Different Ways The Trump-Muslim-Celebration Story Could Have Been Presented

First avoiding an argument:

Trump – “A few Muslims were celebrating on 9/11”

MSM – “It was only a few, and it wasn’t representative of the Muslims in America”

End of discussion.

Now the ridiculous overstatement:

Trump – “Millions of Muslims were celebrating on 9/11”

MSM – “That is so ridiculous it is impossible”

End of MSM discussion

Then there is the arguable overstatement:

Trump – “Thousands of Muslims were celebrating on 9/11”

MSM – “It didn’t happen.”

Trump – “I saw it.”

MSM – “It didn’t happen.”

Trump – “People have told me they saw it too.”

MSM – “They are wrong.”

Trump – “Here’s your Washington Post article showing they were celebrating.”

MSM – “That was only a few.”

Trump – “Now it’s only a few? I have FBI agents saying they had stacks of reports.”

Disabled reporter – “That might not have been right.”

Donald, imitating disability – “Oh, “That might not have been right?””

MSM – “While discussing an article about terrorist celebrating 9/11, Donald Trump made fun of a reporter’s disability.”

Trump – “I never met this unfamous guy and wouldn’t do that. I help people with disabilities, and have spent millions on my buildings to help them. It sounds to me like this nobody reporter that no one has heard of is a total loser, desperately looking to exploit his disability for attention, while working for a dishonest media that is just failing and going right down the tubes.”

Now Trump has gotten another week of free media coverage, enthused his base, the argument is not whether Muslims celebrated on 9/11 but rather it is just how many of this “dangerous treasonous out-group” that Trump opposes were celebrating, and everyone has heard about it because it has gotten a week of media attention. In a month, all anyone will remember is that Donald was right – they were celebrating, they are un-American, and Donald is the only guy who opposes them.

You watch Donald, and you just can’t help but be in awe at how he takes a massive media machine, and plays it like a violin, even as it hates him and wants to destroy him. He mis-steps, they jump on him, and it turns out the mis-step was a trap all along which he knew they would jump on, and which he needed them to jump on to get what he wanted.

The Old Establishment Cucks must be so frustrated. All their life they just showed up and everyone gave them what they wanted, until they lost the General Election each cycle, and they it was back-slaps and next-times all around. Eventually they began to think they were actually better than everyone else. Now Donald shows up, and just obliterates them with a talent they could never dream of.

No wonder they hate him. He is a walking example of why those “total losers” should never have been allowed near the leadership of the party.

It makes me wonder if he did win, and repopulated the leadership of the Republican Party while controlling the national debate from the White House, just how much winning the Party would do.

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9 years ago

[…] By Anonymous Conservative […]

9 years ago

So true, he’s just brilliant.

What surprises me is how many normal people don’t care that “thousands” is an exaggeration. They know thousands didn’t congregate in jersey, they just know Muslims EVERYWHERE in the area were in an orgy about it and they won’t let the press tell them otherwise.

People have been sore about this for a long time. They know what happened and Trump is the long awaited steam valve. There’s a lot of pent up anger about it.

So in denouncing Trump for a week the press has inadvertently out grouped “moderate” Muslims.

Beautiful, keep the pain fresh Donald…