Dems Call On Trump To Do Something About School Shootings

I agree wholeheartedly:

Rep. Seth Moulton (D-Mass.) called on Wednesday for President Trump to “get off his ass” and work with lawmakers to address the rash of shootings in U.S. schools.

Responding to a tweet from the president offering condolences for those affected by a deadly shooting at a South Florida high school on Wednesday, Moulton said he is on board with Trump’s claim that “no child, teacher or anyone else should ever feel unsafe in an American school.”

“I agree with every word @realDonaldTrump said here,” Moulton tweeted. “I invite him to get off his ass and join me in trying to do something about it.”

What Trump should do is create a Federal Program to train teachers in the carrying and defensive use of a handgun to stop, stall, and contain a school shooter until Police arrive. It could include Federal certification for the teachers, supply of radios to contact, brief, and coordinate with arriving Law Enforcement, supply of concealed retention holsters, and perhaps federal rewards to schools for each teacher certified. Who could ever complain about teachers trained up to federal standards on use of a firearm to protect citizens and block a shooter from accessing victims?

I would bet school shootings would plummet, and they would do it amid the howls and screams of anti-gun leftists.

Meanwhile, children would be safer and teachers would be empowered.

Spread r/K Theory, because only the God Emperor has the balls to display common sense these days

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7 years ago

Makes sense.

Veritas Quaerite
Veritas Quaerite
7 years ago

How about creating a Federal School Marshall program akin to the Air Marshalls that put armed federal officers on campuses across the nation. Would be a great public works program and economic stimulus….

7 years ago

Even better decentralize our current model of education. As it stands now herding all the kids to one giant concrete building with Swiss cheese security is anologous to condemning them to a modern day coliseum. It’s downright cruel. The Prussian model has failed … time to replace

Reply to  Bear
7 years ago

Classical education is the answer. Including its final stage apprenticing under a Master of the Trade.

Just like Alexander the Great was taught by Aristotle.

7 years ago

And we need a ban on SSRI’s for people under the age of 25. Those drugs (and disfuncational amgdala I’d guess) have contributed to just about all school shootings. Yet, there never any mention of that. Big Pharma needs their money.

English Tom
English Tom
Reply to  John
7 years ago

“And we need a ban on SSRI’s for people under 25.”

We need a complete ban on these drugs for everyone. These drugs are so nasty and destroy human minds. Big Pharma needs to be put in the dustbin of history.

7 years ago

Interesting video on why civic nationalism will not save the west due to demographics.

PS: Inb4 tradthooths. I don’t care about their sex lives, not going to marry any of them.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
7 years ago


7 years ago

Firearm training should be a required credential for PS teachers.

7 years ago

AC, completly OT question I humbly ask you to give your insight to:

Does me feeling like that if I could live in USA instead of Portugal I would makes me r-selective?

I was a druggie when I was younger, I think I might have those shitty r-selective genes, is there a way to get tested for that?

Thanks in advance!

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
7 years ago

Thanks mate.

Reply to  LembradorDos6Trilliões
7 years ago

I wondered the same thing when I moved from Illinois to Indiana, then I reasoned it doesn’t make sense to live in a place that sucks a person dry without giving much in return when the border to freedom and lower taxes was only a twenty minute drive away.

7 years ago

Every teacher I know wanted to do the exact same thing after Sandy Hook. But we can’t let logic get in the way of feels now can we.

7 years ago

Jordan Peterson refuses to talk about the JQ.

7 years ago

Note the majority of mass shooters are sons of single moms.