Donald Trump, K-strategist

You can tell a lot about a man by the questions he asks:

Donald Trump told supporters in New Hampshire on Wednesday night that he’s suspicious of the refugees who are fleeing from the war in Syria.

“Did you ever see a migration like that?” he asked. “They’re all men, and they’re all strong-looking guys…. There are so many men; there aren’t that many women. And I’m saying to myself: Why aren’t they fighting to save Syria? Why are they migrating all over Europe? Seriously.”

Rabbits see the refugees fleeing, and say, “Of course they are fleeing, I would too.” Wolves see K-strategists fleeing, and ask, “Why would we want to accept such spineless cowards into our nation? And why aren’t they fighting to protect their own homeland?” Notice Donald didn’t reflexively make any mention of how many groups support him, and how few groups support his opposition. Social dynamics are meaningless compared to facts in the mind of the wolf.

The only good thing about it is the coward refugees will flee back to their homelands once the heat warms up in Europe. Bring on the hooligans.

In the same article, Trump continues to think like a wolf:

“Military tactics are very interesting,” he said. “This could be one of the great tactical ploys of all time. A 200,000-man army, maybe. Or if they sent 50,000 or 80,000 or 100,000… that could be possible.

A wolf has a tendency to see the worst possible, and as a result, when the worst eventually comes he survives. That has evolved through the relentless culling of idiot wolves who hope for the best, and then get killed. Contrast that with Jeb:

“Send them all back? To a hellhole? This is the same guy, by the way, that is also advocating exactly what seems to be supportive of Putin and his emergence in Syria. That’s not the proper policy for the United States.”

Don’t count on Jeb staying in America to fight hand to hand in the trenches for God, country, and the girl next door. Fleeing makes perfect sense to him. Personally I would never justify flight with the word “hellhole,” because in my mind the two words are not linked. Just because something is a hellhole doesn’t mean automatically that you flee. It is obvious from the statement that in Jeb’s mind, you flee hellholes. We need to get away from leaders who think like that, or they will one day flee the hellhole they have stuck us in.

Apocalypse cometh™

Bonus Trump wolfishness flashback:

When he saw “a big guy with a big bat” bashing another fellow, Donald Trump did what any self-respecting billionaire would do: He ordered his driver to pull over.

“I’m not looking to play this thing up,” Trump said yesterday. “I’m surprised you found out about it.”

Witnesses said Trump, with Marla Maples tugging at his arm to try to stop him, leaped from his black stretch limousine Monday evening during the Manhattan assault…

Trump said the incident occurred at 8 p.m. as he, Maples and another couple were heading toward the Lincoln Tunnel on their way to the Meadowlands in New Jersey for a Paula Abdul concert…

“All of a sudden, a big long limousine pulls up on an angle, and Donald Trump pops out with the blond, too,” the witness said. “There was a guy with a bat, hitting a guy over the head, and Trump yelled, ‘Put that bat down. What are you doing?’ The guy dropped the bat, came over and started talking to him.”

Trump said the bat-man delivered at least “five or six good whacks” before he interceded.

Trump said he left the site only after he saw a man who appeared to be a doctor treating the victim and heard that an ambulance was on its way.

Does Donald Trump flee hellholes? I’d bet not.

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