Donald’s Confidential Banking Data Accessed By Deutsche Bank

This is basically the Deep State, though nobody will admit it:

The scandal-hit bank that loaned hundreds of millions of dollars to Donald Trump has conducted a close internal examination of the US president’s personal account to gauge whether there are any suspicious connections to Russia, the Guardian has learned.

Deutsche Bank, which is under investigation by the US Department of Justice and is facing intense regulatory scrutiny, was looking for evidence of whether recent loans to Trump, which were struck in highly unusual circumstances, may have been underpinned by financial guarantees from Moscow.

The Guardian has also learned that the president’s immediate family are Deutsche clients. The bank examined accounts held by Ivanka Trump, the president’s daughter, her husband, Jared Kushner, who serves as a White House adviser, and Kushner’s mother.

The internal review found no evidence of any Russia link, but Deutsche Bank is coming under pressure to appoint an external and independent auditor to review its business relationship with President Trump.

Check it out. Deutsche Bank has reviewed all of the confidential banking info for Donald Trump, as well as his children and their spouses. They even looked at the accounts of Jared’s mother. Have no doubt, everybody from Flynn to Bannon has also had these “unofficial” private reviews by private sector parties.

Why would Deutsche Bank give a shit if Donald Trump’s daughter’s husband’s mom had a car loan directly from Vladimir Putin? How would that even remotely affect the bank? The answer is, it wouldn’t. The bank didn’t do this of it’s own volition. This was done at the behest of the Deep State. My assumption would be that it was supposed to remain quiet unless something was turned up, but some minor underling went running to the Guardian with the news, probably hoping to spur a more in-depth analysis that might turn something embarrassing up.

So suppose Vladimir Putin had made a payment to Donald Trump. How would it have played out? First, Obama holdovers at Justice, most likely, would quietly call up executives at Deutsche, and they would tell them to perform this review. It could have been any agency, though. I am sure numerous government agencies have assets at Deutsche, from the CIA to DHS. There is no official paper trail, no official request, and they might even use a burner phone.

I have no idea what the quid pro quo was, but it might have had to do with withholding some other piece of info uncovered in the investigation of Deutsche, it might have been more direct blackmail of a Deutsche official based on something embarrassing found during extensive surveillance of them, or the individual who triggered the review in Deutsche might even have been a paid asset of some government intelligence program inside banks, designed to uncover money laundering, drug dealing, or other illicit activities.

Those intel networks of informants and sources always have a vital Law Enforcement objective when they are set up, even if later they just become a Deep State toy to assert control over everyone. Remember the TIPS network? The pilot program was one in 24 citizen spies, selected based on access to desirable data on citizens, reporting to a government handler, and gathering whatever they were told, that was beyond the reach of the government legally. It was supposed to be a confidential network solely for use in terrorism investigations.

Just like that, without a warrant, your medical records, banking records, mail shipments, credit card activity, travel itineraries, and everything else about your life would be instantly accessible to fedguv without a warrant. It doesn’t sound like a big deal when you picture it being done to drug dealers, but when that network decides to follow your every move and fuck up things you set up based on the 24/7 intel they are gathering on you, you realize why the Founders wanted a limited government.

So now the Deep State has triggered the internal review at Deutsche. It found Vladimir Putin is paying Donald’s cable bill every month. The bill comes in from Time Warner for $94.95, and Vladimir dumps in that exact amount, which then goes right back out to Time Warner. That Deutsche official then is instructed to give that info to a specific reporter who is part of the network, and out it goes. The Deep State is completely kept out of the story, and Donald’s Presidency is crippled by purely coincidental circumstances that arose wholly by chance. I assume that is what we are looking at, because if they weren’t setting it up to be leaked while keeping fedguv fingerprints off it, NSA would have pulled the file and reviewed it themselves, without involving Deutsche employees. The problem with that is, if it turned up something, how does it get to the media with a signature that clearly says, “Not Deep State Related In Any Way”?

If you want to understand what the Deep State is probably like, you could do worse than to rent out the first five seasons of the TV Show Burn Notice, and look at “Management,” the shadowy intel network that burned the main character, and against which he bucks and wrestles throughout the show. Everywhere you go, whatever you deal with, Management will have assets in it, exactly where it needs them to effect control. Management is out there, though I assume it began life more as an official anti-terrorism tool, before being privatized for secrecy to the point of being only loosely attached to government and its objectives.

The show is a good primer on surveillance covers and intelligence gathering, and I am convinced whoever wrote it was aware of the early stages of today’s Deep State machine. It is not impossible, and maybe even likely, that it was even written after the writer crossed paths with it in person. The only thing I would say is, it had to play down the extent of the machine, because if it was true to life, there is no way Michael Westin could have even begun to operate. Even Dead Larry would have trouble today. Though in fairness, that is true of every show. Once you know how things work, Dexter can only exist in your imagination these days. You have to let go of reality to enjoy it.

I do not know whether Trump should try to grab full control of this machine, and risk being tarred and feathered with any blowback should specific exposed parts one day become public, or whether he should just make sure everyone who works for him knows to keep their noses absolutely clean, as he maintains the meme that he is at war with some shadowy Deep State entity that is watching and leaking his sensitive data. The advantage to that is, if some of the more terrifying aspects of the Deep State become exposed one day, and the public turns on it, then as an enemy of the Deep State, Donald will become a natural ally of the public, rather than be tarred as the fascist dictator who was wielding the Deep State machinery against the people and his enemies in the media.

To that end, the voices of the Alt-Right should be sure to maintain the meme that there is a Deep State which is bent on destroying Donald. His Presidency could one day depend upon that meme, and if certain extrapolations I see hold true, it probably will.

God knows, Donald is probably this country’s last chance. Fortunately with his skill and intellect, whatever decision he makes will certainly be the best possible.

Spread r/K Theory, because the Deep State will not do it for us

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8 years ago

[…] Donald’s Confidential Banking Data Accessed By Deutsche Bank […]

8 years ago

Deutsche Bank was made to swallow Bankers Trust in 1999. Reason was that the Fed and their owners needed a bank outside US regulations to offload all the derivatives business they wanted to hide from SEC etc. Also, Gold/Silver manipulation. All the stuff for which Deutsche Bank now pays fines.
Deutsche Bank is beholden to the US Deep State / oligarchy.

8 years ago

I read it differently. I read it as DB was under intense regulatory pressure, and was looking for something to blackmail Trump with — “back off the DOJ or we leak X.” Their problem is they came up empty.

If you go back a few years and look at articles in the Tri-state Area (2005-2010 or so) on teh Donald, you see a common theme — he ran roughshod over the other developers and the authorities in New Jersey (especially gaming) because their normal MO was to develop blackmail on each other, and then trade blackmail for deals. Teh Donald blew all that up because no one could find anything on him. No embarrassing vices, no shady deals, no hidden shells, no building code violations, no sweetheart kickback deals — nothing.

Donald’s superpower is that he’s clean and unblackmailable. He’s kryptonite to the Deep State and Mossad (if there is a difference.)

Sam J.
Sam J.
8 years ago

Trump should use every legal means possible possible to destroy anyone involved with this. They’ve been able to get away with for along time and I don’t believe they feel there are any consequences to their actions. Pain should be applied.