Right after the San Bernardino shooting the media asked the sheriff if they had recovered GoPro cameras, due to initial reports that the shooters may have had GoPros with them and filmed the attack. The Sheriff said there were no GoPros recovered on the shooters.
FBI agents found an empty GoPro package, shooting targets and tools inside a car belonging to the mother of San Bernardino mass shooter Syed Farook, Daily Mail Online can reveal.
Authorities have repeatedly denied rumors that Farook, 28, and his wife Tashfeen Malik, 27, strapped recording devices to their body armor as they stormed the Inland Regional Center, slaughtering 14 people and wounding 21.
However Daily Mail Online has a discovered that an empty GoPro box was one of dozens of items seized from a black Lexus IS300 in the wake of last Wednesday’s massacre.
There are two possibilities. First, the shooting was filmed, and while the shooters were off the grid immediately after, they packaged up the cameras in boxes addressed to ISIS, or Al Jazerra, or somebody who will put it on the internet, and dropped those packages in a mailbox. If so, we will probably see those videos shortly, and LE is probably frantically trying to find them, before they are posted to the internet.
The other possibility is that LE has found the video, but made a conscious decision to not let it out.
That is a mistake. Video of the shooting would be horrific. It would be unfortunate to expose the relatives of the shooting to it. However if it were aired widely, nothing would K-ify the populace more. Just as the images of September 11th united the nation, steeled its resolve, and created the mindset of victory, images of the San Bernardino shooting would clarify the threat in the minds of the populace, solidify support for Law Enforcement taking action against terrorists to prevent such events, and it would unite the nation against this evil.
It would also affect people’s perceptions of other aspects of government, including economic issues. As our nation heads toward economic collapse, such a cognitive shift might very well be the only thing that might either prevent the collapse, or at least soften the landing.
It would also be a wonderful lesson to terrorists that such attacks would only make us stronger as a nation. By hiding such a video, the individuals who covered it up would only further the interests of terrorists, as they weakened our nation, and made terrorists think such attacks are a viable way to degrade our morale.
Apocalypse cometh™
[…] By Anonymous Conservative […]
I’ve been following the Conservative Treehouse and they have a running theory that they did film the shooting, then dropped the cameras off to another ISIS cell before purposely being found and dying in their blaze of Jihadist glory. They did have 3 hours between the shooting and being found.
The video would obviously be then edited to a high-production value like all the other ISIS movies. One element that is quite well considered was that the needed it to be a Christmas or Holiday Party for the optics of it. And that ISIS would release it at a time to have the most impact.
I definitely agree with your conclusion that it would have a massive K-ifying effect.
One of the investigators commented how lucky it was they didn’t stay and keep firing because they had everyone pinned down, with no exits, and they had more than enough ammo to double their body count. It would make sense if they bailed early because their goal was the video, not the body count.
If you are correct about that, and the Feds hid the video, then that would message the Jihadists that the Feds are terrified of a video being taken and leaked. Which means they will redouble their efforts to make such a video.
I expect the Feds are absolutely desperate to quash the vids; it would really get decent folks angry at Muslims and at the government for not protecting us from them. Above all else, the feds have to try to stop the K-ification of the general populace.
Agreed, but I’d add the Fedguv leadership is probably the problem. I suspect some of the ground level agents are as sick of having to deal with the mess created by the Kumbaya hippies on the Democrats and the GOPe as we are.