Don’t Want To Be Molested By A Tranny? You’re Transphobic

Things get weirder still:

The R&B singer Ginuwine, appearing on the U.K. reality show “Big Brother,” is being slammed as a transphobe for refusing to kiss his male-to-female transgender co-star India Willoughby on live TV.

When discussing dating, Willoughby complained that Ginuwine would date women but not him, claiming he really is a woman. When Ginuwine conceded that he would not date Willoughby if he knew he were trans, things escalated.

“I’m a woman, right,” said Willoughby. “Forget about any ‘t’s, or anything in front of it. So, on that score, you would date me, wouldn’t you?”

“Not if you told me you was trans,” replied Ginuwine.

“No, no, I’m not telling you I’m trans,” Willoughby insisted. “I’m a woman.”

“A woman? Yeah,” answered the “Pony” singer.

This, for some reason, promoted Willoughby to grab Ginuwine’s neck and lean in for a kiss. Ginuwine appeared to be extremely uncomfortable at this moment and quickly pulled away.

Ginuwine’s rejection of the advances came with backlash; he’s now being accused of transphobia.

This is mildly disturbing, because this is the first step in making sexual selection into a slippery slope. First you have to let trannies have sympathy kisses, and next up will be sympathy sex with fatties, uggos, and regular SJWs.

Sexual selection is the ultimate power of K-selection. It is why when the Apocalypse hits, only the K’s survive. That is why ultimately it will be attacked. All that is holding things off now is societal norms, but as we have seen with transexuality and children, those are variable as r progresses.

Ultimately, if r progressed far enough, there would be a demand for sexual equality, where the fittest would be forced to mate with whoever demanded it. It would begin with shaming, but that would inevitably end up with legislation. Great for the uggos, fatties, and sexually grotesque, but not so good for the normals.

It sounds crazy, but who would have thought we’d have male trannies exposing themselves to little girls in locker rooms with the power of government behind them, public masturbation normalization, child transsexuals who are being shuttled from drag club to drag club by their parents and being lauded by our media, and the mass importation of Muslim radicals and low IQ savages from Third World shitholes turned into a moral imperative.

Pray for the Apocalypse, because government-mandated homosexual cornholing is just a small hop, skip, and jump beyond the abolition of sexual selection, which is itself, now on the way.

Tell others about r/K Theory, because the consequences are too severe

This entry was posted in Homosexuality, Liberals, Morals, Pedophilia, Politics, Psychology, r-stimuli, rabbitry, Sexual Deviance, Sexual Dimorphism. Bookmark the permalink.
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Robert What?
Robert What?
7 years ago

Remember the old days when the homosexual activists said they just wanted to be left alone to live their lives? Now they don’t want your tolerance. They don’t even want your acceptance. Only enthusiastic celebration will be permitted.

Reply to  Robert What?
7 years ago

Rabbits are a natural entitled brats. That’s why we should never give anything good to them at the first place. First we give them crumbs, very soon they will ask for the entire cake, then later they will demand us to stock them daily with 5 box of the best cakes, complete with champagne. And if we refuse that, they will accuse us as egoistic evil who have no heart. I hope K-selected people will learn that truth from history, and next time will not give in to any rabbits’ whining & demand. Zero tolerance.

7 years ago

“It’s just a little bit of poz, not that big a deal. What are you, racist?”

7 years ago

Just think of this girl-penis as a permanently attached strap-on.

Dudes being shamed as transphobic is just the tip of the iceberg. Spend more time on tumblr, and witness the next step: lesbians being shamed as penis-phobic because they’re into actual women and not trannnies in wigs.

Yup. I am not shitting you.

Reply to  Bob
7 years ago

That’s a great idea to implement a divide & conquer technique on them. Make a fake LGBTQ blog or fake user id on forum/website, and plant radical divisive ideas/comments that will make that community go against each other. Make ’em so busy with it that they forget to whine at & attack normal people.

Reply to  Sophie
7 years ago

Good idea but,,, ick.

7 years ago

People will kneel and pray, either to God or to black penises.

7 years ago

“Orgy-porgy, Ford and fun,
Kiss the girls and make them One.
Boys at one with girls at peace;
Orgy-porgy gives release.”

Huxley was a Prophet.