Democrats Trying To Kill Their Own Gun Control Bill

Right where he wants them:

Why are Senate Dems torpedoing their own gun bill?

Answer: Because it might pass — and this tells you everything you need to know about Washington DC. When Sen. Chris Murphy (D-CT) first proposed the Fix-NICS act last November, he had four members of each party as sponsors, calling it “the most important piece of bipartisan guns legislation since Manchin-Toomey.” The bill would plug the gaps in reporting by federal agencies to the background-check system, failings that contributed to the fatal church shooting that month in Sutherland Springs, Texas.

Now, though, Democrats have spent their first days back from recess rejecting Fix-NICS, and even Murphy doesn’t want a stand-alone vote for his “most important” bill…

If it comes to the floor, Fix-NICS would almost certainly pass for two reasons. One: It addresses an actual problem that actually contributed to a mass shooting…

For years, Democrats have struggled to balance calls from the party’s base to push for stricter gun-control laws with electoral realities that see the party struggling to maintain support in rural areas of the country, where support for gun rights is stronger — and where groups such as the National Rifle Association often succeed in attacking Democratic candidates.

People thought Trump’s comments were a mistake. They weren’t. Don Jr. and Erik are our guys. They are NRA to the core. The President is also our guy, and a gun owner himself, and I am sure the President doesn’t move on guns without consulting Don and Erik too. His comments were a play.

It becomes clear the more you view everything, especially enemy behavior, through the prism of amygdala. Increase amygdala-anger and your enemy rises up. Crush it, and they settle down to sleep. In contrast, increase amygdala-fear and amygdala-aversion, and you can drive your enemy into a corner, and make them afraid to act. Everyone knows this and acts based on this at some level, but seeing it purely clarifies the perspective. You goal is to minimize anger, and maximize fear/aversion. That is what Trump did.

Scott Adams has said Trump is the chaos President. Politicians want certainty and stability to minimize fear. They want to do something, and do it knowing the exact parameters of everything which will affect it.

The Democrat plan was to have their safest politicians push for gun control, have it shut down by Republicans, and then go into the midterms invigorating their base’s amygdala-anger by blaming the Republicans for no gun control happening. Enraged and motivated, Democrat turnout would have been sky-high.

The planners based the plan on certain metrics they assumed were stable. Uber-leftists in safe districts could be relied on to push for aggressive gun control. Republicans and Trump could be relied on to shut it all down. And mildly rightist Democrats could then be told to support the gun control tepidly, with the assurance nothing would happen to anger their rural districts and motivate their opposition to turn out.

The plan began exactly as conceived, the Democrats even rolled out a plethora of teens to push vocally for the gun control which stood no chance. Media spun up a storm, to raise amygdala-anger at the failure that was to come.

And then up popped Trump, the chaos President, saying he wanted to go even further, and this was a Democrat opportunity to do all sorts of gun control, with his support. He even wanted to abandon due process, and seize guns first, and worry about rights later.

What does the left say to that? Now if they push for the gun control and get it, they lose their rural districts. If they don’t push for it and don’t get it, they demoralize their base and crush their turnout. Democrat leader’s amygdala-fear is rising, because they have no idea of the parameters of Trump’s response to anything.

And in the process Trump appears ultra-moderate and independent to the lemmings in the nation who only watch things cursorily, while the left is less motivated to turn out to oppose him because their amygdala-anger at him is plunging.

The Democrat response? Kill everything themselves and shut it all down.

Now ask yourself what the Democrats will do the next time this type of thing comes up. If ultra leftists at the top are using false flags to advance gun control, Trump has just made it so dangerous to try that he may have destroyed all utility the false flags offered them, and prevented the creation of more in the future.

It is so brilliant, just in retrospect. He has raised the leadership’s amygdala-fear, paralyzing them as he removed the base’s amygdala-anger which was needed for motivating turnout.

But it is even more indescribably brilliant when you realize it was conceived beforehand, fully understood and predicted, and rolled out as a plan. Trump just added 5 percentage points to every conservative’s vote count in the election this fall.

Don’t doubt that President Trump is our guy, or that he functions on a level we can barely understand, even in retrospect.

Tell everyone about r/K Theory because it is almost as brilliant as /our guy

This entry was posted in Amygdala, Guns, Politics, Psychological Manipulation, Psychology, rabbitry, Trump. Bookmark the permalink.
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6 years ago

May it please the Gods to make your words so.

Reply to  robertpinkerton
6 years ago

Yup. Just gonna say it again: I sure hope the “4D chess” theory is right. And I hope other conservatives at federal and state levels begin playing it too.

Robert What?
Robert What?
6 years ago

Thanks for the interesting analysis. Of course I was one of those who initially thought he suddenly went off his rocker.

As an aside, we don’t seem to hear much from Kushner or Ivanka these days. They’re both likely pro gun control. Has papa successfully reined them in?

6 years ago

Just when I start losing faith in “4d underwater backgammon theory”.

Duke Norfolk
6 years ago

I am indeed more and more convinced of his political genius. He’s just totally different than the whole field of politicians, and an order of magnitude more brilliant and effective. He’s running rings around them all.

But the world is full of political experts who just know that he’s gone and screwed up this time (said every damned time). And they know how this all should work; just ask them (no, actually they’ll tell you!).

It’s certainly going to be interesting to see how the politics evolves over his presidency, as all parties adjust to him and attempt to find some way to beat him. Of course many will just jump to his side, as winners always attract a crowd.

He may indeed be the greatest president of all time. And may show himself eventually to be amongst the greatest politician of all time (if not best, though that’s a tough judgment to make, of course).

Hail the God Emperor, indeed.

the woodsman
the woodsman
6 years ago

AC, you might find it interesting to know who the namesake of the Florida shooting high school was. Marjory Stoneman Douglas “was an American journalist, author, women’s suffrage advocate, and conservationist known for her staunch defense of the Everglades against efforts to drain it and reclaim land for development.” (from Wikipedia). Seems like another weird coincidence.

6 years ago


President for life!

6 years ago

Classic. Agree & Amplify. As the hamster turns. Next!

6 years ago

Its DACA all over again…. Trump is attacking the democrats, seems they might have made an enemy that will not stop until they are wiped of the map.

The democrats cannot possibly seem to support Trump. Hence when Trump moves left, they have to go even more left, alienating their more central base. Its a brilliant strategy.

6 years ago

On Topic because 2nd Am is what is keeping the globalist socialist ZOG controlled NWO to happen:

This also seems a very good article to redpill normies, it states all the truth in an as much as possible soft wording.

-Prep for war and get ready to hunt down the traitors.

Pic related:

Sam J.
Sam J.
6 years ago

I hate to be the spoiler. I want as badly as all of you for this to come out good. You have to be rational though. At the base you’re saying that he’s playing 4D chess to trap others. That he’s drawing people out to trap them. Ok. What about Las Vegas? What about Parkland? At Vegas we have perfect records of multiple shooters with lots of first person witnesses. We, I’m sure, have tapes galore in the casinos. Is that not good enough to “trap others”. Is that not chess enough? Same with the shooting at Parkland. Maybe all these videos and witnesses are lies. If so shouldn’t these people be openly prosecuted for fraud? Must be some law against this. I don’t think this it true in Vegas because the videos exactly back up the eye witness reports. If he’s fighting the deep State and came out 100% saying this evidence is true even the corrupt press couldn’t ignore it.

You people say he’s playing them, could it be that “they” are not the ones being played? Could it be you are so hungry for any sort of win that you will completely ignore the obvious? I don’t have the answers to these questions but it’s a problem. A big problem. Trump is certainly not playing straight with us at the least. I don;t care how powerful the deep State is if he let out a lot of what is obvious and had video and witness reports to back it up he could also demand special forces security and start arresting a whole shit load of people and no one could stop him. He could literally claim the press was in on it, and be correct, and take away their licenses. Plenty of evidence for that. Yet he does nothing. Proposes more gun laws until his base howls for blood then he backs off. Sending a few immigrants out the country is nothing. Meaningless.

Reply to  Sam J.
6 years ago

I feel your pain.

My thoughts are:

1) He could just go at them right now and have more social unrest, FFs and more useful idiots making dumb shit (because although some useful idiots are not redeemable no matter what happens, some are) and normies freaking out over the spinning the MSM would make on the arrests; OR

2) He can weaken the machine from inside, get rid of their paramilitary groups as much as possible (Antifa, BLM, MS-13, also take down all weapon caches the mexican Cartels have on USA soil near the border), weaken the MSM hold on normie opinion via making them fall flat on their faces over and over again (as to minimize the number of useful idiots making dumb shit), use Q and anons to redpill as much people as possible in the meantime and make his ranks stronger (more ICE and more Marshall’s for example, more NRA members also a good sign), and choke their financing until the time is right to make the overt move. 13000 sealed indictments at the moment and Commiefornia the land of the Mayors and Judges that protect human trafficking illegals is not even on that count yet… This is like killing an Hydra, you must cut ALL heads at the same time otherwise 3 more pop out where you chopped one off.

Think about this:
1) Trump knows the shit these people are up to for DECADES;
2) Military Intelligence does too;
3) What is going on is being planned for DECADES (I believe as soon as JFK got waxed)
4) The machine the patriots are destroying is very very powerful.

I too wish this shit could be over right now, but this heroic effort takes the time it takes.

And even if all this waiting was for nothing, the good people will always have the coming Pension Fund Crisis and Sovereign Debt Crisis SHTF to make use of an break down of the rule of law. I believe DJT will make it so that USA citizens will have an as smooth as possible ride thru that particular shit storm (unavoidable for many reasons, but a competent leader like DJT will know how to minimize its effects as much as possible).

The party is just starting, wait until the Fed gets audited and Israel get its foreign aid cut off. DJT know what he is doing, and we can all help him and his team win more for all our sakes.

You might like this:
and this:

Keep preping and keep the redpilling going on, we’re all going to make it frens.

PS: the patriots 4 truth site endorse a book that says that the Bush family are the 4th Reich that serves the central bankers, its a sad analogy because a true NatSoc Reich would not be trying to serve jew bankers by committing demographic replacement of white people on their own nations (the guy that wrote that book needs to see The Greatest Story Never Told and be told to stop trying to sell more books by making normie tier shit analogies), but the rest of the site is solid and very interesting, especially this:

6 years ago

Or to look at it from another frame, Donald Trump just threatened to steal a huge swath of their voters and that freaks out the Democrats more than anything else.

6 years ago

And then without missing a beat, starts a new media cycle on the implementation of tariffs. It must be difficult for libs to become outraged at him over tariffs, while still trying to keep him in good graces on gun control which has suddenly become an albatross. So many stances to take, so many lies to lie. So much amygdala stimulation to alleviate.