This will be a central repository for Directed Energy Weapons research by this site. It will aggregate a series of posts and videos of what has occurred to me in the course of my interactions with the surveillance/intelligence operation which is currently targeting Americans for electronic harassment. More data is forthcoming.
At this point, my working theory is the most prominent Directed Energy Weapon in usage against citizens is a combination of two devices. One somehow induces nodes of electrical charge, and primes the environment. When this device is activated, you may notice everything seems to pick up a static charge, and you may hear small electrical discharges occurring as these charged nodes make contact with something into which they can deliver their charges. Once charged up, a second weapon deploys some kind of sudden, shocking pulse which as it passes over the charged node, acts like a moving electric field, and through a sudden, shocking inductance effect, pulses the charged material of the target surface in a direction, simulating an impact on the targeted surface.
I think this is why in the account below, I describe feeling a blob of gravity, like molasses, pass through the fry pan and into my jaw. I think those were salt ions in my tissue, which were driven down within the tissue by this effect, creating that sensation, as the pulse passed over them. I think the sensation of particles, and tapping, and even the push, are not arising from an actual object, with kinetic energy, transferring that energy to the target surface. Rather, I think the surface itself, has energy imparted to it from the passing pulsed/beamed/field which reacts on the charged matter, imparting to it its energy in the form of kinetic energy in the same way it would, had an actual object struck struck the target surface, and transferred the energy to it. And I know, energy beams can only act transversely, but that just means in order to impact a surface perpendicularly, you would need to skim your pulsed beam across it.
Now, my former writings, with discussion below.
My most memorable interaction with the “tapping” impulse weapon, Published January 1st of 2024:
So I have been sleeping under the lead dental blanket to attenuate the vibrations. It stops your body from vibrating, however as you lay there, you could feel the blanket vibrating. I noted this to others, who reported the same thing. It appears surveillance was able to use this, to create targeted pulses to the lead blanket. I first thought it was some sort of particle beam spattering particles onto the blanket. I recorded what it sounded like here, right over my ear, in this recording:
I was vaguely worried the particles might be making it through the blanket and taking out some brain matter, so I took measures to try and better shield myself from the “particles.” (I now no longer believe they are particles, but rather it is impulse forces, acting on charged material on the target surface, which causes the material to move as if it is being impacted by matter when struck by some sort of electromagnetic-field-generating pulse or beam. However there are no particles delivering the kinetic energy, even though the local material is moving as if there is. That is merely the wattage of the beam, being burned off through induction effects, as it moves charged matter on the target surface. When done within the brain, I suspect it damages the neurons using the charged ions which are aligned all along the axonal membrane when it is polarized. They are a trillion little bb’s, which all of a sudden are pulsed with great force.)
It was at this point when things accelerated.
Background. I am laying behind a stone fireplace, on the floor, on couch cushions. About a foot and a half over me is the steel door of an old freezer, thick as fuck, laid horizontal on supports, to degrade any particle beam coming from above somehow. Over it, a lead dental blanket. over that, another floor of a house. Under the freezer door, I lay, one lead dental blanket, doubled, over my head. I am on my side. Over that, a Diamond Craft, large fry pan, Stainless Steel, bottom up, probably 14 inches across. Thick as can be, as I am concerned some particles from what I thought was a particle beam might be making it through the lead blanket.
It sounds ridiculous, I know. I once led a “normal” blind life like you. But when in this situation, you do what you have to.
Two more dental blankets covering me entirely over that, single layer thick, one high one low. Over the fry pan, below the top lead dental blanket sheet, a smart phone, recording.
I felt the taps which were captured on the frypan, and went no deeper. You could hear them clearly. Maybe they were tapping the pan instead of me purposely, maybe even laughing, I do not know if they could have gotten through it. I was laughing inside, as I could feel frustration in the taps as I ignored them. The taps increased, the very last one was a surprise, as it felt like about twenty pounds of pressure, pressing, (not slamming) my head into the pillow, and sliding the fry pan and doubled lead blanket off my face somewhat. I think the first swoosh you hear is actually it, or some field effect acting on the phone.
I exploded up throwing everything off with an almost instinctual feeling someone was on top of me, and we were about to fight. Nobody was there. The reverberations early on are the scanning vibrations/electricity. I think they are mapping out exactly where I am. It was silent in the room for me at that point, though my whole body was bathed in an electricity sensation. Best listened to with headphones. It gets loud at the end as I throw everything, including the frypan off, to fight:
I wish I had not jumped up, to see where it was going next, and how hard the tech could have pushed, but between the demon-like feeling of a poltergeist, the possibility this might not be human tech with the UAP/CIA phenomenon lately, and the possibility somebody had actually snuck in while I was under all that shit, I did break first. I mean it was like seeing a ghost. It could even have been demonic, and demonic is interdimensional alien tech. In the moment, it was exhilarating.
Bonus footage, the end of a nap on Christmas eve afternoon, on a recliner, recorded in Thermal. my head is up and to the right under a lead dental blanket, which comes up over my head, and back under it. I am on my side, facing the right. Another blanket is over my legs. Over the lead dental blanket I have taped a sheet of aluminum foil, on top of seven or eight paper towels, to insulate it from the heat of the lead dental blanket. The heat is down in the house to make the whole thing tolerable, so the aluminum foil is cooler. I was hit with the spattering, which is rapid tapping, for the last few seconds, right over the foil. Since I had no hard metal under the tapping/spattering, I got up immediately. You will see the energy heat the foil.
Watch the foil, starting at about 8:20 (I made it that long so you could see an extended period during which everything was static, and cool, and that the heating was an unusual event) The video went longer, I threw the blanket off, but I cut it there, for obvious reasons. The bands over the foil are tape, holding it to the slippery lead dental apron:
It was amazing to see something so unique. The bad news is, they are doing it every day now, in ever-increasing quantities, and I do not think it matters what I do. I am thinking we are at the phase where they fuck with me for a bit, and probably kill me at some point. So our journey here is probably going to end at some point, maybe soon, It was a trip.
I will tell you now, if they punched through steel sheeting with Bill Binney, and I have no doubt they did, you have some entity which can move anywhere undetected, and drop a death blow on anyone, including the President. And there is really nothing you can do. I have thermal on the outside of the house, and I do not see anything. For all I know, they could be in another dimension, walking through the room I’m in. It makes me wonder how exactly Q intends to fight that.
The bright side is, by the fact they haven’t done this to me until now, I am thinking they don’t have many alien pulse beams. But they are probably making them for you as we read this. This will get mass-marketed at some point.
Final observations for those who come after. The little taps happen fast. I would believe it is a high energy particle moving at near light speed. As they hit harder though, it slows down. “Put”s feel like a particle at light speed. Tapping feels like it is being done with fingers, slightly slowly, with a push at the end. The push of my face into the pillow felt like an older brother putting his hand on my chin and pushing my face into the pillow. Maybe they can adjust all of it, and were trying to not kill me, but were just fucking with me, I do not know.
There is also a strange feel to the impact as if gets bigger, like a blob of gravity molasses, almost a field effect, like a big blob of force dropping like molasses, and it extended through the frying pan and I could feel it in my cheek, separate from the impact, like a wave. It did not feel like a particle or object impact. My jaw felt odd for a few hours after it, on that side, like it had inflamed the bone. But after a few hours it was gone.
It was also extraordinarily precise, like this time, maybe half-inch groups, if that.
I knew it could end like this when it all started. Though, admittedly, the invisible alien pulse-beam deathblow was kind of not on my radar. I suspect this is often used as assassination tech, applied to hearts or brains. I have already felt the impacts inside my abdomen in one instance, so it turns out they can make those pops inside the body.
If you like the site, I would start copying shit. I have made arrangements for Vox and Farce to get my ID, because I want a record this thing took me out. Once we go down here, you are free to stick any material wherever you like, and monetize it however. I do not want all this work lost, especially the surveillance stuff.
As for me, this is what I was designed for. It is honestly better than leading the life of a cubicle-blinded normie.
UPDATE: One of our commenters, who does analysis of radio frequency emissions, analyzed the sound files, and had the following to say in our comments:
Is it possible to get copies of these sound recordings?
I have a technical background and it would be interesting to see the waveforms in time and their spectral content.
I understand remaining anonymous. And I understand if that makes it impossible to share data.This is interesting and a bit surprising.
Here is the time series of your first recording.
You’re sampling at 44.1 kHz.
I didn’t play individual segments of interest to try to isolate anything. It’s just something to look at to get an idea of these pulses.

Here is the power spectrum (power of different frequencies in the signal).
Look at that structure there. That’s very very unusual in my experience. You have a very regular evenly spaced spikes across the frequency band, up to practically 20 kHz. That’s not natural. It’s what you see in spread spectrum communications or radar/sonar playing clever being just single “pings”.
I don’t want to read more than just initial surprise here because very often once you dig into things more there is a good explanation. But this is genuinely unusual.
It could be an artefact of how I’m generating the spectrum, but I’m using a standard and robust Welch method. The time series is divided into eight sections with 50% overlap, the Fourier transform taken of each of the sections and then averaging them. This gives reasonable noise averaging.
Also, the 44.1 kHz sampling gives you a frequency range up to 22.05 kHz (Nyquist rate) but I don’t know if your microphone can do that. The drop off at 20 kHz is suggestive of the mic cutting off but even that seems high.
But that regular pulse train … in frequency! Across the whole band practically.

Here’s the second time series.

And it’s power spectrum.
This is a bit more typical, but you’ve still got that pulse train in frequency between 5 and 10 kHz. And they seem to align with the train from the first time series.
But you’ve also got some interesting peaks between 10 and 20 kHz. And funny how they seem to double pair at the end between 15 and 20 kHz.
You’ve got the same drop off at 20 kHz, which is a nice consistency with the first time series.

This is a bit more involved than I think I’d be able to give useful results.
I checked the peaks in the power spectrum between 5 and 11 Hz of the two and the ones that match match exactly. That’s very surprising from two different recordings.
Now this could be genuine sound that the mics are picking up but I wouldn’t expect those peaks to be absolute delta functions like that. That’s off. Too perfect. Or it’s EM driving the mics signals directly. That could be a possibility.
Honestly, if I had to pick odds, in my experience it’s something subtle but not obvious. Just just a lot of years of practical experience speaking. It could be in the power spectral calculation.
You would have to set it up more as a science experiment. Three or four identical mics, maybe in a square formation. Facing the same direction, or all out or all in. Something symmetric. Hitting a sharp triple tap on something hard for them to pick up and establish an absolute time base.
But those peaks in the spectrum are genuinely odd. If there’s something there it’s really there.
Maybe contact an college nearby or someone you know personally that could look at this professionally. It’s an interesting problem.
Published January 7th:
Another wild day. Electronic harassment off the charts, and then it progressed until it was basically someone was drumming their fingers on the armrest of my sofa next to my hand, as I am working on this blog. It was pretty hard too, but I didn’t hear as much of that background magnetron hum you normally get on the recording. Lots of dead air, with very little tapping, because you can’t hear it as well, because the other tapes are tapping on the lead blanket over the phone. This tapping was going on like somewhere inside the armrest under the phone, I think. Some audible tapping at 9:38 here, but the tape doesn’t do justice to how much there was, or how forceful it was. You don’t have to listen to any of these. I am just putting them here for the record, so if something happens, people have these things to analyze. I would encourage other targets getting the vibrations to record with your phone during them. The mic is catching interesting stuff. I do not know if audio-anon oupdat would want to see if these also look weird, but if it is too much that would be fine. I appreciated the previous analysis.
I’ll drop some more for the record. Again, you do not have to listen.
This one featured how the tapping on the lead blanket is progressing to more drumming, to be more annoying, and it oddly did not feature the background hum. I almost get the impression the control mechanism may be like a pad where you can drum your finger on it, to produce the type of contact you want, or they programmed in a discharge pattern to mimic drumming so the tapping would feel human:
This one is almost entirely silent for most of the recording, but then at the end, the background hum comes on and goes off and comes on again. Just to show the hum is not in the microphone, or the environment normally.
No tapping on this one, this is just what the mic records when the ear piercing stuff is going on. Not sure if it is similar to the background hum:
Minor tapping on the dental blanket, but huge background hum:
Tapping without background noise until the end, when the hum begins:
More tapping drumming on the lead blanket:
Here, the background hum was going during Christmas music, but when the music was turned off to get a better recording, it turned off:
I hate to post some of these because the drumming sounds fake, like I am doing it, but there have been technical aspects of previous recordings which one of our commenters felt would be hard to fake. I take the nature of the sound as somehow indicative of how the tech is controlled at the user’s end, probably to make it seem human for maximum psyop effect. I did have one interesting episode under the dental blanket. I was being tapped on the side of the head facing up, and I put the phone there, and the taps moved to the top of my head So I moved the phone there but to do it, I lifted the dental blanket on the side of my face up, away from my face as my hand squeezed in there. In front of my ear, I think they tried to “tap.” however now there was no blanket there, so the “taps” occurred in plain air, inside the dental blanket next to my ear, and what it sounded like clearly was a sort of static electricity discharge of some sort at a super-small point in space. Almost like a zapping hanging in the air, just outside where the blanket would have been had I not moved it. How that expands into enough force for a smushing force I do not know. But I found it interesting.
Dr Katherine Horton, the wife of legendary crypto-mathematician Bill Binney, videotapes her own assault with the impulse weapon:
That is, 100%, the tapping/impulse weapon, which I experience in the United States, being fielded by the same intelligence operation in Europe. Whatever is doing the gangstalking/surveillance/technical-harassment, is a transnational, non-state, private-sector intelligence operation, which has actively subverted the United States government, replacing the elected Constitutional Republic with a hybrid criminal intelligence service, which is actively assaulting United States citizens.
January 23rd, 2024:
Things are progressing with the surveillance. They have stopped with the intimidation tapping, and the procedure is now as follows. I lay down the sleep, and there is nothing. After I have been laying for a few minutes, there will be one tap, either over my ear, or on the bed next to me. Then nothing. After I drift off to sleep, my head will be surrounded by a buzzing bubble almost exactly the size of my head, which appears to be one big staccato of micro-tapping/popping, like a flood of popping raindrops, which is occurring inside my brain. It manifests as a massively uncomfortable buzz, which is probably damaging my brain. After awaking to it, I have slowly moved my head in the direction of my nose on the pillow, and gotten out of the bubble, but whatever it is, immediately detects the moment the bubble is no longer containing my head. I can feel the edge of the bubble at the back of my head as I exit it, and then there will be another tap, on my head over my ear, or on the mattress next to my head, as if calibrating location, and then I can feel the bubble move back to engulf my head in its new position. It is creepy beyond measure.
I bought two Tascam DR-07x’s, and was recording during one instance in four directions, from outside the bubble, though I have yet to get to analyze the recording due to trying to address the immediate issue of shielding and experimentation. I have here one recording I took by putting one Tascam under the lead blanket and recording within the bubble. I caught a clear clean shot of the raindrops, and looped it and amplified it here to make it more audible.
I really need any anon who knows what this means to do an analysis of the sound, and maybe provide any technical information you can about this WAV file and what might be producing it, given all of this is inaudible. What it might be, how it is creating a perfect bubble around my head, outside of which there is no vibrating/buzz, and what might shield from it.
Now some observations which were interesting.
One, it appears to not require line of sight, I think. I got in the basement, which puts about thirty feet of heavily rock-filled earth and clay between me and the two neighbors who could be beaming, I laid near the floor, and still was hit. There are two transformers on poles up high, one of which might, kind of, had line of sight, but passing through six to ten inches of concrete in the foundation.
I also need an expert in electric utility maintenance at the poles. I do not know if anybody here knows any powerline workers they trust, but if so, I need help badly to unravel the meaning of this next one, which seems potentially vital. In the event something might have been installed in my house, I killed most of the breakers in the house, all save for an oil-fired hot water heater, and one which I just installed which only feeds an outlet which powers my surveillance camera system and the computer and Wfif, which I forgot to kill, by an extension cord. I also ran a small fan from that outlet to me to blow air under the lead blankets in the basement.
As I lay my head on the pillow, “it” began to create a series of static discharges under the pillow, which are likely either some form of intimidation/head-game, or which are some form of tech, maybe mapping or calibration. I associate it with a prelude to the tapping, which I still think is some sort of electric energy discharge at a point, and not a kinetic force which travels to the point. The static in the pillow is very audible, like loudly crinkling plastic wrapping under your head, either under the pillow, or inside it near the bottom, but made up of what feel like numerous micro-pops from discharges, much like the recording later. As this static was happening the small fan was a steady hum next to my head. The oil fired water heater came on, and triggered about a four to seven second, basically brownout condition (Unusual in this house. And I should add, somehow power to the entire dead end street was just blown out entirely for a day, for no reason about ten days ago, before my tech harassment really picked up, so I am thinking they began to amp up the tech, and the increased draw knocked out power to the entire road). During the brownout, the fan’s hum noticeably slowed and it strained in a rhythmic, and cyclical fashion at a lower tone of hum, cycling almost back up, then dropping again, picking up and slowing down. AT THE SAME TIME, perfectly aligned, the crinkling static simultaneously would stop as the fan slowed to a crawl, then it would resume again as the fan picked up. It was precisely correlated enough there is no doubt they were related.
My most likely explanation is, as my house voltage dropped, this thing lost the voltage to produce its effects due to not getting enough voltage, and it failed to connect with the points under my pillow. This is where I need help, if there is a utility specialist to comment. They may be in the conspiracy, and offer disinformation. We will deal with that as we encounter it. For now something is better than nothing. The questions are as follows:
Where would this thing be, that my house voltage and its are linked? Especially given I think I killed all power to anywhere in the house where something like this could be buried?
In other words, when my house voltage drops, where does the drop extend to? Does the voltage only drop after the smart meter, inside my house? Does the voltage also drop at the smart meter? Does the voltage also drop up at the transformer at the top of the pole, which is essentially just for my house, which might not be a real transformer and actually be a transmitter for this thing?
Does it drop for other houses on down the street after me, and as my voltage dropped, it also dropped next door, so the device might be there? Would it drop two houses away? If it were another house, would the house farther from the power station dropping voltage not affect me, while the house closer to the power station losing voltage would mean I would too?
Next door behind me has its own transformer right next to me on the other side of the property from my transformer, maybe 90 feet away from my transformer, as does the next house down, about 100 ft away. Is it normal to have a transformer per house around my house at those distances?
Also, is it likely to begin with, that the firing of their tech, perhaps trying to overcome the fact I was in the less accessible basement, might why I had a brownout condition?
Of greater interest, when I produced the tapping audio file, I told you a surveillance camera captured audio which was made up of extremely loud slamming upstairs, as if picking a bed frame up and dropping it right behind the camera. That noise was not heard in the house, so it was likely EM or some kind of wave activity acting on the microphone. That camera and its microphone were pointing directly at my transformer to monitor it for any utility/line-worker activity at the pole. if that transformer was giving off waves during that event, that camera/mic was the one pointing right at it, which might explain why the noise was so much louder on it, compared to the other cams pointing in all other directions from my house, in which the noise was much less pronounced.
That voltage drop seems key to locating where this thing is though, and was a huge get, I think. I do not know enough about the electricity and power lines to know though, exactly how to interpret it.
I am fully willing to burn in for this thing. I do not ask for help wantonly, I have to need it pretty bad. If anyone can help, I would be immensely appreciative.
Here is an amplified repeating loop of the clean section of the recording of what is going on around my head for the duration of my sleep, probably six or seven hours straight, if I manage it and am not awoken by the sensation of this, which I usually am. Ignore the regularly repeating ticking noise in the background. I have tracked that back to my router using the Tascam as a detector by putting it in record standby mode, putting earphones on it, and then turning the volume up to max, where it acts like an amplified sound Geiger counter (or in this case, inaudible EMF Geiger counter). Those tics are some kind of signal given off by the WiFi, though I am not sure whether it is normal or not. If anybody else has a Tascam and can check their WiFi for the ticking noise, it would also be helpful. I will eliminate that tonight, to see if maybe my Wifi was swapped and has some extra tech in it. You can feel each of those “raindrop” hits which are spattering, harder than you hear it there (you do not hear anything, as this is happening in your head, and the bubble is silent. There is only the sensation). I get the impression it is some kind of point potential discharging energy. It manifests as an uncomfortable buzzing sensation, which is best described as numbing to the brain. I cannot locate the source outside of the bubble as there is nothing there, so there is no way to track them down, and the bubble disappears moments after I get up, as if set to be automatic. It is clearest with good headphones and max volume. I took the clearest catch, and looped it and amplified it. This recording was a quiet room, no fans or other background noise. I had actually killed the electricity in my house to everything but the surveillance, and my computer and wifi.
Here is the looped file, of just the raindrop spattering from the inside of the bubble:
Anybody who can explain how to begin analyzing this for any meaning revealed in the file, it would be appreciated.
It is amazing how much wholly inaudible EM activity these mics pick up. If you have one, stick in headphones, put it in record stand-by, and point it right next to your wifi.
They have a lot of toys, and have been dong this covertly to a lot of people for a long time. These are bad people, they run the world presently, and nobody has any idea, because they have disabled them covertly, and then kept them too busy surviving to notice anything else.
Also, obviously, if anyone here knows the Pentagon guys investigating Havana Syndrome and could direct them here, I think it possible I could be of use to them, as I have extensive technical data on this phenomenon. We will have trouble linking up due to this thing, so if they think I am ignoring them, I am not, keep trying, use multiple people, post on Free Republic to me, hit me on Twitter, post to Q’s board, and if anyone here sees anything written to me, forward it to me, so something gets through from someone. I will drop everything and go anywhere in the US ASAP on this. The fact the Pentagon guys did not drop their investigation and cover up the Havana Syndrome, alongside everyone else, makes me think they may be outside the conspiracy, and I would like to help them. Give me an office at the Pentagon to call, and I will supply everything I have. I can give names of people involved in this, as well as video evidence of their involvement, with reasonable proof of guilt. You might even be able to get a Havana device out of it.
Also, I could really use prayers. This is pretty much what I asked God for years ago, and I am honored to be here. I wanted in the battle, this is where I chose to be, win, lose or draw, but the prayers help. I am sure whatever happens to me, this is His plan, and it will prove of use to our kind. Pray for me, but also pray for victory. This evil cannot be left standing.
This girl records the impulse weapon knocking in her apartment. It is the same thing Bill Binney’s wife said knocks all over his house to intimidate them, blew two holes through his steel sheeting, and shattered a lamp next to her, covering her with glass. It is also what she recorded pelting her as she cowered under aluminum foil on youtube. That is the device that on low power sounds like a particle spray when it hits the lead blanket, at higher power gave me the tapping, and at a higher setting, drove my face into a pillow with about ten to twenty pounds of force. I think still another permutation of it is what you can hear above. They are doing this to innocent people who just wanted to go their own way in life. Who does that? Understand, it is ramping up. These devices are coming out of the pilot program stage. A time will come, when it will be given to all the neighborhood crews, and it will hit anyone who is not a good little sheep, toiling their life away for their betters on the yachts in Barbados. Or it will hit just kids who score too high on some test or other, and threaten to be something someday. This is a point in history where we either rise or fall.
More big progress, I think, against The Beam, and I need a little help from people who know electricity and radiofrequency interference. We might actually be able to destroy one of the most classified, multi-billion dollar research projects, produced by the predominant intelligence operation in the world, right here, all by ourselves.
A part of me didn’t want to write this, because it seems strange all these data-points keep popping up for me, and I feel like it probably strains credibility. But I’ve been there before.
For those new to here, I have long posted stuff which sounded like I was nuts or making it up. Way back in like 2014 or 2015, I was saying there is some weird intelligence thing chasing me around town, like Will Smith in Enemy of the State, I was getting zapped in my bed by some vibration beam, and if it is as big as what I think I see, we are probably not electing our leaders, all politicians are owned by this thing, billionaires are probably fake actors managing slush funds, Big Tech companies were just fronts for intel gathering and propaganda operations, and more. I am sure the vast majority of the readers here thought I was nuts back then. But I wasn’t lying, I was just telling the truth, even if it made me look stupid at the time. This will be like that.
As always, my observations are what I saw, conclusions are tentative, and probably based on incomplete information.
When you have not had more than a few hours sleep in a couple of days, and your brain is fried, and you need to sleep, but you think if you close your eyes, somebody is going to damage your brain to make you dumber so you cannot resist them, it is an unpleasant choice. If the worm turns, you can see how I will see nothing but enemies. These are not countrymen, or even human beings. It is a war, they are OpFor to our kind.
Throughout this time, I have often heard Psalm 91 in my head, (thank you to the anon who posted it). “Surely he will rescue you from the fowler’s snare.” And Psalm 23, “For you are with me.” It reminds you, and gives you back your focus. He is with me.
First, somehow, the surveillance ended up triggering a brownout, which is really three stooges-tier. That was critical, and here is why it was critical.
That time, I decided to sleep in the basement. I take brain damage pretty seriously. When I wake up, put my finger against my skull as I lay on the pillow, and it is vibrating like an orbital sander, and that is going on for most to all of my sleeping time, it is not good. Which is what they are doing. I think of that old Special Forces recruiting poster which says, “Your brain is your most powerful weapon.” It is true. They have taken that to heart, and are seeking to level the playing field.
So I went to the most shielded part of my basement, with the most earth and concrete between me and them. I am sleeping on a folding floor mattress, and I got a box about 18? by 14? by 16? deep, and laid it at the head of the mattress. I covered it with lead aprons, crossed, with the neck hole draping down at the opening and the rest draped down the sides and folded under, and put a MyPillow mini-travel-pillow in there, to rest my head on. The aprons would not allow air movement, so I got a small fan about four inches in diameter to blow air in a small crack.
That fan was critical. Because once my head was in there, I could not see the light, I was blind. So first surveillance needed to fuck up and overload the neighborhood grid and brown us out. But since my head was in the box and covered, I needed an audible measure of voltage, to apprise me of the brownout, or I would never have known of it. God gave me both, and then timed my burner flicking on to about two minutes after the static in my pillow began popping, so I could hear in one ear, the static popping, and in the other ear, the fan running and its tone and speed.
If I was looking down on some dude undergoing this, and God said, “Help him,” I could not come up with that. So the voltage waxes and wanes changing the fan hum, and I can hear exactly as it does, the static popping in the pillow, stops and tries to restart. They were linked. It was a huge get.
So how did we advance from there now? I went back down there to sleep again, figuring at least I may be increasing their electric bill by making them turn up the wattage. I got hit at that spot, so I moved around again, bringing me closer to the burner, in another corner which I felt might maybe offer more shielding. I figured fuck the box, since they got through it last time, and as a result this time I could see the lights. I began to drift off, the static popping happened under the pillow, so I figured I will probably be getting hit once I enter sleep, but I was too tired. I would have to take the hit and just grab a couple of hours to minimize damage.
Because I spent yesterday working on American Stasi, they decided to give me the whole body vibrations, which again was incredibly fortuitous. Sure enough they began just as I was entering that deep sleep which feels so good. They began in the legs, and were going up until it was an all-over thing, and there is no sleeping through that, even as you are dead tired. And on flicked the burner just at that moment, right next to me.
Again, I could feel the vibrations disrupted this time. This time, they didn’t just die, they became disordered and weird, as opposed to strong and steady. They began to happen in my ankles but die everywhere else, they emerged in the chest as the ankles faded out, and then they picked back up and kind of rippled over the body, and then died again, and then emerged for a moment in my abdomen, and then died. They broke down and stopped, before sputtering on again. It was a weaker effect than the cessation of the static, but it was great.
And now the key part. I opened my eyes and saw the lights. No brown out. They must have fixed that. It most likely had full voltage, and this time, the burner did too, and the burner still killed it. My urge to sleep evaporated and my mind raced. This could be a defense of some sort.
I have said the impulse/particle/tapping beam, which may be related to the vibrations, is precise. But I do not think you really understand, and I have hesitated to try to explain it for fear of sounding even more kooky than I already do. It is so precise, I cannot imagine what the user interface must look like. I mean you walk to the sink, and it pops right over the hole in your ear as you stop. For some reason the ear-hole is a point it focuses on. It hits the keys in your pocket. How do you do that? It isn’t a joystick and a keyboard. Probably not a touch screen either. How do you present a 3D room to an operator, and give them a control interface which will let them pop a discharge in a guy’s ear as he moves? I even had in my probability matrix these people went to command, which were actual demons, and a demon was assigned, and showed up at my house. It makes me think the guys at Skinwalker Ranch who say, “something” followed them home, may just be encountering these people psyop-ing them.
But it never dawned on me, that to be that precise, they need something with data coming out of my house which must be accordingly precise. And whatever is going out could be jammed, and that might impact the weapon’s ability to function.
What would the oil burner be doing? First, I have always said I think there is a resonance aspect to the vibrations. When I recorded the tapping, it began with the sound of an MRI warming up, which I think is an EM disturbance associated with the vibrations. I have said the vibrations are heralded by a sudden nasal drip, which begins one to two minutes before they arrive, like that EM hum running for a minute or two, before the tapping started. The vibrations may even just be the tapping, done inside the body really fast.
I think during that warm-up period, they are feeding in energy impulses of some sort at varying frequencies, and using some detection mechanism to gauge when they begin to see resonance and where. It is like you have a long thin balloon filled with water, and you hold the top and begin to bounce it up and down. At the wrong frequency, you will lift up as it is still going down cutting it short, it will begin to rise and you will push down, and you will never see resonance as it is all disordered. But if the frequency times it right, just as it hits bottom you begin pulling up, and just as it reaches the top, you push down, and the oscillations will get stronger and stronger.
From this tech’s perspective, that would be great, as instead of feeding in massive amounts of energy, you feed in little bits, and let the big long water balloon on the floor bounce itself more and more until it can’t sleep. If he gets up and breaks out a detector, all he sees is a little influx of energy, not realizing the massive effect was built up over a few minutes of resonance-building. You could even hit the whole body, say from the side, and only target one piece, based on delivering the right resonant frequency for that piece. Hit the stomach just right, and it will resonant, but for the legs, or the chest, the frequency would be all wrong. Maybe you could move the vibrations up or down just by changing the frequency.
But the body will have different resonant frequencies depending on the angle it is hit from and what part is hit. I think they hit you for a minute or two, and you don’t feel it because the hits are too small, and they don’t get resonance.
From how disordered the vibrations became before breaking down, it felt like they were losing resonance next to the burner. I think the burner was disrupting a feedback the emitter normally got somehow to fine tune the resonance, and it lost resonance as a result. I think it needs that datastream.
I see three things possible. The oil burner uses an extremely high pressure fluid pump to drive oil through a very fine nozzle, atomizing it into a spray. A fan then blows air on the atomized mist, carrying it past two electrodes which are fed a very high voltage by a high voltage transformer which creates the spark which ignites the fuel
It is possible a high pressure pump, and the blower fan, would generate a strong fluctuating magnetic field to drive the spindle, and this disrupted their impulse tech’s feedback detection. In the first instance, the burner was at a distance of maybe twenty feet away, through a cinderblock wall. I am not sure the magnetic disruptions would extend that far, although the burner was between one of their houses which is highly involved and me. Maybe that affected something. But I have tried disturbing EM with fan motors, and seen no effect.
Two sound. If they deploy geophones, and they do, it is possible they leverage the return sound waves after sending an impulse, to gauge resonance effects. The downside is sound is slow traveling, it would be affected by the materials it traveled through, it would be of limited precision, and as I said this thing is precise. But it is possible the burner firing was like a big white noise machine on its concrete pad, and drowned out what they needed.
The final possibility which initially struck me was that spark that ignites the fuel. It could be acting like a spark gap transmitter, and introducing a radiofrequency interference. Then I found this, which indicates there are several potential sources of radio frequency interference on a burner:
Interference usually comes from splash coming from contacts opening or closing, so control box could be suspect, or worn motor brushes could be causing the problem. If it only lasts for 5 seconds, I would suspect the control box, but it may not even be with the burner. A room stat, boiler stat or timer, or motorised valve switch could cause it. I doubt that the ignition transformer is causing it, but to test, you can hot wire the individual components independantly by removing the control box and bridging each in turn to live.
The voltage drop might have enhanced the effect as the spark made and broke, which is why it killed the static popping outright. There is precedent for using radiofrequency waves in thru-wall imaging. And Bill Binney’s wife said all of the targets she has helped in their path to a doctor in Europe, who said they were hit with directed energy, all of them had radio-emissive microchips which had been covertly implanted, and which she thought were being used to precisely target the weapons. It is also possible the chip detects the effects of the weapon and is charged and transmits, which facilitates attaining resonance. I have no idea what it would be. But radiofrequency emissions/reflections would be light-speed data transmission, and it would be precise.
It is possible introducing a source of radiofrequency interference would leave surveillance with an awesome beam emitter which was perfect for use as a paperweight or door stop, and nothing else, since it could not build resonance, or maybe even target. It might also disrupt thru-wall imaging, and sound gathering as well, as I would bet they would use the reflections and wavelength shifts to gather sound too. So it could be multifunctional as well.
And it would also be consistent with my theory the vibrations were originally a mapping technology, which the surveillance realized was highly irritating when resonated on a target. Once they had thru-wall radiofrequency observation, they might introduce an impulse to see how it affected something, to measure mass, or material qualities. And eventually they did it to a person.
A distant fourth possibility is like Bill Binney said, it would be a new physics which has not been shared with the masses, like scalar waves or something, and the burner works by an entirely different mechanism. Regardless, the key would be, it worked. That I know. Even if we can’t understand it, we could still exploit it, if we fish around for similar devices until we find something workable. But to do that we would have to experiment and hope we hit something which worked.
I want to start with radiofrequency, covering whatever frequencies that burner spark or other component could be disrupting. I need something which innocuously leaks enough radiofrequency interference across a broad enough spectrum it will smother just about anything. I am guessing the reflections are not that strong in my basement, since I think line of sight, except at the poles, is limited, but up in the main floors of the house I might need more wattage to cover their signals, so I want to smother all rf entirely and aggressively. I would prefer to save a full spark gap transmitter for if nothing else worked. Something like damaging a microwave oven so it leaked is fine, but I’d want something less expensive to run and less dangerous. Something like that, just affordable and safe, with modifications which render it damaged being fine. I would also want it to last for a while, and not need weekly replacement. Can anybody knowledgeable think of anything which would fit the bill, and cover a wide range of frequencies?
I need like six hours of sleep, at least every few nights to recharge, where the radio frequency spectrum is unusable. I am wondering about a plasma ball, or is there something similar? Maybe multiple plasma balls, if needed to increase the EM leakage? Would a decorative Van de Graff generator left on and sparking be enough? EMF and radio interference stuff is not my specialty.
I can’t put into words how excited I am this site could possibly destroy a multi-billion dollar, decades in development, super-elite covert, crown-jewel weapon of this thing, and free all targets, at least from this weapon, just by coming up with something which would block their reflected data coming out of the house.
And, Trust unto God, and all glory to Him.
One other thing for specialists looking at this to consider, and maybe comment on if they see any interesting observation. I have said, there is a static discharge aspect to the impulse/tapping/particle beam. I had static popping under my pillow like crunching up a potato chip wrapper when it starts. It seems to charge the surface plastic on the lead aprons with static electricity, and the impulses seem sometimes like mini explosions of static discharge. I am unsure how all that would fit together. Might they charge stuff to the point it discharges, even unnoticeably at a point, and it releases radio impulses, and they are capturing those impulses like photons, and using them to map out rooms and people in them? If you had a dental apron hanging in a room, and wanted to put a static charge on the blue plastic covering, and you were in the room next door, how would you do that at a distance? I see X-ray, and EM fields. Anything else? I have actually had so much of something which seemed like static electricity build up in bed, between a blanket and the dental apron, that the blanket was wrinkling up against the apron and moving, so much I would have believed a mouse was between them, moving around and making the blanket squirm against me. What could do that, and not kill me?
I mean, I think most people could not imagine how weird the stuff they deploy is. You pretty much just tell the truth, and you are immediately a diagnosable paranoid schizophrenic.
Thank you to everyone who offered advice and knowledge on rf interference. I am blown away by how wonderful a crew of specialists we have assembled here, and tremendously grateful for all the help. Given I suspect this tech is amping up for wider deployment on the population as a whole, the work we are doing here is vitally important. Thank you all.
Also for those afflicted, I will note Becket makes an excellent burner transformer for about $60 new, made to last for fans of the Jacob’s ladder, And it looks like firing it is like lighting up a 35 watt lightbulb. Also, for the more adventurous, Ebay has a wide selection of Tesla coils, though they are more expensive, with some build it yourself kits like a 100 watt lightbulb or two and a half 100 watt lightbulbs. But they will light a fluorescent bulb from a couple of feet away, and you will remember me saying, I walk into the kitchen, and the florescent bulb would flash as they lit up the room on my entry, to track me. That was their tech, making me think the Tesla coil, and probably the Jacob’s ladder, are the same energy, only like white noise, drowning out their data stream.
We don’t know yet if this will work, though I am in the process of acquiring it. As we speak, they may be seeking an adaptation, hoping we will assume we wee wrong. It is important to note we face a dynamic enemy, and even if this fails, it may only fail because they adapt their techniques, and they may only have so many adaptations they can perform, before they will be forced to admit failure. We will continue to push, and I believe we will find a way to thwart all of these adaptations, and destroy the technology eventually. But I am optimistic it will at least advance our knowledge, and it is hard to argue we are not advancing our position.
Another Beam observation. The neighbor to the east of me right now in the rural area I am staying in was sending over a couple of forms of technical harassment. One sounded on the Tascam like the impulses/tapping/particle/impact/face-smush and carried the exact stacato thumping rhythm of the taps. However the interesting thing was the Tascam was picking them up over a wide area.
From that, it kind of looks like the tapping can go out as an impulse, either EM or compression, probably EM, which can go out as an inaudible spreading wave which hits over a wide area, (and interacts with the microphone of the Tascam). Perhaps it can be focused, and made to manifest somehow over a specific point, where it will interact with the target matter. Which raises the question, how would you send out an energetic wave, which could pass through matter, and which would either cease its “pass-through” state and manifest/interact with matter, or, it could be focused to interact.
Interestingly, when it was manifesting as the sound of particle impacts on the lead blanket, the one time I filmed it in thermal, it seemed to require the “beaming” you saw on the thermal camera video I showed, in order to manifest, where the aluminum sheet heated up from the energy of the beam. At the time, I thought that beam was a wave of particles. But now, based on the similar pattern of impulses between the silent waves which I can record over a decent-sized area, and the particle/tapping, I think the energy was coming in on some kind of wave, and that beam merely caused those waves to dump their energy on that spot. Almost like the waves would pass through matter normally, but if you could charge a small piece of the matter with a beam, the wave would interact with those charged particles, and impart momentum/energy to them as it passed. I forget the finer details of how EM waves work exactly. But I seem to recall it would be something like, if you were skimming an EM wave over a horizontal blanket which could be statically charged, and as it passed, you imparted a charge to a small spot on the blanket, say, like with a microwave laser, that small part of the blanket might jump perpendicular to the EM wave’s vector as the wave passed? Any physics anons see a ay to make that work? Any see any countermeasure? I’m looking back on Freshman physics.
I do not know what any of it means, but just throw the observations out there in the event some anon better schooled in the art than I might see something which sparks an insight, or if perhaps something bears upon them later.
I recorded audio of the static on the lead dental apron. It was draped over my head from the back to the front, forming a sort-of hood, as the neighbor has been shooting the impulses lately, and the blanket helps. I amplified the audio only, but it is hard to hear. There is a hum, which I think is the EM field he is shooting over here, which is causing the static charges. The static will be the little, faint, sounds, like an insects wings beating suddenly. There are a few which sound like actual zaps. At the end, I think that ticking again is just the Wifi, and probably unrelated. I think what is going on is they are trying to create some kind of charge movement on the Dental apron, to affect the scalp, or maybe even the brain to affect cognition, and they are inducing the charges in the polyethylene sheeting on the surface of the dental apron.
But I think it is similar tech to the tapping and the impulses. Just sometimes, if somebody has something chargeable on their head, they will charge it a certain way, maybe to try and affect their brain through some electric field effect or something.
January 30th, 2024:
More observations. When I wake up with my head vibrating now, which is pretty much every time I go to sleep, I do not hear it. rather it is just the sensation, from the sinuses to the back of the head, that it is vibrating. If I subtly slide my head backwards on the pillow, and bring my hand up in front of my face, I can get my head partially out of what is some kind of bubble of the vibration, and bring my hand into it, and my hand will feel as if it is vibrating while within the bubble, but not if I move it away from my face, and it exits the bubble. If I slide my head forward slightly, maybe two to three inches, I can put what appears to be a node of vibration within probably the center of the bubble, over my ear drums inside the head, at which point I will, clear as a bell, hear what sounds exactly like drumming fingers on a drum inside my head. Not a snare drum, with the hiss associated with it, but a sort of hollow, deeper sounding drum. I estimate that would put that node of vibration when I am sleeping, over my inferior temporal gyrus, a deficit with which is associated with schizophrenia. My assumption would be the vibrations will gradually degrade the structure, degrading the function of discerning between fantasy and reality, leading to the illness, if allowed to proceed unimpeded.
Obviously if I turn into a diagnosable schizo, or my writings here were to become legitimately unintelligible in the coming months, it will be easier to denigrate my prior work as the early stages of metal illness. That, and I am persuasive in person, and I assume they do not want me as a public figure.
You can see, if my surmises are correct, they are not winging this with me. They have a plan because they been developing all of this a long time. And you see the danger. This is mature tech, which allows them to modify the brains of people those in power disagree with. The “government” (in the sense of a non-state, dictatorial regime presiding over and controlling most nations in the West) now can identify people who will disagree with its dictatorship, and it can change who they are as people, eliminating the psychological desires to resist, even wiping out specific critical functions, in undetectable fashion, without the target even knowing, while they sleep, by using a body of knowledge with regard to brain mapping, combined with some technological device beyond our ability to even believe it possible. And we have not let anyone get that tech. We have let the MK Ultra crew, the most ruthless sadistic psychopaths in American history get that tech. Dissidents will not longer be able to dissent, as they will simply either wipe the dissent out of their brains, or lobotomize them in ways they will need to be committed, and taken out of the way.
Imagine, they can probably identify problem children, nuke specific regions of their brain covertly, essentially lobotomizing them in any of probably a hundred different ways, with a hundred different specific effects, without any risk of legal consequences. I will bet they can trigger uncontrollable rage (and mass murder), eliminate sex drive, unhinge sex drive, trigger fear, make complacent, eliminate drive or motivation, eliminate discipline, or loyalty. They may be able to create psychopaths.
I actually marveled in tenth grade how gray the world went all of a sudden, and how my emotions and caring faded away for the year. I felt like a robot. It was such a profound cognitive shift, I marveled at how I felt like a different person for a year, before some of it came back. I thought of it immediately as I was looking at all of this. Why would they not roll it out on kids, if they are already embedded in the neighborhoods, and they, and their children are operational in the schools. Instead of delivering Playboys, they can just nuke the child’s amygdala so it looks like it was ravaged by T. gondii. If I am reading this right, and I tend to have solid reads, this is bad.
I have tried to ease my head out of the bubble on the pillow, however as I get far enough out of the bubble I feel I am getting clear of the damage, I will feel a single tap, most often exactly over the upward facing ear-hole, on the lead blanket over it, and then I can feel the bubble move through space back over my head. I have repeated that procedure any number of times in a row, but somehow whatever it is, AI, human, automated system, is intent on keeping my head in that bubble, with the node on the inferior temporal gyrus. Interestingly it needs that tap to, I presume, either calibrate, or direct the system to adjust. Oddly enough, I have slid my head back, and brought the Tascam recorder up, and into the bubble like with my hand, trying to point it at the center, as well as transverse to the radius in several ways, in all matter of directions, but it will not record a disturbance within the bubble, even if my hand would feel vibrations there. No sound will register (although I do not think I ever got the tapping node to the microphone of the Tascam yet. However, if I put the two microphones on the Tascam, pointing parallel forward, and press them against my forehead while the bubble ensconces my head, you will hear what I presented previously, a sound like electronic raindrops falling so fast it is almost one big static sound, punctuated with tapping which sounds like the drumming of fingers on a drum, in a random cadence.
So whatever is going on in the bubble will not interact physically with the microphone, but is interacting with some component of the organic matter inside the head and the hand, to impart kinetic energy to it, and once having interacted, the organic matter can dump physical energy into the microphone at the skull. It is a fascinating puzzle scientifically, because a hand outside the head, can feel the impulse waves of the bubble. Why not the microphone? It implies no magnetic effect. Almost like a radiofrequency node of constructive interference.
I bought a ridiculous number of storage bins and garbage cans at Walmart, and set up a water-shielded bed inside a box of two by fours and plywood, with water containers top and sides, where only my lower legs were exposed from one hole on one bottom-side (to get in and get out.) But there was no line of sight to my head or upper body. It still got in there with this precisely placed, focused node/bubble, and when I moved my head, it detected it immediately and did the tap routine inside the box, though I will say I had leg cramps the next day unlike anything I have ever had, making me think I was being hit with high power energy which hit my legs harder and damaged the nerves somehow, in order to get through the water to my head. The truth is, if whatever this is, is getting inside the head, given the saline aspects of blood and body-fluids, I am not thinking that is microwaves, which should have lesser permeability, even at longer wavelengths when you are dealing with salt water. I am also unclear how you create what would seem a constructively interfering node of some energy, which is not reactive with a microphone in any way, but which is reactive with either living tissue, or bone which gets within the bubble.
I still cannot believe I am getting this level of tech, though then again, I suppose the kid in the book Chameleo really didn’t warrant the level of tech he received either. I hope this world can’t get much weirder than this.
Lots of people feel like they are vibrating at night. Some examples:
I have recently had very similar experiences and have been investigating this since it started a couple of months ago. It started one evening I just wanted in my bed sitting up writing in my notebook and felt a very subtle vibration, it would randomly come and go. And if my boyfriend came in it would go. I didn’t think much of it until the next night I was out in our work shop. We actually have a little bedroom/sleep area in there and I’m a smoker so I decided to stay out there. Same thing happened but this time it was more of a pushing and knocking.
This is happening to me too !!! I don’t know why !! like random vibrating that moves. Feels like it’s in my mattress.
yes! omg im not alone! every night for 6 months now! im sane and dont know what the deal is. im scared to go to bed at night cause i know its coming. its like it waits til im tired and trying to go to bed to make its entrance help someone!
I dont have an answer but I do have the same thing. So I know sometimes knowing other people also get it can help you cope until you figure it out. I’ve had it a handful of times and twice this week now and no idea why it’s happening and creates insomnia for me. I already struggle with tinnitus so this being added to the equation just makes for horrible bed time.
Funnily enough this happened to me last night and the night before. I felt my bed shaking like a mini earthquake. I even went to the window to check but nothing. Got back in bed and nothing. It happened again the following night in a different room. Weird.
I have been dealing with this for about one to two years now. It didn’t used to happen beforehand as far as I can tell, this is recent… There are times the shaking is so bad it physically jerks my head. T… I genuinely just want help as this has made it near impossible for me to sleep.
And there is another person asking here, with others chiming in that they are vibrating too.
I woke up two nights in a row and my body was gently vibrating. Has this ever happened to anyone?
Yes, this happens to me often. It’s strange, in the beginning I would ask my husband why the floor or the bed is shaking. Finally, after investigating, I had to admit that I was the one who was vibrating. The vibration is not strong enough to shake the bed or for my husband to feel even if he puts his hand on my back. This can continue for hours if I continue to lay in bed.
I know this feeling so very well! – but have no idea why it is like that.
Yes, it happened to me many times. Not only upon awakening, but also sometimes as I’ve been drifting off to sleep….
Tons more pages there with people asking the same question. Those are people like me in college. The machine has seen some reason they might become a problem, and it has their neighborhood surveillance units keeping them boxed in by exhausting them with the vibrations, so they have no excess energy to put in to a business, or run for office, or something else, when they are not on the treadmill. I believe the vibrations not only exhaust you, but inflame you with chronic tissue damage as well, dysregulating the immune system. A lot of people will freak out when all this becomes public. They will realize their lives were a shadow of what they should have been, and so much misery was just malicious.
Another fun video from AC’s poltergeist house of horrors. When the video begins, the compass had just returned to actual magnetic north, but I kept filming anyway. At 1:15 in, that is over 90 degrees off. The second clip is just outside the front door, same orientation relative to magnetic north as the first clip. Third was an encore performance which was better than the previous one:
It is not my best videography. I was not prepared for this, and as I was filming, I am trying to figure out if it was worse at the height of my head, might my computer be doing it, is it happening even more to my left or right, but as far as I could tell, it was a field through the whole house, to the front door. I cut out some parts where I was moving around a lot though.
Interesting points. When this hit, before I looked at the compass, I noticed the air became kind of heavy, electric, tingly, numbing, and burning. Not really any one of them specifically, but sort of a mild mélange of all of them. Just weird and uncomfortable, but not exactly like what I have felt before with the electricity. I looked at the compass on the table next to me, not knowing if it would show something, and it was off by maybe 20-30 degrees. I went to go video it, and by the time my phone was up and running, it had returned to normal, but I decided to video anyway since it still felt funny and I thought maybe it was not done, which is where the first segment above starts, with the compass pointing to normal magnetic north. As the first segment progressed, I began to get a little dizziness, and it progressed enough over 15-20 seconds, I thought to myself it was a distinct possibility I would be going unconscious in another fifteen seconds, that might be the plan, and I might end up with missing time, and maybe a new implanted chip. Before I could map out if I wanted to keep filming, or hit the door and move out of there, it seemed to stabilize at slightly woozy, so I decided to keep videoing to see the video later and look for things I missed. Oddly enough there was no real wooziness during the last clip, which you would think was worse.
In the video, I am sitting in a recliner, with a laptop on my lap. The compass will not move like that normally in that position. I have tried since, just as it was videoed, so it is not the recliner or the computer, and there is no weird magnetic field there normally. I zoom back enough at one point you can see the yellow blanket on the arm rests. I left the computer there, figuring it was a good point of reference for the angle of the needle.
I got up and went to the door, to step outside and see if this was still going on out in front of the house. I was, as I always am, armed. I also was not thinking entirely clearly still, due to whatever that field was doing, so I would have been more likely to be fun with a gun. I think they thought I was going to follow the compass needle back to my brand new shiny magnetic north pole, and maybe kill a few people there and seize the field generator, so as I stepped off the front stoop, I think they killed it, and you will see the needle return to normal magnetic north, I went back to check at the door, and it was over. It means I probably cannot map out what is going on in the yard when this happens, if it happens again. It if helps, the opening to that door was about ten feet ahead of the recliner, and eight feet to the right, pointing 90 degrees to the right. Coming up those stairs, you would be pointing in the same direction as you are sitting in the recliner. I do not know if Magneto anons can figure anything out about where the source would be from that and the video. Probably not as the needle was moving around even without changing position.
In the final segment, the fluctuations came back for a short bit, and you will see it went full reversal in the next go around, moving down in the opposite direction that time, and it kept spinning past that. I do not know if that is significant – it going in the opposite direction, and not just going halfway. Might the source have been moving around me, ie aerial, if it exceeded 180 degrees rotation?
After coming inside, I thought to myself my two neighbors with line of sight are about 75-90 feet behind me, and at 90 degrees, about 180-250 feet down the road. That would be an awful lot of juice to create a field that big, so I went and killed all my breakers, depowering the house except for my isolated outlet, and it still happened after that. Whatever it was, it was not powered off the panel.
I also went out and checked transformers with thermal, but did not see an unusual heat signature on the cans or the wires for the two houses right there, but I do not know how much juice that would draw. Plus, they will know now I would be looking, and I suspect the neighbors are vaguely worried I will go postal on them at some point as I go down, so I do not think they would invite targeting that way, and I am guessing however they would do this, they would make sure it did not leave a heat signature on their poles. Still, I would think it would take a lot of juice. A can, down the street three poles, which leads to a larger, more secluded property was white hot compared to everyone else’s gray, but it is also a slightly smaller can, maybe 2/3rds the size of the normal ones. But its heat is way beyond the nearer houses, and the property being more securable makes me wonder if the higher ups who are doing it might be up there. I’ve wondered if they might be setting the impulses off remotely, and the neighbor doesn’t really know. I am sure there is someplace nearby which is more of a higher ranking command post, probably with more monitors, based on what I have gleaned about their procedures.
I cut the audio due to potential doxing. I am including a 30 second WAV below from it. This is the phone microphone, not the Tascam. I did not think to activate the Tascam:
I do not know what the first two clicks are. I did not hear them, I think they were something EM interacting with the mic. I only heard “The Hum,” that diesel engine sound only some people hear, which might have been louder than usual, and the gonk. There are a bunch of soft impulses, like fireworks going off in the distance you will hear. You cannot hear them with the ear, but they pop up as clear as day on the Tascam with earpieces, even louder than that. They happen all the time and I can actually track them directionally with the Tascam to the house 200 some-odd feet away. He fires them over, rapid fire periodically. You will also hear a “Gonk” which is a radiator pipe, I think. I think it makes that noise when it gets hit by one of those impulses randomly. I do not think it is just metal expanding or contracting with heat, as I often hear the impulses coming in fast and then hear the gonk, as if they are related and one impulse happened to hit it directly. I also believe when they hit the lead dental blanket those impulses cause the tapping, if the blanket has been charged up using something else.
I have also at times not seen or heard anything, and just curiously to get a baseline, put the Tascam mics up to my forehead, and heard those impulses from inside my head, only louder, which I think is them shooting me in the head painlessly and silently, maybe just to degrade me slightly, as I am in the house. For some reason, the Tascam can hear it hit my head. I do not know what the background hiss is, it might be related to the magnetic reversal tech. Or not. Maybe an audio anon will see something interesting in it.
Also I should add, I am not sure this had any purpose beyond a psyop, to make us more interested in their magnetic field manipulation ability, so pursuing it massively might be a waste (though maybe not, too, I do not know). While this was impressive, the interesting things they do, I think are related to creating charged surfaces to facilitate force generation, and I do not know if that relates to magnetism yet. I did not notice the static buildup while I was chasing the field shift here. I think with the important stuff, they may be creating some kind of standing electric field waves, and using interference effects to produce charged-nodes on surfaces and maybe even inside people. Then somehow they pass a beam through the standing charge peak which interacts with the charge, and you end up with the energy being dumped on that spot somehow through the movement of the charged material, even if it happens to be transverse to the beam’s vector.
This is all very bad, and I do not mean for me. The goal of MK Ultra was to control everyone. We know about the drugs and the hypnosis where it started. But we are clueless about the rumored covert experiments on wounded vets with TBIs to figure out what damage to different brain structures would do to cognition, personality, mental health, controllability, and will. Some thought that was why they killed Brain Mancini. He got too close and it was too important to their plans. And I will bet there were other experiments worse than that on how damaging a part of someone’s brain changes them. I will bet innocent Americans, with no idea, have awoken with sudden “strokes” they had overnight, which changed them, and then surveillance set about documenting the changes.
These people wanted to take anyone who would oppose them, and turn them into good little slaves, who are happy being slaves. If they can disrupt matter at a distance, covertly, from within nearby homes, with nobody knowing, without any risk of law enforcement consequences, inside a brain, precisely enough to actually destroy specific brain structures, and they have a map of the brain to know what everything does and what removing everything does, and they have the surveillance infrastructure laid out strategically throughout the nation in such a way as to be able to covertly target anyone in moments from inside a residence, unseen, all just waiting for the order to zap somebody’s brain, it is bad. They are going to do it. And they will do a lot of it.
Basically the people running things are like Jeffrey Dahmer. He wanted to create zombie slaves too. The only difference is, his technological prowess began and ended at drilling into someone’s skull and pouring in bleach. These people are actually advanced enough technologically to do what he could not, with precision, and no chance of exposure. And I think they are rolling it out.
I now suspect when Klaus Schwab said you will own nothing, and you will be happy, he meant anyone not happy owning nothing would have the brain structures producing the unhappiness zapped by the beam while they slept, so sooner or later they would wake up happy owning nothing. I think they actually see a path to a world where everyone has nothing, and is happy, and they see it as a wonderful place, where their slaves are happy serving them. I think I see the path too, just when I see a nation of people with lobotomized smiles, and no personality, I do not see anything good.
And remember the old days, where a dissident would be sane, and they would claim they were crazy and institutionalize them, but at least they were sane, albeit if locked up? Now I think they will zap a few brain structures and make them legitimately crazy, and then institutionalize them and forget about them.
We need to expose the surveillance nationally, and we need to figure out how to stop the brain tapping. And not just so I don’t turn into a schizo in three months. There is a dark path up ahead for every human on the planet if we fail.