George Will wrote an article titled, “Trump Should Have No Place in the Party of Liberty and Limited Government .” The article is such defeatist Cuckservative bullshit it isn’t even going to get a link here. It basically makes the case that if you support America, you would think it a gross violation of liberty to not bestow full citizenship on everyone. That, and enforcing the law would be so difficult, and require such exercise of government power, that only someone stupid and evil would think it could ever be done.
This is the same asshole who probably think’s Jeb’s idea of deploying troops throughout Europe to threaten Putin proactively is a good example of responsible small government and the exercise of liberty.
But the title struck me.
What is this party of liberty and limited government he speaks of? The same party whose last President gave us the Patriot Act, unprecedented government surveillance of the people, a bloated Homeland Security Department which is basically a domestic version of the CIA dedicated to monitoring private citizens, an increase in the national debt from 3 trillion to seven trillion, a massive increase in the drug war due to the Opium poppies they prevented our troops from hiding in in Afghanistan (lest they get damaged), and an unprecedented intrusion of government into the financial markets, with the goal of releasing bankers who made bad deals from and consequence of those bad deals, using taxpayer funds? That party of liberty and limited government? Or is it the party of Boehner and McConnell, who basically rubber stamp whatever big-government project Obama wants, to the point he uses them to pass the initiatives that his own party is too disgusted by to support?
Why isn’t Will in excoriating them?
Will used to strike me as the type of guy who would be aghast to look stupid, but it seems Donald has everybody in such a tizzy, nothing matters but taking him down. My own assessment of Will’s IQ dropped about thirty points as I read the article.
What Will doesn’t grasp is that Donald’s support is Will’s opposition – within the party he wants to lay intellectual claim to.
What I want to know is, if Donald wins, would Will be willing to acknowledge that he no longer speaks for the party, and thus he should not be trying to represent the ideology behind the Republican party in print, anywhere?
I’m fine with Will writing about politics, just be honest – he is now a contrarian leftist (complete with the lying and phoniness), not a conservative. The party has moved from beneath him, so far to his right that he is now left.
The Atlas like figure, who has hoisted the party on his back and is still moving it to the right is Donald Trump, and we all have much to thank him for.
Apocalypse cometh™, and the turkey necked geeks will be the first to die.