Dropping Smokes – The Rabbit Fog of Confusion

In the comments on the page on this site dealing with Narcissists, Adam seeks to attack by insinuating I am a Narcissist, but I do not know it.

So let me get this straight . . . in this constellation of terrible people you are the bright shining sun of purity and hope for redemption?

But not a narc yourself, right?

Hmmm . . . interesting.

There are several ways to objectively differentiate Narcissists, SJW’s and others rabbits from normal people. The first way is the non-narcissist/non-rabbit seeks an objective truth, supported by facts. Rabbits and Narcissists seek merely to tar everyone’s reputation, or barring that, muddy the rhetorical waters in such a way as to make any objective truth indistinguishable from the falsehoods around it.

This has its root in the amygdala. For one who seeks truth, it is falsehoods and uncertainty which stimulate the amygdala and irritate the psyche, motivating a search for analyses which will resolve the confusion and reveal the truth, whatever it may be. If one’s amygdala is activated and irritated by truth, however, then one will seek out either an embrace of falsehood, or at the very least a tarring of everything equally, truth and falsehood, so no truth can be perceived and irritate.

This is why rabbits will tell you that everyone’s opinion matters, all opinion is subjective, facts can be rejected if they are racist, classist, sexist, triggering, or even criminal in the case of global warming, and nobody is fit to render any judgment, unless the judgment comports with rabbit-ideology, and assuages the rabbit’s amydala.

Of course the fact that truths can be amygdala stimulating tells one much about the honor and respectability of the individual who can not bear truth, as well as their relation to, and love for, the world they inhabit. It also explains why the left assiduously seeks to destroy that which is good, and elevate that which harms. Good irritates the narcissist and the rabbit with the understanding that the narcissist/rabbit can only become it by abandoning all that they are and embracing a world they fundamentally hate. Harm is a comfort, by the damage it inflicts on a world which they fundamentally hate and revile.

Another good way to differentiate rabbits and non-rabbits, is by how individually competitive they are. Just as rabbit amygdalae are triggered by truth, they are also triggered by their own relative inferiority – the most wounding truth they know. Indeed, the most wounding aspect of their own inferiority is what they see as its static, unchanging nature – a self-fulfilling prophesy if ever there was one. Once they believe they are trapped at their own level of inferiority, and the only way up is to claw everyone else down, they will never rise to any height. All their effrots to tear down others will only diminish any chance they had at greatness even more.

Conversely, non-rabbits see their own stature for the truth of what it is – a work in progress, which they can easily better through a rigorous search for truth and betterment. Because of this, a fellow non-rabbit’s success is not cause for irritation, but rather an inspiring example of what they themselves could one day attain.

Some might say Vox and Heartiste are narcissists, for example. Heartiste explains how social cues can manipulate people and even be used to woo women, and Vox has enraged so many people that he must not think of anyone but himself. Yet neither is individually competitive to the point that they seek to win by seeing their peers fail. Indeed, both seek to aid fellow truth-seekers, in their own quests for success.

Were Heartiste a Narcissist, he would have amassed his game, and then covetously kept it for himself, as he laughed at all the poor manboobs as they angrily stormed about, railing at the world and the fickle nature of women. Only that sight could have assuaged his deep sense of inferiority. Instead, buoyed by the knowledge of his own mastery of the world around him, Heartiste takes his knowledge, and tries to help husbands keep their wives happy, and young players follow in the footsteps he has walked. Then he gleefully posts on his site the emails from those who are following in his footsteps and succeeding.

Likewise, Vox seeks to help all of his fellow non-rabbits, anyway he can. He routinely sends this site traffic spikes that dwarf the normal traffic here, and I’m sure if this site ever did rise to his level of success, it would bring him joy, instead of the insecurity a rabbit would feel.

So am I a narcissist? I think not, and I believe the judgment objective. Were I a narcissist, I would never have revealed any of the data here, especially the analysis of the amygdala hijack. The narcissists I know have had at least as good an understanding of that as me, yet all have rigorously guarded that secret, as they gleefully wielded it on all around them. I am delighted to think that others may wield that tool to protect themselves, and better their own lives. Nor do I seek to inflict myself on others, by trolling other’s sites with vague comments implying nobody can differentiate truth. Only the narcissist/rabbit seeks to intrude and muddy the waters. Those who can live their own lives peacefully, without bothering others must, by definition, lack that need to see others irritated, which is the hallmark of the disorder.

The more you understand the forces which motivate our enemies, the more you realize nobody could experience a worse punishment – banished to hate everything in a world they despise, yet powerless to change any of it.

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10 years ago

You describe narcissists as evil geniuses concealing their twisted souls until old age wears down their cognitive abilities and their true character slips out. What if they never had great cognitive ability in the first place? Some autistics learn to function in polite society, and some don’t. Wouldn’t that also be the case with narcissists?

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
10 years ago

On our apartment’s common land next to the river, I once saw a neighbor and his friend trying to inflate a boat. They were using an electric tire pump, but its nozzle was too small, so no air was getting into the boat. I got a foot pump out of my closet and selected the correct nozzle. “So what’s your name?”, I asked as I pumped up one of the other chambers with my foot. “Where do you live?” “Who are you, the FBI?”, he snapped, as his pump whirred to no effect. Then shit got weird. After I filled the inner chamber and capped it, the non-neighbor insisted that his pump was working just fine, capped the drooping, airless outer chamber, and testily announced that he was now going to take a ride in this half-inflated boat (he didn’t). The neighbor didn’t say much; he seemed to know this guy wouldn’t take it well. Never saw the non-neighbor or the boat again.

10 years ago

I have a theory that Narcissist and psychopaths are smarter because they don’t have empathy. Think of a time where you have a super strong empathy for some one and how in some cases it can be overwhelming. Especially when you’re younger. They instead use this area of the brain for processing. It may be that in their brains this extra area is specialized in reading peoples reactions.

Ann K
Ann K
10 years ago

When I was young, I didn’t understand the emphasis in the Bible on “who do you say that I am?” Now, I wonder if Judgment Day is the amygdala hijack of the soul: the engraving of capital-T truth on mind as well as body.