Does Lucifer Rule The Deep State?

Some think so:

“Spirit cooking.” Occult imagery outside meetings of the most powerful people in the world. Bizarre rituals held at globally important events.

What is going on? What perverted ideology animates those who control our global destiny?

Global insider Theodore Roosevelt Malloch, who has worked at the highest levels on Wall Street, at the United Nations, at elite universities like Yale and Oxford and served on the executive board of the World Economic Forum, has a disturbing answer. It’s “Luciferianism.” And Malloch described the ideology and its influence on world leaders in a recent interview on Infowars.

“The E.U. is part, of course, of the globalist empire, the New World Order, and I think many of its origins are in fact quite evil,” Malloch explained. “And I think that we should talk about that…”

But beyond the policy implications, Malloch sees a disturbing ideology, Luciferianism, which motivates many global elites.

“Luciferianism is a belief system that venerates the essential characteristics that are affixed to Lucifer,” he explained. “That tradition has been informed by Gnosticism, by Satanism, and it usually refers to Lucifer not as ‘the devil’ per se but as some kind of liberator, some kind of guardian, some kind of guiding spirit. In fact, as the true god as opposed to Jehovah.”

Malloch identified many people in the E.U. hierarchy and in the Democrat Party as aligned with this belief. He explained how Lucifer is seen as a symbol of independence and of true human progress.

“Turning away from God and turning to Lucifer in order to enlighten yourself,” he summarized the creed….

As Alinsky wrote:

“Lest we forget at least an over the shoulder acknowledgment to the very first radical: from all our legends, mythology and history (and who is to know where mythology leaves off and history begins – or which is which), the very first radical known to man who rebelled against the establishment and did it so effectively that he at least won his own kingdom – Lucifer.”

It is interesting. Amygdala is constraint. It is what controls your urges to hedonism, hedonism being the release of control, and a lack of amygdala. Good requires control of the urge to atrophy amygdala and give away that control. If all of that is correct, then to make evil appealing, you would couch it as liberation from constraint, and rebelling from control, both which are shutting off of amygdala. Luciferianism is the ideology of amygdala atrophy, to gain a false enlightenment.

Then there is this:

Hollywood is controlled by Satanic pedophiles according to Macaulay Culkin, who opened up in a radio interview, describing how one Hollywood executive tried to get him hooked on crack at the age of 11 and boasted that his tailor-made leather shoes were made from the skin of dead child star Heather O’Rourke…

The explosive claims made by Culkin were reported by French media including Les Echos, a newspaper, however all reports were quickly deleted within an hour of appearing online…

Culkin claimed… that some of the Hollywood executives wear “skin trophies”.

Asked to explain what that phrase means, Culkin said “They wear shoes, belts, and wallets made out of the skin of children that have been ritually murdered.”

Have you seen leather products made from human skin? It has a very unusual, distinctive look. I learned at a very young age to identify it,” said 37-year-old Culkin, who has been living in Paris since 2003.

“I was 11 the first time I saw it. I was filming Home Alone 2 in New York,” Culkin said. “I was ushered into a back room on the set. There was a guy in there, a powerful executive suit type, you know what I mean?”…

Macaulay Culkin then explained that the man “began to make his intentions clear as day.“

“He started breathing real shallow. My experience with perverts kicked in. I could tell he was interested in me…”

“Then he reached into his case and took out a crack pipe…”

“He lit the pipe and blew the smoke in my face. He told me to look at his shoes. He said they were made from the skin of children he and his friends had murdered. He said leather made from human skin is the finest leather known to man…”

“He asked me if I knew Heather O’Rourke…”

“Hollywood is going to burn in my lifetime. You watch.“

It seems kind of amazing that these claims could be made, and even if they were categorically false, no US News organization would seek to exploit them for attention by reporting them. Even more amazing is that human skin items are actually a thing for those with the money:

Welcome to ][umanLeather. We are specialists in producing exquisite and exclusive products for an extremely discerning clientele. All products are carefully hand-crafted by experienced master craftsmen, with years of experience in handling the finest leather known – human leather.

Human Leather Products
We only craft the best and most beautiful products out of our unique leather. We have produced bespoke items for some of our clients, but due to the limited size of the lengths that we work with, we are limited to what items we can fashion out of the leather.

What is the cost of a pair of Human Leather Shoes?

From Euros 18,000 onwards (USD$27,000 approx)

How cool it is to rebel against those petty constraints of decency to enlighten yourself…

So although unlikely, it is not impossible that a Hollywood executive could have paid Heather O’Rourke’s parents to donate her skin to that company, and have her skin turned into shoes. They would have been compensated generously. As outlandish as the claim Culkin makes is, it is actually completely feasible, especially given the proclivities of pedophiles in powerful positions as well as the desperation for money of Hollywood parents who pimp out their children to such a pedophile machine. And it might not even break the law in any significant way.

Think about that. The fact Culkin makes such an outlandish claim, which on deeper inspection isn’t at all impossible, makes you wonder. And he knows human leather looks different.

Until about fifteen years ago I was a strict agnostic mechanist. The world was a big barren molecular Rube Goldberg. Consciousness was an illusion covering sequences of reflex, and when we cashed out, I assumed that was it.

However now I have seen a few things which I cannot rationalize using the standard model of how the world works according to science. They would have really screwed with my head, and my belief in my own brain’s functioning, except for the fact that I did not witness all of them alone.

There were a couple of them which were also witnessed by others, and together it all led me to believe religion is not a fantasy. Absent any other witness, I would have dismissed them as my brain somehow misfiring and creating hallucinations.

All but one of those experiences were related to my narcissist Bob. I even know two other people, who independent of me have had similar experiences with him, though I would never have believed them had I not had my own. It sounds so conceited and stupid, to dismiss the words of others who spoke truth from experience as if I knew better, but there it is. Some things you need to see yourself.

I have no idea if he was possessed, or if there was some deal struck with satan, or what the deal was. But I came away from my dealings with him unable to be dismissive of accounts of exorcisms in which the standard model gave way to something more supernatural. If I saw strange things and others could confirm they were not hallucinations, then anything is possible.

Indeed, the accounts of others such as Scott Peck, and Malachy Martin who reported more outlandish things are almost lent a credibility in my mind, because if they will risk destroying their own credibility by relating seemingly impossible accounts, then they must believe in what they saw. And if they assert the seemingly impossible, and they do so brazenly in the face of its seeming impossibility, and yet it actually is possible, then they are asserting a truth they could only have discovered and embraced through experience. It lends the accounts credibility in my mind.

And if exorcisms are real, and there is more to the world, then who is to say there isn’t a little bartering going on with the dark side to gain a little power?

I do wonder why it is that so many of those who attain great power easily, seem prone to have a satanic side gig in things like spirit-cooking, pedophilia, and violating the Ten Commandments in various forms. And why are they all so hostile to God, Jesus, Christianity, and those who believe? And why are they prone to not just engage in evil, but revel in it and seek to convert others, when if embrace of evil worked to acquire power, the conversions they create would generate competition for them?

Every time we get a peek into the most hidden parts of the narcissistic elite’s world, the same people seeking to destroy everything noble and good, and reward pure evil out of the pockets of the decent, seem to believe in something themselves – and no matter their public protestations, that belief is not one which says that the story describing Christianity, God, satan, and demons is pure fantasy.

It is as if evil is their job.

Spread r/K Theory, because our job is good

This entry was posted in Amygdala, Conspiracy, K-stimuli, Liberals, Morals, Narcissists, Nationalism, Pedophilia, Politics, Psychology, rabbitry, Sexual Deviance. Bookmark the permalink.
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7 years ago

The real life exorcist Father Gary Thomas (Anthony Hopkins played him in a movie) has extremely interesting accounts that overlap with so much of what you discuss here, particularly in areas of truly depraved hedonism. He’s on youtube and is fascinating.

He describes the childhood victims of sexual abuse as having suffered the most grievous of what he calls “soul wounds” that truly open them up to possession. It is as if their spirit was split in two with a demonic ax, such is the seriousness of it.

Isn’t it interesting how the rabbit behavior you describe so neatly corresponds with the impact it has on the soul? And can one fail to notice the eery, pinpoint attack on innocence (as understood by Orthodox Christianity) these people conduct?

The most serious attack one can mount on another is an attack on childhood innocence.

You’re absolutely right; there is a reason and a significance to this overlap between r/K and Satan’s playbook.

7 years ago

So a guy named “Malloch” is pushing the idea of Luciferianism. Interesting.

7 years ago

That’s why they let terrorists, saboteurs and spies into the USA- so they have an excuse to spy on YOU. They never had any intention of being public servants or doing their jobs well- only of serving themselves- and thus, the beast.

7 years ago

Yes, but they don’t realize Lucy has even more contempt for them than they Christian faithful. They are more obedient in complete disregard to what they claim to idealize.

Sam J.
Sam J.
7 years ago

I often wonder if they believe in the Devil or are they trying to cover up their actions by claiming Devil worship which people don’t take seriously.

.I Was a Sex Slave to Europe’s Elite at Age 6

Pizzagate Pedogate Dutch Whistleblower Real Big Money Revelations by an Insider

There’s lots and lots and lots of links to stuff like this. Some are nonsense but several are really well documented, involve criminal investigations that were thrown off the rails by politicians and I believe are real. The Finders and the Franklin savings and Loan in the US. Sandusky Sex Scandal. Remember this guy was caught more than once and he retained his position at orphan and youth groups even though he was a pedophile. FBI Presidio Child Molestation Report, this was called hysteria but some of the children had sexually transmitted diseases. The Dutroux affair in Belgium had kidnapped children rescued before they were sold as sex slaves and several bodies were dug up. LOTS of first person long detailed witnesses. Some of the girls that survived.

The sex scandals in Britain. There were also sex scandals where Women were kidnapped and used as sex slaves in France. Orphan scandals in Portugal. They’re everywhere. In the Finders scandal in their D.C. headquarters there was a fax machine print out collected by the police that had trades for children from all over the world. It was written up in a customs agent report after his investigation was stopped by telling him the whole matter was CIA internal matter. The case was dropped completely. The only thing he could do was document the whole thing in a official report. Here’s copies. Read them for yourself.

Memos written by Special Agent Ramon J. Martinez, United States Customs Service

I think the underlying purpose is blackmail and a test to see how far a person will go. Some gangs require you to shoot a person to enter. Could be someone picked out or someone at random.

Sam J.
Sam J.
7 years ago

I’ve only seen the first Pedogate video I linked. There’s a lot more up now. I see four. Whether he’s real or not he’s laying out the whole program the deep State uses to rule. They’re worth watching. Another good source for info on this system is “Confessions of an Economic Hit Man” by John Perkins. He has videos you can watch that cover all the basics so watching them covers the book he wrote.

He mentions he had only seen one politician challenging the banking system and changing it. That was I think Scott Smith who ran for President in the US. He’s the one that invented Collateralized debt obligations, (where they bundled housing loans into large investment bonds),. The general idea was fine but the bankers expanded them to unjustly worthy people with no backing, like insurance, if they failed and they did.

In the second one he talks about something I rant about frequently. All money is created with debt so the people creating the debt eventually own everything. The financial system makes no sense. If all money is created with debt then in actuality we have no money. Saying this another way if all money is debt it has no fundamental value. Now you can go to the store with cash and buy things but at the macro level if all money is balanced by debt then the summation has no value. Money should be created based on the value of the underlying assets. For money to be real the US and other countries would have so much cash in circulation depending on GNP, land, manufacturing, agriculture, etc. I’m actually not against interest but ALL of the interest should go into the general fund of the government. This would be a sort of tax on commerce that the profits of which would go back to fund the general government instead of all the profits going into private pockets. After all we are called on to support the currency of our various countries. Why should private companies get profits for providing no service at all.

Robert What?
7 years ago

Satan, Lucifer, what have you. Makes sense that he would be worshipped by the upper echelons of the Deep State. Like Satan, the Deep State is all about maximum freedom for themselves, but slavery for everyone else.

7 years ago

Satanic yearning is disguised as the desire to have sex with a 13 year old. But there are 2% kinky perverts that will go to disgusting lengths to reach a sexual climax.

Anonymous White Male
Anonymous White Male
7 years ago

Ephesians 6:12 – “For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places”

Pretty descriptive, isn’t it?