Democrats Embrace Muslim Nazis

They are cooking up Holocaust 2.0:

According to a former classmate of Keith Ellison, the Democratic Minnesota Congressman and DNC Chair Candidate used offensive rhetoric about Jews while a student at the University of Minnesota.

That anecdote is buried in an otherwise complimentary profile of the congressman from Mother Jones. Ellison recently came under renewed scrutiny for his past defense of anti-Semitic Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan in the student paper, and for inviting Stokely Carmichael to give a speech on campus in which he accused “Zionists” of collaborating with the Nazis.

One of the campus critics of Ellison (who then went by ‘Keith Hakim’) was an editor of the Minnesota Daily, Michael Olenick. Olenick told Mother Jones that in their conversations Ellison argued that blacks and other oppressed groups “could not be racist toward Jews” because “Jews were themselves oppressors.”

“‘European white Jews are trying to oppress minorities all over the world,’” Olenick said Ellison would tell him. “Keith would go on all the time about ‘Jewish slave traders.’”

This is a moderate, mainstream Muslim. Imagine the extremists waiting in the wings.

The Romans invited barbarians to hold high office, and now in our decline, our Democrats are doing the same with the Muslims. These r-selected liberals are recreating what they are designed for – existing under an oppressive leadership in a foreign land, which they migrated to in order to find r-selected free resource availability.

Jewish Democrats who support the Muslims are clearly not acting logically. You cannot begin to imply any aspect of these political actions are based in logic. If the Muslims grow in number, as they will, the radicals will take over. The moderate Muslims will gladly let the radicals take over so all non-Muslims will be oppressed and they can enjoy an easy advantage.

From there, it is a small leap to Holocaust 2.0, only the Muslims will likely not fail to complete the job this time around.

All of politics is r/K Selection Theory. Logic has nothing to do with it.

One excellent trigger would be to attach the word Holocaust to the idea of leftists elevating Muslims to power. The left has expended immense energy turning “Holocaust” into a trigger word. The idea of corrupting it to attach aversive stimulus to the left’s attempts to establish Muslim leadership will vex the left to no end.

Tell others about r/K Theory, because the leftist Jews are trying to create a Holocaust

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8 years ago

[…] They are cooking up Holocaust 2.0: According to a former classmate of Keith Ellison, the Democratic Minnesota Congressman and DNC Chair Candidate used offensive rhetoric about Jews while a student at continue […]

8 years ago

The thing is, Jews identify more with Muslims than Christians. They both share a semitic background, they have more similar ethical codes (‘judeo-christian ethics’ are 1950s creation after the holocaust), and share more religious restrictions (like both forbidding pork.)

Don’t take my work for it, ask a rabbi:

8 years ago

You said yourself that before attempting an amygdala hijack, be sure to have the upper hand in deadly force. As a powerless, stateless people for ~1800 years, Jews had to constantly assuage other people’s amygdalae. So they treat their worst enemies like best friends and vice versa.

Rome welcomed barbarians from the north, who had high IQs even if they were a bit rough around the edges. After liquidating the Imperial parasite classes, they settled down and maintained Classical civilization for another 300 years, until they were overrun by hordes of low-IQ barbarians from the south.

Maple Curtain
Maple Curtain
8 years ago

“Jews were themselves oppressors…European white Jews are trying to oppress minorities all over the world,’”

Well, except for the ‘white’ part, Ellison was, and is, not wrong.

The tribe is and always has been about pathological hatred of the ‘other.’

Take a quick gander through the Old Testament.

Sam J.
Sam J.
8 years ago

It would not surprise me one bit if the Muslim religion was a plan by the Jews to counteract Christianity that got out of hand. They do stuff like this all the time. Psychopaths. Like the homosexual pedophile Jew who ran the Nazi party in the seventies, That’s right jew that ran the Nazi party. All true.