Donald Trump’s Grandchildren Were Almost Kidnapped?

A roll out of the rumors, from here:

3. Topics of discussion
Insider Trading
Top Secret Information
Advising the Cabal’s Money Men to move their assets etc so they would never lose. The Top Tier billionaires dictated policy to ensure they always made and never lost. #Q #QAnon #TheStorm

4. Look at the bailout cash… Who got it? Cabal told Obama what to do and as it was about to get done, Obama would e-mail them from an unsecured server and they would clean up “money-wise”
Obama traded secrets just like Hillary. #Q #QAnon #TheStorm

5. #BLM were taking instructions directly from Obama and his unsecured e-mail account.
He had an unsecured account and was trading state secrets to the most wealthy people in order to profit himself. #Q #QAnon #TheStorm

6. Mobilized military necessary because there are people on the LEFT who are so misinformed that they won’t accept the implications and consequences of the memo, alluding to the arrest of #Obama. #Q #QAnon #TheStorm

7. Q is not a single person but an organization. #Q #QAnon #TheStorm

8. One of the Obama’s is camped out at Martha’s Vinyard with one of the Rothchilds. Mueller will be getting a free pass as he WILL receive a Presidential Pardon. Mueller is doing what he’s doing to avoid his own prison time. He will always be remembered as “disgraced”. #Q #QAnon

9. Adam Schiff is a traitor, answers to foreign actors.
Julian Assange is enjoying his life.
Soros doesn’t end up with a prison sentence – he’s being taken out (“catch a bullet”)
Alex Soros is useless without Soros money. Everything WILL be confiscated. #Q #QAnon #TheStorm

10. No text messages lost. Deep State trying to leverage a lie to discredit the memo. Basically they say no evidence and if DOJ offer it up, Deep State say it’s lies and “texts are lost”. 3 NSA programs have the texts and they cannot be deleted, all Hillary’s emails are intact.#QAnon

11.All Deep State e-mails and messages are stored in _ program and cannot be deleted, the raw intel cannot be tampered with. Source is authorized to “release” FROM THE TOP. Trump is in control… the Intelligence Apparatus is in control. #Q #QAnon

12. The main problem to solve – How do you #redpill the country, thus avoiding too much Civil Unrest? #Q #QAnon #TheStorm

13. There has been a couple of traitors within the Trump Cabinet and he now knows who they “were”.
They were leveraged unfortunately from things that had happened to them in the past. Please do NOT guess or speculate. Their names will not be disclosed. #Q #QAnon #TheStorm

14. They were helping Deep State by quarterbacking stuff against the President.

15.Deep State had insurance policies by leveraging information from their wiretaps while Trump had been diligently building his group, Deep State has been corrupting his cabinet because they had the intel as to “who were going where”
Wiretaps helped them get ahead to a degree. #Q

16.Trump waiting on Nunez/Gowdy to pass memo up which I’m told is “imminent”
Trump will make overnight visit to NSA Utah & Langley – Off the book visit to secure some data “in person”. He has raw intel regarding “3” of his Cabinet to get from NSA. He wants last 7 yrs data on each.

17. Admiral Rogers discovered that there was a “plan” to kidnap Trump’s Grandchildren. That’s what was actually exposed in the meeting because they don’t have anything on the President. He’s clean. #Q #QAnon #TheStorm

18. This is why Don Jr. dropped his SS security detail – there was a plan in place to snatch his “child” or “baby”. THE EVIL IS REAL. #Q #QAnon #TheStorm

19. Reaffirmaton of General Flynn being a great patriot.
General Flynn and Admiral Rogers both playing a part to protect this country.
Also thank Bill Binney who developed the technology needed to bust these guys. #Q #QAnon #TheStorm #TheStormHasArrived #MAGA

20.NSA has footage of a cabinet member from PREVIOUS administration”HURTING A CHILD”(no further details provided)
Keep military men and women in your prayers. They are fighting on behalf of the good people of this country. They R in the middle of dangerous operations as we speak #Q

21.Media indictments coming. Large quantity of media involved with some very dark/disgusting things -corruption,willfully sharing #fakenews in exchange for money, (or) other far more deviant & disgusting things. This is the reason they fight so hard against POTUS

22. Where was Obama during Benghazi? NSA has the answer.
“The HAMMER RAW INTEL has Obama and certain several others in a certain place”
HAMMER pings all cells and mapped who was present and their location and more
HAMMER is a supercomputer #Q #QAnon #TheStorm

23. During Benghazi, Hillary was at her Satanic Ritual. They don’t allow cell phones at that event! With Many “Celebs”
Obama was elsewhere (not allowed to state’ where it is as it’s part of __ (I’m not authorized to say)
They are screwed, Trump has the Intel #Q #QAnon #TheStorm

24. 2 more HUGE MAJOR MAJOR news organizations are on the hit list as far as being raided – that’s coming – just like Newsweek…
“State secrets illegaly being passed to non-state entities through these organizations”
“2 of biggest – One is a paper, one is a news show” #Q #QAnon

25. Confirmed… TruPundit story about FBI texts regarding physically harming the President.
FBI is TOAST and major housecleaning will occur similar to what happened with the CIA. FBI may not be able to survive this. #Q #QAnon #TheStorm

26. Christopher Wray threatening to “walk out” on FBI/Sessions is FAKE NEWS. Disinfo is necessary.
Some “Trusted” journalists that patriots listen to are DELIBERATELY fed disinfo to keep scent off the main trail. Refrain from roasting these journalists-this being done on purpose.

27. Trey Gowdy is playing his role. Mueller’s investigation is legit and he’s trying to be honest.
Get away from Paradigm on who is “Good vs Bad”… find out who can get leveraged.
None of this is a current threat. It’s being released now BECAUSE it’s past tense.

28. McCabe is in a “Black Site in the lower 48th” “singing” (Somewhere in the Continental U.S.)
Black Site = a place that exists that’s not supposed to exist.
He’s no longer in GITMO but he’s not getting the Witness Protection Treatment.

29. McCabe did not enjoy his GITMO visit, which is why he’s Singing and no longer there.
We are starting to let words out that is preparing the public: TREASON, Secret Society
Memo will confirm what most red-pilled people already knew. #Q #QAnon #TheStorm

If this is true, Trump may have uncovered, in the NSA database, Secret Service Agents who had been turned or recruited into the network, and who were willing to help in a kidnapping. That might explain why Don Jr. quickly fired his SS detail, why Trump kept his personal security on, and probably why Trump sleeps alone in a locked room with the door bolted from the inside, and a gun probably by the side of his bed. Surviving under those conditions isn’t so much about being able to take the enemy when they come, but just about forcing them to make so much noise they are not willing to pull the trigger because the fallout may be unpredictable.

It sounds crazy to think of agents in SS being sucked into the network and aiding a kidnapping of Trump’s grandchildren, or FBI talking assassinations, but that is how intel works. You turn people until you control Human Resources, and the hiring process, and then you get your people in wherever you want. and you own them completely. I am sure they have sought assets throughout Treasury, simply because the informants Treasury runs, looking into high end organized crime and money laundering, would be a valuable addition to the network’s network of sources and agents, and the Secret Service would also give them access to the security team and intelligence about the most powerful man in the nation.

Deep Stuff. This probably looks slightly too deep to many who still believe America has not changed significantly over the last two or three decades. It does not look too deep to me. If you see behind the curtain, America, as people are told of it, is a myth which people grow up believing because they are never given reason to question it.

I have said it before. The best show for understanding what is happening in this situation is the TV Show Burn Notice. Whoever the spook was who wrote the story arc for that series knew what was going on, and it was probably the inspiration for his entire show.

In Burn Notice, a lowly DIA shrink was being sent “broken toys,” operatives who developed psychological problems while in the field. Eventually he turned an agent he was treating, and used him as his own operative, to turn other people into more operatives for his network. That operative turned another, and those operatives turned other people, and so on. Eventually he had developed a machine everyone called “Management,” with turned assets in every government agency and many political offices, all able to be given commands and committed to the organization – as much for their own power within in, as to protect themselves from retribution from Management. By then, if you took on Management, the entire US Government and its intelligence apparatus would drop on your head, as if you had attacked the US government itself, all at the command of the one man behind the scenes.

As such a network expands, it will target those who hire in other organizations, those with power to give orders in large organizations, and those who control any of the myriad of established lesser networks throughout an increasingly intelligence-oriented federal, state, and local government. Turn those single people in critical positions, and you can take over their entire organizations.

Know neighborhood watch organizations? They will have a local police officer from the local PD’s intelligence office, who will recruit in the leaders of the neighborhood watch as unofficial informants, with intel about everyone in their neighborhood. That cop now controls a network, so turn him, or get your guy hired on into his position, and you get his network in the process.

Where are there more spies per capita than maybe anywhere else on earth? The prisons. You see ex-cons, the FBI sees intelligence sources. And nobody suspects them of being agents, because they are living the perfect cover. You’re in prison with criminals. Who would think that in reality the people you see as criminal confederates are also government agents reporting everything they see and hear back to the very government that imprisoned them? Find the FBI agent who oversees a prison network and turn him, or just have your person in HR assign one of your people to the job, and now you control those criminals. From the SEC, to the IRS, to a police Gang unit running informants, to the president of a data destruction company, to a medical billing firm – turn one person, get one asset in the right place and you can gain access to an impressive network of sources and agents to fill out your manpower.

Intelligence is naturally a field which pushes the envelope outside of the rules others assume everyone follows, and as a result it will tend to grow in the absence of affirmative constraint. Exactly like SJWs, rabbit politicians like McCabe will gravitate to where they can command the entire structure, and from there it is impossible for them to not try and expand it, and exploit it for their own purposes. Eventually, they over-expand it, and it draws attention.

If you are lucky, when it over expands it is constrained peacefully by government, and it enters a period of reduced capabilities and high oversight. But eventually that oversight and constraint will laxen again, and the cycle will repeat. The only thing that will produce constraint is public horror, and the only way to get public horror is to lift the constraint and let it run free.

You have to understand that the formation of massive, all-powerful government intelligence agencies that penetrate an entire nation covertly in a way even the most paranoid mind could not imagine is extraordinary to behold, but not at all unexpected. It is like the massive biological complexity of thee human machine evolving from a soup of abiotic nucleotide-like precursors. It is extraordinary to behold, but not at all unexpected if you understand the system. In truth it is inevitable, written into the very code of the system. Give leftists this power (and they will always seek it, by their nature), and it will naturally progress to this point. And when their amygdale grow triggered enough by threat of their fiefdom’s imminent constraint, anything will be on the table, as they command an organization that can literally do anything.

If this report is even partly correct, and the Trump family’s behavior indicates it may be, something like that has emerged in the US over the last few decades. A leftist-controlled network that gives billionaires stock tips based on classified intercepts so they can increase their economic hegemony, and where in return billionaires make their assets available to the network for whatever it wants. And when it needed to, a few phone calls could produce a useable agent who will do almost anything, anywhere from the Mainstream Media, to the FBI, to President Trump’s cabinet, to his Secret Service detail – and maybe even in MS-13 and the underworld.

It was all always unavoidable. And this may not even be the worst of it.

God bless and protect President Trump, and his family.

Tell everyone about r/K Theory, because the stakes are getting high

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7 years ago

OT but it appears to me the neocons are moving to wrest any attempts to halt meuller from Congress.

Further evidence here (check out the “Open Society” motto):.

My guess is Tillis us blackmailed.
The modus operandi us extremely telling
The behavior of Kristol’s, Boot, Frumm, etc seems panicked.

When Q is done, I think the #neocons will be utterly exposed.

7 years ago

What goes through the minds of ringleaders when they attempt something like this? Is it the rush? Psychopathy? Desperation? They force all good people to act and crush them.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
7 years ago

I’m just sitting back, waiting for Trump to crush as many of these guys as he can. You know he’s going to do it- he has too. Then we can all laugh about it, sit back, drink a beer and munch on popcorn. If Hollyweird isn’t going to entertain us D.C. might as well, right?