Donald Trump Changes all the Rules for the GOP

Trump is dominating the polls among minorities.

It is said to have been an internal poll conducted by one of Donald Trump’s GOP rivals. (one of the campaigns that is currently cash-rich but tepid in the polls) A quick “test the water” outline in some of the more critical battleground states. What came back stunned not only the campaign, but sent ripples through various Democratic operatives as well who have since been sending out the alarm – Donald Trump is appealing to minority voters in a way not seen by any Republican of the modern era. It is a base of support cutting through a cross-section of normally divided demographics that could result in a 2016 Trump Landslide.

Here is what a D.C. Whispers source had to say regarding the Trump polling data rumor:

“It’s still hush-hush, but enough mouths are moving to make it credible. It apparently started with some Florida numbers by the leading candidate down there. They had been warned their numbers were slipping and the campaign decided to confirm. They received more than confirmation. What they came back with were numbers that elevated Donald Trump’s support among minorities beyond anything they thought was possible. This initiated an order of three more internal polls of other battleground states and the results were very similar – Donald Trump is making significant gains across the board with minority voters.

In just two months he has done what Republicans have been crying about doing for the last several years. It’s remarkable. It also means the media, who likely already knows about the polling data, will be throwing everything they can at the Trump campaign to topple it once and for all. They cannot allow a candidate who is overturning all of the established rules of what a Republican is and isn’t.

It would appear many minorities view themselves as Americans more than they view themselves as minorities. As a result, a message about making America great for Americans polls well among them.

Meanwhile the GOPe goes around pandering and bribing and wondering why the people the democrats pander and grovel to won’t just switch sides at the drop of a hat. Unless you are willing to out-corrupt the utterly corrupt, you will never gain the support of the craven race pimps, poverty scumbags, and other degenerates who vote Democrat.

In other Trump News, he is kicking Jeb’s ass in Jeb’s home state of Florida.

For the first time this year, Donald Trump tops a state poll of GOP presidential candidates in Florida.

A St. Pete Polls survey released on Wednesday shows the New York businessman with 26 percent support, with Jeb Bush in second place with 20 percent.

If Donald beats Jeb, it will change how every politician campaigns from this point forward, and it will attract hundreds of real talkers to the political world. As that occurs, the public debate will change. Political correctness will be driven from the debate by the force of the electorate’s intolerance, as liberal rabbits find their wails of disapproval ignored and ridiculed.

Now imagine what it will be like if conditions deteriorate to Great Depression levels.

This is the approach of K-selection.

Apocalypse cometh™

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9 years ago


it’s important to emphasize ¡Jeb!. he is running for president of the mexicans. not president of the americans.


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