Europe Is Growing Cold And Snowy – The Cherry On Our Apocalypse Sundae?

Stockholm is snowy:

The Swedish capital had more snow than on any November day in a century.

Stockholm was covered by at least 30 centimeters of snow early on Thursday morning, more than on any other November day since records began in 1905, according to national weather agency SMHI.

The previous November record was set in 1985 when the snow was 29 centimeters thick—however, that does not even come close to the all-time record for Stockholm: 76 centimeters in March 1909.

Meanwhile, Denmark is freezing:

The calendar may not have officially turned to winter yet, but with snowfall and subzero temperatures having already arrived in Denmark, many are wondering what’s in store.

According to the Danish Meteorology Institute (DMI) the answer is simple: cold.

DMI released its quarterly prognosis this week and has warned that Denmark is in for a colder than normal winter. […]

The colder-than-normal conditions will be caused by a high-pressure system expected over Siberia and Scandinavia which will result in fewer fronts crossing over Denmark from the west, which usually bring milder weather. DMI said that the fronts that do make it to Denmark are liable to drop large amounts of snow on the country.

There will be those who argue this isn’t climate, it is just changes in weather patterns. But changes in weather patterns can be K-selecting as well. Shut down agriculture in areas where it has developed, and you will get food shortages.

Make things harsh, such as by requiring that a person shovel three feet of snow a month, in freezing cold temperatures, and rabbits will flee to warmer climes. My bet is if this winter is bad enough, and Trump teams up with Putin and together they end the unrest in the Mideast, you will see a flood of refugees back into the nations they came from.

It will make the Apocalypse just a little less traumatic, if the first order of business isn’t a violent expulsion of the Muslim hordes. If the cold gets harsh enough, it is possible that these nations could end up significantly K-selected without even having to endure any of the normal turmoil one would associate with the process.

There are many forms of K.

If you haven’t heard of r/K Theory, it is not because of the reviews on this page

This entry was posted in Europe, Immigration, ITZ, K-stimuli, Muslims, Politics, rabbitry. Bookmark the permalink.
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8 years ago

[…] Europe Is Growing Cold And Snowy – The Cherry On Our Apocalypse Sundae? […]

8 years ago

Next year they’ll have heat waves and drought. Weather is cyclical and always has been. This is the most pleasant Autumn I’ve seen in years. Last year at this same time there was a foot of snow on the ground and ice everywhere. It’s always been that way. It seems different now because of instant global communication, but it isn’t really. Calm down and enjoy life.

8 years ago

“My bet is if this winter is bad enough, and Trump teams up with Putin and together they end the unrest in the Mideast, you will see a flood of refugees back into the nations they came from.”

A good absorber is a good emitter. Blacks REALLY suffer in Northern European winters. They just radiate too much energy from their skin. The skin is a cooling system.
That being said: Cloths and central heatings are good enough to overcome this inconvenience and welfare in Germany / Sweden still far too attractive.

Another problem they have is chronic Vitamin D deficiency due to their good protection against UV. As a consequence the development of the nervous system of a black kid in Northern Europe is impaired.

8 years ago

When is the Maunder Minimum slated to start making itself felt? Can’t be this soon, can it?