Election Live Thread

Whether Fake and Gay or a real revolution, this will be probably the most historic night we will see. I will be in and out, but will try to approve comments quickly here. This will probably morph into tomorrow’s brief as I will post news up here as I see it, in no organized manner, but rather in chronological form heading down the page, with latest news at the top. I do not expect many stories other than Trump’s election. I will be emphasizing speed over accuracy and fact checking, so this will be live.

There is no more to do tonight, I am going to knock off.

This was the script. We will see soon, whether or not Q’s plan was real.


God Bless all here.

Here We Go: CNN and MSNBC Now Reporting on Thousands of Ballots Expected to Be Dumped in Philadelphia and More Tomorrow. It is possible a reversal of Trump’s victory through obviously fraudulent means after he clearly won is a script to reveal the fraud.

Donald J. Trump has won the 2024 presidential election and will become the 47th president of the United States.

Trump is reportedly headed to Palm Beach to address supporters.

Harris camp shuts off sound on TVs at the watch party after CNN guest said tonight feels “more like 2016 than 2020.” Crowd has now thinned out, mood “downcast.” – NYT

DDHQ: Democrats have a 63% chance of winning the House.

If NYT numbers hold, you are looking at Trump getting about 312 Electoral Votes.

PENNSYLVANIA: 82% reporting. NYT estimates Trump+2.3, Trump at 74% odds.

Google shows Republicans already having 51 Senate seats, so the question is by how many seats Republicans will control the Senate.

MAGA-Backed Bernie Moreno FLIPS Ohio Senate Seat, Sends Sherrod Brown Packing.

Trump’s victory is probably done. Now the question is, will he win it with finality tonight, so we will not end up playing the found ballot game, and how will the House and Senate fall out.

FOX: Harris campaign no longer speaking to media.

CNN: “Silence” at Harris HQ.

We may be about ready to call it a wrap on election coverage in a little bit, and transition the page to a salt thread.

RSBN – Some are saying with the numbers coming in the way they are, Trump might be coming out to declare victory before midnight.

RSBN – some projections show Trump getting 316 EVs.

Georgia goes to Trump.

NYT -Trump has 86% chance of winning.

Florida Voters Defeat Amendment 4, Which Would Have Allowed Abortions Up to Birth.

A voting site in Centre County, Pennsylvania was evacuated after a group of unidentified “disruptors” stormed the polling station.

RSBN – AP give Montana and Utah to Trump.

CNN: Kamala’s victory party crowd is very anxious.

NYT keeps raising Trump’s PA margin.

NYT: Trump to win Pennsylvania now by 1.6 points.

Philadelphia city commissioner says that, depending on the results, ballot counting could last until tomorrow, holding up results from Pennsylvania.

NYT: Trump has a 77% chance at winning GEORGIA.

NYT says Trump to take Michigan.

Republicans have a real shot at 53, 54, or even 55 Senate seats right now. Almost no distance between top of ballot and Senate in MI, WI, PA.

NYT gives Wisconsin to Trump.

NYT Needle:

Matt Gaetz to be reelected.

According to an NBC Exit Poll, Trump is winning 18-29-year-olds in Michigan by 5%.

NYT: Donald Trump has a 66% chance of winning the election.

RSBN – Louisiana goes to Trump, via AP.

RSBN – New York goes to Harris, per AP

RSBN – Trump has 177 EVs Harris has 99 EVs, as AP calls Texas for Trump.

RSBN – With 50% of the vote counted, Trump is up in Virginia, despite it having been called for Kamala.

The Steal is In Progress: 2.2 Million American Voters Are Overseas – but 4.7 Million Ballots from Overseas have come in.

Rep. Thomas Massie has been reelected to the U.S. House of Representatives. He was running unopposed. MTG reelected too.

Google accused of election interference after showing Americans maps of where they ‘can vote for Harris’ – but not Trump.

RSBN – AP calls North Dakota, South Dakota, and Wyoming go to Trump.

Trump has a 73% chance of taking North Carolina per DDHQ.

Trump projected to win Ohio.

Trump projected to win Arkansas.

Harris projected to take Virginia.

RNC Hammers Milwaukee Over ‘Insecure’ Ballot Counting, Delays in Vote Counting.

Video – Jake Tapper Is Visibly Stunned by 20 Point Swing for Trump by Georgia Independents. 

Officials Investigating Potential Voter Fraud, Ballot Fraud in Denver.

RSBN – Trump has 101 Electoral Votes, Harris has 71

RSBN – Donald Trump still leads with more than 50% of the vote in, however urban areas still coming.

Netflix Offices in Paris, Amsterdam Raided in Tax Fraud Case.

NY Times needle:

Trump projected to win Mississippi.

Exit Polls Suggest Poor Black Turnout for Diversity Hire Harris, Especially Among Black Men.

Jim Justice Flips First Senate Seat Red.

Amish Turn Out for Pennsylvania Vote in ‘Unprecedented Numbers’: Source.

Trump projected to win Tennessee.

Trump projected to win Oklahoma.

Trump projected to win Missouri.

Trump projected to win Alabama.

Trump projected to win South Carolina.

As things progress and experts look at the trends:

Several Polling Locations in Georgia Are Being Evacuated Due to BOMB THREATS, Forcing Voting to Be SUSPENDED.

The race is over:

RSBN – Georgia urban turn out 154,000 votes down, rural turnout 172,000 up

RSBN – AP projects West Virginia goes for Trump.

Harris advisor tells MSNBC that we are about to turn the page on Donald Trump, as they “Install Vice President Harris As The Next President of the United States.”

Trump’s Campaign Is Eyeing Unexpected Wins in New Hampshire, New Mexico, and Virginia.

RSBN Live – AP calls Kentucky and Indiana for Trump.

CNN’s First Exit Poll Shows 72% Are “Dissatisfied” or “Angry” About the Way Things Are Going in the U.S.

Kamala Harris Pretends to Talk to a Voter On Her Phone But Stupidly Shows Her Phone With the Camera App Open.

Chris Wallace: “It Would Be a Miracle” for Commiela Harris to Win Based on CNN Exit Poll Data

Election Theft Attempt Thwarted in Milwaukee After Seals on 13 Tabulators Were Broken.

NBC News Exit Poll: Voters express deep concern about America’s democracy and economy.

ABC: Michigan “Blue Wall” is Collapsing.

Nutty Leftist Arrested for Threatening to Kill Trump and Conservative Christians if Trump Wins.

President Biden Won’t Attend Kamala’s Election Night Watch Party The president will watch the election results less than two miles away.

RNC Touts Election Integrity Victories as Voters Flock to the Polls: We Aim to ‘Restore Trust in Our Electoral Process.’

A mysterious gas leak has forced the closure of Precinct 1 in Northville, Michigan, one of only two voting locations in the city.

The ‘king’ of Britain’s migrant hotels is raking in £4.8million per day and may become a billionaire from the money earned through housing immigrants in the UK. He will have been approached, and cut a deal to be a Cabal money-manager. This does not happen organically.

Disney’s Hocus Pocus 2 star Bette Midler appears to be coping poorly on Election Day, suggesting drinking Drano in the event that former President Donald Trump wins.

Elon Musk expected to join Trump to watch presidential results come in.

First election results: GOP takes over Guam Legislature; Trump ’24 outperforms Trump ’20 by double digits (My HL). Due to copyright, linked on FreeRepublic.com.

New York Times Tech Workers Go on Strike

RSBN says Indiana and Kentucky look to be in Trump’s bag. (no link, I am watching on the ROKU app. You can search ROKU for RSBN and free livestreaming of their coverage as it happens. The same stream is here.

TIPP – As Americans Head To The Polls, Harris’s ‘Wrong Track’ Numbers Give Trump A Decisive Edge.

City of Los Angeles ‘broke,’ taking $80 million loan to pay liability lawsuits.

Harris County Clerk Issues Statement After Early Votes Shift Mysteriously Favor Democrats — Claims it Was an ‘Accident.’

Exit Polls: Republicans in Guam Flip the Legislature for First Time in 16 Years.

Dutch Populist Leader Geert Wilders Endorses Donald Trump for President.

Cambria County, PA – Voting Hours Extended Due to “Glitch.”

Commander Jay Furman – Republican Candidate in TX-28 – Reports Early Voting Irregularities at Polling Centers Across His District.

Election officials have confirmed widespread problems with voting machines and software on Election Day in two heavily Republican counties in the critical swing state of Pennsylvania. Cambria and Bedford, Cambria switched to paper ballots to keep things moving.

After she was recently discharged from hospital following breathing problems, Pope Francis made a personal visit to notorious abortionist Emma Bonino, who he has often praised, as one of the nation’s ‘forgotten greats,’ despite her prolific abortion activism and her claim to have performed abortions herself.

Orthodox Jews line up in New Jersey to Vote for Trump. Trump thinks he has a shot in Jersey, apparently because of this.

PA County, Cambria County, Switches To Paper Ballots After Machines Fail on Election Day.

Fox Reporter Reveals How Commiela Harris Now Needs Unprecedented Turnout to Win Pennsylvania

Councilwoman Vickie Paladino on Twitter:

Just spoke to a Democrat consultant friend on the ground in a swing state who told me I could repeat some of what we discussed. Here’s what I can tell you; take it with a grain of salt if you like but I think he’s being straight with me.

Nobody really thinks Kamala is going to win at this point. Canvassing is going poorly almost everywhere, with few exceptions. The party is getting their high-follower influencer accounts to push out motivational stories just to keep morale up and get them over the finish line with some dignity, but it’s not great. The Iowa poll was good to give a shot of adrenaline to volunteers, but nobody important believes those numbers are real.

Of all the swing states, they’re hoping Michigan comes through and possibly a late-night miracle in PA, but nobody is counting on either of them. They don’t think Trump is actually going to flip VA or NH, but the fact that they’ve even entered the conversation is indicative of how bad things could potentially turn out.

The early vote counts are just beyond what they expected to see for Republican turnout, and has Dem strategists rethinking whether it was a good idea to make such a big push to broaden early voting in the first place. Republican low-propensity voters are activated in a way nobody really expected and the polls didn’t capture it. Yes it’s possible those early Republicans broke Democrat in an unprecedented way, but very unlikely.

The campaign has switched entirely to ‘woman vs. man’ messaging, as liberal white women are the only reliable voter bloc they can even identify at this point.

Priority now is saving some downballot races and flipping the house so the night isn’t a total embarrassment for Democrats.

Like I said, take this all with a grain of salt as this is secondhand information, but this is what I was told, and I think it tracks with other things we know.

Pennsylvania is lost to Harris:

Massive Caravan of Illegals Headed to U.S. LOL. Hoping they will get in under Biden’s lame duck period if Trump wins.

Guam Exit Polling Shows it Flipping to Republican.

Veteran lefty political analyst Van Jones said he is “nervous” about Vice President Kamala Harris’ chances at the polls Tuesday — after her campaign focused on out-of-touch celebrity endorsements.

Atlas Intel, the most accurate public poll during the 2020 election, just dropped its final poll of the season, and it points to landslide victory for Donald Trump.

Florida Early Voting Heavily Favors Republicans.

Bernard “Bernie” Marcus, who helped build The Home Depot into one of America’s most iconic brands before turning to philanthropy and conservative politics and unabashedly backing Donald Trump’s rise in politics, died Monday night at the age of 95. It does not end here. I would assume he will still be watching.

“They’re very scared”: Migrants anxiously monitor U.S. election, fearing Trump win.

Harris County Clerk Teneshia Hudspeth announced Monday that early voting numbers across the county could be off due to a formatting issue within the spreadsheet they use to keep track of the numbers.

Many voters in Champaign County IL, were not able to vote this morning after a network issue that brought most polling locations down. Not a problem with paper ballots.

Polling stations across Pennsylvania experienced MASSIVE issues with voting machines this morning, as there were numerous reports of machines failing to scan ballots, and poll workers stating that the ballots will be “scanned in later.”

VA-07 Democratic House Candidate Eugene Vindman Faces Scrutiny After Disastrous Television Interview In Which He Was Accused Of Inflating His Military Credentials, And He Refused to Answer The Charges.

PolyMarket today election day as of 5:24PM — Trump 62.1% Kamala 38.0%.

On Twitter: Kamala got caught in 4K telling a family in Pennsylvania to go back inside their house so she could stage a door knock lmfao. So fake.

Harris Campaign: We Can Beat Trump Without Pennsylvania. Turnout in Pennsylvania for Dems has been horrible so they think it is likely lost.

They’re Not Hiding It Anymore: Wisconsin Democrat Party Chair Says to Expect to See a “Red Mirage” Then a “Blue Shift” in the Dead of Night Like in 2020.

Bear in mind I do not think that asshole knows anything we do not. He just thinks his conspiracy has been in control for a long time, and will retain it. I think either his conspiracy is being hijacked by others who want to run it differently and who will cut him loose, or his conspiracy is cutting its old network loose to start over, heading in a new direction’


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3 months ago

Long time betting on the come…we’ll see.
AC, thank you for keeping up the good fight. You are a warrior.

Cary Kembla
Cary Kembla
Reply to  Anon
3 months ago

Second this! Many thanks for your hard work and dedication for the cause of our side AC.

3 months ago

Milwaukee is recounting early votes. I think it said they found unsealed ballots or tabulators. What’s fucking new.

Reply to  Bman
3 months ago

Tabulators sealed but doors not “closed properly”.

Reply to  Bman
3 months ago

The people who had chain of custody need to go to jail.

Reply to  phelps
3 months ago

Flogged first, *then* jail.

Reply to  TRX
3 months ago


Reply to  Bman
3 months ago

Look for the canteen sticker on that vending machine and call for a refund

Reply to  teotoon
3 months ago

Did you see her name? Completely plausible.

Reply to  phelps
3 months ago

Teneshia doesn’t know you have to select all of the columns and then turn on sorting filters.

3 months ago

Minor point. I’m following the returns using a mixture of Real Americas Voice, Real Clear Politics, and CNN. At 8:35 EST I caught an error on RCP. They called the first Democratic pick up in the House, but I looked up the district, and whoever was updating the site mixed up two Georgia districts, 6 and 7. The Democratic incumbent in GA 7 had been re-elected but they had her winning GA 6 and called it a pickup. GA 6 is a Republican seat and the Republican is ahead, but the race is not yet called. They put those results in the column for GA 7. As of 8:35 PM, no House seats have flipped.
At that time, 85% of the Florida vote was in, Florida being the one state that counts in a timely manner, and Trump was 4% ahead of his 2020 result (Trump by 55% instead of 51%). So there is that.

Reply to  Ed
3 months ago

I double checked, and someone there mixed up GA 6 and GA 7. The Georgia legislature switched the numbers, but in the 2021 redistricting, so someone on RCP screwed up. They have them listed as Democratic and Republican gains respectively, accurate for 2022 but not 2024.

3 months ago

How many people?

3 months ago

At my wife’s urging, I tried twitter tonight. Never again. It fucking sucks. I know how to internet. There is just no good way for it to show me the latest posts without a ton of garbage from days or weeks ago. X sucks. I get what I need from it from other folks who will wade through the neck high shit.
Thank you for coming to my TED talk.

Reply to  phelps
3 months ago

If I’m curious about what some influencer has said on twitter, I just google their twitter handle. Google will show you the last six tweets within the first page of the results.

Reply to  phelps
3 months ago

Nitter works better and doesn’t have those problems.

Reply to  phelps
3 months ago

It used to be much better. I forget when exactly but sometime between 2016 and 2021 it became the useless shitpile it is now.

Nobody Special
Nobody Special
Reply to  phelps
3 months ago

Twitter only works chronologically if you have an account

Reply to  Nobody Special
3 months ago

I was logged in and following people. That is what pissed me off.

3 months ago

These are all using the official numbers, no adjustment for fraud.

Florida has 98% of its vote in at 11:30 PM EST. Trump at 56.1% in 2024 as opposed to 51.2% in 2020. This is almost a 5% improvement.

Georgia at 91% in. Trump at 50.9% in 2024, 49.2% in 2020.

Kentucky at 97% in. Trump at 64% in 2024, 62% in 2020.

Louisiana at 96% in. Trump at 60% in 2024, 58.5% in 2020.

Ohio at 90% in. Trump at 55% in 2024, 53.3% in 2020.

Oklahoma at 99% in. Trump at 66% in 2024, 65.3% in 2020.

South Carolina at 93% in. Trump at 58.4% in 2024, 55.1% in 2020.

Tennessee at 93% in. Trump at 64.4% in 2024, 60.7% in 2020.

West Virginia at 93% in. Trump at 69.7% in 2024, 68.6% in 2020.

I’m not doing Delaware and Vermont since they each have only one congressional district, but I checked and they show the same pattern.

Trump is running at 2% to 3% ahead of his official 2020 percentage consistently, at 11:30 PM EST, in states that have reported over 90% of their vote in. That means he is on track to win the nationwide popular vote this time, in the official count.

Trump won the nationwide popular vote in the 49 states that are not California, in 2016 and 2020. He is now leading Harris by 3.5% in the reported nationwide popular vote. I’m now typing this at 11:50 PM EST. With 43% of the California vote reported, Trump is at 36.4% there, up 2.2% from his official 2020 percentage.

Winning the nationwide popular vote would add to Trump’s legitimacy and strengthen him in any post-election challenges.

CNN just called North Carolina for Trump, and the second GOP Senate pickup. The anchors are starting to talk about the Harris campaign went wrong.

CNN actually has been playing the election straight, but there are a lot of segments about how election officials are working very hard to count the vote fairly. I think the scriptwriters are going with trying to strengthen the legitimacy of the political institutions this time.

3 months ago

I’m seeing more and more references to “surveillance” in the twitter-verse. Keep up the seeding…

3 months ago

it is 9:10 PM in State of Washington.

Here are three sources of results:

Harris: 189
Trump: 230

Harris: 216
Trump: 232

Daily Wire:
Harris: 213
Trump: 237

Last edited 3 months ago by selbs
3 months ago

CNN called VIrginia for Harris just after midnight. The official Democratic margin will be about 5% this election, as opposed to 10% in 2020. The CNN anchors have also just noticed the consistent 2% to 3% swing in just about every state.

Tapper, King, and their reporter in Georgia just figured out that mathematically, Trump is winning Georgia, though they haven’t called it yet. That will be the first 2020 Biden state to flip to Trump.

Reply to  Ed
3 months ago

Waiting for someone to analyse the 2024 Virginia result and check for a vote flipping algorithm a la this 2016 graph. There’s no explanation for the odd, unstable lines other than cheating when precincts are arranged from smallest to largest on the x-axis, candidates on the y.

Reply to  Farcesensitive
3 months ago

Real Clear Politics at 1 AM EST has Republicans 177, Democrats 147, yet to be called 111. What is strange is that almost no seats have flipped.

Reply to  Farcesensitive
3 months ago

That just dropped to 43% and Republicans are at 57%. Plus, PA was just called for Trump pushing him to 270!

3 months ago

Just remember that they will have stolen many down ballot races all over the country.

The fraud must be hunted just as hard as if they stole the Presidency again.

Reply to  Farcesensitive
3 months ago

Except that they quit and went home. Now everyone can just let it go and move one – exactly the opposite of what NEEDS to happen.

3 months ago

I’ve been watching the results with Richard Baris of People’s Pundit. He mentioned, at one point, his silo on twitter compared to his wife’s, confirming what you’ve been saying about people experiencing different internets. Just thought I’d throw it up here.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
3 months ago

Reasonable, if you consider Twitter is intended to *manage* information flow, not facilitate it.

English Tom
English Tom
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
3 months ago

Because ideas are dangerous, especially AC’s!

Bid3n Didn't Win
Bid3n Didn't Win
Reply to  TruthSeekerBear
3 months ago

I’m adding to your comment, although it was brief, jack carr mentions the surveillance and siloing in his latest terminal list book.

3 months ago


“Across the more than 1,300 counties where the Associated Press estimates that at least 95 percent of the vote has been counted, Trump has improved on his 2020 margin in 92 percent of them, according to a POLITICO analysis. The median county shifted a bit under two points in Trump’s favor.”


3 months ago
Reply to  phelps
3 months ago

What is the digits thing? It’s good, somehow? What is it?

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
3 months ago

Yup. Meme magic.
Especially dubs or better on 7.
Also, any time you explain meme magic its like explaining a joke. It takes all the energy out of you.

Last edited 3 months ago by phelps
3 months ago

And just like that……projections drop showing Trump winning right before he is going to speak.
Phase 1 complete: Trump elected
Phase 2 Pending: Unrest and protests
Phase 3 Pending: Trump arrested before inauguration by Biden/Harris/etc

Reply to  Bman
3 months ago

Remember 2020, the “constitutional crisis”, the electors, the Pence “backstab” in the senate, J6, and every other “threat to the peaceful transition of power”.
That’s Phase 2 and 3 brought to you by Q movie productions. For how fake and gay the movie has been now, this is what I’ve been screaming for 8 years. DO SOMETHING and SHOVE IT IN THEIR FACES. No more innuendo. It needs to be OVERT.
This is why the 2020 steal will probably never be investigated, because it was allowed or worse helped by the Q team. They had Biden and Harris under control the whole time. They were playing the role of the terrible leadership for four years while Q team is out cleaning out the rest of the “high threat” cabal operations in the globe, so those operations wouldn’t have Trump’s face attached to them.

3 months ago

The fraud and everything else associated MUST be fixed by any means necessary.

We won’t be able to do this again.

3 months ago

Standing On The Inside – Neil Sedaka


Bid3n Didn't Win
Bid3n Didn't Win
3 months ago

Excellent election thread, AC, thank you for all this work. 20 million illegals just shit their pants.

3 months ago

If they quit there won’t be any investigations. No investigations, no arrests. No arrests, no one hangs. Then they lay low and do it again next time. Q, your movie sucks.

This was NEVER about just getting Trump back into the White House – hell if he had been a one termer oh well. This was about JUSTICE whatever the cost because that’s the right thing to do. Remember NO DEALS? Remember NOW THEY ALL LOSE? Well what the fuck did we just watch?

Trump won, apparently, which could have been put on hold for two months while investigations happened resulting in heads rolling.

Reply to  lowell
3 months ago

Trump needs to pursue the fraud just as hard as if they stole it.

Reply to  lowell
3 months ago

Unless Trump is kayfabing normality until January 21st.
It would be the smart play.

3 months ago

comment image

3 months ago

For a bit of seriousness, Trump must now pursue RICO charges against every Demoncrat politician, official, and activist
He must also appoint a designated successor like Don Jr. as Grand Inquisitor or something and keep him in the spotlight leading the purge for the next 4 years
This is going to take more than one term, and the mass deportations are not enough

Reply to  Farcesensitive
3 months ago

I heard Tim Pool say that he wants a special counsel appointed to investigate the 2020 election fraud, and my first thought was SPECIAL PROSECUTORS BURY THINGS, THEY DO NOT UNCOVER THEM.

Farc you know where I stand on this – I want every one of them to burn. Hillary may already have been executed at GITMO, but it’s not exactly a win if we can’t confirm it. And that’s where we stand with this. Sounds great, but exactly where in the first Trump admin did Trump ever go after anybody he should have?

Glad Trump won, still tempering my expectations.

Reply to  lowell
3 months ago

I’m saying what should be done, whether he does it or not is a different question.

But the theory is that this term is going to be different than the first one and the payback will start.

3 months ago

Final update at 3:30 AM EST.

Fox called the election for Trump but not the other networks. On CNN they are talking as if Trump won, but won’t make the formal call until Alaska reports more of its vote, now at 56%. Real Clear Politics has Alaska for Trump, which puts him at 269, plus the rural Maine congressional district will put him at 270. Real Clear Politics still has Michigan, Wisconsin, Arizona, and Nevada undeclared. Trump’s chances look good everywhere but Arizona.

To do the steal at this point they would have to do a lot of obvious f—ery in Pennsylvania.

Trump will win the official national popular vote by 1% to 2%. I think the real margin would be about 14%, absent the fraud. There was a difference from 2020 in that Harris actually campaigned. I think people rejected Biden in 2020 because he didn’t campaign, plus his two earlier presidential campaigns flopped completely. So Harris campaigned, but she had the record of the Biden administration, and that more than cancelled out. So I think the 2% to 3% swing was real, and in this case the fraud really was overwhelmed.

The GOP picked up Senate seats in West Virginia and Ohio, and their chances look very strong in Pennsylvania and Montana. With the House very few districts are changing hands at this point.

They will probably try to get their war started before January 20th.

3 months ago

Trump already paying off:

BREAKING: Houthis say “our operation in the international waters were for defensive purposes only, and we announce an immediate ceasefire”


3 months ago

Why isn’t CNN calling Wisconsin for Trump? He has a 3.5% lead with 96% of the vote in.

3 months ago

Writing in from Alaska at 12:30am local, 4:30am eastern. News outlets admitting Trump got PA, putting him at 267. They’re refusing to call it though because “Harris still has a path through Wisconsin or Michigan.” But they’re leaving out that that path would include Harris winning Alaska. Once our 3 little votes are called, the “it could take days” swing states won’t matter unless PA gets a massive ballot dump in the next couple hours and flips.

3 months ago

Looks like 56 or 57 Senate seats depending on the steal in AZ.

Reply to  Farcesensitive
3 months ago

That way we have 50% of the obamastates seats, right?

Reply to  A
3 months ago

They’ve been hard at work stealing since I posted that.
Now we’ll be lucky to get 55.
There need to be recounts and audits, the fraud hunt should start now for the House and the Senate, then move to all the down ballot races and issues.

Sam J.
Sam J.
3 months ago

Election Theft Attempt Thwarted in Milwaukee After Seals on 13 Tabulators Were Broken.

I wonder if, this time when the vans full of ballots pulled up to be scanned in the night, they met some muscle, telling them, no way. You try to stuff a remote ballot box, no way. If you did so, they can’t complain, they can’t do a thing about it. Looking at the legal jeopardy if Trump lost, this would not be much risker than losing.

Sam J.
Sam J.
3 months ago

“Georgia urban turn out 154,000 votes down, rural turnout 172,000”

Stop the van, get out, whack to the head, those ballots are ours now.

3 months ago

Dig in boys!

Marielle Redclaw
3 months ago

I am partially crediting the prayer I posted yesterday 😁

Reply to  Marielle Redclaw
3 months ago


3 months ago

 Censorship regime in Brazil: Supreme Federal Court (STF) Minister orders destruction of books with “homophobic terms”

Like Bibles?

Kentucky Gent
Kentucky Gent
3 months ago

While reading the social media posts by leftists writhing in emotional torment, I had an epiphany: What if the last 3 elections were all about cabal simply trying to torment one side or the other for 4 years?

That’s exactly what has been happening, and is just like something those evil servants of Satan would enjoy doing.

Just a Medic
Just a Medic
Reply to  Kentucky Gent
3 months ago

That’s … just like something those evil servants of Satan would enjoy doing.

It’s worth remembering evil is not monolithic. Sorathic evil is gratified by human despair, resentment, and loneliness, as the Gentleman proposed. For a primer on Sorathic vs. Ahrimanic vs. Luciferian evil see https://charltonteaching.blogspot.com/2020/12/since-millenium-we-have-entered-era-of.html .

English Tom
English Tom
Reply to  Just a Medic
3 months ago

They feed off the energy of negative emotions. This is one of the reasons why poor Peanut and Fred got the needle. The energy generated worldwide by that event was phenomenal.

3 months ago

The rats failed to steal the Whitehouse, but they got the sidebar.

Kentucky Gent
Kentucky Gent
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
3 months ago

Has the sidebar been making mean tweets or something? It’s survived more assassination attempts than Trump.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
3 months ago

The Sidebar Skirmish continues on.

English Tom
English Tom
Reply to  Farcesensitive
3 months ago

They might ransom it back for a container load of pro kamala ballots!

3 months ago

How did Joe Biden receive 81 million votes in 2020 but Harris only received 69 million in this election????????????

Trump got 71 million votes in 2020. He did the BEST of any republican in a national election in history but he lost.

In 2024, Trump got a million LESS voters 70 million and is winning–and Harris only gets 69 million.

WHERE DID 10 MILLION THAT GOT BIDEN IN, GO? You mean to tell me 10 million people sat this election out??????????? Nahhhh.

Reply to  wlindsaywheeler
3 months ago

Thanks for noticing this.

Vox Day this morning:

“Second, it’s not the public commentators, but the behind-the-scenes men who won the recent presidential election; they prevented Harris from benefiting from the late deliveries of millions of fake votes that led to the fake Presidency of the Six Bidens.

2024: Harris: 65,816,659, Trump 70,303,644 (partial results)
2020: Biden: 81,268,924, Trump: 74,216,154
2016: Clinton: 62,985,106 Trump: 65,853,625

Trump should end up with at least 312 electoral college votes, more than the 306 he won in 2016 and the 303 that the Six Bidens supposedly “won” in 2020.”

Note that the Trump and Harris totals are consistent with what you would expect from population increase, and a small swing towards Trump. The Biden total isn’t.

They stopped the steal this time. Trump getting his people as head of the RNC may have been the key. Secondarily, the RFK Jr. endorsement.

Reply to  wlindsaywheeler
3 months ago

Been seeing an unusual amount of introspection from lefties (mostly joking sarcasm) but openly saying maybe the last one was, in fact, stolen.

Kentucky Gent
Kentucky Gent
Reply to  Anonymous
3 months ago

“[Jesus] began to speak, …“There is nothing concealed that will not be revealed, nor secret that will not be known. Therefore whatever you have said in the darkness will be heard in the light, and what you have whispered behind closed doors will be proclaimed on the housetops.”

Luke 12

3 months ago


Corn Pop
Corn Pop
3 months ago

It’s going to be fun listening to Biden talk shit for the next two months.

I mean I’ll still cheer when the vax mandating kid toucher finally dies but he’s going to be insufferable until inauguration day and rightly so.

Corn Pop
Corn Pop
Reply to  Corn Pop
3 months ago

Also curious if Biden will be willing to pardon the people that screwed him before he leaves office. Not likely imo.

Corn Pop
Corn Pop
3 months ago

Currently looking at an election map at 11am EST. Exactly how is it that Arizona has only 61% of votes counted? Serious fuckery going on there.

3 months ago

This was a fun :45 second video of Biden’s take on what a great idea it was to replace him with Kamala. (Yes we all know most of this was scripted, but pretend Biden is real for a moment and enjoy)

3 months ago

This one gave me goosebumps.

3 months ago

I have also had my doubts, but for those that said “the plan sucks”, we all have 20-20 hindsight

Reply to  Anon
3 months ago

Only because the plan chose to allow the fraud in 2018 and 2020.
And razor thin majorities in the House and Senate won’t do us much good with the RINOs siding with the Ds over everything important.

We won’t have what we need until Trump launches the purge, and he’d better got on that in the first year.

Reply to  Farcesensitive
3 months ago

you are correct. You should have been POTUS

Reply to  Anon
3 months ago

Not sure if serious or sarcastic.
But I agree unironically.

Machine Trooper
Machine Trooper
Reply to  Anon
3 months ago

They stole the Congressional seats, too.

Reply to  Anon
3 months ago

For the record, I’ve been saying Q’s Movie sucks, and I stand by that. The Plan is NOT my first choice either because it’s a sideways plan dreamed up by spooks. I’m infantry, I prefer DIRECT action. That comes with the caveat that I don’t have all the information about what responses direct action would trigger, so perhaps this is the best we could have hoped for.

So last night the only Antifa protest I am aware was in Seattle, and it was broken up by BIKE COPS. Very disappointing. In fact the only really encouraging thing I’ve heard today is the growing cry to FINALLY investigate the 2020 election fraud. SO far Tim Pool, Dinesh D’Souza and a few others are clamoring for it on the basis that Biden’s 81 million votes seems a tad high.

No official response from anyone actually involved in the Trump team. Just like she was never locked up. If you expect excitement start there.

…. Oh, back to Q’s Movie – you guys copied this formula didn’t you.

Reply to  lowell
3 months ago

And it was a stupid formula then.
No movie in a series should end on a downer.

Reply to  lowell
3 months ago

Do we get the part where the large white man wearing the Nazi helmet chucks the scheming Jew into the space station furnace?

Just Me
Just Me
3 months ago

It’s 1:00pm and the side bar is MIA, like CamelA

3 months ago

Thank you, AC.
Your website is a daily stop of mine. It has been a wild 4 year ride.
Slowly making my way through American Stasi… Essential reading!

3 months ago

I just came up with a new term for the creepers that goes good with your t shirt.


3 months ago

Hey guys how’s everything going?

Anyways I was just bopping in to report that at the grocery store earlier I noticed at least two pedo-spooks oozing around me..

Man once you start taking note of unusual behavior that AC points out, people loitering who look well dressed but seemingly no purpose or aim but to be in your immediate vicinity..

The PEDO-SPOOKS really atart to stick out like festering pustules!

Thanks AC!

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
3 months ago

Yes! Wear tactical pants pressed out with hard creases, bottoms bloused or tucked in g.i. type boots like airborne or spec ops shit. Militarize your self like those 60s black panther chads. Because there still is a war on, the sides are falling into formations. If you are in an open carry state and it is personally doable, do it for the lulz, this is your time frens. Stay frosty.

3 months ago

BREAKING: Biden-Harris DOJ drops their cases against Donald Trump


Machine Trooper
Machine Trooper
3 months ago

Kameltoe’s concession is a surprise. Are they not gonna refuse to certify? Are they planning a “national emergency” before J20?

I was thinking about an Obama speech in 2016, when he talked about how he would graciously welcome Trump during the transition of power. Can’t help wondering now if that was a signal to the Cabal shock troops not to commence the shooting revolution at that time–they would neutralize Trump through more insidious means.

Any potential signals in Harris’ concession speech?

I found her MLK axiom (the only part of the speech I’ve heard) ironic. The last 4 years of darkness made some “stars shine all the brighter. She was part of that darkness, but traitors can’t help projecting.

We might be in for a wild ride.

Pablo Villizzianto
3 months ago

Hi AC, being fairly experienced at politics, I even wrote a book on how elections are “fixed”, globally. Can read it at https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0DKXFZ9QQ

Whoever is preferred by “AI-PAC” is for a reason, I think they noticed the usual ignorance of such a complex situation, and political structure by the victims, whom are a lot of “antisemites “, and also such political innaction in a mass escale, and will continue going for the kill and the power.

Good to see you liked the comment I made a year ago about using the word “stasi”, and even made it a book. Happy about it.
On an unrelated note, wordpress didn’t worked well, so couldn’t sign up. Amazon nulled the prior account due to me playing with gift cards, so I made another one.

Also, hardcover versions are available, globally, at the link above.

Best wishes,
Pablo Villizzianto
Can reply at +5491122632827 ( whatsapp)

3 months ago

3 months ago


Reply to  Farcesensitive
3 months ago

The number is actually low enough to be believable…..

3 months ago

No joke, Kamala concession speech was crashed by a squirrel. I love this so much.


3 months ago

I’m in.

3 months ago

…yeah, pretty much this.

I just bought a new MK12 barrel for for Sarah to wear. Have a bunch of match ammo to run through it. Have couple of .45ACPs to finish up hopefully this weekend – don’t want to brag, but you guys are gonna be impressed.

Have at least two major gun projects for next year planned,plus a few longstanding ones if I can squeeze them in. Not even counting the 3D printed gattling gun, cause OF COURSE I WANT ONE.

But before that I have some DiY nightvison stuff to finish.

3 months ago

Joel Salatin, an expert on regenerative agriculture has been contacted and accepted a position in the USDA

We’re really doing it people.

Cows are making a huge comeback



Last edited 3 months ago by Farcesensitive
Reply to  Farcesensitive
3 months ago


3 months ago

CHAOS IN TEL AVIV The situation is now exploding in Israel, with reports of a potential military coup against Netanyahu following Gallant’s dismissal.


3 months ago

Elon Musk is ranked top 20 in the world in the video game Diablo. 1 of only 2 Americans on that list. pic.twitter.com/fxEK8Z6lgz

— Jhen Phillip (@JhenPhillip) November 4, 2024


Now we know what he really does with his time when he’s not being a public frontman for the faction behind his supposed accomplishments.

Last edited 3 months ago by Farcesensitive