe:

The German state of Bavaria plans “emergency measures” to slow arrivals of asylum seekers, including sending some back to neighboring Austria, state premier Horst Seehofer said, directly challenging Chancellor Angela Merkel over the crisis.

Seehofer says more than 225,000 refugees have arrived in his southern state in less than five weeks and authorities are stretched beyond the limit to house and care for them all…

Seehofer told Bild newspaper that the meeting would examine how to integrate refugees. “On top of that will come specific self-defensive measures to limit migration, such as sending back people to the border with Austria and the immediate transfer of newly arrived asylum seekers within Germany,” he said.

Vienna warned of the risk of violence if the government in Bavaria, the main entry point into Germany for asylum seekers moving north through the Balkans and Austria, went ahead with the plan.

“If refugees who wish to remain in Germany are sent back to Austria, then you have to expect riots ultimately,” said Interior Minister Johanna Mikl-Leitner.

Riots are coming no matter what they do. They simply haven’t figured that out yet.

Apocalypse cometh™

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9 years ago

[…] By Anonymous Conservative […]

bob sykes
bob sykes
9 years ago

If Europeans want to preserve themselves and their culture, they will have to get Merkel, Juncker et al. out of power.

Turd Burglestein
Turd Burglestein
9 years ago

These are the “refugees” coming into Europe and soon to be here if 0bama has his way. Be afraid…be very afraid.

John Lawrence
9 years ago

Good article. I can’t wait to see what Germany’s eventual harsh response will be like. Could this be the event to undo Germany’s white guilt over the Nazis? I certainly hope so.