Did Hannity Just Verify A Connection To Q?

Hannity posted a cryptic Tweet, right before his Twitter went down inexplicably, and then after a period came back up:

Q responded with this on his site:

Select news members / journalists are vital to delivering the message (as are YOU).
Imagine if these people were removed.
Total control re: MSM.
They represent a clear and present danger to the enemy.

Some have taken it to have been a demonstration by Q, done on his behalf by Hannity, of where the Deep State was taking things. In the demonstration Hannity simulated being falsely imprisoned with the Tweet (perhaps just as Sharyl Attkisson would have been using the classified documents planted on her computer), and then Hannity’s Twitter went dark. It is an ominous image to consider.

Q has also posted that things are about to shift, with fake news giving way to truth, and blindness giving way to sight. He also said Operation Mockingbird is about to fail. Operation Mockingbird was a CIA plan to subvert the media, and gain control of all information outlets so they could control the narrative.

I think Q is a creation of Trump, and I think he has two purposes. One is to hack minds, and focus amygdala-attention on the actions being taken, and maintain the motivation of his online base among the meme-lords and researchers. By speaking in somewhat obtuse and vague codes, and making people discuss and ponder for different meanings, Q is doing something only a master of persuasion would do. He is forcing people to focus completely on his ideas, reiterate them to each other, and think about them, to the exclusion of everything else. As a result, he is investing them in the conclusions, because they have had to work for them. He is also allowing people to read perhaps more into them than there may be in places, and this may enhance focus. If you oppose the rich and powerful, then you see Trump about to take down the rich and powerful, and you focus on this. If you oppose social media giants, Trump is about to take them down, and you perk up. Same for the media, the Deep State, corrupt politicians, the corrupted elements of intelligence agencies and on and on. These posts become about who you want them to be about, and that enhances focus and engagement.

I suspect he is vague for another reason however, which is setting up the mainstream media for a huge fall. Suppose in six months we find out about a massive conspiracy to subvert our intelligence agencies by leftists at the top, who sought to enrich themselves from selling insider trading tips off classified intel, and prevent a Republican from holding office and maybe punishing them for their crimes. This may be much more, but lets say it is just that.

Throughout the nation, it will be a lead news story. People will go to work to talk about it at the water cooler, and at every water cooler will be a conservative who is on Reddit, or one of the Chans, or Free Republic, or the alt-right blogosphere, and so on. When everyone goes, “Oh, my God, I can’t believe it!” The conservative is going to yawn, and say, “Oh yeah, Q has been talking about this for months now. I’ve been following it at every step since back in November, from the Saudi house-cleaning, to the hack of NSA using a false missile alert in Hawaii. You hadn’t heard about it until now? Wow.”

Every other person around that water cooler will wonder, how is it the conservative knew about such a huge story as it unfolded in real time, and they had no clue? They will feel utterly betrayed by the Mainstream Media, which will itself appear to have been purely a Deep State propaganda mouthpiece, failing to tell them about this historic event as it tried to run cover for the traitors and criminals, and help them take down Trump with fake news stories before he could take them down.

Now suppose Trump had revealed back in November that he was Q, and he tweeted out everything plainly without code. We’d have read it, processed it, and moved on in minutes. The media would have reported all of this, all along the way, as official statements from the President. In a few months, if the happening goes down, everyone will have been following it all along through the mainstream media, and the media will appear to be responsible and trustworthy to the masses.

I can’t say for sure this is the plan, but it won’t surprise me if Q is purposefully designed to create a situation where a big story drops, the news media appears totally useless, and everyone who wants to be informed ends up forced to seek out 8Chan and the online conservative blogosphere for news and information from that point forward.

It will be a brilliant play to redpill the nation and strip the leftist media of its power in one massive blow to their credibility.

Spread r/K Theory, because understanding mechanisms is becoming everything

This entry was posted in Amygdala, Conspiracy, Intel, K-stimuli, Politics, Psychological Manipulation, Treason, Trump. Bookmark the permalink.
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7 years ago

I see a parallel to what Trump did during the election. He would make a statement such as: “The election is rigged: the polls are rigged, the media is rigged, the voting is rigged.”

When a conservative heard this he heard “Trump knows about all of the things that are being discussed on the conservative websites. He has his own polls which show why he is confident is winning and he knows about election fraud.”

When a liberal heard this he just thought wow, this guy is a kook. The left also had to deceive themselves by coming out and claiming that the polls were true. Some Democrats knew that what Trump was saying was true, but apparently not very many because they could have easily manufactured enough voting fraud to win several of the close states, if they knew about it beforehand.

If Trump had just said the polls are wrong because X, then the left would have been able to address this rationally. However, mentioning the media and voter fraud probably was a giant strike at their amagydala which prevented them from being able to react in the best way for them.

I wonder if this is Trump’s way of getting his army mobilized while forcing the liberals to stay hibernating in their winter quarters. If this filters out enough so that even Fox News-tier conservatives are somewhat familiar with Q, while Democrats dismiss the entire thing as a conspiracy theory, we will far better positioned to act when the hammer drops.

7 years ago

What is so bizarre is that so many anti-Trump people think the story that is about to break is proof that “Trump colluded with Russia”.

Prof. Woland
Prof. Woland
7 years ago

Another positive side effect of revealing such high level secrets in such a way is that it puts the black hats on notice that somewhere somebody knows what they did making it far easier to turn the conspirators. At least one of these guys will get cold feet and when they start singing, it will quickly build a legal case against the rest of them. Granted, somewhere along the line, this probably violates somebody’s 4th amendment rights but as far as I am concerned, so does a Grand Jury. Trump needs to expose this whole mess to the light of day but there will still be a large segment of liberals backed up by the media who will just deny anything ever occurred. But if McCabe or Strzok confesses and publicly rats out the rest of them, then that will be much much harder to do.

7 years ago

You do have to think about it. We all don’t have a conference where we meet and compare notes- so somebody has to point us in the right direction. We don’t exactly get marching orders on what to do and I’m sure most taking part in the conversation don’t get checks from the government, RNC or the Trump Organization. In this sense, Q serves a very important purpose. The facts are out there, filling in the blanks isn’t too difficult. Appropriate timing, controlled correctly, will enhance the President’s agenda.

7 years ago

I am interested in following Q. There is a link above which seems to be to the top of his site but I don’t see anything posted after Saturday. Before that there seems to be something posted every day.

Does anyone see anything later?

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
7 years ago

Thank you.

Sam J.
Sam J.
7 years ago

That’s some crafty thinking there AC. I can see it!