Democrats Win By One Vote In Virginia

Not a trend, but worth noting:

Virginia Democrat Shelly Simonds won a seat in the House of Delegates by one vote, changing the power balance in the state legislature and extending a tide of Democratic victories beginning with November’s capture of the governorship and several legislative seats.

Like Moore, it is indicative of something. When one side has power, the other side tends to grow stronger. The right grew under Clinton, just as the left grew under Bush. It is a mélange of forces, but the major force operative is amygdala. The side which is in power naturally has less amygdala driving it to act, compared to the side whose amygdalae are under constant assail by news of the hostile forces they are being forced to live beneath. The winners go r, in terms of motivation.

Right now, our amygdalae are throttling down. The God Emperor is in control. The winning is never ending. The left is screaming bloody murder. We feel good, and this is bad.

On the other side, leftists are in high amygdala, which is also known as desperation. Desperation drives action, even when action looks fruitless. The Hail Mary is a desperation move, done even though it probably won’t work, because the desperate individual has a drive to do something, which must be satisfied even if there is nothing to do.

You cannot really understand amygdala until you have it turned up in yourself to high gear. Every experience r/K has bestowed upon me has been a gift, maybe even from God to help carry out his desires. My in depth understanding of amygdala is one such gift. When you are under stress, you will do things you would not normally do. You will act when you would normally have waited and observed. Your entire cognitive program will change. You can override it, but it is agonizing, because you will feel as if you are letting opportunities slip by, as your brain conjures imaginary visions of your enemies getting ahead of you.

On the TV show Burn Notice, itself written by a spy, the protagonist voiced-over one of his learned lessons as the plot revealed a sudden, seemingly cataclysmic turn. He said when you are under the highest stress due to the greatest threat is when you are most driven to take immediate action to remedy the problem threatening you. And yet he went on to say that spies are taught to consciously recognize that in those moments, the very moment when you feel immediacy is the paramount objective, you need to step back, not act, and force yourself to wait. Let your amygdala spin down, so you can make a calm decision based on facts, and not on emotional drive to seize a moment at the expense of careful thought and planning. In the interim gather what information you can, to make the decision you will make later as effective as possible. That sounds good, until you live through it. Experience it once, and you will realize it is gospel.

Liberals now are in high amygdala, and we are not. That will affect turnout, volunteerism, and even the more general national mood as people see a vigorous left vs a more unmotivated right. How fearful are you right now? How angry are you right now? How driven were you to get to the polls and vote in the last election? Bemusement at your enemy’s suffering does not drive action. Imagine that diminished drive, writ large, across the nation, as people are deciding whether to dress up and head out to the polls or not. That is diminished turnout produced by diminished amygdala.

I hope those in charge on our side are viewing the motivational effects of amygdala, with an eye on the 2018 elections. If they are, it should yield a two-pronged strategy. Amp up leftist amygdalae now, and let our’s continue to atrophy. That way we will be triggerable come 2018, while the left will be more inured to amygdala agitation. Every tweet the God Emperor bequeaths upon us now is gold in this regard. But bring the legislation too. Steamroll the left, and make sure every action they take comes to naught. Right now should be the worst moments of their lives, to adapt their brains to see this as normal. Meanwhile, we should be coddled to the point that by the next election every liberal word is amygdala-hijacking and enraging.

Then, as 2018’s polls grow close, the left needs to see their amygdala-pressure diminish, not due to actions they take, and not even noticeably in their minds. They just need to slowly find themselves driven to care less and less. I would encourage the Chans and Redditors to back off the triggerfests and raids in the weeks running up to the election. Let the left escape the political battles, and downplay our differences. Focus on stories where the left is let alone, and where their movement is embarrassed to be left, so they will want to turn away from politics.

On the right conversely, bring the triggers. Feed the hatred and rage. Focus on the wrongs of the left. Highlights the women they have had raped, the wrongful oppression, the tyranny we face. Downplay the wins, and highlight the enraging losses. Highlight how much more embarrassing it is to be leftist, and denigrate the left’s morals thoroughly. Highlight all of our suffering under the left. Feed the hate.

We need an election where we have defused the amygdala and dissatisfaction on the left, and made them feel the election is not as important, so the cognitive force motivating them to act is minimal, and even more minimal compared to what their brains are adapted to see as normal.

Meanwhile, on the right, we need to be in a near panicked rage, desperate to do anything to relieve the pressure and save the Republic. Ideally we will be put in that state after a period of extreme amygdala atrophy. We need to feel like this election is it, and without us, the God Emperor is going to be impeached and removed, wrongly and unfairly, by the congress if we fail to protect it.

Oddly enough, it would not surprise me that this is Trump’s plan, and this election cycle was viewed as a throwaway so he could spend this period triggering the left, and beginning the process of atrophying our amygdalae. It would also not surprise me if the gull extent of the intel coup against him comes to light at exactly the right moment to enrage us.

One thing you know about Trump – he is the master.

UPDATE: A judge threw out the deciding ballot in Virginia:

A three- judge panel declined to certify the recount of a key House race today, saying that a questionable ballot should be counted in favor of the Republican and tying a race that Democrats had thought they had won by a single vote.

“The court declares there is no winner in this election,” said Circuit Court Judge Bryant L. Sugg, after the judges deliberated for more than two hours.

The court’s decision leaves the race for the 94th District tied…

In the case of a tie in a House race, state law says the winner is chosen by lot – essentially, a coin toss, according to Virginia state law.

Tell everyone about r/K Theory, because you want to get K-amygdalae developed properly

This entry was posted in Amygdala, Anxiety, ITZ, K-stimuli, Liberals, Politics, Psychological Manipulation, Psychology, r-stimuli, rabbitry, Trump. Bookmark the permalink.
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7 years ago

A recent comment on Vox Day:

“To any tempted by despair: morale on the left is low and falling. I listen to some of their better podcasts, and they are losing faith. They still hold to equality, progress, etc., but they don’t know how to defend them. This explains the appeal of Bernie Sanders, an old left figure with a pure, uncorrupted faith.

“They hope some figure will emerge to pull the sword from the stone and restore the kingdom. Except they don’t believe in swords, stones, and kingdoms. They’re in a tough spot.”

Things wouldn’t be much better for them if Hillary were president. Every possible position on nature’s chessboard is a loss for them, though many are also a loss for us. Part of me wants to see the Left “win” and go all Pol Pot on each other.

As Spandrell explains in “Biological Leninism” (a must-read), leftism is a coalition of all the various dregs of society, whose loyalty is secured by the fact that without the money and power bestowed on them by the Left, they are less than nothing.

7 years ago

Could also have something to do with Roy Moore being a dumb piece of shit.

Reply to  Andy
7 years ago

Roy Moore was falsely slandered by the dems and his own party, and then the election was stolen by fraud. Unplug from Facebook and the MSM. You might learn something. As far as the Alabama election, it’s far from over.

7 years ago

Its the same the world over. Let the left into power and watch them screw it all up. The issue however- is that there are long term problems- not easily solved when an industrial nation (which took centuries to build) is sent awry by feelings. It can take a long time to fix. If the electoral process of a democracy is split 50/50 between right and left, or even 60/40 the left can still unleash massive destructive forces when they have the reins of power. Rome wasn’t built in a day, though it was destroyed in one, several times.
Putin explains part of the phenomena.

7 years ago

Isn’t it great… How the Democrats call a recount and somehow just enough votes are “found” to give the D the win?

I would demand an investigation into voter fraud. Just need to find “enough” false votes to give the D’s the D.

Duke Norfolk
7 years ago

Do you think Trump knows this and that’s why he has periodically done things that piss off his base? Like the Syria bombing, the supposed collusion with Shumer/Pelosi on DACA, etc. Maybe even his backing of Luther Strange. I could think of some other similar things.

I’ve had this thought as these things have played out. When he pisses off the base he wants to get them/us riled up and raising our voices. It gives him backing for what he really wants to do, and has the effect you’re referring to.