El Salvador Fears The Return Of Their Migrants

El Salvador is sweating bullets:

Officials in El Salvador held emergency meetings after seeing a sharp increase in the number of violent gang members being deported back to the country from the United States under the Trump administration. Salvadoran authorities have held emergency meetings and proposed new legislation to monitor returning criminals and gang members that are returning to El Salvador after deportation, according to the Washington Post.

The move by Salvadoran officials comes as a direct result of the Trump administration’s crackdown on illegal immigration and efforts to deport more criminal illegal aliens from the U.S.

This year the U.S. has already deported 398 gang members back to El Salvador – compared to only 534 for all of 2016.

It is due to this rapid increase in deportations that Salvadoran officials like Héctor Antonio Rodríguez, the director of the country’s immigration agency, are worried about the impact the returning gang members will have in the country.

“This clearly affects El Salvador. We already have a climate of violence in the country that we are combating,” Rodríguez said…

Many of the returning gang members belong to MS-13, a notoriously violent street gang that has plagued communities throughout the U.S. with horrific acts of violence.

Other countries must be dumbfounded by the US. We send them our cash, we take in their criminals, we enter trade agreements that hogtie our nation and promote their businesses, and then our leftists go around preaching to the world how evil we are to everyone.

Notice Obama didn’t deport these characters, and he even invited more through lax immigration policy. They terrify El Salvador, a place where criminals are already killing the citizenry like cockroaches. We had these monsters going hog wild here, and the left wanted to welcome even more.

More and more I think that in the wild, the r-selected rabbits welcome the hawk, and it is no coincidence they never build up an anger and decide to attack and kill any hawks they see. r-strategists love predators, because the predators prevent the ascension of K-selection. Eliminate the predators, and what will rise is something far worse to the r-strategist – a greatness within their species that will always make them feel worthless and impotent.

Spread r/K Theory, because we want the predators killed, not imported

This entry was posted in Cuckservatives, Immigration, ITZ, K-stimuli, Liberals, Migrant Crime Deniers, Muslims, Politics, Psychology, r-stimuli, rabbitry, Trump. Bookmark the permalink.
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7 years ago

[…] El Salvador Fears The Return Of Their Migrants […]

7 years ago

I’ve never understood that. Wouldn’t things like the Moon Landings, America winning Olympic Golds and a booming economy make you feel proud? Wouldn’t it make you want to be great? Not if you’re a leftist. They view any success that they can’t steal or siphon from as a threat. So remember, the best revenge on the leftist is living and living well.

7 years ago

I wonder if El Salvador can get training and weaponry from Russia which has experience fighting chechen insurgents in the famous Grozny incident with the lessons learned there. There must be some way to purge corruption as well.

No doubt ruthless gangs will slaughter thousands of civilians to make a point but nonetheless the government cannot be cowed by such pure evil. Perhaps they can learn from the Russians how to ruthlessly deal with such elements.

7 years ago

I would say eradicating infectious disease will go a long way to eradicating r-selective predation on human populations. Along with global efforts at enforcing hygiene.

7 years ago

And given the high prevalence of disease in Africa and in the tropics in general. I would deduce that given such an incidence perpetually keeps them below carrying capacity. The predation of disease would ensure that people from such areas are much more r-selected.

7 years ago

When you meet a leftist, ask him, are you for or against the deportation of MS13 members, and explain why.
That should be fun for the ages.