DHS Shut Down The Inquiry Into San Bernardino Terrorists

Very interesting:

The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) deleted intel records relating to notorious jihadists linked to San Bernardino Islamic terrorists Sayed Farook and Tashfeen Malik, because they wanted to protect the “civil liberties” of members of the caliphate-supporting network…

“Homeland Security Shut Down Investigation Into Farook And Malik Linked Islamist Group To Protect ‘Civil Liberties’ Of Potential Terrorists,”

The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) has been accused of deleting intelligence records relating to dangerous Islamists linked to terrorists Sayed Farook and Tashfeen Malik, because they wanted to protect the “civil liberties” of members of the caliphate-supporting network.

Phil Haney, a U.S. Customs and Border Patrol analyst, says he was ordered to stop investigating Deobandi Islamist groups and his work on them was erased. He even says he was subjected to a disciplinary when he attempted to blow the whistle. If he’d been allowed to continue his investigation, he claims Malik’s visa application would have been flagged for greater scrutiny…

However, after more than six months tracking the Deobandis, Homeland Security unexpectedly halted his investigation on the request of the State Department’s Office of Civil Rights, Haney alleges. According to Mr. Haney, the agencies argued that since the radical Islamist groups are not specially designated as terrorist organizations, tracking individuals related to them was a violation of the their “civil liberties.”

After his work was shut down he says he met with the DHS Inspector General several Members of Congress in 2013. The DHS and the Justice Department subjected him to an investigation, which showed no wrongdoing on his part, Mr. Haney claims. However, in September 2014 they sequestered him and revoked his access to the database and his security clearance.

When you deal with LE Intel, you don’t deal with LE Intel. Local cops will pull you over and execute prearranged gambits designed by LE Intel to appear as if random events, as they achieve a predetermined outcome. Bosses who have been approached and either turned or blackmailed will do something to precipitate an outcome surveillance wants. And unrelated government agencies will intervene in what you are doing out of the blue, to accomplish a goal LE Intel has. In each case, you will marvel at the bad luck you had, and never see the hidden hand. How did State even come across his investigation, of which there must be hundreds going on at any one time?

As I examine the surveillance state, it increasingly looks like there is a wing of LE Intel, composed of a loose-knit association of federal, state, and some city agencies, that is operating off the radar. Who they report to and the structure of their command is as murky as what they do. One such agency was literally documented hiding its computer databases in an unrelated, non-LE government office, so FOIA requests and subpoenas to the primary agency could all be returned as non-responsive due to those records not existing within that agency. I don’t know exactly how that worked, since you would have to have people at the other agency willing to risk their careers to subvert open document laws, in order to place your database there. Then you would have to have your people control it from within the other agency, since what would be on the server would obviously be so incriminating you couldn’t let outsiders see it. Whether those employees at the other agency were blackmailed into the deal, or whether LE Intel infiltrated their people into the other agency, SJW-style, just to maintain the database is a mystery. The point being, these groups are not concerned with civil liberties, or individual rights, or even the law. If that branch of Fedguv Intel wanted to look at that group, they would be looked at, State would never know, local PD would assist and provide cover in any law-breaking, and it would get done.

So when I read something like this, I don’t see a buttoned down agency frightened of accidentally intruding on the freedom of some citizen. Intel doesn’t work that way. I see the deeper state, manipulating affairs so the shallower state will stop intruding in its affairs. Maybe they were afraid this DHS guy was going to bring unwanted attention to a CI they wanted to protect, maybe they were following these people to bigger fish, maybe they were afraid that triggering some sort of official LE surveillance would expose their more covert surveillance teams, or maybe they just didn’t want to shut down an organization which they were already inside of, only to see it replaced with a new organization.

It is always possible that a Muslim Brotherhood infiltrator at state was covering for his fellow travelers, but I tend to think the Farooks and their friends were probably a target of some sort or other for some agency. Between the lack of fingerprint dust at the apartment, and this revelation, it seems most likely. If so, it is bothersome, as that would mean the Jihadis have evolved the tradecraft to continue to operate, even under the nose of a surveillance state that Orwell couldn’t have dreamed of, as it is locking them down.

On the other hand, it highlights that there are techniques we need to learn…

Talk about Apocalypse cometh™

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9 years ago

[…] DHS Shut Down The Inquiry Into San Bernardino Terrorists […]

9 years ago

“Maybe they were afraid this DHS guy was going to bring unwanted attention to a CI they wanted to protect, maybe they were following these people to bigger fish, maybe they were afraid that triggering some sort of official LE surveillance would expose their more covert surveillance teams, or maybe they just didn’t want to shut down an organization which they were already inside of, only to see it replaced with a new organization.”

Or maybe [tinfoilhat] they wanted the terrorist attack to happen so they could push for more limits on the liberties of the American people and more power and bigger budgets for themselves.[/tinfoilhat]

9 years ago

All this baloney reminds us that to our Deep State masters we are nothing but interchangeable drones, some of whose deaths are a necessary cost of their doing business.

The takeaway is to know that each of us is entirely on our own. If DHS or some other “agency” deems a false flag or small “event” necessary to their greater goals, they will allow people to die. While we can’t do much about their assets showing up in bomb vests, we can surely be prepared to go Full War if someone shows up where we are and begins shooting.

We either field ready or we don’t.

Prof. Woland
Prof. Woland
9 years ago

Obama is playing a dangerous game. If we severely curtailed Muslim immigration, we would not be having half the problems we are. He wants to keep the flood gates open and thinks he can keep us safe enough because of his presumed ability to surreptitiously monitor the jihadists. But like with San Bernardino, sometimes things don’t go according to plan. Bush did the same thing with immigration after 911. Neither of them would do what really needed to be done.