Donald is Killing It

Donald is dominating internet searches

Real-estate mogul Donald Trump is absolutely crushing his GOP presidential rivals – both in polls, and when it comes to Google searches.

On Tuesday, Google Trends published an interactive county-by-county map of US searches for the various Republican candidates.

And Trump by far appears to be drawing the most interest in almost every state. His color code, red, sweeps the country from Alaska to Florida.

Donald is even winning among Latinos, as reported by Univision.

Donald Trump previously said: “I will win the Hispanic vote in this election“.

Guess what? He’s right.

In a Public Policy Polling survey, Trump leads with 34% of Hispanic voters, surpassing Jeb Bush, Ted Cruz and Marco Rubio. What makes this poll even more delicious, is that it had to be reported on Univision

The single biggest source of Donald’s support is the hatred the Establishment has heaped on him.

He was portrayed as the enemy of the Establishment by an Establishment that wanted to destroy him. All they did was point everyone who hates the Establishment at the candidate they most wanted to lose.

That he has billions, can easily self-finance, and talked the right talk only added to his appeal.

The big issue for him now is to unabashedly espouse the K-selected issue positions, and stick to them. Too often a candidate begins strong, and their success leads them to “moderate” to try and pick up more voters. Inevitably it only serves to destroy the support they have labored so hard to acquire. Nobody demands total loyalty as much as the K-selected cohort of the voting populace.

Right now, it is Donald’s to lose.

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Aeoli Pera
Aeoli Pera
9 years ago

Just get married already.

Marc Bahn
Marc Bahn
9 years ago

He be Trumpin’ de jokesters. Can’t wait to see ‘im bitchslap ’em in de debates.