Disease in the K-selected World

ISIS has a flesh eating disease problem:

An outbreak of Leishmaniasis is spreading fast due to to pollution and poor hygiene conditions

Islamic State fighters are falling ill in their droves to a deadly flesh-eating virus.

Known as Leishmaniasis, the disease is spreading at a fast thanks to pollution and poor hygiene conditions and there have been more than 100,000 cases reported, the Sun has reported.

It causes large open wounds which eat away at flesh, is fatal if not treated with a simple course of medicine.

Poor hygiene is undoubtedly one cause. Another might be the use of meth-like substances:

A little pill called Captagon turns Jihadists into superhuman soldiers. They don’t feel pain, they don’t fear death and they don’t get tired. They become killing machines. Bonus; it makes them murderously psychotic and causes brain damage after prolonged use. It is cheap, easy to produce and highly addictive. The Syrians take it as do the rebels. And from what I hear, ISIS loves the stuff. They laugh when they are beaten, they are high when they rape, they are jazzed when they behead infidels. During the raid in Paris, French police said they found needles used by the attackers to inject themselves with Captagon. The drug may have helped them remain calm as they carried out their brutal attacks, which included slicing the bellies open of their victims while they were still alive…

A powerful amphetamine tablet based on the original synthetic drug known as fenethylline, Captagon quickly produces a euphoric intensity in users, allowing Syrias fighters to stay up for days, killing with a numb, reckless abandon.

Another big piece of the puzzle however is K-selection. Cut resources, diminish nutrition, pile on chronic stress, limit sleep, and prevent recovery, and the immune system will begin to shut down. During this period disease gets a foothold in the weaker individuals, and as it does the disease itself will begin to adapt. It may take time, but since the organisms which will reproduce most rapidly are those which most effectively spread and suppress or evade the host immune system, the process will only favor the advancement of these unusual diseases.

Of course all of that ignores what will happen as the Russians begin testing their advanced bioweapons behind the scenes. If I were Putin, I’d be looking at the prospect of a long asymmetric war, or a disease breaking out among the fighters, spreading to everyone they associate with (and those who support them), and then petering out as it reaches western medical care. If I were Putin, I’m not sure it would be a question of if, so much as when, how, and how much.

I still think we are due for a disease-mediated remodeling of the human gene pool along with the collapse, and it will not be good for rabbits, idiots, the poor, the promiscuous, or those lacking a normal disgust reflex.

Apocalypse cometh™

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9 years ago

[…] By Anonymous Conservative […]

9 years ago

I need to read the paper from the book about the Black Death being responsible for the renaissance. It’s hard for me to really grasp the idea that a disease or plague would wipe out only people with low IQ or low ability to plan for the future. But then I’ve also heard it said cities are centers of r-selection which is why they vote democrat, so what do I know. I’ve always thought of plagues as mindless microscopic killing machines that don’t discriminate rich from poor, tall from short, fat from skinny. The idea that living a sensible life would help you survive a disease sounds almost biblical. Like the Passover in the OT.

John Calabro
John Calabro
9 years ago

Hey Anonymous Conservative I was going to ask these two questions in a different post but I thought it would of been wrong in the one that I was going to posted.
Can I ask you why is it more common today for many of K type people to be more often religious (in the traditional sense) ?
This is not say that r type Liberals are not religious thinking in other areas such as Feminism or that they not religious when it comes to the State, just more that they don’t think of the afterlife as much.

Also do you think that during the later stage of the Roman Empire (and after the fall) the rise of Christianity was this due more to r types, K types or both perhaps both types in the European populations?
I only ask this because no one I know has got a great answer (some even think that the fall of the roman empire if not cause by Christianity it was a least accelerated) .
I would think it might of at the start of been more the K selected people due in part the corruption of the old Roman ways, the state and the old religions. That they might of been more attracted to both the bravely that the early Christian show (many of them even risking and willing to die if they had to for their beliefs), the traditions (especially family and community), laws and values.
And then later it become alright by law to be a christian so then the r’s types needing something new to follow and also since the State was failing decided to convert.
But then again this was in a time of major r selected population and the christian might of done what they did due to the reward in heaven and the fact that the teaching aloud for pacifism.

I must say one thing the r types might of done right in history is to help (by accident since they are not good people) bring down the Roman empire traditions and gods during the right time for the rise of Christianity. Early Romans or Greeks would not of converted to an alien religion and especially to one that has the teaching of turn the other cheek, And don’t see any other place or time period where the spread would of happen. And it may not of happen if it did not happen then. Just think of what the rise of Islam might of been without Christianity.